OS X :: IChat Connection Drop Frequent?
Mar 14, 2008
I have a linksys BEFSX41 v2.1 router (not wireless, hard wired) router. Ever since I hooked my macbook to it is appears that it drops and the reconnects regularly in regards to iChat. I am using my AIM screen name, and I receive this message "Error: Serv:RequestTimeout" frequently. This makes it tough because I can never tell if the person got my last IM or not, and since my screen name signs off and then back on again all the time it drives my friends insane.
I can get AV chat going, and I can use screen share with other macs. I enabled UPnP on my router in hopes that would work but it does not appear to have fixed it. I tried opening up a port that I heard AIM uses (5190) but that didnt fix things either. I'm thinking opening ports probably wont work since if I can IM people, or AV chat without having opened any ports then the program must be already opening ports as needed on its own.
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Jun 9, 2010
Since iTunes 9 came out the improved Home Sharing features has been quite useful to me, but today when I re-formatted my computer I ran into some problems. Both computers are using Windows XP, one is connected via Ethernet and the other one--which I reformatted, let's call it Computer B--connects to the router wirelessly.
I have activated each computer for Home Sharing properly but from Computer B, I can't access Computer A's library. On Computer A, I can access Computer B's shared library and listen to music as normal, at least for a moment - after being connected to the library for a period of about two minutes, it will suddenly disconnect itself and the icon will disappear so I am unable to reconnect. It's strange how I can connect to the library perfectly and just out of nowhere it will disconnect.
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Jul 21, 2009
I have a new (June 09 model) 15" MacBook Pro, 2.66 GHz and I'm experiencing frequent (every 3-5 minute) drop outs on my wireless internet connection, but only when I'm running Mac OS X-- my Windows Vista Ultimate partition is operating flawlessly. After Googling, I have come to the conclusion that this is extremely common in MBPro's since there is such a saturation of search results?
Background on the wireless networks used:
- home: 128-bit WEP-open
- work: WPA2-Enterprise
Again, I haven't experienced a single disconnect when running the following:
- Vista - wireless
- Vista - wired
- Mac OS X - wired
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Mar 22, 2012
Since installing Lion I lose my wireless internet connection frequently - only from the IMAC, not from the IPAD or Dell. I called support and after quite a lengthy "try this" session, I was told that this was a known problem. I can always get it back but sometimes have to unplug the router.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Jan 1, 2010
I have owned my mac for some time now. I have an IMAC 24" and a macbook 13" black. Have owned the Imac for nearly 2 years and macbook for about a year. Absolutely love them and i made the switch from windows for various reasons.
After switching our ISP to "talk talk" (UK) I have noticed that when a windows machine boots up and the wireless is detected my internet connection either drops or cuts out all together. Sometimes having to reset the router. This doesn't always work though. This happens when either an acer laptop running XP Pro or Asus laptop running vista connects.
Im not sure if this is to do with the isp or weather its something in the mac that i could resolve.
I have tried contacting them but usually put through to a call center in India or talk to someone with a strong Indian decent accent. I personally find it hard understanding them so prefer not to call as i feel im being rude constantly asking them to repeat. Also tried signing up to the talk talk forum but it ask for my home number and also a number we was issued with when we bought the package, and i for the life of me cant find it!
Has anyone else had this problem were he internet connection drops? It's fine if i have macbook and imac running at the same time but when the windows joins connection drops or just fails. If anyone else has had this please post.
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Jan 9, 2010
I've had my MBP 13 inch (base model) for less than 4 months and I've been experiencing crazy dropped internet connection, both at my house and at my dorm. At my home, I have a 2WIRE portal modem and it drops at least 10-12 times a day and the only way I can reconnect is if I turn Airport Off and On. Same situation at my dorm , only thing is that I connect via wirelessly. Anyone have a solution to make this annoying dropping go away? My roommate has a Windows Vista Laptop (Gateway) and He has perfect connection and can play WoW and COD4 without lag or disconnection. My Windows XP Desktop (eMachine) and My Windows Vista PC (Dell Inspirion) are running on the same portal at home and they both are connected perfectly.
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Feb 18, 2010
For some reason, whenever I start up iChat it automatically disconnects me and when I try to reconnect it says "iChat lost the connection to the AIM account "". The server connection was unexpectedly lost."
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Jul 3, 2012
my internet connection drop intermittently. How can I diagnose and fix this?
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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Oct 20, 2010
my girlfriend and I live in different cities and our main way of communication is using iChats Video Chat. Before I moved I was on Comcast cable internet and used a Microsoft base station as my wifi router. We never had a problem with connecting to our video chats. She is on Optimum optonline cable internet with a netgear router. Now I have moved in to another place with a friend and we just got Embarq DSL, I am using their 660R router into an older linksys router my roommate had. Now we can never connect to video chat. We alway get the communication error when we try. I even tried hooking my base station up but for some reason I see the wifi but the internet never works for me then. If anyone has any insight on what I can maybe do would be great. I have tried apples test AIM names appleu3test01, 02 and 03. They work for me and I get mac's commercial streaming to me.
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Nov 28, 2010
when I get a picture in Ichat and i go to save it, it auto saves into a weird folder with a name like:
it's a different name each time i save a new pic, however, none of these folders are available in finder, and there's no directory information. Where are these hidden folders hanging out on my mac? How do I get my old pics?
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Jul 1, 2012
I don't know if this is due to the MobileMe services being turned off, but I can't get logged into iChat. I haven't tried it for a few days before today though. It keeps my status off line and when I click on the symbol to the left of the status, the error is, "iChat lost the connection to the Mac.com account [URL]. A network error occurred."Â
I tried my mac.me account, too - still no go. I am using 10.7.4 (Lion) on a Mid 2010 Mac Pro. Nothing has changed (software or hardware) since I used iChat last other than the Digital Camera Raw Compatibility Update 3.14 back on the 28th. Looking up the error in these forums (and other forums on the Internet), I see a lot for AIM, but they are from months prior and are not applicable. I did try restarting iChat, restarting the computer, and restarting my modem and router (although Internet access was working fine, just not iChat). I checked all the settings in iChat preferences and they look good - Server: api.oscar.aol.com, Port: 443 w/SSL.Â
Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4), 6-Core, 27-inch LED Cinema Display
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May 6, 2012
I've iMac OS X Lion 10.7.3 latest version desktop. For couple of months, I'm dealing with dropping wifi connection during working. Every a few minutes, even during surfing though internet pages, wifi connection drops. When you look at the signal level etc.. everything is seems to be fine, but it is not possible to connect internet after close-open wifi. For a while, connection drop happens again.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Jun 28, 2012
Why does my iMac continue to loose wifi connection? My PC setting right next to it does not have the problem. I'm trying to do the switch to iMac but having a tough time. My 1986 DOS PC with 20 Meg hard drive sure was simpler.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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Mar 8, 2010
I've recently converted the whole family to Macs! So I finally have a use for Bonjour in iChat. We have a cabled network at home using 10/100MB switches (so it aint a gigabit LAN). The connection doctor comes up and says that I can't host a multiperson video chat, because the connection is too slow and also that I can't share my screen for the same reason. The odd thing is that I can share my screen, but it refuses to allow me to host the multiperson video conference.
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Sep 10, 2010
Everytime I open iChat, it will not let me log in and it says "The host refused the connection" So some people have suggested that I change the port number to 443. Which then I can log in but I can't video chat. Does anyone know how to fix this?
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Mar 18, 2010
I moved my room around yesterday, and originally my iMac was in the far corner of my small bedroom. After the rearrange, now its on the opposite side of the room, and since then the iMacs internet connection has been unstable. It'll drop, randomly slow down to a crawl etc. My MacBook is fine, and so is my PS3, its just my iMac thats causing havok, all because I moved it from one side of the room to the other. I can't be because I've simply moved the iMac from one side of the room to the other can it? My MacBook can pick up a strong signal from the bottom of the garden, so the iMac really has no excuse.
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May 18, 2008
I have a set top box that has a router attached to it (Siemans Gigaset SE587), this in then attached to my Airport Extreme.
After some minutes i lose connection. I have tried changing Channels which allows me go back on line again, but i think its more a case of it working after every time i restart my Airport. and have even reset the Airport Extreme to create a new network.
The loss of connection has nothing to do with my isp because I am currently directly linked into my mac using the ethernet into my mac . And no connection drop.
Does anyone have a clue what this might be. I am sure my Airport is in good working order, I say that because it was working fine before my isp change.
And when it is able to stay up its working very well.
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Nov 9, 2009
My iChat refuses to open. Every time I click on it to open it it will not open at all and a window will come up saying "The application iChat quit unexpectedly". How can i get my iChat to open and is someone or something hacking into my computer?
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Aug 27, 2007
i would like to get animated icons for ichat and don't know how to do it. i can get other people's animated icons to work but i can't get them
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Nov 27, 2009
I was away from my computer for a day and when I returned I had an IM from a Screen Name that has been harassing me for a couple of months. They keep trying to video chat me or IM me, but I never answer. When I returned to my computer this morning, there was an IM that I opened and was finally going to say something to the person, but when I opened it, there was a couple of messages saying that they have downloaded all of my information and passwords and files. I am going to attach a photo so you can see. It looks a little fishy. I called Apple and they have never seen it. There are no articles about anything like it on google. The persons SN is bolded which is odd since usually when iChat tells you if someone has signed off or on, the SN is not in bold. Also iChat never gives warning messages like these. I feel like it is some script for iChat that someone started using. If not and someone has in fact hacked my system, which I don't believe someone can do through iChat, can someone let me know what to do. Also if they hacked my system some other way, I don't see why iChat would warn me about it and not something else in the computer.
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Nov 2, 2009
unable to initiate video Ichat session. 2 1.xx mhz imacs (powerPC), 10.4.11, both imacs cabled, firewall disabled, all updates on both imacs applied. qtime prefs set to intranet/lan and ichat prefs set to 1mb.
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Mar 31, 2007
When I turn my computer on or wake it up, I am 'connected' or so it says, but I am never able to reach the internet until I (wait a long, seemingly random amount of time or) disable my wireless adapter, re-enable it, and select my wireless network.
I did not experience this problem prior to:
-Trying out a new AirPort Extreme, returning it and going back to my old G router. The AirPort worked great for this computer, but it had problems with the PCs and the xbox 360 (yes.. i know there is a workaround now...)
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Nov 26, 2008
I recently upgraded to OS 10.5 on two desktops. The PowerMac Intel works fine. The G5 Quad seems to be having weekly kernel panics and frequent software crashes (an example yesterday: Word and Safari were open. After a few minutes of no keyboard input whilst reading a webpage, Word crashed, followed by Safari). Running Maya seems to cause the kernel panics. It did so, once in a while, on OX 10.4, but with 10.5 it's become a frequent occurrence. Calling Apple (still on Applecare) doesn't help. They run some diagnostics and can't pinpoint anything. Clearly if they don't recognize the problem, they can't fix it. (I also run Maya on the PowerMac Intel with no problems, so Maya isn't the problem.)
Realplayer, streaming, has been playing during some of these occurrences — is this a known culprit? Any suggestions? Was the G5 Quad just a bad model? Can I turn off whatever causes the kernel panic alerts that freeze my computer? Should I be demanding more out of Applecare — is there anything I should expect them to replace? Should I downgrade to OS 10.4? If so, how do I do this? Many questions I know...
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Sep 24, 2009
I'm new here to this forum and I'd like to get some advice. I've had my 2008 macbook 2.4ghz-160gb since august of last year. I upgraded it to 4gb of ram in the early stages and had no issues till lately.
For the last week, almost daily, Id get the beachball for a long period of time. This happens most frequently when I surf the internet. Occasionally this may occur when i play music in itunes but that is probably due to my library being store on an external hd. With that being said though, as I mentioned, it most likely occurs when I surf the internet. Many times, its not just a browser crash but a system wide crash where my mouse can move but when i click anything in the background, it would have no effect (but my mouse can move still). Only way to 'resolve' this was to do a hard shutdown and restart by holding the power button for few seconds. Of course, this issue keeps happening and it pissed me off so I looked around the net to find some possible solutions and many sites claimed flash being an issue. I uninstalled flash and retested and the problem still occurred. Reading maclife, it mentioned about some fsck -fy thing during boot up so i ran that test and found no errors. Restarted again, did some surfing and still the problem.
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Apr 27, 2012
I recently (2 months ago) purchased a new mac book pro and migrated everything from my older mac book pro running Snow Leopard to Lion.Since moving to Lion I have been experiencing frequent crashes of Mac Mail, I spend a large portion of my work day in mail and experience this as many as a dozen times a day. Mac Mail will crash while
1) composing an email,
2) when clicking a link in an email
3) clicking the attachment icon to add an attachment
4) clicking on an attachment that has been sent to me
5) somestimes just trying to exit/close Mac Mail and the it hangs and I have tp force quit. After Mac Mail crashes and is restarted, clicking on the same link or attachment will workI have removed my mail IMAP folder and settings and re-established the connection from scratch but the problem persists.I have ran the disk permissions repair utility and the problem persists. I have ran the verfiy disk utility and it reports no problems.I have ran the Apple hardware tests including the extended tests and no hardware issues are found. Has one experienced somewthing similiar?Does anyone have any suggestions where to start looking for the root cause? All crash reports seem to look [code]
MacBook Pro (15-inch Late 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Jun 29, 2012
I have a Mac Pro Early 2008. Here's my set-up:Â BootDrive (Mercury Excelsior PCI SSD 240 GB): contains OS X and applicationsDataDrive (2.25 TB RAID 0 with three 750 GB drives): contains files, pictures, music, videoTime Machine Backup (2 TB drive)Â Recently I've been experiencing frequent crashes. These mostly happen when the computer is sleeping. For example, I'll put it to sleep before going to bed, and I'll wake up in the morning to find it unresponsive when I attempt to wake it up. (Also: the computer tends to be waking itself up from sleep, i.e. I'll wake up and it will be powered up, even though I put it to sleep the night before.)Â When I notice that it has crashed, I hold down the power button on the tower until it shuts off, then press it again to start up. When I do, it boots into Safe Mode. Does this suggest a problem is due to a peripheral or drive?Â
The first time this happened, one of my internal drives got corrupted and I had to use Disk Utility to repair it. The second time it happened the permissions on my data drive got screwed up, and a few files on that drive got corrupted (including my Lightroom library). It just happened a third time, and once again the permissions on the Data drive are screwed up. If I recall, this all started happening after I installed the Mercury Excelsior PCI SSD. But it appears to be functioning well. I've run Verify Disk and it says it has no problems.Â
Mac Pro 2.8 (Early '08), Mac OS X (10.5.2), 10 GB RAM, 74GB 10k Raptor, 2x 750GB RAID, 23" ACD
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Jun 26, 2014
I use Mail on 10.9.3 with multiple IMAP accounts (but almost nothing the servers, all local in many folders). In the last days Mail started to crash several times a day, mostly when I interact with messages (replies, moving to folders, attachment stuff etc.) I am too fast for Mail - but that never was the case before and I have a fast machine and Internet connection.
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Dec 8, 2014
My MacBook Air has required a PRAM reset twice recently. Why is this? What can I do to prevent this?
MacBook Air, iOS 8.1
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Dec 18, 2007
I'm using my G5 for both personal use and work so it's on all the time. It has worked flawless with this same hardware config for almost 2 years, but for the past week or so I've had about 4 to 5 kernel panics or complete system freeze a day. This happens when doing web browsing, Final Cut Pro editing, playing a game etc, so basically I can't pinpoint it to a specific application, or to a piece of hardware I've added. I have ran REMBER to test my ram and all seems fine.
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Nov 21, 2010
As the topic suggests I keep getting kernel panics when playing games on the 9600 m GT (it never happens on the 9400 m). I never have kernel panics when playing left 4 dead 2, but I get them playing left 4 dead 1 and games like WoW and Age of Empires 3. Here is my crash report, and I don't game in bootcamp. Running 10.6.5 on a late 2008 unibody macbook pro. Can anyone tell me from the crash report what's going on?
Interval Since Last Panic Report: 208581 sec
Panics Since Last Report: 1
Anonymous UUID: 55F60F32-2766-4A42-924D-A9BE54D6B298
Sat Nov 20 20:51:58 2010
panic(cpu 1 caller 0x9cdbfa): NVRM[0/2:0:0]: Read Error 0x00000100: CFG 0xffffffff 0xffffffff 0xffffffff, BAR0 0xd4000000 0x59b80000 0x096380c1, D0, P3/4
Backtrace (CPU 1), Frame : Return Address (4 potential args on stack)........................
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