OS X :: Calculator Not Working Fine / Gives Wrong Answers
Jan 6, 2011
Using the calculator in OS X, enter "-2/3", (minus two divided by three).What do you get?
My calculator reports that answer as 0.666. (Positive NOT negative which is the correct answer). Is anyone else having the same problem? The calculator is giving out wrong answers! I have calculator version 4.2 running on 10.5.8.
I have searched this forum and the internet. My number pad on the right side of my keyboard works with everything EXCEPT the calculator. What did I do? cannot find anything anywhere to address just that. The numbers work fine everywhere else.
I did all the jumps to make sure on the system pref and the mouse off, holding my tongue just right and jumping five times...hitting the option key five times, the fn button and the clear button. the number work everywhere but on the calculator.
My Calculator in Spotlight doesn't work anymore... I think its batteries might be dead? When I type in things like "4+4" the search works fine, but it doesn't give any math results. I think it stopped around the time I installed 10.5.2 but it may have been broken before that, I can't remember exactly.
I have searched this forum and the internet. My number pad on the right side of my keyboard works with everything EXCEPT the calculator. What did I do? cannot find anything anywhere to address just that. The numbers work fine everywhere else.
I did all the jumps to make sure on the system pref and the mouse off, holding my tongue just right and jumping five times...hitting the option key five times, the fn button and the clear button. the number work everywhere but on the calculator.
You know how you can calculate numbers in spotlight? It used to give me the answers but now it just says no results found. Oh and I enabled the calculator via the terminal command that I found through this and restarted but still doesn't do calculations
Since the installation of Lion the decimal point isn't working alright. Not in the calculator and not in Numbers.Â
1. For instance when I type 1500 in the Calculator the displays says 1,500. That's not correct, in Europe it should be 1.500
No preferences in the calculator to change it. It worked well with Snowleopard. In system preferences Decimals is changed to ",", thousands is "."Â
2. Numbers. When I type 123456789 in numeric field it's changed in 123.456.789
If I change the last four digits to 2233 and accidently forget to change the points the point stays on the same place. It will say 123.452233 The same if you add a digit 123.456.789 will be 123.456.7892233
F3 and my right shift key have suddenly become play/pause keys in addition to their original functions. My F8 doesn't really do anything anymore and does not even light up in Keyboard View. I've tried to use Sizzling Keys, and reset Keyboard Shortcuts but the problem still persists. It seems to affect most music playing programs (iTunes and Vox. I have a Macbook Model 5,2 and Mac OS X 10.5.8
I've noticed that occasionally my IR sensor stops working, and no longer responds to changing the volume, skipping the track in iTunes, etc. It can be resolved by going into Security prefs, disabling and re-enabling the IR sensor. This is annoying, however, and I'm wondering if it's a known issue that might be fixed.
I noticed that when you disable and re-enable the IR sensor, the last few remote button pushes you made while it was broken come through in a burst.
My Late 09 MacBook Air has been working a treat, not a spot of bother. All of a sudden, about 5 minutes ago, I've gone to go online to download some research papers (I'm *trying* to write an essay) and it won't load anything. Not even my Twitter app. It is connected to the right network, which is working absolutely fine on every other device in the house (windows computers, iphone etc). I've turned it off and on twice, the way that us clueless folk do.. now I don't know what to do.
I have a new MacBook (Dec '08) and everything is working fine with one exception. When I type numbers into the calculator app they appear on the screen in slow motion with a nice long pause as each number typed is displayed. On our iMac the calculator app just flies along and has no problem keeping up no matter how fast I enter in numbers. Any ideas where to start on this one? Besides the standard software we have installed Microsoft Office and Handbrake.
I just got my macbook pro on monday and today when plugging in my keyboard and mouse into the 1st USB I notice it's not working. I plug them into the 2nd and it works fine.
Is this going to be a hardware issue? I'm sort of gutted, I thought I had a perfect one and now I find something isn't working as it should be.
I would like to know if anyone is having trouble with Safari 5.0.6 on 10.5.8. I have a habit of walking away from my Mac with the browser still open. 9/10 when I return I get spinning pinwheels, no response period, or scripting errors. Thinking maybe my system was bogged down, I did a fresh install of the OS. That did not fix the problem. Then I made sure 10% of my 2TB drive was free and that also did not fix it.
Now I realize I can use other browsers but I prefer Safari. I was wondering if this is an isolated issue or something everyone else is experiencing since Apple no longer provides core updates to Power PCs. If its the latter then I finally got my first taste of Apple has no problem leaving you behind, starting with your Internet viewing experience.
I am hoping someone can give me some advice. I have a G4 Powerbook that I've had since 2003 (yes I know in computing terms that's ancient-but we were getting along fine...!) 15 inch, 1.25GHz/512/80/SD. Replacement battery about 18mths ago, no other problems.
On Wednesday evening it completely froze and I had to press and hold the power button to turn it off. And that was it, nothing more, no whirring, no noise-It just won't do anything. Have tried resetting the PMU-several times, ac cable and battery are fine.
Something seems to be wrong with my MobileMe syncing. I recently did a hard drive replacement in my MBP due to a failing hard drive. I did a complete mirror of my hard drive and everything is working fine except for MobileMe. I am able to sync all MobileMe items except for the Calender. When it gets to �alendar syncing a window pops up with the following:
You need to replace your Calendar information on MobileMe
If this computer has the most current information, click Replace. If the most current information is on another computer, cick Fix Later and replace your information on that computer.
Obviously my only two options to click are Fix Later and Replace.
The problem is while I was unable to use my computer I was using my iPhone mostly with the calendar which of course synced to my MobileMe account. I don't want to choose Replace since this computer was not used for approximately 2 weeks so is not at all up to date. I can choose Fix Later but I never get any other options. I simply need to have this computer get the information from MobileMe and place it on this computer since both my iphone and MobileMe is up to date but I never get that option. How do I do this (take info from MobileMe and put on this computer)?
I got this iBook about 6 months ago for free from my sister. I love it, but recently, I have had the worst time with Mac. I wanted to install Xcode for my Mac, and I installed it. The only problem is that it said it couldn't run due to some bogus error... Later that night, I was just browsing the internet and my browser (Safari) crashed. I went to open it again and it just kept crashing. Then, when I went to switch to Firefox, it also crashed. I tried to go into my HDD or Applications folder and it crashed.
Everything would crash as soon as I tried to open. I tried rebooting. I was stuck at they grey screen with an apple and spinning wheel for half an hour, then gave up. I took out my system restore disks and checked the hardware first. Everything was intact. Then I tried Disk Utility from the System Restore disk and all it said was that it couldn't repair the volume. So I remembered that you could reinstall the operating system without reinstalling user settings. I ran it. It was the worst mistake I could make. It turns out that I got 10.3.3 System Restore disks and a separate 10.4 disk. When I tried reinstalling the Tiger disk, it just kept shooting it back out at me. I couldn't even open the internet as all of my applications were written for Tiger. I asked a friend to do some research for me and she found that the disk included was 'part of a hardware bundle' and was not bootable or even readable by the computer. I ask you, if it's not bootable or readable, why even incude it?! So now I'm trying to find a decent deal on a bootable disk on eBay. If anybody knows anything that might help, it would be aprreciated.
Certain websites I try to access are unable to display. They give me the "standard" cannot connect to the server error. [URL]. Other computers in the house operating on the same wireless connection can access these sites fine... so I think something is mis-configured on my machine somehow. I contacted my IP and they said everything is fine. My computer is a 24in. iMac 2.8GHz Intel Core Duo running Mac OS X 10.5.6
basically my airport is not working under leopard, but works fine in boot camp xp.
I tried to delete the network history, keychain info, reboot the system, re-enter the password, no good. now the airport has a self assigned IP address ... I restart to xp, it's fine, go back on os x, no internet i tho it's supposed to be the other way around.
I'm using the printer that came with my Mac when I bought it, last year. (Photosmart C4385 All-In-One)
After working fine, suddenly, the scanner doesn't want to work. Another computer in the house, a HP Desktop seems to work fine, but as far as my far superior Mac, I get a scan error message. this happens in both wireless and connected. The printer is working fine in both wireless and connected methods.
Worse, HP is no longer allowing for on-line support via chat for Mac users! Then when trying to call them, they say that their call centers are not available. It almost seems as if HP doesn't want to hassle with Mac related problems.
We have new KONICA MINOLTA C360. We are using a printing presets that include an "ID & Print" mode. The users have to authenticate on the printer to release their prints. It works fine, but not with Preview.app. Its seems Preview (under Lion) won't use printer presets unless you open one of the submenu and select an other submenu than the 'preview' settings. Otherwise the printer reject the job. Why Preview don't use the preset? I check permissions on the com.apple.print.custompreset.plist and it seems Ok.
I haven't been able to get Safari to load any page for hours now. My internet works fine because I can get email and load Firefox but Safari is my primary browser. I have restarted Safari, my wifi and the MacBook but still will not work.
My computer's hard drive crashed, but after I had it replaced it it now seems to be working weird. My IMessage is working, but it is not syncing my contacts with the numbers. I do not understand what is wrong with it.
I have tried google, but I'm now resorting to macrumors.
Basically the I updated to 10.6.5 and updated to the latest Java. The problem I now have is with some statistics software called SPSS, it can't render graphs anymore because of the java update.
I've been struggling trying to fix the problem and I can't get it to work.
If I revert back in time machine will it change the system files back so that my software will work again??
Would it be better to do a clean erase and restore from time machine, do I need to use my SL disk for this?
i think my mighty mouse (wireless) is starting to suffer the inevitable scroll ball problem, as i cant scroll down as well anymore..have any of you had any sucess getting a replacement or fixing it??
Not sure what I have done, but now, whenever I hold shift and click my mouse the screen brings up all my open windows (Expose?). How can I turn this off. I use Shift Click to highlight large amounts of text and Excel rows etc.
So I finally got around to getting a 1tb drive to hook up to my airport extreme to do TM backups. I have ~420gb to backup on my mbp's hard drive. To avoid an absurdly long backup, I did the initial backup via usb (took the better part of the day).
Just now I was excited because it finished - I hooked the drive up to the extreme, mounted the drive so that it would show up as an option in the TM pref pane for a backup disk, and thought I was good to go. However, when I tried to get TM to do a backup so I could see it work (by selecting Back Up Now from the menubar), it took a ridiculously long time "preparing" and I saw that it was trying to create a whole new TM backup on the drive based on my computer's network name. It even had the audacity to think that the previous backup file was ~2gb, which freaked me out because I thought it had deleted it. But sure enough when I canceled the new backup and hooked it up to my mbp again, the backup was the correct size.