OS X Mavericks :: Frequent Mail Crashes
Jun 26, 2014
I use Mail on 10.9.3 with multiple IMAP accounts (but almost nothing the servers, all local in many folders). In the last days Mail started to crash several times a day, mostly when I interact with messages (replies, moving to folders, attachment stuff etc.) I am too fast for Mail - but that never was the case before and I have a fast machine and Internet connection.
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Aug 25, 2014
Since the last itunes update (May be a co incidence) , my 27" Mac keeps crashing with a white screen and flickering It then wont restart most times, even when using boot up options such as option, Cmd P+R. even removing power!waiting and restarting etc on most restarts wont work its a white screen.
iMac (27-inch Mid 2011), OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)
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Sep 24, 2009
I'm new here to this forum and I'd like to get some advice. I've had my 2008 macbook 2.4ghz-160gb since august of last year. I upgraded it to 4gb of ram in the early stages and had no issues till lately.
For the last week, almost daily, Id get the beachball for a long period of time. This happens most frequently when I surf the internet. Occasionally this may occur when i play music in itunes but that is probably due to my library being store on an external hd. With that being said though, as I mentioned, it most likely occurs when I surf the internet. Many times, its not just a browser crash but a system wide crash where my mouse can move but when i click anything in the background, it would have no effect (but my mouse can move still). Only way to 'resolve' this was to do a hard shutdown and restart by holding the power button for few seconds. Of course, this issue keeps happening and it pissed me off so I looked around the net to find some possible solutions and many sites claimed flash being an issue. I uninstalled flash and retested and the problem still occurred. Reading maclife, it mentioned about some fsck -fy thing during boot up so i ran that test and found no errors. Restarted again, did some surfing and still the problem.
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Jun 29, 2012
I have a Mac Pro Early 2008. Here's my set-up: BootDrive (Mercury Excelsior PCI SSD 240 GB): contains OS X and applicationsDataDrive (2.25 TB RAID 0 with three 750 GB drives): contains files, pictures, music, videoTime Machine Backup (2 TB drive) Recently I've been experiencing frequent crashes. These mostly happen when the computer is sleeping. For example, I'll put it to sleep before going to bed, and I'll wake up in the morning to find it unresponsive when I attempt to wake it up. (Also: the computer tends to be waking itself up from sleep, i.e. I'll wake up and it will be powered up, even though I put it to sleep the night before.) When I notice that it has crashed, I hold down the power button on the tower until it shuts off, then press it again to start up. When I do, it boots into Safe Mode. Does this suggest a problem is due to a peripheral or drive?
The first time this happened, one of my internal drives got corrupted and I had to use Disk Utility to repair it. The second time it happened the permissions on my data drive got screwed up, and a few files on that drive got corrupted (including my Lightroom library). It just happened a third time, and once again the permissions on the Data drive are screwed up. If I recall, this all started happening after I installed the Mercury Excelsior PCI SSD. But it appears to be functioning well. I've run Verify Disk and it says it has no problems.
Mac Pro 2.8 (Early '08), Mac OS X (10.5.2), 10 GB RAM, 74GB 10k Raptor, 2x 750GB RAID, 23" ACD
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May 28, 2012
recently my Mac Mini started behaving abnormally. I've started getting kernel panics and app crashes. I tried repairing permissions, repairing my disk and even reset my PRAM. I just bought my Mini 2 months ago so its new.
Mac mini, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Apr 14, 2012
My MacBook pro started to throw frequent program crashes. I cannot nail this down to a specific program. I've repaired permissions, checked RAM with remember, even re-installed using internet recovery.
[Crash Report]
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Jun 24, 2014
When i try to print from Mail App, the app crashes, not always, in a day could be 5 times.
My printer is Xerox 6260DN
My MacBook Pro is new, have the 10.9.3, i have configured mi iCloud mail and 3 Gmail accounts
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Sep 10, 2014
This began happening recently on my late 2011 MacBook Pro. Nothing new was added. I try to print a message and the application crashes. When I restart it, it's okay. Then it happens again, but only some of the time. Here's the error message. (I found the same error in another query to this community, but there were no answers.)
Process: Mail [9935]
Path: /Applications/Mail.app/Contents/MacOS/Mail
Identifier: com.apple.mail
Version: 7.3 (1878.6)
Build Info: Mail-1878006000000000~1
Code Type: X86-64 (Native)
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Sep 2, 2014
My mac mail application crashes right when it is opened. Currently I only have my iCloud email and my Gmail being used in Mail. I have narrowed it down to Gmail because it does not crash once that account is removed.
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Aug 20, 2014
Mail crashes when I try to print, also TextEdit after I installed mavericks recently.
iMac, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)
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Jun 21, 2014
Mail crashes at least twice a day taking the whole OS with it. Seems to occur mainly after being idle for some time... and has got worse with Maverick 10.9.3
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Aug 25, 2014
Late 2009 iMac running 10.9.4 - Apple Mail - Crashes when any message is selected.
I've tried removing mail preferences from Library, rebooting in safe mode and restarting, resetting PRAM, verifying and repairing preferences - no luck.
iMac, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4), Intel Core 2 Duo, 3.06 GHz, 4 GB
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Jul 2, 2014
I'm able to open the app but it won't display any of the actual details of my emails. When I try to open them standalone the app crashes too. Tried googling for fixes, most of them include Terminal which seemingly won't open anymore either.
Must note that I haven't deleted anything or downloaded anything untoward since this error started occurring.
Pasted from the error log of my mail app:
Process: Mail [1332]
Path: /Applications/Mail.app/Contents/MacOS/Mail
Identifier: com.apple.mail
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Jun 4, 2014
Just upgraded from Mountain Lion to Mavericks 10.9.3 on a 2012 Mac Mini 4 core. When attempting to add an attachment to an email, both Mac Mail and Thunderbird start with the spinning beachball and never recover. Force Quit is the only option. Even after that, the Finder has strange screen artifacts left over from Mail (attach file dialog box) and Finder must be relaunched as well.
Dragging and dropping files works okay with Mac Mail. This option does not exist when using Thunderbird, so no workaround available for that App. Also, Mac Mail only gets stuck when attempting to attach files on the desktop. Files from other locations attach OK.
Already tried Repair Permissions, Repair Disk, Reinstalled Mavericks with no change. For now, I have gone back to Mountain Lion since this is a deal breaker, even though everything else seems to work ok (except for the occasional brief spinning beach ball).
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Aug 27, 2014
For myself and several others at our organization, Mail.app started crashing a couple of days ago whenever a message is opened and the sender's email address is in our Exchange Global Address Book. The question then is, how does Mail display or look up those addresses differently in the message reading window/pane rather than "external" email addresses?
MacBook Pro, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)
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Sep 3, 2014
I DREAD having to restart my Mac. Because every time I get met by a Time Machine 'unable to write' fault. And you can't reformat the disc (can't unmount) with disc utility. (even unmounting with Terminal, and stopping indexing with Terminal, both of which fail)
The only way is to plug the Time Machine disc into a Windows PC and reformat with that.
Mac mini, OS X Mavericks (10.9)
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Apr 27, 2012
I recently (2 months ago) purchased a new mac book pro and migrated everything from my older mac book pro running Snow Leopard to Lion.Since moving to Lion I have been experiencing frequent crashes of Mac Mail, I spend a large portion of my work day in mail and experience this as many as a dozen times a day. Mac Mail will crash while
1) composing an email,
2) when clicking a link in an email
3) clicking the attachment icon to add an attachment
4) clicking on an attachment that has been sent to me
5) somestimes just trying to exit/close Mac Mail and the it hangs and I have tp force quit. After Mac Mail crashes and is restarted, clicking on the same link or attachment will workI have removed my mail IMAP folder and settings and re-established the connection from scratch but the problem persists.I have ran the disk permissions repair utility and the problem persists. I have ran the verfiy disk utility and it reports no problems.I have ran the Apple hardware tests including the extended tests and no hardware issues are found. Has one experienced somewthing similiar?Does anyone have any suggestions where to start looking for the root cause? All crash reports seem to look [code]
MacBook Pro (15-inch Late 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Jun 23, 2014
Ive been getting this issue on my macbook quite frequently now; dont think its hardware related and occurs randomly at any time up to 3 times a day where the computer will slowly begin to freeze.
It (usually) begins by my browser not being able to access a website (just a white screen in browser section), at this point im able to alt tab between apps for some time but eventually everything will hard freeze, same with the cursor which will turn into a rainbow wheel and also eventually freeze.
Can only resolve this by power button for 6 secs (good thing it starts up in 5 seconds)
MacBook Pro
Retina, 13-inch, Late 2013
Processor 2.4 GHz Intel Core i5
Memory 8 GB 1600 MHz DDR3
Software OS X 10.9.3 (13D65)
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Jul 1, 2014
For the last week or so I've been having an increasingly regular problem with Mail. Upon launching, the app opens a dialog window saying, "Mail can't connect to the Google account 'Gmail'. Enter the password for user (username)." Then when I enter the password, the app crashes. Sometimes clicking the "Cancel" botton allows the app to open, but sometimes that results in a crash as well. Also, when I can launch Mail successfully, sometimes when I try to send mail, the outgoing mail will sit in the Outbox unsent.
I've been getting these warnings with both my Yahoo and Gmail accounts. Until a few days ago I was using Yahoo as my primary account, but the inability to send mail caused me to switch to Gmail as my primary. After a couple days of smooth sailing, I'm now getting the same errors with my Gmail.
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Jan 6, 2009
Yesterday my computer wouldn't start, and I tried everything for many hours, but no solution.. Finally I decided to start over. I booted from install disc and recreated my system from Timemachine.. So i chose the latest full backup option, and after 7 hours of recreating, my mac is back.. Thank you TimeMachine.
Everything works like a charm..
My mail, launched and prompted me to import my mailboxes. So I tried but some of the mailboxes won't import.. Mail Crashes when I try.
Any one out there who knows how to retrieve these mail??
It is 2 INBOX.mbox and 1 Sent.mbox.
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Apr 3, 2012
My mail application crashes every time I try to either compose a new mail or reply to a mail.
I recently migrated from a old MBP to a new one and only after that have started noticing this issue.
I was already using Lion on my old MBP and continue to do the same on the new machine. I am on Mail Version 5.2 (1257) and OS - Mac OS X Version 10.7.3
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Jun 26, 2014
I have installed SP3 for Office for Mac and now all applications crash. "unexpected error," the detail behind the outlook message reads.
Error Signature: Exception: EXC_BAD_ACCESS Date/Time: 2014-06-27 00:56:04 +0000 Application Name: Microsoft Outlook Application Bundle ID: com.microsoft.Outlook Application Signature: OPIM Application Version: Crashed Module Name: MicrosoftComponentPlugin Crashed Module Version: Crashed Module Offset: 0x00019db9 Blame Module Name: MicrosoftComponentPlugin Blame Module Version: Blame Module Offset: 0x00019db9 Application LCID: 1033 Extra app info: Reg=en Loc=0x0409 Crashed thread: 0
I cannot uninstall SP3 and have tried rebuilding microsoft database utility fails at step 4
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Dec 6, 2014
start getting kernel panel in mavericks quite a few months agoended up taking to apple...diagnosed as hard drive issue, replaced hard-driveafter hard drive replaced, still getting kernel panics (various things including chrome)format and reinstall OS (Mavericks)took back to apple service provided, replaced hard-drive again.Upgraded to Yosemite however in mid 2010 iMac it really slowed things down. Had to take out third party ram because kept result in crashes that quickly lead to damaged sections on hard-drive so had to reintall OS. Only had 4Gb of original apple ram.due to sluggy performance of yosmite, recently (today) "downgraded" to mavericks.Install third party ram back into computer (now have 12 Gb)Experienced 2 kernal panics already. Can't work out what the issues is
This is pretty bare bones. Not much intsalled since "downgraded"to Mavericks. Log below
Anonymous UUID: 70839E70-ABD9-96BC-44B9-DB2EFDE0782F
Sat Dec 6 21:10:13 2014
panic(cpu 0 caller 0xffffff800acc63e7): "pmap_page_protect() " "pmap=0xffffff802969f728 pn=0x284577 vaddr=0x10b881000
"@/SourceCache/xnu/xnu-2422.115.4/osfmk/i386/pmap_x86_common .c:1336
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Aug 23, 2014
My computer keeps restarting itself while running World of Warcraft (and only WoW) and when it reboots I get an error screen that looks like this [URL]....
I have tried re-installing the game and even completely re-installing OSX. I have the most current version of the game installed.
MacBook, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)
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Aug 22, 2014
I am using a 2009 27" iMac running Mavericks 10.9.4. Occasionally the OS freezes and the following message appears:
An Internal Messages error occurred.
There was a problem with Messages. You need to quit and open Messages again.
The mouse still moves, but the rest of the OS is totally frozen. I try to click on the Quit button in the error message dialog, but that does nothing.
There is no reaction to keyboard presses. The only solution is to hold down the Power button until the computer shuts off.
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Sep 3, 2014
iBooks crashes every time I try to launch. Here is the crash log.
Process: iBooks [459]
Path: /Applications/iBooks.app/Contents/MacOS/iBooks
Identifier: com.apple.iBooksX
Version: 1.0.1 (281)
Build Info: iBooks-281000000000000~1
[Code] ....
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Jun 23, 2014
For the past several months (and only since downloading Mavericks) Finder crashes about 50% of the time I try to name a file on the Desktop. I click the file, hit 'enter', and either right away or while trying to type the first letter, the rainbow spinning wheel comes up and I have to Relaunch Finder.
My computer specifications:MacBook Pro, 13-inch, Late 2011Processor: 2.4 GHz Intel Core i5Graphics: Intel HD Graphics 3000 384 MBSoftware: OS X 10.9.3 (13D65)Memory: 4 GBStorage: 415.18 GB free out of 499.25 GB; 500 GB SATA Disk
Relaunching Finder will usually cancel any changes made to the document name before it crashed, and will allow me to then name the file, but usually the next file I try to rename crashes and the process repeats.
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Jun 26, 2014
Process: Preview [9453]
Path: /Applications/Preview.app/Contents/MacOS/Preview
Identifier: com.apple.Preview
Version: 7.0 (826.4)
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Jul 1, 2014
On 6/27 I upgraded from 10.8.x (don't remember which version specifically) to 10.9.3. Since then, my 2012 Macbook Pro has been crashing every 20-90 minutes - a complete crash/reboot. The crashes happen regardless of what apps I'm running - there does not seem to be a particular trigger. Upon rebooting, all of the open apps/windows reload and I get the standard "do you want to report this to apple" message. The only time it does NOT crash is if I'm not actively using it - e.g. if I let it go to sleep at night, it will not crash overnight.
Everything was fine before I upgraded to 10.9.3, and I have made no other changes to my setup.
The first thing I tried was creating a new user so I could see if the problem was isolated to my user account - the crashes persisted even on a completely new user. Next, I tried booting from partition and erasing the hard drive entirely, reinstalling the OS, and then choosing "setup from time capsule" - no dice; still crashes. Finally, I tried creating a new user and then using "migration assistant" to migrate my user info, and while the migration assistant itself worked just fine, it's still crashing.
(Unfortunately, my time capsule backup is from right AFTER I upgraded to 10.9.3, so that might be the reason that those "solutions" didn't fix anything)
At this point I would even be willing to start completely from scratch (at least I could import all of my documents, music, etc from my hard drive), but there is no way for me to force it to start "fresh" - if I boot from partition so I can erase the hard drive and then reinstall the OS, I can't get past the Disk Utility screen (so my only option is to set up from the time capsule!).
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Sep 4, 2014
The Reminders App have become unusable. I unable to create a new Reminder or modify an existing one. Every time I want to make a change in a field in the individual Reminder window it closes. This makes creation and updating impossible. From time to time the App just crashes for no apparent reason.
I am using a 27-inch, Late 2013 iMac, 3,5 GHz Intel Core i7, OS X 10.9.4 (13E28).
iMac, OS X Mavericks (10.9)
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