OS X :: Trying To Access Root Drives On Profile Space At Work
Sep 14, 2010
I am running my Macbook Pro at work through the LAN. My work has a windows 2003 server. Everything has been fine (well just about) until today, when I couldn't get onto any internet sites. It would let me access all of the local work intranet site, but it wouldn't even let me on google. It worked fine yesterday, and all the Win PCs around me were all still up and running. I tried using a different port but to no avail. Also, I am still trying to access my root drives that are on my profile space at work. e.g R:\Venusgroupswbl etc etc. I want to connect to these through my mac.
In my keychain access I have the following: com.apple.kerberos.kdc and com.apple.systemdefault both show "This root certificate is not trusted" AND Dashboard Advisory shows "This certificate was signed by an unknown authority." I don't know what the notices mean (beyond the obvious that something is untrusted) nor do I know what to do about it.
i have been trying to install filemaker server connector which needs root access. i enabled root user and logged into it for the install but the installer still asks to login as root.
is there anyway of forcing the installer? is there something else i can do to give the installer "root" access?
On my Mac (10.6.2), I always would do this to access root if I had to: sudo su - or just sudo su
Well, I had to enable the actual root account briefly and then I disabled it. Now, I can't do sudo su or sudo su -, I just get a Sorry message. If I renable root, I can do it. What's also interesting is that both sudo -i and sudo -s work just fine with root disabled. Why can I no longer do "sudo su -" with root disabled?
In Keychain Access, My "Certificates" and "Keys", three out of the four root certificates are marked as: This root certificate is not trusted (in red) com.apple.ubiquity.peer-uuid- times two and one: com.apple.ubiquity.ssl - then five groups of numbers for each. Is this something that should concern me or is it something to do with the problems I am having, Mail - some addresses I use are not sync and have a warning sign! Are these certificates needed to be trusted for mail configuration?
Running OSX 10.4.11 Tried to add a profile for an old printer and now I can't access my printer setup to delete it. Every time I try to open it it shuts down and says that Printing Preferences has quit unexpectedly. How do I wipe clean the printing prefs and start over.
10.7.3 private server (hostname is myserver.private) with profile manager turned on.I can access the profile manager locally from the server through https://myserver.private/mydevices, but when I try the same thing from the client (as suggested in the help window) I get the following error in Safari:Â Safari can't find the server Safari can't open the page
For a couple of years I was backing up my old MacBook using Time Machine to a 1T Time Capsule. I had two profiles on my Mac, but eventually I deleted one of the profiles. I always thought I could use Time Machine to go back into the Time Capsule and retrieve files from that deleted profile from a date before it was deleted, but it seems it will only access my main profile.
I know how to create a email profile on OSX Mail to access GMail. My question is if the GMail mail will be downloaded locally to my machine or will it remain on the Google servers. I WANT it to remain on the servers, ie I only want to access my emails through Mail. Otherwise most of my HDD will fill up with email and also I will not be able to access my emails when I do not have my machine on hand. what happens when I delete an email in Mail? Will it also get deleted in GMail?
Info: MacBook Pro with Retina display, OS X Mavericks (10.9.1)
I inherited a G5 from a colleague who left the department however I was not given a firmware password. So now I cannot re-install the OS OR work in terminal. I have tried the remove RAM and then reset PRAM. I have tried booting off disk but that is locked. I have tried replacing HD with new one but cannot boot off disk to install onto it. What is left for me to try to get this working and now the person is not available to just tell me what password is, they left months ago.
I recently downloaded some Ensenasoft games on to my mac but on the root user they just jump on the dock a few times then just close. But on my normal user they work why is this?
I created a new folder under root "/" to store my working files But whenever I open this folder using finder, the spotlight search return 0 result no matter what I input I know spotlight have some prefined index path, but some how I cannot add my custom folder to be indexÂ
I've mitigated my profile from my older iMini to my new iMini. Everything worked out fine but I've noticed that [on the new imini] I have to input my password twice. Once I log on and input my password, my profile comes up and ask me again to input the password. I also have a unsecured startup deice/item (display) message displayed once the system comes up. Can I create a new profile and basically move all my documents over to the new established profile.Â
my system fonts are jacked up and fill in lines in Safari are not readable as the text is bigger than the fil in window. Also my laptop is running harder, hotter and the battery life is less than half of what it should be. I also get text overlap line to line sometimes in Safari.Â
I have restored my OS with a clean install and then recovered my profile from Time Machine, this is how I discovered its my profile. I added a clean profile the first time I rebuilt the mac and it ran much faster, with less hardware usage and longer battery life. Once I began to recover my profile the system was same as always slow with Safari issues mentionee earlier. I switched to the temp user account profile and the system is fast no Safari issues and less intensive activity going on, battery life good etc. Â
If I rebuild the mac again I am not able to recover the profile/account without issues, I would like to move just what I need to a new profile/account from Time Machine but it doesn't allow access to the original admin account for a selective restore. I would like to be much more granular about the restore and just move my documents and such. I don't want to recover the applications or application data at this point as I don't need it. I would rather re-install just the apps I need at this time. Other option would be to clean my account/profile so that it runs as it should or move everything I want (mostly documents) to a new profile for improved use.
Info: Macbook book pro 17, Mac OS X (10.6.8), FCP7
Ive got a DrayTek Vigor2700 router. The DrayTek router is located in the first floor and is hooked up to the phone line. It creates Wireless network (called "default") for the first floor. On the second floor there is an AirPort Extreme Basestation. Its hooked up to the DrayTek by ethernet and creates a network (called "AirPort Extreme". To the AirPort there is a 500 gb USB drive and a USB printer connected.
1 floor: DrayTek hooked up to the phone line creating a network 2 floor: AirPort Extreme hooked up to the DrayTek via ethernet, creating a new network. Got 500gb USB drive and a USB Printer connected to the AirPort.
AIM: I want to be able to access the USB drive and the printer over internet. I dont have a MobileMe acc, and i dont want to create one. I know it would be much easier if the AirPort would be hooked up to the phone line directly, but Its not possible...
so i have been using pc all my life, but now i have a new macbook and ive been downloading a lot of things. the other day an error popped up and said i was running low on disk space... ive been lazy about "reconfiguring my external hard drive for my mac" like the apple employee told me i needed to do, but i decided i should finally do it to free up space on my computer.
i have a seagate external hard drive and i plugged it into my computer and erased everything on it so i could start using it with time machine. after it started backing everything up an error popped up saying that i only have 2.2 MB available.... so on my system preferences i reconfirmed that it says 2.2 MB of 232.9 GB available. this doesnt make any sense because i just wiped my external drive, plus i didnt have much on it to begin with.
so i guess my question is, how do i make that space available?
also, i mainly wanted to back up all of my documents, music, and movies so that i could delete some movies and documents from my computer that i dont need every day and make space for more, but then when i plug my ext hard drive back in to my computer, wont it just mirror my computer with time machine and defeat the purpose of storing things on it because they will just be deleted?
i know im lame, but im really trying to get used to my mac which i know is way easier than im making it out to be.
So I just received my Nehalem Mac Pro today, and I successfully installed three new hard drives in it, and I can access all four of my drives in Finder, but NONE of them (including the Boot Drive that came with the computer) are showing up on the desktop! I can't figure out why so I thought I'd ask here.
Oddly enough, my Firewire 800 Drive shows up on the desktop. Anyone have any ideas why this would happen? And how to fix it?
i have a smartdisk (now verbatim) crossfire xf 250 standalone hard disk that i use to back up g3 and a g4 mac ibooks. although the disk reports, when i check via "get info," that it has 98 gbytes of free space, and shows thousands of files that have been copied to it, i cannot copy more files to this disk - i get the message that the disk is full.
In my current dual 800mhz PowerMac G4, I have two 80gb hard drives which were ordered from Apple (didn't know better at the time). Will I be able to put them in my Mac Pro when it comes in a few weeks, or are they too old to be compatible?
I can't boot my MacBook Pro. My hard drive is completely full. I was running a software update and didn't realize how big the file was. The computer shut off part of the way through the update and hasn't booted up since. How can I access the files on this drive to make some space?Â
I am running mavericks, but I don't know which version. I purchased a cable to access the internal drive through a USB on another computer. The drive shows up in disk utility, but will not let me browse the drive.
I want to thank all of you who have contributed to this forum. Based on the comments made, because I am on a tight budget, I have ordered a quad 2.8 ghz, 320g drive, 2gb ram, ATI 2600 card. Also bought additional 4gb ram.Reasons for this configuration are statements that quad is very fast, and Barefeats tests showing 2600 card faster than NVIDEA 8800 card for programs based on Apple graphics core. The 8800 appears to be faster for games, but I don't play them.I am using the MacPro for Microsoft Office, Firefox, Aperture and Photoshop. Also use Fusion to run Quickbooks and a variety of important PC software not available on the Mac.