IMac :: Question Mark Folder Appears When System Turned On?
Feb 1, 2009
I purchased a new optical drive from a reputable mac seller in my area and installed it due to the old one not reading disks anymore. I was very careful and followed the instructions according to an article I found on [URL]I found on xlr8your macHowever, now when I start the computer up, I get the question mark folder. I've done a little research but thought I' check the Macrumors forum before I spent all day on this. The store where I bought the new optical drive from doesn't open for another few hours so, here I am.
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May 27, 2012
A file folder with a question mark Appears on my screen when turning on. What does this mean and how do I fix it?
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Jul 15, 2008
so i go to turn my imac on tonight and it makes the normal noise when it always turns on but the screen stays blank(light blue)....after about 2 minutes this little picture of a folder with a question mark shows up in the middle of the screen. it keeps making this clicking noise as well. ive tried unplugging everything and restarting it here is a pic of what the thing that pop ups looks like [URL]
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Jun 9, 2009
I have a macbook intel(black) it originally came with tiger, i installed leopard on it a while ago. How ever i dont like leopard i want tiger back. I lost the original grey cds that came with my macbook so i hooked it up to my imac with target disk mode. I erased the disk using disk utility. Then i installed tiger with an original copy of tiger bought in a mac store. My imac rebooted i follow the installation menu and it installed. the internal drive of my macbook booted on my imac asif it were an external drive.
I rebooted into the internal drive of the imac and ejected the macbook drive. I disconnected the firewire cable and rebooted my macbook. The problem is that it wont boot properly it just goes to the white screen make the startup sound and starts flashing a folder with a questionmark in it. ive tried resetting the pram etc but it doesnt seem to work. i tried holding alt at boot up all i get is the cursor and nothing happens. i can still connect it to my imac but that it. how can i get my macbook to reboot properly again?"
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Nov 15, 2010
So I went to sleep and my computer was just fine, just sitting there being normal as normal gets. I wake up and the cursor is beachballing, no response from anything, holding power button doesn't do anything, so I unplug it. Now when I turn it on it goes to the gray screen with a folder with a question mark blinking. Google told me that this means it can not find the startup disk, and my hard drive is probably toast. Upon advice of forums I grabbed my snow leopard install disk and am going to attempt a boot from disc after work today. If this does not work is it safe to assume I need to replace the hard drive? Computer is out of apple care so this will be a DIY operation.
Computer: 24" iMac, 2.8GHz core 2 duo, 4gb RAM.
- What risks are involved with taking apart the iMac? What tools would I need?
- After I install a new hardrive, is it as simple as simply popping Snow Leopard into the disc drive and going from there?
- While I have it open, does anyone know if this model iMac has room for more RAM?
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Apr 12, 2012
My iMac 20" is giving me white screen with the question Mark folder, some smack head formatted it and now it won't respond to the install disk, it won't even beep on a pram reset and there's no chime?
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Jun 13, 2012
shut down the computer last night, woke up, turned on, and only get a white screen with a blinking question mark over a folder.
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Jun 24, 2012
I have a 21" iMac that only boots as far as a folder icon with a question mark in it. Any know what this means and how to fix it?
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Sep 9, 2010
own a mac 19" desktop computer, it turns on but only flashes a picture of a folder with a question mark in it. is it done? any input would be appreciated.
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Mar 20, 2010
First , scuse typing asrushing this on iPhone!
Got ?folder on boot on late 2007 21"iMac today. Have tried usual stuff including resettng pram and booting from cd. 1st time I booted from install cd it wouldn't even mountthe HD. Turned off and left for a few hours to cool down. Next time ibooted from cd HD mounted and I ran disk utilty repair bit it said there were no problems. Tried to boot from HD no luck.
So, guessing HD is fried:-(
so, before I take it to the apple store to get it replaced (doubt under warranty) or do it myself I want to see if I can recover the mportant data. While I am sure it's all backed up on cradhplan I have 80gb of photos and I'd rather ecover from USB to ext HD instead of over Internet from cradhplan.
So, I'm thnking... When my TM blew up last year I took the HD out and took it to work and slapped it in a drive bay of my mac pro, recovered the data, put it back in the TM before shipping it back to apple for a replacement (that then went on eBay since I got cradhplan)
so; question 1: can I take the HD out of the iMac and have a go installing it in my mac pro? Will an iMac HD fit in the mac pro case/bay?
Question 2: all my photos are also on the apple tv. Can I copy them from the apple tv to another mac if my backup had failed and doesn't restore or I can't recover from iMac HD? I know I had cradhplan set to backup iphoto library but I upgraded to aperture 3 recently and am worried that I have nit set crashplan up to backup the aperture library
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Jul 1, 2009
my iMac won't turn on. The day before yesterday happened the same thing, but after a few tries with the power button, it eventually turned on - and all ok yesterday. Both the day before yesterday and today, the general power was turned off for some minutes, but the iMac wasn't running. So now, I've tried to reset the SMC, removing everything attached, but nothing.
At least I can clearly hear the tic tic tic button, probably of the timer, because I set up a schedule to let it turn on at a certain hour. What can I do? It's a white iMac, never had a problem.
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Aug 7, 2009
How hard is it to replace the hard drive? I have a disaster recovery company step up to get all my info off of it if they can. But I really don't want to spend the money to have someone pull out the HD and put a new one in if I can do it myself. I have experience building pc towers but I haven't ever pulled apart an iMAC. Its an iMac 23(or 24) inch from Dec 2007 (I don't have the model info on hand as the box is in storage).
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May 16, 2012
I want to do a data recovery of my 15" MBP that has the flashing folder w/ ? mark in it, to an iMac 21.4"; how can i go about that?
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.6)
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Apr 25, 2012
After trying to fix the flashing question mark folder problem, I took my iMac to the Apple store and, naturally and a little embarrassingly, the iMac booted up just fine and everything seem to be intact.However, when I brought it home it reverted but to same problem i.e. question mark in flashing folder. I read and tried most suggestions I could find but still cannot get the iMac to startup. I tried holding down the "C" key, then the Option key, then PRAMed it and even attached the separate back up disk I use as a Time Machine for my new iMac. IThe problem Mac is a 2008 iMac though I don't exactly know which OS came with it, in any case, I cannot find the original disk. The iMac is networked with my latest iMac.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7)
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Apr 11, 2012
It appears that our iMac has died!! The first two options haven't revived it so the next option is using the installation disk but I'm concerned about loosing all our files on the computer. How can we save and hopefully retrieve our files? Will we need to take it into Apple?
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Apr 15, 2012
I tried holding the option key for 20 sec during startup then i got a blank grey screen with no flashing question mark but still cant get my laptop startup..
Info:MacBookPro, Mac OS X (10.7.2)
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May 5, 2012
i just move to dominican republic and here you guys dont have apple store i have macbook pro and A flashing question mark appears when start my Mac i have lion cd and everything is any way i can do to fix my computer
Info:Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Sep 4, 2014
I have a MacAir running OSX 10.9.4 and just recently was given it by the school district I work in. Over the weekend, I took it into the Mac store because my apps were still updating with the old users Apple ID. The apple genius was able to fix this and reinstalled the most current iLife software fixing the problem. However, just yesterday I noticed that there is now a ? on my dock for iPhoto as well as on my Launchpad. In my launchpad, I had two iPhoto icons, so I deleted one, a few days prior to this happening thinking it was a duplicate, but now that the question mark is showing up for iPhoto, I'm wondering if I accidentally deleted the app entirely. If this is the case, how do I get it back??? I use iPhoto all the time for work and I'm wondering if this is something I can fix at home, or if I need to go back to the Mac Store.
MacBook Air, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)
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Jun 17, 2012
I've tried all the "fixes" to this problem, but none of them seem to work.•When I hold option, no hard drives show up.
•When using Disk Utility from the install disk, no hard drives are found. (Shows up just as "Media.")-If I wait long enough, they do show up, but problem still persists after repairs.
•Still doesn't boot after resetting PRAM
•I can't reinstall Mac OS because my computer does not recognize that there's a disk to install it on.Â
What makes this all weirder is that if I wait long enough, it seems to work just fine, but then once I shut it down, it won't restart any time soon.Â
I also seem to have a problem taking it out of sleep. The screen comes back on, but the spinning wheel shows up if I try to do anything before my fans spin up.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Mar 22, 2012
The only thing that showed up in disk utility were the DVD drive (Matshita DVD...) and the actual Mac OS X installation disc. I realize I could try and simply re-install Mac OS X, but I have a research paper (as well as lots of songs and photos) that hasn't been backed up and I will lose it if I reinstall. What can I do?!
MacBook Pro
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May 2, 2012
When I turn on the power, it doesn't work but the question mark appears. What am I supposed to do? (question mark inside of a file mark)
MacBook Pro, iOS 5.1
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Aug 25, 2010
I accidentally removed my "Downloads" stack earlier today. I thought getting it back should be easy -- just drag and drop the folder back in next to my trash icon. But now it only appears as a folder, not a stack (i.e., when I right click on it, I only have the "Options" and "Open" links, not all the stack options). Is there something obvious I'm doing wrong here? My user and applications folders that I added to my dock as stacks are still working properly.
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Sep 29, 2009
I'm using Tiger
so I wanted to change my documents icon to a really fancy icon so I found this site called [URL] and followed the steps to change it into a suitcase of some sort. But my documents wouldn't open, and a dialog box popped up and said something about how no application can be run with this and it had the option to choose an application. So I deleted the suitcase, and now the folder has turned into a UNIX file which is not accessible.
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May 7, 2008
I've been asked to upgrade the disk of a macbook pro (MacOsX 10.5.2), so I cloned it with superduper and I've switched the old hard disk with he new one.
After I've started the system everything but Entourage worked, so I checked the disk, and I found that Documents folder has disappeared, and I found an empty plain text file instead of it. Documents stack in the dock now shows a curious question point icon, and there's no trace of any of the file and folder that were inside of Documents.
I've put the original disk in the MacBook Pro, but I found that it was identical to his clone.
I've also tried to use Nucleus Kernel and Boomerang Data Recovery to find all the lost stuff, but they found nothing.
I don't know what to do, I have to recover all the data, mails and the other stuff which was inside, but I don't know if it is possible and how could this be done.
In Windows I had to recover data from deleted folders, even from corrupted partitions, and I succeded in finding the files I was looking for, sometimes I had to rename the files I found, but I succeded in recovering client's data nearly everytime.
Now I'm very confused, as I've always thought this kind of accidents could not happen in a Mac enviroment.
What can I do? Is there any kind of data recovery service able to restore Documents directory from its file status?
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Dec 3, 2007
Sometimes when I try to turn on my power mac G5 don't work. I have already changed the inside battery and also trying to reset the pmu. The only thing that works always is to disconnect the power cord from the back some minutes.
Mac OS X (10.5.1)
PowerPC G5 (2.2)
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Jun 12, 2012
While dragging a folder from one Finder window to another, I accidentally released the mouse button when the folder was over the Toolbar. The folder now appears in the Toolbar and I can't remove it.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.2)
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Aug 19, 2006
My macbook just turns off for no reason. I am just browsing the internet and then it turns off. This usually happens a little after I wake it up but sometimes it happens at random (like 5 mins ago). Sometimes when it turns off I try to turn it back on but it just turns off after a couple of minutes again. I thought it was the ram but I ran Remember and all tests passes.
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Sep 12, 2009
The other day my friend gave me his old macbook saying that it was broken and would only turn on sometimes. I have had this computer for 2 days and it has never turned on yet. He kept the hard drive so the machine does not currently have one. He also could not find the Mac OSX install CD, so I don't have one either. The battery is fully charged (the lights on the bottom of it are all on) and the light on the adapter is green. When I push the power button, nothing happens. No lights, no noise, nothing. I called apple and they told me that without a hard drive, the only way to test it would be to boot off of the Mac OSX disk by holding "c" when the computer is booting. The problem is, 1, I don't have a disk, and 2, how am I supposed to hold the c key while the computer is booting if it will not turn on? I have tried everything it says on the apple website and have tried it with different ram, with and a usb hard drive plugged in.
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Dec 9, 2009
Here's my setup:
Mac Pro (early 2009), 8 core
Bay 1: OS X drive - 10.6.2
Bay 2: Boot Camp drive (Windows XP SP3, running Boot Camp drivers v3.0)
Bay 3: Storage drive (HFS+ formatted)
When I boot into Windows, my OS X drive is perfectly viewable, except that the /Users/username folder appears to be completely empty, if I manually type a path (such as D:UsersusernameDesktop or D:UsersusernameDownloads) then the contents will show up perfectly, but when navagating to the D:Usersusername, Windows shows that folder as empty. I'm running just the Boot Camp 3.0 drivers (i.e. no Macdrive), but I also have VMWare Fusion 3.0 installed on my OS X drive, with my Boot Camp partition set up as a virtual machine. Could this be masking the folder contents from Windows?
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Nov 7, 2008
i am a new mac user and have a macbook where I think the harddisk is broken. When I start it up I see a folder with a question mark in it. If I start it up in target disk mode and connect it to another mac I only get the dvd drive mounted (if there is a dvd in the macbook). I have read that I can test if any hardware is failing with the dvd that came with my mac, but I cant find those DVDs. Can I download them or ask for replacements somewhere?
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