Aight, the thing is he got an UNIX-file, he want to install. I found out, that Fink are very useful here. However, we could install Fink, but not the UNIX archive. So here it goes. Simple question: How do you install an UNIX archive using Fink?
Trust me, I tried Google 2049x times, but that didn't help me alot so I'm asking you guys
I have never worked with applescript before, so I am completely lost. I have a program that does not like to be open when the computer goes to sleep. I usually remember to close the app, but sometimes I forget and get myself in trouble. If I do forget, very bad things can happen to the database of the program, so it is imperative that it is closed.
I am hoping there is an applescript that will quit the application if I put my laptop to sleep, usually by closing the lid. I don't want to trigger the sleep with the applescript, just something that will see that the computer is going to sleep and quit the application before it happens. Is this possible, and if so, how do I go about doing it?
Info: MacBook Pro (15-inch Mid 2009), Mac OS X (10.7.4)
When OS X 10.7.3 came out I tried to install it and it got to "Moving files in place" at 95 or 99 % of completion and hadn't completed 9 hours later. I forced the system to shutdown and restored through Time Machine, but wasted a lot of time working on this. Consequently I declined all further requests to update to 10.7.3. Today I was prompted to upgrade to 10.7.4, this was probably the third or fourth time I'd been prompted, so I accepted it and started the install. At 95% while "Moving files in place" again the upgrade hung and after giving it a couple of hours with further progress I again forced a shutdown and ran disk utility to repair the disk, just in case there was a problem with it, and then again restored it with Time Machine.
Info: MacBookPro, Mac OS X (10.7.2), Early 2011 MacBook Pro
I have been trying to install Windows 7 Ultimate on my 13" Macbook Pro (mid 2010). Obviously I am using Boot camp to do so. The process always begins smoothly, but whenever the installation gets to the "Completing the Installation" step it freezes and I have to force restart my computer. I have tried countless times with both Ultimate and Home Premium, both copies are authentic.
I have a new Macbook Air and am trying to complete the Migration Assistant from a Dell XPS PC (laptop). The process will begin just fine, but says it will take 9, then10, even up to 11 hrs., etc. then doesn't wind up working even after those time frames have passed. Â
I have a very fast internet connection, so I am not sure why this would be happening. Is there a way to use an ethernet cable instead of wifi? I tried connecting the two computers with an ethernet on a whim but my Mac didn't reconginze the PC, and vicea versa. Â
I'd like to avoid manually bringing over my PC files if at all possible..
I'm having a problem with autofill not completing passwords. Usernames / IDs are being completed on websites but associated passwordsa are not being autofilled. I have tried to delete them from Safari/Preferences/Autofill/Usernames and Passords but I cannot delete a single entry or even the entire list! I have even tried deleting the site info: UserID and password from Keychain Access and then re-entering them manually but this does not seem to rectify the problem. Every time I open a website with a log in required, the username / ID is autofilled, but the password is now not. (It all worked previously) When I input the password, a dropdown window asks if I wish to have it remembered and I say yes, but it is not. Â
Info: MacBook Pro (15-inch Early 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
I recently upgraded to Yosemite. Had problems with connecting to the Exchange server so I did a restore from my time machine from the day before I did the upgrade. Now the machine starts to turn on, then shuts down. The iMac does not have a CD drive.
so I have a 1.33GHz iBook G4 with 1.5GB of RAM and a 40GB hard drive.
Last night I reinstalled the OS, which is to say I reinstalled the Leopard upgrade disk. All went well.
Then I pulled out my time machine back up, opened Migration Assistant and started moving everything over, and that's where it all went horribly wrong.
The first time I did this it stayed at 4 minutes remaining for about an hour and a half. I gave up and hit quit, but something'd been copied across because my hard drive only had about 9GB left, but I can't see any of the stuff that's taking up all this space.
So, I whip out the Leopard disk again and start all over. I figure maybe Migration Assistant's just one of those things that needs to sit for ages. This time it seemed to freeze at 38 minutes remaining but I went to bed and left it.
When I want to add both the name and location of a place for a Calendar event's location (say, the name and address of a restaurant), Calendar and/or its integration with Maps will auto-complete the address. But when it does, it removes the name, and only fills the address.Â
Almost every time I then try to manually enter the name, it still changes it to address-only when I save it.Â
What I want it to look like:
Restaurant Name
123 Address Rd
City, ST 00000Â
But what it auto-fills:
123 Address Rd
City, ST 00000
United StatesÂ
How do I get it to stop auto-changing it, and to accept my changes the way I want them?
Info: iMac (21.5-inch, Late 2013), OS X Yosemite (10.10.1), Haswell Core i5 2.9GHz, 8GB RAM
where are the system alert sounds located. for example i want to extract the alert sound played when transmission finishes completing a download. does anyone know where those alert sounds are located?
I have Time Machine backing up my MacMini Snow Leopard Server to an external harddrive.  When the backup runs, it never completes, but it also does not throw an error message. It just gets stuck around 300MB or so and eventually starts over. As you can see it does not seem to backup everything. I have tried using TimeTracker to see what it might be getting stuck on but I can't really make heads or tails of it. I have even removed the old backup and started a new one. It backs up once fully (I think) and then after that it just gets stuck like this.Â
I should mention the drive it backs up is two separate partitions SnowLeopard Server Volume and PrimeRoot Volume, both of which need to be backuped. I was thinking maybe a permissions issue? But I just don't know where to look.
I'm planning to use my Mac Mini media center to replace an old Ventrilo/TeamSpeak server (Winblows). Since I do not plan to have keyboard/mouse access to the Mini, I need to find an easy way to launch the TeamSpeak and Vent server binaries on boot.Since the media center is set to auto-login and run an Automator workflow that mounts 3 AFP volumes and opens Plex, I would like to add upon my script to launch TeamSpeak and Ventrilo server. However, this becomes problematic when I add a Shell Script action. The script keeps running because it is looking for Terminal to complete its action and quit so it can move on to the next process. If I terminate the script, it kills the Ventrilo Server application.
so I wanted to change my documents icon to a really fancy icon so I found this site called [URL] and followed the steps to change it into a suitcase of some sort. But my documents wouldn't open, and a dialog box popped up and said something about how no application can be run with this and it had the option to choose an application. So I deleted the suitcase, and now the folder has turned into a UNIX file which is not accessible.
Two months ago I switched web hosting providers/services from a Linux server to a UNIX server. For the most part the functionality is fine but the ability to upload files using any FTP client is near impossible. We've tried Fetch (4.x and 5.x) Filezilla, Cyberduck, Dreamweaver, and an old copy of GoLive but it takes 6 minutes or more to upload a 230byte file!. The upload is relatively fast but it hangs up on the exiting handshake, or drops the connection and has to reconnect.
We spoke with Fetch and tested both copies on their UNIX server---no problem. We've tried our other clients on other UNIX, Windows, and Linux servers---no problem. We've had the web host and our service provider look at DNS blocks, etc. and all seems to be fine. Pings and trace routes seem fine. The web host company indicated that they believed that it was an issue with their server but eventually threw up their hands and said that they couldn't figure it out (not Mac friendly I suspect). My questions is two fold:
1) Can anyone give me an idea what IS the problem? 2) Can anyone recommend a good 'Mac-friendly' web hosting service that doesn't have issues with Mac's, will allow installation of a variety of CMS, eCommerce solutions, and of course seamless FTP access with variety of clients.
I'm such a n00bcake with this I don't understand it at all. Can someone help me install this program (link) in Mac OS X? I looked all over and just don't get it. It says any Unix system running X11. >.> [URL:...]
I have a cd from a Dr. with x-ray images on it (supposedly). The files say "Unix Executable File". It seems I have no application with which to open them on my fancy desktop.... Can you recommend a software program to open or translate the files so that they are readable, and perhaps compatible with iPhoto?
I am a windows dude, you can tell. I need to turn off unnecessary processes on a Mac. In "Windows", I would edit the startup processes... and in Computer admin, turn off all "services" I did not need.
What do I do on a Mac? I need it to be permanent, not temporary (like I know how to shut off iTunes helper for a session- I want it off after restarts, too.
Also, I want to pare this mac down to just the essentials- any advice for what to kill, and what I should not touch?
I would like to disable some processes from starting upon login, but can't figure out how. I am not referring to the Login Items of System Preferences>Accounts. I have checked /Library/StartupItems/ (empty), /Library/Preferences/loginwindow.plist (essentially empty), and ~/Library/Preferences/loginwindow.plist (which only contains the things that i do want, it matches my account preferences).
when i check activity monitor, i notice some processes or programs running that I had deleted. how do i get them to completely stop running when i reboot? it seems that there are some rogue background processes running.
I recently added more RAM to my system and I always keep Activity Monitor running with the memory usage icon on the Dock to see how much Lion and my programs use. I noticed that even several CS5 programs running at the same time won't use that much, the program I've seen uses the most is Aperture, using anywhere from 500MB on start to 2.5GB while viewing--not editing--photos.Â
My questions is, when my system is running normally it uses from a quarter to half the total memory available but just now it's using more than three quarters and it's running not even half programs I use everyday. I quickly added up the memory being used and it's just missing out A LOT. I'm adding a screenshot of Activity Monitor for you to see.Â
I now that restarting the system (or by using the purge command in Terminal) will free up memory but this really puzzles me and I'd really like to know what's happening--BTW, even though several GB are missing, the computer is nowhere nears slow, at least. Where are all the other processes using the rest of the memory? I'm using OS X 10.7.3 Server with 16GB of RAM on an iMac.
I interpreted the directions as meaning that I unzip the file in my home directory and tried the make command:
jdd:~ jasondancks$ make -f Makefile.gtk
make: Makefile.gtk: No such file or directory
make: *** No rule to make target `Makefile.gtk'. Stop.
Listen fellas I really don't really know whats going on here I just wanted to download this for easy access to the school server. I'm taking a database class and we use the windows version of this to connect. I'm still going through it all I was just wondering if there is a quick way of doing this.
Would the parts referring to 'classic' mac apply to me?