Applications :: Unable To Play .wmv Files / Showing Only 3 Or 4 Kb Of Original File
Jan 20, 2009
Ive noticed that a couple of websites that have only .wmv available to download movies. I am running a Mac G4 with OS Tiger and Opera/Safari/Firefox for the net. I can easily play wmv's with my QTpro and or VLC.
The movies that I typically DL are usually 300 to 400 megs. They completely DL on my browser (Opera, Safari, or Firefox) after about 10 minutes or so. However once I DL the .wmv files onto my harddrive , they show up at only about 3 or 4 kb!!?? So thats about a total of like .2 seconds of play back!!?? Therefore one second of total playback.I believe this is not an Apple vs Windows issue, but something else. Any ideas?
ok trying not to get a panic attack here. I downloaded espionge to encrypt my valuable files and while it was encrypting (AES 128 bit i think) the program froze and I had to Force quit it. Now I try to open my file (that i was trying to encrypt) and it looks f*^&# up. I can't open it, and when I tried to unmount the partially encrypted file, espionage gave me errors that it couldnt recover the original file.
I had basically all my life's valuable accumulated data in that folder (it was 10 Gb+). I will praise anyone to the end of my days that can somehow tell me how to restore my file to its original state. Usefull info:
1) AM planning to pay gazillions for recovery software if need be, but free alternatives are always better.
2) I never secure delete if that helps
3) I still have the .sparseimage for the file created by espionage. (P.S. sparseimage's size looks really close to the orignal, also 10 Gb +).
4) Newest version of OSX, and have an IMac.
5) after incident I haven't done anything (no installations or downloads) apart from writing this.
6) the encrypted file was gonna be in HFS+ i think
can anyone tell me if you can rip an original dvd using handbrake and then burn to a dvd to play on a dvd player, if so what would be the corrrect way to do this, as i have only used a video ts folder and handbrake does not seem to offer this option. i have tried to convert using mtr 13m and fairmount to dvd2one but the resulting files do not burn in toast or just crashes. I am trying to backup: open season and bee movie
I have a large library and just in the past day, many of my songs have become greeted with the following: The song could not be used because the original file could not be found. Would you like to locate it? I have not moved any files to another location since the last successful play and when I locate the file it is still in the original location. I have many different playlists and I cannot just delete my library or I will lose the content of those playlists...
I've looked at some other posts that have gone over how to move files to an external drive, and they all say to use command while moving. I understand this copies the file and deletes the original, but when you make a copy and delete the original, you lose some of the original data, such as creation date, etc... This makes storage and organization more complicated than it has to be.
i have a movie that was on bluray 720p and it was a MKV file so i converted it to AVI so that i could stream to my ps3 from my mac using medialink and when i tried to play the file it wouldn't work from my ps3 but worked from my imac. It had a error code
I made a backup image file of D2 LOD and im trying to install it again but the installer keeps telling me that i need to insert disc. So my question is, how do i mount this image so that the installer can use it.
Clarification: I lost the original cd so i just have this backed up image, so the image is legit.I just wanted to play this game and i dont wanna have to go buy the disk again.
When I go to play a song in iTunes (any song at all, and all the files are definitely there) it just won't play. The play/pause button will change to the pause symbol but nothing else will happen. The ticker-thing at the top which tells you what is playing will say that, that song is on but the timer just stays at 0:00.
Currently running Windows 7 and the latest version of iTunes but this happened before when I was on Vista too. Seems to happen every time I open iTunes now...
In trying to set up shared music among the users of my computer I think I deleted the original file info, even though there was a music folder showing folders for the individual artists in my library. These however now appear to be empty. I have the music listed in iTunes but when I try to open a song I get a window with the following message, "The song "...." could not be used because the original file could not be found. Would you like to locate it?" But no luck locating the files. The guy at the Apple Genius Bar said I could retrieve the music but refused to tell me how because it is supposedly illegal. I don't know why it is illegal because the tunes were purchased. But he did tell me to google the problem and I have come up empty handed.
All of my movies on my hard drive have crazy file names. I just rename the info from within itunes. I am wondering if there is a way to apply the info in itunes to change the original file names. So that I don't have to change them all manually on my hard drive if I want them in some sort of order. Something like 'apply itunes info to original filename'. I am pretty sure it isn't possible but thought it might be worth a try.
I have an old DVD custom made from old super - 8 home movies. It plays well in a home DVD player meant to plug into the TV. My MBP 15" mid-2010 8x SuperDrive optical drive cannot play this - on calling up the files to be played, I see a folder with grayed-out files. Furthermore, I can't get out of the DVD player easily and have to do the Force Quit to shut down the program and use Disc Utility to eject the disc. (I use Disc Utility to dismount all types of discs, by habit).My SuperDrive works fine for commercial DVD movies, reading and writing CDs, etc. The "home movies" DVD's file extensions are: .vob, .ifo, .bup. The "home movie" files are:
VTS_01_2.VOB and so on for the chapters
Do I need to have the "home movie" DVD remastered in a different format?
I'm deleting all of my files from itunes to start fresh since right now it is unorganized, the problem with this is that when I first installed itunes it searched my hard drive and added sounds that I don't know where they came from, in fact some of them look like from the operating system, so I'm afraid to delete something that a program or the actual OS needs (since I don't know if these are just copies or are the originals). Is there a way to know if the original of a certain file exists? In other words I need to know if what I have in iTunes is a copy or the only file in the hard drive (original) and if it is a copy I would like to know where it came from or somehow find the original.
I have the latest QT and OSX software. I also have Perian installed. I upgraded my Flip4Mac to version recently and now my QT will not play wmv files and sometimes it will not play mov files. I've never had trouble with QT before and have learned through online research that there has been an issue with a 3ivx codec that comes with Divx that everyone says to remove from the System/library/quicktime folder. I checked, and I didn't have that particular codec listed. I DO, however, have ALL of these codecs listed in my QT folder:
This seems like a lot of codecs, many of which I am unsure about. Could ANY of these be causing my wmv files (or my Flip4Mac) to be corrupt and unable to work?
When replying an Mail, I cant see the original email any more, just a white page as with a new mail.Instead, I have to forward the email and copy all the addresses if I want to have the originals and it's so uncomfortable.
Everything has been working brilliantly until last week.
When I try to play a video in the web browser, the video won't load. It stays blank and sound plays ok.After posting this here, I was told to erase my quicktime preferences file. It works and the problem is solved - but only temporarily. Minutes later, it happens again. I'm sick of erasing this file all the time. What can I do?!
I installed Perian and the xvid codec but still cannot play all AVI videos in QT. Not really a problem since I have VLC. However it would be nice to be able to play AVI files in QT as well
Info: iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3), Intel iMac 4GB RAM 500GB Hard Disk
I am starting a new thread because I am unable to play mov files in QuickTime X. This includes previously downloaded movie trailers from apple, mov files downloaded in itunes, mov files filmed on my iPhone or even files created from hd camcorder files. I am alo unable to play embedded QuickTime movies on the apple homepage, or play move trailers such as: [URL]Neither does the "download" option work. However if I force the files to play with QuickTime 7 or vlc, they play fine. If I use Firefox the embedded videos play ok, but in the example of trying to download the movie trailers still doesn't work.
I purchased the $5.95 version of Flip4Mac in order to be able to play .WMV files on my MacbookPro (Mavericks). However, every time I open any .WMV file, I get this error message: THE APPLICATION ATTEMPTED TO USE AN UNSUPPORTED FEATURE (Flip Player). I also attempted to play the files on Quicktime, but I get this error message: QuickTime Player can't open "XXXXX.wmv". I tried VLC also, but unfortunately did not work.
Info: MacBook Pro, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4), Purchased in 2009
My 13" MacBook Pro will not play media files. Also, on iphoto, images are unable to be exploded. Interestingly, it is no longer running hot (as it has since installation of Lion a few months ago).
Info: MacBook Pro (13-inch Mid 2009), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
On my iMovie, mov video files doesn't work it shows up as a white screen also on my quicktime. But mpg files works prefectly on my imovie. Can someone help me find a codec or a mov a mpg converter for Mac OS X 10.3.9?
Today I tried opening my keynotes presentation file to make amendments to it and when I double clicked on it, the program loading bar only loaded up a third of the way and then hanged. I then tried to save it to a flash drive and use it on a different computer, but when I tried to copy it over to the flash drive it gave me this error: "the finder cannot complete the operation because some data in "garment styles" could not be read or written error code - 36".
I have tried changing the file extension to a zip, then unzipping it and then renaming it but that did not work.(It wouldn't let me unzip it). I have also looked at the index file name to see if that was the problem, but that is as it should be.
I have also tried uploading it to a website and emailing it and it will not let me.
Is there anyway I can recover this file as I have been working on it for over a month and it is due next week, or will I need to start again?
The underlying issue here as well is that iDVD won't recognize this file either.
My wife works for a TV station and one of the editors at the station put a video file together with Final Cut Pro and put it on our external hard drive.
The file is just over 3 gig and won't open in Quicktime. It WILL open in VLC, but I need to get it in a format that iDVD will recognize because I created a DVD menu for this video and want to add it to my DVD project.
I have some other videos she recently brought home as well in the same .mov format but they are smaller, around 800 MB and those will not play in Quicktime either, but they are recognized by iDVD when I try to add a video the DVD project.
I'm guessing I'm missing a codec here and have tried a number of them but nothing seems to work. I was able to find a free converter that converted the file to .avi and it would then open in Quicktime, but there was a logo added to the video which makes it basically useless to us.
So my questions are-
1) Is it simply too big a file for Quicktime to play? What is the max file size it will play? 2) Is there possibly a codec I'm missing here that I haven't tried yet? 3) What else could the problem be?
I have recently purchased a 21.5" iMac w/ATI GPU for my work computer, and I am trying to play an avi file in Quicktime. The file is coming from the Windows program 3D Max, and has an avi file which has worked on all my Macs except for my new iMac that is running Snow Leopard.
Does anyone know if this a Snow Leopard issue or Codec problem? I have already downloaded Perian, but have had no luck in fixing my problem.
Has anyone else experienced the '?' covering the Quicktime icon like I show in the attached pic?