MacBook Pro :: Internet Drop Connection - How To Fix It
Jan 9, 2010
I've had my MBP 13 inch (base model) for less than 4 months and I've been experiencing crazy dropped internet connection, both at my house and at my dorm. At my home, I have a 2WIRE portal modem and it drops at least 10-12 times a day and the only way I can reconnect is if I turn Airport Off and On. Same situation at my dorm , only thing is that I connect via wirelessly. Anyone have a solution to make this annoying dropping go away? My roommate has a Windows Vista Laptop (Gateway) and He has perfect connection and can play WoW and COD4 without lag or disconnection. My Windows XP Desktop (eMachine) and My Windows Vista PC (Dell Inspirion) are running on the same portal at home and they both are connected perfectly.
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Jul 3, 2012
my internet connection drop intermittently. How can I diagnose and fix this?
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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Jan 1, 2010
I have owned my mac for some time now. I have an IMAC 24" and a macbook 13" black. Have owned the Imac for nearly 2 years and macbook for about a year. Absolutely love them and i made the switch from windows for various reasons.
After switching our ISP to "talk talk" (UK) I have noticed that when a windows machine boots up and the wireless is detected my internet connection either drops or cuts out all together. Sometimes having to reset the router. This doesn't always work though. This happens when either an acer laptop running XP Pro or Asus laptop running vista connects.
Im not sure if this is to do with the isp or weather its something in the mac that i could resolve.
I have tried contacting them but usually put through to a call center in India or talk to someone with a strong Indian decent accent. I personally find it hard understanding them so prefer not to call as i feel im being rude constantly asking them to repeat. Also tried signing up to the talk talk forum but it ask for my home number and also a number we was issued with when we bought the package, and i for the life of me cant find it!
Has anyone else had this problem were he internet connection drops? It's fine if i have macbook and imac running at the same time but when the windows joins connection drops or just fails. If anyone else has had this please post.
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Mar 14, 2008
I have a linksys BEFSX41 v2.1 router (not wireless, hard wired) router. Ever since I hooked my macbook to it is appears that it drops and the reconnects regularly in regards to iChat. I am using my AIM screen name, and I receive this message "Error: Serv:RequestTimeout" frequently. This makes it tough because I can never tell if the person got my last IM or not, and since my screen name signs off and then back on again all the time it drives my friends insane.
I can get AV chat going, and I can use screen share with other macs. I enabled UPnP on my router in hopes that would work but it does not appear to have fixed it. I tried opening up a port that I heard AIM uses (5190) but that didnt fix things either. I'm thinking opening ports probably wont work since if I can IM people, or AV chat without having opened any ports then the program must be already opening ports as needed on its own.
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Jul 5, 2012
I have a MacPro Early 2009, 2 ethernet ports.Ethernet 1 is connected to the LAN and Ethernet 2 is connected directly to a SSL Matrix console (an audio mixer), whom driver needs the used ethernet port to be first of the list in the Network connections list in System Preferences.So when I browse internet I can't use the Matrix's software, and vice versa.I had to create 2 different network positions to browse internet and to work with SSL Matrix, one with Eth 1 first place, another one with Eth 2 first place, and I always have to swap positions.Is there a way to force OSX to use by default the 2nd connection of the list for internet access?Â
MacPro 4,1 8-Core 2.26 GHz, Mac OS X (10.6.8), 12Gb Ram
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Aug 21, 2006
I'm on holiday using my mobile phone (Nokia N80) to connect to the Internet over GPRS / EDGE / UMTS. Everything works like a charm, but often the Internet Connect applet drops the connection and just hangs disconnecting.
I'm running OS X 10.4.7 on a 17" Macbook pro, but I have the same result on a iBook G4, same OS X version, and even trying with a different mobile phone (Nokia 6600) and different network service provider.
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May 6, 2012
I've iMac OS X Lion 10.7.3 latest version desktop. For couple of months, I'm dealing with dropping wifi connection during working. Every a few minutes, even during surfing though internet pages, wifi connection drops. When you look at the signal level etc.. everything is seems to be fine, but it is not possible to connect internet after close-open wifi. For a while, connection drop happens again.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Jun 28, 2012
Why does my iMac continue to loose wifi connection? My PC setting right next to it does not have the problem. I'm trying to do the switch to iMac but having a tough time. My 1986 DOS PC with 20 Meg hard drive sure was simpler.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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Mar 18, 2010
I moved my room around yesterday, and originally my iMac was in the far corner of my small bedroom. After the rearrange, now its on the opposite side of the room, and since then the iMacs internet connection has been unstable. It'll drop, randomly slow down to a crawl etc. My MacBook is fine, and so is my PS3, its just my iMac thats causing havok, all because I moved it from one side of the room to the other. I can't be because I've simply moved the iMac from one side of the room to the other can it? My MacBook can pick up a strong signal from the bottom of the garden, so the iMac really has no excuse.
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May 18, 2008
I have a set top box that has a router attached to it (Siemans Gigaset SE587), this in then attached to my Airport Extreme.
After some minutes i lose connection. I have tried changing Channels which allows me go back on line again, but i think its more a case of it working after every time i restart my Airport. and have even reset the Airport Extreme to create a new network.
The loss of connection has nothing to do with my isp because I am currently directly linked into my mac using the ethernet into my mac . And no connection drop.
Does anyone have a clue what this might be. I am sure my Airport is in good working order, I say that because it was working fine before my isp change.
And when it is able to stay up its working very well.
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Jun 20, 2012
Can't get internet connection
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Aug 12, 2009
I know there are a lot of similar threads all around different forums, but nothing really helped and I was hoping some of you smart ladies/guys can help solve this issue once and for all.
Here's the deal:
My main desktop computer (Compaq windows XP computer) is set-up upstairs where the cable router and linksys wireless router are placed (which is right next to the desktop on the desk). My Macbook (running Tiger and is 3 years old) and iMac (running Leopard and is not even 1 year old yet) are set-up downstairs in my new office. This room is in the basement, however the room is almost directly above the main office where the wired desktop computer resides.
Prior to setting up my office downstairs, my sister lived with my family in the basement and had her windows Vista laptop set-up without any internet connection issues. Her internet never dropped on her laptop, and neither did the connection on her wireless all-in-one printer/scanner/copier. Cell phone reception/internet connection in the basement is also great.
When I set up my iMac and Macbook however a few weeks ago, the internet keeps dropping connection! I do not understand this when my sister had no problems at all with her laptop getting internet connection, when she was living with us. The internet connection will stay good for either 10-30 minutes and then drop, or it could be good for up to an hour and then drop.
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Feb 8, 2012
My iMac has just gotten all grumpy and weird with me, when attempting to browse anything on the internet (or even trying to access the router via everything is ridiculously slow or just doesn't load. At first the speed went down dramatically - i went on and did a test, the page took a good 5 mins to load and after the test it turned out that i had a speed of 0.2 Mbps (my average speed on a good day is about 2.5 Mbps, shocking i know!) Ive tried turning the computer off and restarting it to no avail. Im doing this on my Macbook Pro which is sat next to the iMac and with a speed test is coming up with speed of about 2.2 Mbps, so its clearly the machine and not the internet/router. Ive tried using Safari, Chrome and Firefox they all provide the same, unusably slow responces.
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May 29, 2012
My Macbookpro was giving me a startup disk full message so I emptied out my photo library and itunes library to an external drive. By then I think the damage was done because I was still encountering the spinning color wheel all the time. On the advice of he Genius bar I reinstalled Lion. It worked well except for this one glitch. I can no longer drag and drop photos from the internet.
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Apr 13, 2010
My wireless internet connection is "shotty". The desktop that it is connected to works fine, however, for the last few days my MacBook has been having trouble. The connection will just hang. I can click on the "wireless icon" in the upper right, click "Open Network Preferences" and then click "Assist Me" then "Diagnostics..." and run that. It will pick it back up and say it is connected. It will work for a good 10 minutes, then I have to repeat the process. I have restarted my MacBook as well as restarted the "box". Any ideas? My TV runs via the internet (U-Verse) and it never hangs or freezes when my MacBook does, also the desktop was working fine at the same time as the TV was working fine but my MacBook was hanging. Also my old Compaq hangs as well. I think the TV is wireless too? The box is in a different room, but like I said it never freezes.
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May 10, 2012
I bought my first mac in February 2012. Ever since the beginning the Internet connection is always dropped. I have to click the wifi logo in the upper right hand corner and click turn wifi-off. I can immediately turn it back on and immediately the connection is fine again.
Info:MacBook Air
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Jun 29, 2014
I have a mac air, I connect via WiFi with internet. However, I would like to share my internet connection so that I can connect with my iPhone.
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Oct 31, 2010
I have been experiencing severe drops of my internet connection in OSX. I have tried different routers and multiple computers in the house but it's clearly my MBP that randomly looses its internet connection (WLAN stays connected). It's getting really frustrating. Is anyone else experiencing similar issues?
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Jan 9, 2011
My notebook is about to arrive and I'm trying to learn how to connect two macs to a single internet connection. I'm starting from scratch, really -- I'm learning what a router / switch / ethernet are! Ideally, it would be nice if I could keep my existing cable connection to my Imac and install a wireless connection to my notebook. But I don't know if it is possible and how to do that. I've not found clear advices on such installation, yet. Also, since I'll move in June, I searching for the cheapest solution.
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Apr 26, 2008
I have an ibook with Leopard installed and its connected to the internet through airport. What I'm trying to do is share the internet connection to my xbox via an internet cable but i cant find any settings in system preferences to do that.
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Jul 31, 2008
I've been having issues with my wireless. I use my home wireless network as my primary internet connection. I've noticed that I'll be using it without any problems, and then suddenly I notice pages arent loading (or if i'm playing WoW, huge lag spike.) The only way to get it going normal again is to turn the airport off and back on, and let it reconnect. Sometimes that fixes it for the rest of the day, other times I have to do that every 30 minutes. It just depends. I found [URL] but that doesn't seem to be the issue at hand, because my signal never drops, the connection just dies. Anyway of a fix? It's a pain in the ass to have to always turn my wifi on and off.
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Nov 6, 2008
I did a software update to my computer (2.4 macbook) and now my internet won't connect. It says I have a connection in my Airport info, but when I try to get on the network it won't let me.
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Jul 20, 2009
I am sharing the wifi connection from my MBP to my desktop since I haven't run a wire or set up wireless yet. It works, but every minute or two the Limited or No Connectivity icon appears, and for a few seconds, the desktop is offline. After a few seconds, it works again. This has happened with the desktop running both XP and Linux, so I don't think it's an OS issue. The wifi connection on my MBP is rock solid, and it always works just fine whether or not the desktop can connect.
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Sep 9, 2009
I'm trying to connect my Macbook Pro to the internet via bluetooth getting the internet connection from my Samsung Tocco Lite mobile phone.
Following another thread on an O2 forum (going to system preferences, networks etc.), I think I got most of the way there, but after attempting to connect it disconnects and says that it can't connect properly (sorry I can't remember the exact message, I'll check again later and put it on here).
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Jan 31, 2010
I have a linksys wireless N router and my macbook pro constantly loses connection to the internet. Is anyone else experiancing this problem?
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Apr 20, 2010
Have a white macbook about 3 years old/intel etc etc..I have found that when I'm at home plugged into a hardwire internet connection I get respectable torrent download speeds (100-200kb's/sec). I work in the oil and gas industry in Alberta and stay at camps often..When I connect the same laptop there my torrent download speed is terrible (10-15kb's/sec) even though downloads are permitted and many of the pc laptop users don't have a problem with the speeds. Primarily use vuze but have tried a few other torrent downloaders..Is there something within my computer settings or downloader settings that slowing me down and if so could you provide any advice on how to over come this.
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Mar 26, 2012
I purchased the facetime app for my Macbook Pro and everytime I try to sign in the internet connection fails. What should I do?
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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May 6, 2012
I have an airport connection but I cannot connect to the internet. I have lots of other devices that are connected and work fine.
Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Jun 10, 2012
Often my MPA and/or my friends MBP drop Internet connection! The only way to get it connected again is to restart it over and over again.
Info:Mac OS X (10.7.2)
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Jun 19, 2012
Wifi works but no connection to Internet. 2nd MacBook Pro on same wifi network works (but is using Snow Leopard while I am using lion 10.7.4). iPad works.
Info:MacBookPro, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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