OS X :: Can't Access Printer Setup To Delete Profile?
Apr 2, 2009
Running OSX 10.4.11 Tried to add a profile for an old printer and now I can't access my printer setup to delete it. Every time I try to open it it shuts down and says that Printing Preferences has quit unexpectedly.
How do I wipe clean the printing prefs and start over.
I have a pre-Intel iMac G5, running OS 10.5.8. I have been using an HP LaserJet P3005, connected with a USB2 cable, with no problems. The fuser got "muddy" on the 3005 so I bought a new HP LaserJet P2035n. I've loaded and reloaded the printer software from the provided CD, downloaded the driver software from the HP support website, but the computer doesn't recognize the printer. Called HP support and everything they suggested came up empty; they told me to exchange the printer for a another new one, but I get the same results with it. I'm using the same USB cable I used with the 3005 -- it worked perfectly with that printer as recently as this morning. What's wrong with my iMac or setup?
I installed a new VPN profile to connect to a MacMini Server on System Preferences > Network, and I found there an old VPN profile that I don't want to use anymore. I tried to disable the service, but the delete button is greyed out, even if this service is active.
I am running my Macbook Pro at work through the LAN. My work has a windows 2003 server. Everything has been fine (well just about) until today, when I couldn't get onto any internet sites. It would let me access all of the local work intranet site, but it wouldn't even let me on google. It worked fine yesterday, and all the Win PCs around me were all still up and running. I tried using a different port but to no avail. Also, I am still trying to access my root drives that are on my profile space at work. e.g R:\Venusgroupswbl etc etc. I want to connect to these through my mac.
10.7.3 private server (hostname is myserver.private) with profile manager turned on.I can access the profile manager locally from the server through https://myserver.private/mydevices, but when I try the same thing from the client (as suggested in the help window) I get the following error in Safari: Safari can't find the server Safari can't open the page
For a couple of years I was backing up my old MacBook using Time Machine to a 1T Time Capsule. I had two profiles on my Mac, but eventually I deleted one of the profiles. I always thought I could use Time Machine to go back into the Time Capsule and retrieve files from that deleted profile from a date before it was deleted, but it seems it will only access my main profile.
It's from an old, unused Spyder calibration and, keeps telling me I'm out of date. I can find the list of old profiles, but can't find a way to delete them.
I have a iMAC running 10.5.5 and have connected a HP Photosmart C6280 Printer to it via the USB cable. Using Bonjour to connect a XP and a Vista box I get a error saying "ERROR You do not have sufficient access to your computer to connect to the selected printer". I am logged in as the administrator when I do it on the XP or Vista computer and have completed this function on other printer installation before so I know the permissions are there. The software for the printer is loaded on both windows computers.
I know how to create a email profile on OSX Mail to access GMail. My question is if the GMail mail will be downloaded locally to my machine or will it remain on the Google servers. I WANT it to remain on the servers, ie I only want to access my emails through Mail. Otherwise most of my HDD will fill up with email and also I will not be able to access my emails when I do not have my machine on hand. what happens when I delete an email in Mail? Will it also get deleted in GMail?
Info: MacBook Pro with Retina display, OS X Mavericks (10.9.1)
I've mitigated my profile from my older iMini to my new iMini. Everything worked out fine but I've noticed that [on the new imini] I have to input my password twice. Once I log on and input my password, my profile comes up and ask me again to input the password. I also have a unsecured startup deice/item (display) message displayed once the system comes up. Can I create a new profile and basically move all my documents over to the new established profile.
my system fonts are jacked up and fill in lines in Safari are not readable as the text is bigger than the fil in window. Also my laptop is running harder, hotter and the battery life is less than half of what it should be. I also get text overlap line to line sometimes in Safari.
I have restored my OS with a clean install and then recovered my profile from Time Machine, this is how I discovered its my profile. I added a clean profile the first time I rebuilt the mac and it ran much faster, with less hardware usage and longer battery life. Once I began to recover my profile the system was same as always slow with Safari issues mentionee earlier. I switched to the temp user account profile and the system is fast no Safari issues and less intensive activity going on, battery life good etc.
If I rebuild the mac again I am not able to recover the profile/account without issues, I would like to move just what I need to a new profile/account from Time Machine but it doesn't allow access to the original admin account for a selective restore. I would like to be much more granular about the restore and just move my documents and such. I don't want to recover the applications or application data at this point as I don't need it. I would rather re-install just the apps I need at this time. Other option would be to clean my account/profile so that it runs as it should or move everything I want (mostly documents) to a new profile for improved use.
Info: Macbook book pro 17, Mac OS X (10.6.8), FCP7
I am new to using mac and just got a new HP printer to replace my old hp printer. If I understand correctly I click and drag my current HP printer file/icon to the trash and then search for additional files using applef to delete the rest. Is this right? Am I missing any other crucial steps? If the brand is the same do I need to remove the additional files?
Also and this may be a stupid question, but how do i make sure that my computer does not recognize the old printer for my wireless network when I set up my new one?
I'm trying to set up my old iBook G4 as a print 'server' for other Macs on my network. I'm having a problem getting the other computers on the network to SEE the shared printer from the iBook. They can see the iBook as a network computer, but can't seem to connect or even 'see' the usb printer. I've clicked 'Share Printers on the iBook in both Sharing preferences and the Printer and Fax preferences, but no luck.
I can't get printer to setup on iMac with Leopard. It shows up on the add printer list in Print & Fax, but after clicking the +/- button and I see it in the list but the Add button is grayed out.
Recently I purchased a Canon PIXMA MG5220 wireless printer. I have installed numerous printers, software, hardware etc on other comps as well as this one and have never had a problem... until now. I connected my printer to the internet access port (my home network) and everything went fine. But when I put in the canon disk to load the software and add the printer to my comp, I click on setup, it prompts me for my user pw to allow install. I do that and when I hit ok, nothing happens...
No other window loads or anything. It's like there is nothing on it after the pw prompt. I tried it on a diff comp (windows based PC) and it worked fine... why wont it load on my iMac? Very confused. Also, I turned off my firewall thinking that would help, but it did not... any help is appreciated.
I've just got a new Brother HL-210w wireless printer, but the wireless setup has got me completely baffled. Has anybody set one of these up wirelessly? I'm following the directions in the book and using the CD, but I cannot get this printer to work.
I have a mac laptop that works well on my verizon wireless router. I have a HP printer attached to the router. It works well with 2 windows wireless PC's. How do I set up the mac laptop to print on that printer?
Someone told me that O2 allows this but I forgot the right term for it so could someone help me with my situation please? I need to be able to access internet on my PBG4 through my iPhone as I'm going on a holiday and there is no internet cafe.
I have to set up a macbook pro to work with a postscript printer for a user that has to take it off site to a show.Problem is I've no idea how to do it!!!the os version is 10.4.8 and its a dual core intel. I'm trying to connect them with a crossover cable but they just dont see eachother. Whats standard practice for connecting a mac to a printer direct?
I have a TC set up at home and it works fine, just looking to get more out of it now, if possible. I run a small business and I want a contract employee to be able to access it for file use in a windows program. He lives in another state.
1. How can I direct him to my TC via internet? He only works in windows. Basically, I want him to have read/write access to my TC. 2. Obviously if number 1 can work, then how can I, using my MBP, connect to my TC when I am away from it (not home).
Do I do this with IP addresses and workgroups? If so, I don't know how to set that up.
I've been working on this for about 8 hours and I'm going nuts. I am using an Imac OS X version 10.5.8.I purchased a Canon MP560 today and can't figure out the problem. I don't even know where to start. I'm trying to connect the wireless printer using Airport. There is nothing listed when I click on 'Preferences- Print and Fax'.
I read the instructions that came with the printer several times, up to a point. I clicked 'wireless lan setup' on the printer. It's asking me for a lan access point and a wep key. I've used Google until I can't even think anymore. I read Airport is like a router, or can be used as a router. The blue light is on on the printer, and it says it's searching for a connection but can find one.
i connected it to my Airport Extreme and not the USB because i want to use the scanning and faxing features. so how can i configure it? when i connected it via USB it recognized it but when i connected it to ethernet it didn't...
I'm currently staying in university residence where our internet access is all through wireless access point through the building; in this environment, is it possible to setup a time capsule such that it connects wirelessly to the nearest access point and then allows me to connect to it (the TC) wirelessly or by ethernet (then get an address by DHCP in the TC or the access point)? I was hoping to use the TC as a backup for my imac and macbook, as well as a mounting point for drives I plug into it but thus far haven't been able to come up with anything that works ideally (i.e. tried connecting all my stuff to the access point but the backup worked way too slow over 802.11g to do anything realistically when its shared among many other people).