OS X :: Unable To Install The Image File - Insert Disc Showing?
Dec 30, 2009
I made a backup image file of D2 LOD and im trying to install it again but the installer keeps telling me that i need to insert disc. So my question is, how do i mount this image so that the installer can use it.
Clarification: I lost the original cd so i just have this backed up image, so the image is legit.I just wanted to play this game and i dont wanna have to go buy the disk again.
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Jul 14, 2010
after repeated unsuccessfu lefforts DVD Disc refuses to eject from my IMac Desktop.
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Jun 30, 2010
I put in a cd that my computer was unable to read. I tried to eject it using disk utility but it failed. I read that another option was to restart the computer and hold down command, option, o, and f at the same time to open disk firmware to eject it. instead of actually working, my computer froze at the rstart screen, and i have no idea what to do - and i am unable to insert a disc.
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Sep 28, 2008
I made an image of my Windows XP laptop drive using Macrium. I can see the image file there on one of my Mac Pro's internal drives, but Im not able to select in Fusion.. Is there a way to make a Fusion VM from this image? If not, how do I go about creating a VM from my laptops's HD? I'm using Fusion 2.6.
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Mar 24, 2008
I managed to successfully hide the file: cat picture.jpg hidden.rtf.zip > picture2.jpg
results in a picture (picture2.jpg) that is the size of the sum of picture.jpg and hidden.rtf.zip. I presume this means that I am successfully putting hidden into the picture.I can open picture2.jpg, but I can't figure out a way to access the hidden zip.
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Jul 27, 2008
my mid-'09 whitebook has a dvd in it that will not eject. there's no disc image on the desktop and i can't eject from the dvd player either... i've tried shutting down and booting up, and restarting....
this is my first issue with this computer so i'm pretty worried... is there any way i can force it to eject? i mean, without damaging anything...
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Oct 29, 2008
so i have my two disks to redo the hard drive so i did that and i wanted the hard drive erased so i chose that option i put the first disk in it checked the disk then installed then asked for the second disk...no checking just an error message that i should check the disk and the internet connection ok well internet is fine checked the disk called apple and verified that i had the right disk and not my imac one.....im lost and kinda need my laptop i have a leopard disk i tryed - put it in turned the computer off turned it back on pressing c installed it and after it said sucsessful instalation we need to restart bam the restart page was please insert disk 2 for the sake of trying again i did ta da error message -sigh-
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Mar 15, 2009
nstall Windows XP SP3 on my macbook with a dual boot. I downloaded it from Windows, and have an iso file. I used the disc utility to burn it to a disc, but when I try to use it with Boot Camp, Boot camp does not recognize it as a bootable disc.
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Jun 13, 2009
On my old macbook, I installed vista and everything worked fine. I just did that on my new macbook pro. It runs fine and all, but the Bootcamp HD isn't showing up on my desktop under my Macintosh HD. I went do disk utility and it verifiys the disk, but repair just does this:
I try to mount the image, but it fails and wants me to try repairing, which as you see in the picture doesn't work. Any ideas?
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Apr 10, 2012
i can't insert any disc in my disc drive slot something is blocking insideside
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Apr 7, 2009
I have an iso image, which contains a .exe file. The iso image is from a game that runs on windows. Once I run the iso image, wine (version 1.0) starts up, and when I run the exe file, in the process window, I see the exe file for maybe 3 seconds, and then it stops. I don't know if what I am trying to do works. Would I need to install this game some other way and then run* it using wine?
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Dec 9, 2009
For some reason my opitcal drive wont let me insert any disc. theres nothing in it cause when i tried to put a disc in it wouldnt hit anything!? i have no idea. If it helps i have a macbook, i bought in early 2009, Mac OSX 10.5.8!
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Aug 27, 2009
I had a dvd in the drive of my imac and it had no idea it was there. it wasn't on my desktop and it wasn't listed under devices. I tried to open the dvd player, and it told me that there was no supported disc. After I ejected and reinserted it, it worked. Was this just a mac brain fart?
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May 10, 2009
i am gonna install VM fusion on my macbook air and the problem is that i left my window xp cd installation at my friends house. Can i install iso image or something like that so that i can ask him to convert it and then send to me via internet so that i can use the image file to install VM fusion. Btw, he and i, not sure how to convert it. anyone knows?
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May 7, 2012
I get an error when i tried to open the .JPG image file. This file was actually recovered from my pendrive. As it was in .SCR i had to use the image recovery software and got it done in .JPG.The file's preview is avaialbe only on the app i used to recover. After i stored the image file on desktop and tried to open it i get an error "It may be damaged or use a file format that Preview doesn’t recognize."
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Aug 8, 2006
i am gonna install VM fusion on my macbook air and the problem is that i left my window xp cd installation at my friends house. Can i install iso image or something like that so that i can ask him to convert it and then send to me via internet so that i can use the image file to install VM fusion. Btw, he and i, not sure how to convert it.
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Mar 17, 2009
trying to install windows xp using parallels 5. i downloaded and iso file for windows and i double clicked it and it showed on the mac desktop, BUT parallels wont install windows from that. i am sorry if there is a thread already on this matter. i know i am doing something wrong but cant figure it out since i am new to all this.
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Nov 21, 2008
Is it possible to put the remote disc install file on a flash drive so that I could install the remote disc program onto a computer from the that instead of a cd?
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Sep 26, 2010
I have an Imac 17" Intel Core 2 Duo (5,1) 2ghz late 2006 model. Just recently the superdrive has perished for what ever reason & I have read that some times if you reinstall the original operating discs that came with the computer, the superdrive may or may not come back to life.
Leopard 10.5.8 with all the updates is the current set up on the imac & I want to put Tiger 10.4.7 back on it. So I'm connecting the Imac to my Mac pro 15.4" (late 2007 model - 2.2ghz 4gb ram intel core 2 duo) via firewire & use the Imac as a target disk. I put the install disc into my mac pro with the imac connected, power down - reboot holding 'C' to boot up the Tiger install disc. The apple logo & spinning wheel appear, but then the screen darkens & a 'You must turn off your computer or hold the power switch for a few seconds appears'
Now I've tried resetting the PRAM,NVRAM & SMC also decreasing the amount of RAM there is in the laptop.But the error is always the same? However if I put leopard 10.5.6 disc in that starts ok, snow leopard 10.6 that starts ok too. But tiger 10.4.7 & leopard 10.5.1 won't start at all? How can I get Tiger 10.4.7 back onto the imac using my mac pro?
Yes the only other way is to replace the superdrive, but I'm not in a position to get it replaced at the minute & if reinstalling the original operating discs rejuvenates the old superdrive, then there's no point.
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Jan 9, 2009
I switched to Mac Mail and I can't get it to do something I used all the time in Entourage: you can insert an image in the background, then write over it. I can't imagine Mac Mail would not have that capability, but ...
Running Mac OS 10.5.5 on MacBook Pro and Mail 3.3.
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Nov 18, 2010
I have an aluminum macbook, from made around January 09. The issue is I need to repair the hdd using the osx install disc. The problem is that when I try to do so, boot using the disc, it just restarts to the hdd, it will not boot from the disc. I try holding c and I have tried setting the disc as the startup disc and it just goes in this never ending circle of restarting and restarting. I've never seen this before.
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Nov 27, 2010
My late-2007 Macbook's hdd got screwed and I bought a new one.
Now I try to install Snow Leopard but Macbook won't boot from the install disc.
It spins the disc a couple of seconds and then ejects it.
Key commands don't help. Startup manager won't show up if I keep pressing the option key during startup and same goes with pressing c for booting.
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Aug 13, 2007
The computer asked me to log in. This is odd, because he has the computer set to automatically log in. Anyway, I input his username and the new password. The computer rejected the new password, which I am absolutely sure was spelled and typed correctly. I tried entering the password using both his short name and long name. Neither worked.
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Feb 10, 2009
I bought OSX 10.5 Leopard about 3weeks ago and still have not been able to install it onto my macbook. When I put the disc in for the first time I went through the standard procedure of clicking install OSX and then restart when it restarts however it goes to the Grey screen with the apple and the spinning loading symbol and just sits there forever.
I thought it was the disc so I took it back and ended up with the exact same problem. I then thought maybe I should just use my factory disc and wipe out everything on the hard drive. It gave me the same problem as trying to install Leopard.
Then I thought maybe it was my CD/DVD drive. Nope! It perfectly played a DVD and I was able to install Photoshop CS4 through the CD/DVD drive as well.
A Month later I am stock with a Macbook that won't budge. I am no longer under warranty so I am trying to see if there is a way that I can fix this problem first before taking it to the apple store where I know I will get charged...I love Apple but I must confess this task would be easier to complete on a PC.
I tried going to disk Utility and erasing the drive and that did not work either because it doesn't give me the ability to click the erase button when I click the Hard Drive. I got this computer from my friend's sister and apparently I am finding out that she had the computer's Hard Drive partitioned and running Windows XP on it on the TIGER OS.
I am not sure if this has anything to do with it but I think it may be a factor as to why the OS disc both Leopard and Tiger (factory disc) will not write to the hard drive. I'm thinking maybe there are some permissions or something not allowing it to write to the drive or something to that nature.
My idea is to wipe out the Hard Drive completely I don't need anything that is on it I already backed it all up. But how would I do this? Is there a program I can use? Can I take the hard drive out and take it to a computer repair store and they hook it up to something erases it all? or should I buy a $40 HD from eBay for the macbook?
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Aug 26, 2009
I am trying to load a clean valid copy of OSX on my older clamshell. It will take up to 10.3 and that is what I'm using. I keep getting this error " Startup Disc was unable to select the install CD as the startup disc" error (-2). This occurs after the software requests restart to start the process.
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Jan 20, 2009
Ive noticed that a couple of websites that have only .wmv available to download movies. I am running a Mac G4 with OS Tiger and Opera/Safari/Firefox for the net. I can easily play wmv's with my QTpro and or VLC.
The movies that I typically DL are usually 300 to 400 megs. They completely DL on my browser (Opera, Safari, or Firefox) after about 10 minutes or so. However once I DL the .wmv files onto my harddrive , they show up at only about 3 or 4 kb!!?? So thats about a total of like .2 seconds of play back!!?? Therefore one second of total playback.I believe this is not an Apple vs Windows issue, but something else. Any ideas?
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Jun 8, 2010
I recently purchased a MacBook 2.1 running 10.4.11, however the seller of the item sent the computer to me with a lot of his own data on so I decided to delete this and start fresh.Whenever I insterted the Tiger disc it would tell me that it was unable to install Mac OS X on my computer so I decided that the best thing to do would be to erase the hard drive, however in doing so I erased the operating system and now whenever I try to boot the computer from the disc I am faced with a folder with a question mark flashing at me.
It appears to do something when I insert the disc that my housemate got with his MacBook Pro which runs Snow Leopard but still tells me that it is unable to install OS X.
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Apr 11, 2012
I cannot insert any disc's into my mac?
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Apr 15, 2012
I cannot insert a disc into my drive. Not sure it is relevent, but I was using cds last night and ejected a disc, but left it half-way out of the drive overnight. After removing the disc this morning, it will not let me insert another one. I restarted the computer, but the problem remains. I have a 27-inch intel Imac.
iMac (27-inch Mid 2010), Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Jun 11, 2012
I can't insert disc in my iMac. It seems like a disc is already inserted, but it's not
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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