OS X :: Hide Files & Folders In Snow Leopard?
Sep 20, 2009In windows i had a option to hide files & folder according to my requirment
How/Where can i get this option in snow leopard
In windows i had a option to hide files & folder according to my requirment
How/Where can i get this option in snow leopard
How can I hide certain files and folders on my iMac? Prefably without using a 3rd party application?
View 4 Replies View RelatedThis past weekend I transferred my OS and apps to a newly installed SSD drive.
During the process I had to move some files around in order to get The OS and Apps on the SSD.
I used a technique that utilizes the Terminal and the chflags command.
My issue is now I can not hide the files and folders that are usually hidden.
I can't remember the exact method I used to unhide hidden folders and files. I can't even find a reference to it in my web browsers history.I have searched on the web for solutions along these lines:Â defaults write com.apple.finder AppleShowAllFiles -boolean FALSE ; killall Finderchflags hidden sudo chflags hiddenÂ
But none of these approaches have worked. I have downloaded Onyx, TinkerTool and Show Hide Invisible Files.
I have used them as best I understand to hide the normally hidden files and folders, but nothing has worked.
Mac Pro, OS X Mountain Lion (10.8.3), 2008
I am trying to speed up Re-Labeling all my metadata for every song in my library. Basically I need to create a workflow first, but I am having some troubles on how I should be doing it in Automater.
Example filename: "forrestaveryderty_driftinonby_flapjack.m4a"Â find all filenames that start with the same word before the First underscore (_)Â create a folder with that same wordÂ
copy files with the same word (BEFORE THE FIRST UNDERSCORE) to their corresponding folder name I then can use Media Rage to select the certain folder and and change the artist name all at once. and I would like it to do that with every file at one time.Â
1: Find files with the same name before the first "underscore"
2: Create a a folder for every different name found (before the first underscore)
3: Copy found files (with same name before the first underscore) to the folder with the same name
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
I just upgraded to SL. Now I got crazy on my Trash. Whenever and Whatever I drag a file, a movie, a pic, everything, it will not move the the trash. Instead system warms me "This item will be detect immediately, you can't undo this action." And the item is detect directly. I always have a empty trash.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI really prefer Windows way of sorting a folder, first folders and then files, is there a way to do it in Snow Leopard? I have done this: [URL:...] But that doest work for me in SL.
View 24 Replies View RelatedI'm pretty new to Mac and I'm currently quite confused about how to set default settings for all my files and folders in Snow Leopard. Specifically, I would like for all the icons in Finder windows (and preferably also in the "Documents" stack in the Dock) to automatically be displayed as large icons and also for all my files and folders to be arranged by Kind - all of this in "List View". In "Icon View", all of these things do work (except for in the "Documents" stack in the Dock).
In "List View", when I select "Use as Defaults" in the "View Options" panel (View>Show View Options), it does not seem to apply my settings automatically to all my folders and files. Likewise, when I right-click in a Finder window and select "Arrange by > Kind", it only seems to arrange by Kind in that particular folder.
I have read several other threads, but none of the solutions seem to work for me. One thread suggested that I hold "alt" after I have right-clicked so that the option "KEEP arranged by" shows up, but this does not seem to happen in "List View".
i have Macbook pro running on Mac OS X, Snow Leopard ver. 10.6.8 . I am not able to delete rename and modify my desktop folder and files. even through the admin account and all previleges i cant move them to Thrash. as i try to delete them it asks for password and then no action takes place. i have even used repair permissions from disk utility, used the terminal window method but nothing happened. the "get info " shows read and write permision but still i cannot even rename them there.
Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
I have an appointment to bring my iMac in tomorrow for service at an Apple store.I think all I need is for the inside of the front glass to be cleaned, and they told me I shouldn't need to leave it, but who knows. I just realized that I haven't ever brought any computer in for service in 20 years of owning them (I've been lucky, I guess).I want to do everything I can to protect my privacy.I've moved sensitive documents and information off both internal hard drives.I've emptied the trash.I've also cleared the history and cache on all three browsers I use.
I'm not going to go to the trouble to move all video files and pictures off my internal hard drives.It's way too much data.There is definitely stuff I consider private that I don't want others to look at, but I just can't see moving all of it.I'd love to password-protect the folders so nobody can get in them, but apparently that isn't possible (I don't want to go through creating encrypted disk images--again, way too much data). Is there anything else I should do to protect my privacy before I bring my computer in for service?Is there any easy way to password-protect folders and files? I went in Finder and locked one folder, but it still opens up with no problem, so that didn't help.I presume this is because I'm the only one who uses my computer and I don't require a password on startup.I also presume that such a password wouldn't prevent techs from looking at something if they were so inclined.
I'm not as worried about all of this as I would be if I were bringing the computer in to some independent servicer (instead of the Apple store where I'm bringing it).But I really don't like the idea that the techs will have access to everything on my hard drives while they are servicing my computer.
iMac (27-inch Mid 2010), Mac OS X (10.6.4)
How I can sort my files within folders in a specific order? Not in alphabetical order, size, date, kind etc...but in an order that I want them in (documents from school to be exact, I would like to sort them in the progression of the lessons from week to week). I never knew how to do this at the time and now I am kind of learning how to sort all of my docs within Finder, but this seems to be the first stumbling block that I've come across?
View 4 Replies View RelatedMy settings do not allow for sharing of my iMac or its folders and files. Yet, another person's Shared Folder is appearing on my iMac and I cannot remove it. How do I remove it and did it get there by this person hacking in?
iMac, Mac OS X (10.5.8)
When i simply want to move a folder/files they are copied.Plus i have to type in the admin password everytime i want to delete a file.
Logic Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
I've set some share folders, from windows xp I can open the folders (even create files) and see the child folders but when I try to open them I get access denied.
I'm using snow leopard 10.6 on a mac mini, can anyone tell me what I need to do to fix this?
On Leopard 10.5.7, I had to unhide my invisible files for some job using the command:
#defaults write com.apple.finder AppleShowAllFiles YES
#killall Finder
I am trying the reverse commands but the Finder still shows files what are supposed to be hidden.I tried:
defaults write com.apple.finder AppleShowAllFiles -bool false
defaults write com.apple.finder AppleShowAllFiles NO
followed by a killall Finder and even reboot.
I would like to avoid a re-install. Who can confirm a working solution as some in this forum suggest that the above reverse commands are no longer effective on Leopard?
if my friend emails me a message that has prior recipients how to i hide those names and addresses if i want to forward his message to someone else?
Info:macbook, Mac OS X (10.6.4)
Usually when I watch something on full screen the dock dissapears. However, a few days ago after installing a new software update the dock is still shown when Im wathching something on full screen.
Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
The dock has a quick key combo to show and hide. When it's in hide mode and my mouse hovers below (were it is located) it re-appears. How can I make it to only show and hide with my quick key combo?
View 3 Replies View Relatedwhen i run a search in mail it is totally cluttered up with what appear to be DRAFTS of outgoing emails that are in the TRASH.is there a way to stop mail from creating these or to hide them from my search results?it's like someone upturned my trash buckets onto my desk over here.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI'm pretty anal about the cleanliness of my documents folder, so I cannot stand having a folder called Adobe or Microsoft User Data in my docs folder.
I want to be able to hide those folders without adding a . before them (because then the apps won't be able to find the folders). Is there any way to do this? I know you can also change the permissions, but again, then the apps cant use the folders.
Bit new to mac os x as i only picked up my first mac on saturday. Must say im extremely impressed with it so far.
1.) Can i stop spotlight searching certain folders?
2.) Can i password project certain folders or make them inaccessible to certain users? Im from a ux background so i presume i could just 700 the folder(s)?
I restored one disk onto another disk using Disk Utility and now I have three aliases on my hard drive called "var", "tmp" and "etc". I know what you're thinking... those are part of the Unix background in Mac OS X and I am smart enough to know that I cannot delete them, so my question is. How the heck can I hide them. I really don't like seeing them there. Other than that, my new drive is running fine.
View 10 Replies View RelatedIn the classic/PowerPC days I used ResEdit and just 'hid' the folders. So whats the Mac OS X /intel version these days?
View 4 Replies View RelatedMacBookPro screen real estate limited. Folders and other junk on my desktop can be distracting on top of that.Is it possible to hide them until I need them?
Info:27" iMac quad core, Mac OS X (10.6.3), 24" IMAC, 20" IMAC, MACBOOK, IPHONE 3GS
I have set up Lion Server and so far it is doing everything that I want it to do. I have sucessfully connected to the Lion server from my iPad using webDAV. I can see the sharepoints that I have created just fine. What I want to do is hide home folders when connecting to Lion from the iPad. I know I can skip seeing the home folders by typing in the sharepoint name directly but I want users to access several different sharepoints when they hit the server.
Mac OS X (10.7.3), Server
Dose anyone know an easy way of listing files and folders from a disk? I need an inventory of the names on some ZIP disks.
View 2 Replies View RelatedWhen I access another Mac via Airport (using Safari and typing in an address such as afp://, I can access the other Mac by typing in the password, its disk will appear on my Desktop, but a small red dash appears in User folders such as Desktop, and if I try to open the folder it says I don't have permission.
View 1 Replies View RelatedWe have six mac computers in our office and we keep our files on a network drive that is accessed wirelessly. One of our folders has 40 or so client project folders inside it. I've discovered that on my iMac, about ten of these folders have lost their original status when I booted up this morning (they were all originals yesterday) and are now aliases demanding to be fixed or deleted. No one has copied them, moved them, and some haven't even been opened since April. I've done some research online and it seems this problem often gets blamed on moving a file or copying a file and the file/folder itself is written off as dead. But the extremely crazy thing is on the other 5 computers in this office, they can access the files as originals (which they are). I had one of my coworkers make a duplicate of one of my aliased folders, which she did, and then I was able to open it and use the contents. But about an hour later, it was suddenly an alias again and I no longer had access. We've had this problem on more than one computer in the office, but never the same folder at the same time. It can always be accessed from somewhere, so what causes one computer to suddenly view an original folder as an alias, while another computer can view that same folder as an orignal.
I downloaded pictures from a friends camera onto my iMac. The camera was removed before I selected "eject camera". That has resulted in two empty folders on my desktop that I cannot move or delete.Â
iMAC 24", Mac OS X (10.5.2)
We have a 2009 intel iMac here, running Leopard (10.5.8). We receive files from customers via browser-based FTP or email on this mac, and the boss puts these files in appropriately-named folders, and copies those folders into the appropriate place on our file server – a G5 (1.8Gz single processor 2.5Gb RAM) also running Leopard 10.5.8. All macs here are connected via ethernet using TCP/IP (of course)Â
However, every now and then, there are files missing from these folders. For example one folder (that had 100 images or so) had 4 files missing after copying to the file server, even though the folder was dragged across wholesale, not the contents. All filename conventions are standardised before being sent to us, and do not use any illegal characters that may cause a problem between differing OSs or processor platforms.Â
This issue may not be limited to these two macs, but there may not enough network traffic between other macs to show this issue on other machines – it only seems to occur when copying across large batches of files, and does not happen all the time. There is no one thing that sticks out that links the missing files – i.e. filenames/filetype, etc. It seems completely random.Â
I thought that TCP/IP was supposed to check data packets to ensure that all data was sent properly, but no errors are received on either side.Â
Is there some sort of maintenance (other than repairing permissions, which is done on a weekly basis on the fileserver) that I can run
G5 Power Mac 1.8 Ghz 2.5Gb RAM, Mac OS X (10.5.8)
Can anyone confirm if Snow Leopard will allow access to Exchange Public Folders?
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