OS X :: Folder Turned Into A UNIX File?
Sep 29, 2009
I'm using Tiger
so I wanted to change my documents icon to a really fancy icon so I found this site called [URL] and followed the steps to change it into a suitcase of some sort. But my documents wouldn't open, and a dialog box popped up and said something about how no application can be run with this and it had the option to choose an application. So I deleted the suitcase, and now the folder has turned into a UNIX file which is not accessible.
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May 7, 2008
I've been asked to upgrade the disk of a macbook pro (MacOsX 10.5.2), so I cloned it with superduper and I've switched the old hard disk with he new one.
After I've started the system everything but Entourage worked, so I checked the disk, and I found that Documents folder has disappeared, and I found an empty plain text file instead of it. Documents stack in the dock now shows a curious question point icon, and there's no trace of any of the file and folder that were inside of Documents.
I've put the original disk in the MacBook Pro, but I found that it was identical to his clone.
I've also tried to use Nucleus Kernel and Boomerang Data Recovery to find all the lost stuff, but they found nothing.
I don't know what to do, I have to recover all the data, mails and the other stuff which was inside, but I don't know if it is possible and how could this be done.
In Windows I had to recover data from deleted folders, even from corrupted partitions, and I succeded in finding the files I was looking for, sometimes I had to rename the files I found, but I succeded in recovering client's data nearly everytime.
Now I'm very confused, as I've always thought this kind of accidents could not happen in a Mac enviroment.
What can I do? Is there any kind of data recovery service able to restore Documents directory from its file status?
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Apr 12, 2009
Aight, the thing is he got an UNIX-file, he want to install. I found out, that Fink are very useful here. However, we could install Fink, but not the UNIX archive. So here it goes. Simple question: How do you install an UNIX archive using Fink?
Trust me, I tried Google 2049x times, but that didn't help me alot so I'm asking you guys
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May 15, 2012
I have a cd from a Dr. with x-ray images on it (supposedly). The files say "Unix Executable File". It seems I have no application with which to open them on my fancy desktop.... Can you recommend a software program to open or translate the files so that they are readable, and perhaps compatible with iPhoto?
iMac (21.5-inch Mid 2011)
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Nov 5, 2007
I installed Leopard on my MacBook Pro (Core Duo) from day one (totally clean install) and it's been smooth-sailing.
One niggle I had was that my Macintosh HD had all of the ugly Unix file structure exposed (see pic). I thought this was a bit sloppy and un-Apple, then when I saw a friend's mac and realised that it wasn't normal I assumed that for some reason hidden files were just visible - nope. I ran the command line commands to re-hide hidden files and it had no effect.
Anyone know how I can amend this aesthetic atrocity?
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Jun 22, 2010
I was sent a .mcd file for Vectorworks by a colleague and the file has come up as an exec file. What is this, is it corrupt and can it be revived?
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Apr 29, 2010
Has anyone else noticed this friendly looking executable file in their iTunes library?
It appears to be created and recreated by iTunes, but it shares it's name with a nasty piece of spyware so I'm really not liking it being there.
Anyone seen this guy or got any insight as to why iTunes would be creating it?
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Nov 6, 2007
I have a problem with Unix Executable Files. When I access a file on our server using 10.4.x most files display as Unix Executable File. The same file accessed using 10.3.x displays the proper file creator icon and description. This seems to be a Tiger issue and it is causing a lot of grief. Many of the files are Quark and fonts. Adding extensions to the files is not an option.
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May 2, 2012
i have been looking through previous discussions re these type of files but its all well and truley above me. I have been given a video file and when copied to 'finder' it showed it was a unix executable file and it opened Terminal, again made no sense to me. I was informed to download MPEG Streamclip with no luck and the jargon I have read is goobledegook to me,
Pro, iPadApple TV2iTouch 2 geniPod cl
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Feb 1, 2009
I purchased a new optical drive from a reputable mac seller in my area and installed it due to the old one not reading disks anymore. I was very careful and followed the instructions according to an article I found on [URL]I found on xlr8your macHowever, now when I start the computer up, I get the question mark folder. I've done a little research but thought I' check the Macrumors forum before I spent all day on this. The store where I bought the new optical drive from doesn't open for another few hours so, here I am.
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May 2, 2012
Today I turned on my iMac and an access denied symbol show up at the loading screen. After waiting a while, it changed into a folder with an iterrogation in the middle of it and it starts to twinkle. I really don't know whats going on. Yesterday I turned off the iMac as normally and I didn't add/remove any programs or made a change on my settings.
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May 30, 2010
I recently upgraded to Snow Leopard and found that a function I used to use isn't available anymore, but not sure if I just need to configure it or something.
What I'd like to be able to do is when I drag a file over an external hard drive disk image, I like for that to open so I can choose the sub-directory where I'd like to place the file. How can I set up 10.6.x to allow me to do this?
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Dec 19, 2010
I have been looking all day for an answer. I am a NuBe on this stuff.
I need to create a text file that contains folder path, file name and attributes such as create date, modified date etc.
I believe the Terminal app should do this.
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Feb 27, 2012
I have two users defined on my macbook (one is New, and the other one, the Old one, is what I've always had).I was re-configuring File Sharing on the Old user.I turned files sahring off in the Old User, but when I log into the New, I can still acess to some folders that I have never set to be shared; only few folders have the red restricted access on it. The New User does have file sharing disabled, and non of its folder can be accessed; so, it's working Ok for this New User.
MacBook, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Feb 25, 2010
I'm planning to use my Mac Mini media center to replace an old Ventrilo/TeamSpeak server (Winblows). Since I do not plan to have keyboard/mouse access to the Mini, I need to find an easy way to launch the TeamSpeak and Vent server binaries on boot.Since the media center is set to auto-login and run an Automator workflow that mounts 3 AFP volumes and opens Plex, I would like to add upon my script to launch TeamSpeak and Ventrilo server. However, this becomes problematic when I add a Shell Script action. The script keeps running because it is looking for Terminal to complete its action and quit so it can move on to the next process. If I terminate the script, it kills the Ventrilo Server application.
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Oct 7, 2009
Two months ago I switched web hosting providers/services from a Linux server to a UNIX server. For the most part the functionality is fine but the ability to upload files using any FTP client is near impossible. We've tried Fetch (4.x and 5.x) Filezilla, Cyberduck, Dreamweaver, and an old copy of GoLive but it takes 6 minutes or more to upload a 230byte file!. The upload is relatively fast but it hangs up on the exiting handshake, or drops the connection and has to reconnect.
We spoke with Fetch and tested both copies on their UNIX server---no problem. We've tried our other clients on other UNIX, Windows, and Linux servers---no problem. We've had the web host and our service provider look at DNS blocks, etc. and all seems to be fine. Pings and trace routes seem fine. The web host company indicated that they believed that it was an issue with their server but eventually threw up their hands and said that they couldn't figure it out (not Mac friendly I suspect). My questions is two fold:
1) Can anyone give me an idea what IS the problem?
2) Can anyone recommend a good 'Mac-friendly' web hosting service that doesn't have issues with Mac's, will allow installation of a variety of CMS, eCommerce solutions, and of course seamless FTP access with variety of clients.
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Nov 17, 2009
I'm such a n00bcake with this I don't understand it at all. Can someone help me install this program (link) in Mac OS X? I looked all over and just don't get it. It says any Unix system running X11. >.> [URL:...]
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Jan 1, 2010
...where do iPods mount on the Unix filesystem? They certainly don't show up in /Volumes.
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Feb 3, 2012
how can I open and print a unix E...le file
Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Mar 20, 2012
Do I still need to use software like Macaroni [URL] to ensure routine maintenance tasks are run regularly?
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Nov 3, 2010
I'm trying to download PuTTY on OS X 10.5.8
PuTTY info: [URL]
I interpreted the directions as meaning that I unzip the file in my home directory and tried the make command:
jdd:~ jasondancks$ make -f Makefile.gtk
make: Makefile.gtk: No such file or directory
make: *** No rule to make target `Makefile.gtk'. Stop.
Listen fellas I really don't really know whats going on here I just wanted to download this for easy access to the school server. I'm taking a database class and we use the windows version of this to connect. I'm still going through it all I was just wondering if there is a quick way of doing this.
Would the parts referring to 'classic' mac apply to me?
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Jun 8, 2010
i have a exhd full of applications that i have downloaded over the past few years.
on my new macbook its running snow leopard but my old mbp it was running leopard.
so i check out my external hd and its seems that all my dmg files are now unix exec.
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Mar 1, 2007
My server is the Mac OS X Server 10.4.8. I created one new account for my client machine with its Workgroup Manager tool and set the Application access preferences.
But there is one item "Allow UNIX tools to run", I don't know how to verify its function. Other all could work very well. I ever tried such as ps, wc, tail in command, but they could still work.
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Jan 1, 2009
I have a problem with Unix Executable Files. On a certain mac, when I access a file from our server using 10.4.11 most files display as Unix Executable File. I can go to another mac and it will show the same file with the proper file creator icon and description. I am not sure why this single 10.4.11 Mac is doing this.
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Feb 1, 2012
i've searched the forums about fonts showing up as unix executable and haven't been able to find a solution - is there any way to restore the fonts? currecntly, the fonts are showing up as 0kb or 4kb.
mac book pro, Mac OS X (10.5.6)
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Apr 18, 2012
I regularly run unix commands remotely, or on network-attached drives - exampels are rsync; rm (-r) etc.
For the following assume its on a NAS drive, mounted to 'Volumes/drive"
On large jobs, i find that these processes do two things that i cant explain, nor do i like:
1. they seem to sorta slow down and stall occasionally. I knwo that's vague
2. they stop running when the computer goes to sleep
Now, the real questyion is, since an active proces is underway, why did it go to sleep?
I do have "wake on network activity" checked.
I was able to mostly eliminate this problem by turning off "sleep after X minutes" and moving the energy saver slider to "never"
MacBook Pro (15-inch 2.53 GHz), Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Oct 24, 2010
How do I batch change files' UNIX settings? I have web sharing turned on and have it set up so it's serve up the files and folders on my hard disk. It works great, but when I look at the folders it's showing in the web page, approximately 1 in 10 folders just isn't being displayed. The OS X permissions on these folders is all set to "read and write" for everyone, so I presume there is some sort of other UNIX or Apache file/folder settings that are keeping these folders from being displayed in the webpage. How do I make these hidden folders show up in my web page's displayed directory of folders?
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Jun 28, 2009
I have a boat load of mp3 files that have a _ instead of a space in the file name. I figure there must be a magical command in the Unix terminal window that would rename the file based on a replacement string.
I want to replace all _ in a file name with a Space. Is there an easy way to do this? Or, maybe a free utility I can download? I'm trying to clean up my files!
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Sep 8, 2008
I have a Mac computer at home that automatically logs in to my daughters user account. Apparently, there is an automatic log-in in her account that has conflicts because whenever the computer is turned on, after the gray apple screen, the screen turns totally blue. I have tried booting up in safe boot (pressing shift key at startup)and get the following message:
darwin/BSD (Laurens-computer.local) (console)
After typing any login, I get a line for typing password but nothing types in the line of password and I keep getting a fast message of incorrect password and the screen goes back to blue and then back to the same darwin line. I have an administrator account on this computer and no combination of logins and passwords seem to work. I have also started the computer with command key + s key and gets into single user mode and is in the root. From there, I do not know how to delete her user account to eliminate the problem as I am not able to get into the computer bypassing her automatic log-in. I do not have any startup disks for this computer as it was donated as a surplus from the school. It is a G3 operating on Mac OS X and I am not sure if the version is 10.3
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Jan 27, 2010
I had an image saved to my desktop, so in order to clean things up I created a new folder on my desktop and copied the image to that folder, however when I went to delete the image it asked for my password which I provided, I got the audio notification that it was deleted but the file remained on my desktop. I then tried to delete the folder and received the same password prompt, then the audio trash notification but the folder remained. How do I delete these?
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