OS X :: Mac Installer Screen - Loading Bar At Bottom
Apr 30, 2009
I just bought a use Macbook Pro and it was working perfect and one of my buddies was messing on and erased something no idea what and every time I try and turn it on I can list every thing it dose:
(First) is goes to the screen that says mac os x at the top and asks for what language to use and I click english for the main language
(Second) is says preparing to install mac osx and there is a loading bar at the bottom
(Third) the little screen goes away and another little screen pops up that says mac os x cannot be installed on this computer and gives me two options: click ok or restart
(Last) then iam stuck at a screen with only a bar at the top that has from left to right: the little apple icon but when opened it wont let you click on any of the selections, the next thing is mac os x installer, then file, edit, utilities and the last is window.
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Sep 27, 2010
I am trying to do a erase and install with 10.3 when I put the cd in and reboot while holding C key the mac installer does not come up on the top ? it just hangs at a grey screen. and will eventually just log back into the already installed os. I have tried to connect it firewire and can erase the hd on it but if i do this will simply putting the install cd upon boot run it like it should ? Or would I still have the installer problem .
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Mar 25, 2012
Macs Console says this every time I try to update from 10.6.7 - 10.6.8 "10:08 PM Installer[244] The Installer encountered an error that caused the installation to fail. Contact the software manufacturer for assistance." I can't update what so ever... every application basically needs to be manually installed or just comes to an unknown error either restarting the Mac or going through standalone...
iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.7)
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Jun 16, 2008
I tried to use some software to test the display. I found when the screen goes to completely dark with the backlight on, the bottom side of my screen is brighter than other parts.... have u guys met any problem like that, or is this some problem with my MBA?
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Oct 6, 2008
Our eMac seems to be developing a green tint in the bottom right hand corner of its screen. I've done some quick searching online and it seems that a few people have suggested a cold boot so it runs the degaussing process on a startup.
I left the eMac off for about an hour, unplugged. It did the degauss once it was plugged back in and "seems" to have removed nearly all of the green tint.
There are a few threads on various forums when I search on Google about this issue but they have no conclusive reasons why this is happening.
Could my eMac be developing a fault at all? I'm not too sure if anything magnetic has been placed on our table near the eMac so this may be the reason.
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Jan 12, 2011
My Air's screen is slightly darker at the bottom (only on a few millimeters, but still). It only happens on a white/light background though (I don't have my dock at the bottom). In comparison, the screen of my MacBook has a very uniform backlight. Does anybody else have this issue?
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May 30, 2010
Is it just me or the macbook air has a problem with backlight? it's very very bright compare to my mbp 13.3 but it seems like the left part of the screen receive a lot more light than the bottom right of the screen. I notice that on the mbp pro but its worse on the mba. I have a rev2 1.86 with a 9400. In this review (in spanish) they check the brightness levels on the screen, and there is a difference between center and bottom right corner (340cd/m2 vs 215cd/m2)
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Apr 11, 2012
When installing apps through Installer (from .dmg disk images and .pkg packages), everything works smoothly until it asks me for a password. When I enter it, Installer goes back to the screen before it asked me for the password. When I click next, it asks me for my password, and the cycle repeats. I tried removing my password to no avail. I can install .pkg files from the sudo installer -pkg command. I dont know how to do this for installers that are in app form.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3), MBP Early 2011
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Oct 3, 2007
My second problem with my PowerBook G4 DVI 667Mhz is that the screen goes about a half inch off the right and bottom of the display. So unless I position the dock on the left, I can't see it if it's placed on the bottom or right of the screen. I also have to drag any icons that show up on the right of the screen to the middle because I can't see them except for their very edge that appears on the screen. This has happened with OS X 10.3, and still after I installed OS X 10.2.
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Nov 26, 2009
If it would be possible to have the dock span all the way across the screen (like how Windows 7 does).
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Mar 12, 2010
I have alot of widgets hiding I've seen them once spread across the bottom of the screen. But when I click on dashboard all I see is 3 widgets that I have no use for.
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Jun 12, 2010
Well this a new one. Any time there's an element in the bottom 100 pixels or so of my screen, I can't click on it. It's in any application. I first noticed it in Safari, but I've tested it in Finder, Photoshop, you name it. In Safari it's mostly solvable because I can just scroll the page up further and click on the link.If it's a link I'm trying to click and it has a hover property, the link will change color (or underline, or whatever) on hover. I just can't click on anything.Another interesting thing to note is that it's things that are in their own windows, I guess. The dock works and my Adium buddy list is fine as well (I keep it in the bottom left corner).
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Jul 4, 2012
I might just be losing my mind but has there always been a grey bar at the bottom of the screen? It sort of tells me when pages are loading or what website accessing and such?
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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Nov 2, 2010
If I view a pure white image it looks like maybe 1/4" has a slight gradient. The darkness in the right corner is a little more prominent and extends maybe 1/2" Anyone else seeing this on their 11"?
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Nov 9, 2010
A few times a day the top and bottom of my screen flash black quickly - not even a full second. what it could be, or if I can figure what it is? I ran the Apple Care TechT tool and nothing came up wrong - I have the 2.4Ghz 15" (unibody)
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May 23, 2009
I have RightZoom, so when I click Maximize it always fills the whole screen. I hide my Dock unless I mouse over it, and my windows won't maximize over the bottom 5 pixels of the screen. I drag the bottom right corner of the window, and it doesn't make it any bigger.
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Jun 11, 2009
I purchased the 2.26 13" MBP (4GB RAM) yesterday afternoon. When I came home, I set it up and started to notice a couple of streaks (.5" thick) on the right side and half of the bottom of the screen. I have a 9C9E screen and have it tested it on the Earth (centered) wallpaper with full brightness. It tends to go away after 40% brightness.
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Jul 22, 2009
I did a search and could only find information about the last rendition of mbps, and I see they had problems with bleeding along the bottom part of the screen. I just got my umbp a week ago, but I've been so busy finding a place to live for grad school that I haven't had the chance to use it. I looked at it in the dark yesterday, and I'm super anal. I saw a small amount of backlight bleeding on the bottom left corner of the screen, perhaps half an inch on the left side of the screen, just in one area (not along the entire left side).I wish I could take a picture, but my digital camera is nowhere to be found. Is a small amount of backlight bleeding acceptable, or should I exchange for a new umbp?
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Aug 18, 2009
I just bought my white MacBook and its a great computer except for the 2 dead pixels that i found. On the left side there are 2-3 dead pixels about 1 inch from the bottom of the screen and 1 inch from the top.
I bought it from BestBuy this Sunday and only discovered the problem today. So my question is can they tell me that it is OK for an LCD to have 2-3 dead pixels and refuse to do anything with it? It is unacceptable in my opinion, as the LCD technologies have been out for a while, as well as Apple's products are usually of very high quality.
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Sep 22, 2009
this morning i turned on my comp and everthing was fine, but then my son started to watch something on youtube and this blinking stripe appeared i thought it was the youtube image, when he closed it, it was my comp screen!! the sun hits directly on the back of the comp, and i've been told that it could damage the comp, could that be it? i have a mac os x 10.4.11.
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Jul 18, 2010
So after giving up the new iMacs after two replacements about six months ago for yellow screens......I thought I would try again.
The good news is that the white is very uniform with no yellowing. The bad news is that it has this dark band across the bottom of the screen just above the dock.
So I am basically in the same spot I was six months ago. Replace the unit for a new one, replace the screen, or just live with it. Maybe I am being too anal but for $2,500, I shouldn't have to live with anything but a perfect screen.
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Jun 13, 2012
How do I delete app update from the bottom of screen in apps icon.
MacBook Air
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Aug 29, 2014
I have a MacBook Pro mid 2010 os x 10.7.5 8 gigs memory. When I am on a website, the dock is hidden on the bottom of the screen. Cannot get it to come up. I also cannot x out of a website, because the x is gone! I have to restart the computer to be able to get to a new screen. I have checked the settings on the dock, and I have them right.
macbook pro, Mac OS X (10.6.4)
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Dec 22, 2010
My son wants to record his Call of Duty battles. I tried using Quicktime screen recording. It sort of worked but I have a blurry bar on the right side and bottom. Am I asking to much of my iMac (2.66 C2D with ATI 2600)? I quit other apps and made sure that I was not paging out to the HDD. How to improve the quality of the recording?
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Apr 21, 2008
Everything is perfect except a white back light bleeding in a form of a line from above 3-4 inches from the bottom of the screen. Its only visible in solid black background.
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Jun 28, 2008
It seems my MBA has developed some issues with the LCD, there is a noticeable dark patch on the bottom of the screen and it is really bugging me, normally little things like these I can get over with but seeing how much I paid for this laptop it is very disconcerting. Oh and also, when the screen is off and viewed under a sun/bright light, you can see waves / "ripples" of the LCD, is that supposed to be normal? Just wondering if Applecare will "care" about this issue.
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Aug 13, 2008
I have a macbook air in my household (it is not my laptop, but i bought it for my wife) and I am having a couple of issues.
1) occasionally, hard to reproduce, it looks like some of the LEDs at the bottom of the screen are going out. they alternate in a very specific dark light pattern. This started up a couple weeks ago
2) now the keyboard has now become unusable as the number keys are permanently shifted into !@#$% instead of 12345. The keys are not sticky or anything, and there does not appear to be any liquid damage, but then again, i am not the primary user of this laptop so who really knows.
Does any of this sound like something covered under warranty? Are there any water damage indicators i can check to see if damage was caused by this?
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Sep 11, 2009
Bought a Whitebook in August '08 and have noticed lately that the bottom of the screen (around the dock) is brighter than the rest. This extends to the top of the dock (which I have set at pretty small) but can be quite noticeable.
Has anyone heard of this or know any fixes? The screen has been calibrated but this isn't something that I could fix by re-calibrating.
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Dec 24, 2008
I just bought a 12" powerbook from craigslist. The guy I bought it from powered it up outside in the sunlight so I didn't notice until I drove an hour home and booted it up. The bottom of the screen towards the very center is extremely bright compared to the rest of the screen. I discovered that if I push on the bezel right below the LCD, the screen normalizes. However, I can't see anything that looks bent, dented, or cracked anywhere on the screen, bezel, or back of the LCD.
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Mar 5, 2012
I tried the two responses that said to delete some plugins to get Safari to let PDFs go to Finder so they could be downloaded. Didn't work for me. I'm guessing I accidentally changed something in Safari (Security?) that prevents the switchover; I don't get the four icons at the bottom of the screen for certain documents (Including the one inviting a download PDF to Finder), while it works for others. So I have to request paper copies of some forms to be snailmailed to me, rather than emailed.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.3)
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