OS X :: Top And Bottom Of Screen Flash Black Quickly

Nov 9, 2010

A few times a day the top and bottom of my screen flash black quickly - not even a full second. what it could be, or if I can figure what it is? I ran the Apple Care TechT tool and nothing came up wrong - I have the 2.4Ghz 15" (unibody)

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MacBook :: Flash A Black Screen / Starts Quickly Flashes Up The Screen Higher And Higher?

Jul 19, 2010

My Macbook is brand new! (Barely 4 months old) Just recently my laptop will flash a black screen. It starts from the bottom and quickly flashes up the screen higher and higher each flash! i have read on some other pages it is a bad inverter on the inner core of the Macbook. Other than that I do not know what to do!

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MacBook Pro :: Screen Will Flash A Little And Icons At Bottom Will Disappear On Safari

Jun 28, 2014

I'm having some issues with my Macbook Pro that just arose today. Randomly, when I'm on Safari, the screen will flash a little and the icons at the bottom will disappear. They will come back in a couple seconds and pop-ups that I usually only get when I first log on will appear. Safari also refreshes the page I was viewing. I did a little research and thought the issue might be google drive, but I do not have it installed on my Mac.

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OS X :: Two Small Black Dots Near Bottom Left Of Macbook Pro Screen

Sep 13, 2009

I just bought my macbook pro 13 inch about a 40 days ago and I have just noticed two small black dots on the on the bottom of the screen near the left side of my dock. I have done some research and they seem to be "dead pixels" They're really small but for the price I payed i didnt expect any problems. What are some suggestions to get rid of them or if i should contact tech support? Here are two pictures of the dots: They kinda change colour when i move my head around.. Not sure if theyre dead pixels or not.

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Applications :: Final Cut Express - Black Bar On Top And Bottom Of Screen On Videos

Mar 25, 2010

on my videos there is a black bar on the top and bottom of the screen. the raw file is in 16:9 and it doesn't have black bars. how to get rid of them? heres some footage to show you what's happening: [URL]

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Intel Mac :: Reboot Message Scrolling From Top To Bottom After Black Screen

Jun 24, 2012

I have a late 2006 iMac that has just started giving me a message to reboot after a black screen comes down slowly from the top top of the screen to the bottom. I reloaded software and restored from Time Machine, but it keeps happening, now several tomes a day.

iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.4)

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PowerPC :: Screen Started To Flash For About A Second And Then Went To Almost Black?

Feb 8, 2009

I have a 15" Powerbook G4 that is about 4.5 years old. Last night the screen started to flash for about a second and then went to almost black. (there is a very very faint image remaining of the screen)... from surfing some forums, it sounds like this could have something to do with the backlight or the inverter (whatever that is?).

The powerbook seems to be working fine otherwise, I was able to connect it to my 30" (which was amusing) to archive all data off of it, so nothing was lost. Techtool diagnostics all ran fine (nothing in there to repair a display).

I suppose the basic question is if anyone knows much about what the problem is - and if its worth investigating repair vs just diving in and buying a new one...some additional info found on Apples boards, but still curious if anyone has opinions/insight towards the cost and trouble of this repair:My screen looks black, but I can see very faint graphics on it

Symptoms of this are a dark screen, but everything else seems to be running. If you get in close with a flashlight, you can usually see the image faintly.

If your backlight isn't working, the inverter may be bad. Other parts that may be bad are the display or the logic board. If your backlight fails intermittently while moving the display, the problem is with the inverter cables. Otherwise it is impossible to test for damaged parts without replacing them one by one. If you are comfortable taking apart the display assembly, replace the display inverter first, then replace the LCD. If you are not comfortable with this, you can replace both parts at once by replacing the display assembly (which contains both components). If this still doesn't solve your problem, you need a new logic board.

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MacBook Pro :: Bottom Half Of My Screen Go Black And Most Of The Top Half Flicker?

Jun 23, 2010

I have a MacBook Pro with the 9600gt in it. Since updating to 10.6.4 this morning 2 times while playing java games i've had the bottom half of my screen go black and most of the top half flicker. I've had to hold in the power button and reset both times. The second time I closed the screen and reopened it, the screen was black but no mouse and nothing moved.

Any advice? Would this be something to do with my graphics card or possibly some error in 10.6.4?Edit:: This is software related to 10.6.4 update and only happens when I open up a java game in a browser.

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MacBook :: Sleep Light Flash Quickly On / Off At Startup?

Apr 20, 2009

Weeks back, had some blinds by my desk fall on my opened Macbook and strike right near the power button. No real physical damage, although the power button feels a tad stiffer when pressed. But since then, at start up, the sleep light will flash quickly off and on for a short burst, but then proceed with start up.

I've searched around the internets and seem to think that this might be a memory problem. But in most cases the computer won't start up at all. In my case the only indication I have of a problem is flashing sleep light at start up.

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MacBook Pro :: Screen Flickering / The Screen Brightness Dims And Then Brightens Very Quickly?

Jun 15, 2009

Has anyone noticed a very slight flicker on their new MBPs? I have a new 13" and, every so often, the screen brightness dims and then brightens very quickly (happens in less than a second).The option for auto-adjusting the screen brightness is off so it's not that particular function.It's most noticeable on all-white backgrounds both on AC and battery power. Hard drive access doesn't seem to coincide with the dimming.

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OS X :: Black Bars In Final Cut On The Top And Bottom

Aug 7, 2010

im in final cut express and im getting black bars on the top and bottom please help me get rid of these. Im shooting with my new camera with 720p and final cut is automatically doing the letterbox thing with the black bars on the top and bottom.

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Aperture :: Get Rid Of Black Bar At Bottom Of Full View

Dec 3, 2014

With the new update of Aperture there is now a black bar at the bottom of the photo when editing in viewer mode with the file name.  I really want to get rid of it since it changes the cropping of the photo and I can't see behind it to edit. 

Aperture 3, iOS 8.1.1

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Hardware :: Magic Mouse Bottom Black Stripes?

Jun 12, 2010

It's normal for magic mouse bottom black stripes to show wear and tear after constant use. Actually I am very worried to lose my expensive and wonderful mouse forever because of these "soft plastic" stripes.

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MacBook Pro :: One Of The Black Bottom Things On It Fell Off And It Has Been Lost?

Apr 21, 2012

One of the black bottom things on my MacBook Pro fell off, and it has been lost. Can I purchase them somewhere or is there is a substitution for them?    

MacBook Pro (13-inch Mid 2009)

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MacBook Pro :: Missing Black Pieces On Bottom Of Laptop

May 25, 2012

I'm missing two of the little black rubber pieces on the bottom of my MacBook Pro and cannot find them. It is EXTREMELY annoying. Is there a way to buy more from Apple? I REALLY need them. it bothers me alot.

Info:MacBookPro, Mac OS X (10.7.1)

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MacBook Pro :: While Booting In Safe Mode Black Bar At Bottom Goes Around 2 / 5

Jun 2, 2014

My mac was being very, very slow so I turned it off, then as it it was booting it was taking ages so i restared in safe mode. While booting in safe mode the black bar at the bottom goes around 2/5 of the way across and then my macbook just switches off.Ive tried:fsckdisk utility repair/verifyreinstalling OS X Lion 

When i tried to repair, it said i needed to erase everything and reinstall the OS. Last night when i tried to it said both drives are locked so i couldnt. And now when i just tried again, neither drivers are appearing; the box is just blank. 

Let alone my livelyhood on the laptop, i have thousands and thousands pictures which if lost, would genuinley heartbreak me. I have much valuable data on my laptop and i really dont want to erase all data, because me being the gigantic fool that i am, i only have one time machine back up from about a year and a half ago.  

MacBook Pro

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MacBook Pro :: Screen Is Dimming And Brightening Quickly?

Aug 26, 2010

I just got a brand new MBP (6,2 and 10.6.4) but it's not my first. My previous MBP had the ambient light sensor that I could turn on and off via the system preferences (as mentioned in this thread) so suffice it to say, I know what it looks like when the screen dims and brightens. (I loved hovering my hands over the speakers. It was like magic to my PC friends.)

Now, I'm having an issue with my new MBP. I have my preferences set to adjust the brightness based on ambient light. And since the light sensor has moved to the microphone, it still does that just fine.

My problem is that I'm experiencing random flashes of the screen where it dims quite a bit rapidly but only for a short moment before returning to the original brightness. This occurs randomly in different light settings but most importantly when the light around me hasn't changed at all. And it has occured about once or twice a day for the last few days. I've even tried pressing my thumb over the light sensor really fast to see if it was the light sensor but try that and you'll see that it's actually really slow.

My other problem is that my screen is randomly resizing/zooming in on things. (I suspect this may be me doing some trackpad trick I'm unaware of but I've tried everything I can think of to replicate it and nothing works) Anyways, say I'm on my desktop and mousing over (with one finger) to open a folder or file. All of a sudden, all of the folders resize drastically. Or I'm in Firefox and a site loads. Then all of a sudden (*insert poltergeist*) the website zooms in or out. (like when you press cmd + or -) And it's always zooming in, never out.

Does anyone know what is going on with this? I don't know if the two things are related or if all of this is just really really stupid user error.

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MacBook Pro :: Its Shutdown Quickly And There Is A White Screen Now

Jun 2, 2012

I went to a website yesterday, one that I go to every day, more than once. I was using Safari and saw a warning posted from the site owner about malware. It read this was happening with Chrome and Firefox. Everything was fine until I went back there maybe 15 minutes later and I got that warning page that he was talking about and now it was on Safari. You could click "ignore" or "continue" I think. I'm not sure cuz I don't remember. I thought it best to click out of the window. I opened a new window and a couple of weird things happened.  I was scrolling down the the "page down" key and it would not stop. Then the screen started slowly moving up to the top left and disappearing in the process. It was weird. I hit Safari and and it came back.  Then it seemed ok. I was as the library cuz I have no internet at home now. Then I went home and a little while later I was watching a download and all of a sudden it shut down quickly and the screen went white. The mouse was not "lit up", and I freaked - nothing worked - just a white screen. I did not know what was going on.

All I could think of to do was hold down the power button to turn it off. And I was afraid to do that - that it may never start up again. This morning I started it back up and the same thing happened. The start up sound lasted only a few seconds and then it was the white screen again. I looked at the battery underneath and all the battery lights were lit AND the power cord was plugged in. The light on the far left was blinking. I unplugged the power cord and the lights went off and then pushed in the button on the battery and all the lights went on for a few seconds like they are supposed to and then went off. My macbookpro was working fine and now it's not. It does not work at all. I'm using an older iBook and am at a local cafe wifi spot. 

Info:MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.5.8), 2 GHz Processor, 1 GB Memory

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MacBook Air :: LED Display Screen Goes To Completely Dark / Bottom Side Of Screen Is Brighter

Jun 16, 2008

I tried to use some software to test the display. I found when the screen goes to completely dark with the backlight on, the bottom side of my screen is brighter than other parts.... have u guys met any problem like that, or is this some problem with my MBA?

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PowerPC :: EMac Screen Developing Green Tint In The Bottom Right Corner Of Its Screen?

Oct 6, 2008

Our eMac seems to be developing a green tint in the bottom right hand corner of its screen. I've done some quick searching online and it seems that a few people have suggested a cold boot so it runs the degaussing process on a startup.

I left the eMac off for about an hour, unplugged. It did the degauss once it was plugged back in and "seems" to have removed nearly all of the green tint.

There are a few threads on various forums when I search on Google about this issue but they have no conclusive reasons why this is happening.

Could my eMac be developing a fault at all? I'm not too sure if anything magnetic has been placed on our table near the eMac so this may be the reason.

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Intel Mac :: Desktop Restart Shows Flickering Black/white Screen, Then Black

Feb 3, 2012

Desktop restart shows flickering black/white screen, then black. Could not restart.

iPad 2, Mac OS X (10.6.6)

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MacBook Air :: Uneven Screen Backlight - Screen Darker At The Bottom

Jan 12, 2011

My Air's screen is slightly darker at the bottom (only on a few millimeters, but still). It only happens on a white/light background though (I don't have my dock at the bottom). In comparison, the screen of my MacBook has a very uniform backlight. Does anybody else have this issue?

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MacBook Air :: More Light On Left Part Of The Screen Than Bottom Right Of Screen

May 30, 2010

Is it just me or the macbook air has a problem with backlight? it's very very bright compare to my mbp 13.3 but it seems like the left part of the screen receive a lot more light than the bottom right of the screen. I notice that on the mbp pro but its worse on the mba. I have a rev2 1.86 with a 9400. In this review (in spanish) they check the brightness levels on the screen, and there is a difference between center and bottom right corner (340cd/m2 vs 215cd/m2)

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OS X V10.5 Leopard :: IMac Screen Went Black - Starts Up With Black Display

May 24, 2012

I came back from work to wake up my iMac. It made the noise but the screen stayed black. I tried restarting by holding the power button- I can hear it start and the chime but still have a black screen. I tried resetting the pram, and unplugging the cord but I still get a black screen. I can hear the chime though; I'm not sure if that means anything. I just had the hard drive replaced in February so I hope it's not that. just wanted to clarify that when I restart, I get the chime but the screen stays black- I don't get to the grey screen. So I'm assuming right now that my display may be shot?

iMac (20-inch Mid 2007), Mac OS X (10.5.8)

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MacBook :: Tell Whether It Is Infected With The Flash-black Or Not

Apr 13, 2012

how can I tell whether my mac is infected or not with the flashback malware Trojan horse

MacBook, Mac OS X (10.5.8)

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MacBook Pro :: Black Background On Some Images And Flash Videos

Aug 10, 2010

In flash sites and images that are transparent I get a background that is black instead of transparent. I don't know what to do to fix this, I tried everything but can't get it to work. I use safari - but when I open the sites in Chrome there is no problem, but I don't like chrome.

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PowerPC :: Screen Goes Off On Right And Bottom Of Display

Oct 3, 2007

My second problem with my PowerBook G4 DVI 667Mhz is that the screen goes about a half inch off the right and bottom of the display. So unless I position the dock on the left, I can't see it if it's placed on the bottom or right of the screen. I also have to drag any icons that show up on the right of the screen to the middle because I can't see them except for their very edge that appears on the screen. This has happened with OS X 10.3, and still after I installed OS X 10.2.

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OS X :: Mac Installer Screen - Loading Bar At Bottom

Apr 30, 2009

I just bought a use Macbook Pro and it was working perfect and one of my buddies was messing on and erased something no idea what and every time I try and turn it on I can list every thing it dose:

(First) is goes to the screen that says mac os x at the top and asks for what language to use and I click english for the main language
(Second) is says preparing to install mac osx and there is a loading bar at the bottom
(Third) the little screen goes away and another little screen pops up that says mac os x cannot be installed on this computer and gives me two options: click ok or restart
(Last) then iam stuck at a screen with only a bar at the top that has from left to right: the little apple icon but when opened it wont let you click on any of the selections, the next thing is mac os x installer, then file, edit, utilities and the last is window.

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OS X :: The Dock Span Across The Bottom Of The Screen?

Nov 26, 2009

If it would be possible to have the dock span all the way across the screen (like how Windows 7 does).

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OS X :: Widgets Spread Across The Bottom Of Screen

Mar 12, 2010

I have alot of widgets hiding I've seen them once spread across the bottom of the screen. But when I click on dashboard all I see is 3 widgets that I have no use for.

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