OS X :: Xcode Not Working Fine / Safari Crashes While Browsing
Feb 20, 2009
I got this iBook about 6 months ago for free from my sister. I love it, but recently, I have had the worst time with Mac. I wanted to install Xcode for my Mac, and I installed it. The only problem is that it said it couldn't run due to some bogus error... Later that night, I was just browsing the internet and my browser (Safari) crashed. I went to open it again and it just kept crashing. Then, when I went to switch to Firefox, it also crashed. I tried to go into my HDD or Applications folder and it crashed.
Everything would crash as soon as I tried to open. I tried rebooting. I was stuck at they grey screen with an apple and spinning wheel for half an hour, then gave up. I took out my system restore disks and checked the hardware first. Everything was intact. Then I tried Disk Utility from the System Restore disk and all it said was that it couldn't repair the volume. So I remembered that you could reinstall the operating system without reinstalling user settings. I ran it. It was the worst mistake I could make. It turns out that I got 10.3.3 System Restore disks and a separate 10.4 disk. When I tried reinstalling the Tiger disk, it just kept shooting it back out at me. I couldn't even open the internet as all of my applications were written for Tiger. I asked a friend to do some research for me and she found that the disk included was 'part of a hardware bundle' and was not bootable or even readable by the computer. I ask you, if it's not bootable or readable, why even incude it?! So now I'm trying to find a decent deal on a bootable disk on eBay. If anybody knows anything that might help, it would be aprreciated.
In Safari 5, cookies from private browsing session aren't being erased after closing the private browsing session. The private session pages don't appear in the history, so that much works; I have no idea if the cache is being emptied. Is anyone else having this problem? I've uninstalled the add-ons I had (ClickToFlash, Glims) and turned off the new Safari Extensions, so I'm ruling them out as the problem.
MacBook Pro 13" 2.4 GHz (early 2010), Mac OS X 10.6.4, Safari 5.0 (6533.16)
I put off doing the software update on Safari... I just HAD a feeling something would go wrong and I didn't have time to mess with it if it did.
So today I ran and update. And it messed up.
Now Safari will "open"... it looks like it is open and I have access to all the menus. But a Safari window will not open.
I am surprised that I haven't seen others with this problem. I have tried deleting the cache and deleting the preferences file. Neither seem to have made ANY difference.
I'm at a loss as to what to do. And I am feeling like I'm missing a body part. I need my Safari back!
I would like to know if anyone is having trouble with Safari 5.0.6 on 10.5.8. I have a habit of walking away from my Mac with the browser still open. 9/10 when I return I get spinning pinwheels, no response period, or scripting errors. Thinking maybe my system was bogged down, I did a fresh install of the OS. That did not fix the problem. Then I made sure 10% of my 2TB drive was free and that also did not fix it.
Now I realize I can use other browsers but I prefer Safari. I was wondering if this is an isolated issue or something everyone else is experiencing since Apple no longer provides core updates to Power PCs. If its the latter then I finally got my first taste of Apple has no problem leaving you behind, starting with your Internet viewing experience.
I haven't been able to get Safari to load any page for hours now. My internet works fine because I can get email and load Firefox but Safari is my primary browser. I have restarted Safari, my wifi and the MacBook but still will not work.
When I try to open a new tab it leaves the new tab blank and changes the tab I'm already working on...doesn't do this all the time, but enough to make it irritating. Basically it makes additional tabs uselesss
Also, if I am working successfully in 2 or more tabs for a while it will freeze on the last URL I used on the newest tab and not allow me to go to any new pages on any of the tabs...the only solution to this seems to be quitting Safari and restarting..PITA
I really like Safari, but it's been doing this to me for a few weeks now. Gonna go back to Firefox for the time being and hope that a future update fixes it.
I don't know what my wife did to her 13" white MacBook, but Firefox is slow as molasses. Safari is working perfectly, but all of her bookmarks are in Firefox. I made sure she was on the correct network, than added opendns settings to DNS. I downloaded and installed the most recent Firefox and repaired permissions on the drive. I rebooted - same problem. Random beachballs causing the app to be useless. Safari works perfectly, so it's not an Internet issue. I haven't tried other apps to be sure but right now it seems confined to Firefox.
since the 23rd march skype crashes after 2minutes when i open it and i cant install the "Mobile DEvice Framework" from xcode, when i click install and enter my password it shows "An error occured. See the install log for more details". url...pls help me i already reinstalled mac osx lion and instaklled the 10.7.3 combo update..but still not working
F3 and my right shift key have suddenly become play/pause keys in addition to their original functions. My F8 doesn't really do anything anymore and does not even light up in Keyboard View. I've tried to use Sizzling Keys, and reset Keyboard Shortcuts but the problem still persists. It seems to affect most music playing programs (iTunes and Vox. I have a Macbook Model 5,2 and Mac OS X 10.5.8
I've noticed that occasionally my IR sensor stops working, and no longer responds to changing the volume, skipping the track in iTunes, etc. It can be resolved by going into Security prefs, disabling and re-enabling the IR sensor. This is annoying, however, and I'm wondering if it's a known issue that might be fixed.
I noticed that when you disable and re-enable the IR sensor, the last few remote button pushes you made while it was broken come through in a burst.
My Late 09 MacBook Air has been working a treat, not a spot of bother. All of a sudden, about 5 minutes ago, I've gone to go online to download some research papers (I'm *trying* to write an essay) and it won't load anything. Not even my Twitter app. It is connected to the right network, which is working absolutely fine on every other device in the house (windows computers, iphone etc). I've turned it off and on twice, the way that us clueless folk do.. now I don't know what to do.
so yesterday when i was browsing gmail in my mail app it was working fine then all of a sudden it just stopped, so i tryed fixing around the problem and still couldn't get it to work so i deleted it and re added it back now it says, the user name or password is incorrect when i didn't change anything.
i have a problem browsing with safari on my macbook pro. i am able to launch safari and it loads my homepage. i can then browse from my homepage to a another page macrumors for instance. the problem occurs when i try to browse away from that page to another, macrumors to kvraudio for example. the page does not load. the blue progress bar across the address stops in the first position. safari then 'freezes' becomes unresponsive and then i have to force quit. i have never experienced a problem like this before. here are my macbook specs:
17" MacBook Pro (May 2009) Dual 2.6 Ghz OSX 10.5.6 Safari 3.2.1 Network: Wireless to Airport to Satellite ISP Modem
i am posting this via my old G5 with the same network config. which doesn't have this browsing problem nor does another networked iMac. can anyone recommend a course of action?
I have just recently got my first mac, moving from a windows computer.
On my previous pc on internet explorer there was an option for 'Private Browsing' which didn't leave any files or anything and the sites visited were fully untraceable.
On Safari i have noticed the same option, does this do the same (doesn't leave any cache or history or anything like that?)
It appears as though there may be some suspicious activity occurring on the family computer. Firstly, "private browsing", "reset safari" and "empty cache" all appear under the edit menu in safari. I don't recall having seen them earlier, does this mean they have been recently used or is it part of the standard menu? Also, in the internet history whilst no webpages can be found there are some obscene jpegs. Images found in the internet history, have they been deliberately viewed or is it possible that they find their way there behind the scenes?
With Safari 5 if I open a second tab and choose a bookmark folder and "Open in Tabs" the original active tab disappears. I can get back to the original tab if I go back in the history and thus closing the tabs from the bookmark folder. So my question is there anyway to keep my current tab while still loading all the bookmarks in that folder in tabs?
I am having trouble figuring out how the Safari tab preferences work with shortcuts to websites I have placed in my dock. I have "Open pages in tabs instead of windows" set to "Never," and I have checked "Command-click opens a link in a new tab." This works fine when I am clicking on a link in a website, but when I press command and click on the shortcut in my dock, the link always opens in a new window and not a new tab. Do these preferences apply to an outside link shortcut or just when you are clicking from within a website?
I just got my macbook pro on monday and today when plugging in my keyboard and mouse into the 1st USB I notice it's not working. I plug them into the 2nd and it works fine.
Is this going to be a hardware issue? I'm sort of gutted, I thought I had a perfect one and now I find something isn't working as it should be.
I'll just be doing basic web browsing with Safari on my MacBook Air and Safari will just unexpectedly close and then the error report comes up asking if I want to send it to Apple.
I have been using Safari faithfully since it was released, and in the last week it has developed a strange problem. I can't recall doing anything different that would have caused this problem, but now whenever I try to load a secure website (https), I get the error message "Safari could not load the page https:xxxx because it could not connect to the server." I have tried resetting Safari, but that didn't fix the problem. I have also thrown away the following files (Safari_1.2.pkg, Safari (folder), Safari (application), and com.apple.Safari.plist) and reinstalling a new version of Safari, also without success. I should add that Internet Explorer will always load the pages that choke Safari, but I hate using this program. Has anyone ever heard of this before, and does anyone know how to fix it? Here is a link to the error message I get when I try to log in to my .Mac account:
I got a refurb 2.4 macbook a couple days ago and have been using it and I absolutely love everything about it
quite often, when I'm looking at a web page or something on the internet, the page doesn't load. It will get the first part of a bar in Safari but it will stay there for minutes and then go to one of those white screens.
I'm trying to create an automator that will open safari, enable private browsing, go to my site, and log myself in. The problem is I need a terminal command line that will ensure private browsing is enabled.
I want to disable private browsing in Safari 4. I already managed to do it in Safari 3 following Mac Guide instructions (http://guides.macrumors.com/Safari#D...ivate_Browsing).
Now I want to do the same in Safari 4. I also downloaded the newest XCode. However, again following the above mentioned instructions I only get an error message saying that it can't open "nibs".
I'd appreciate any help!
[please don't start a general discussion about private browsing. Doing it in Safari 3 was the perfect solution for me. I really love this forum!]
I have a browsing habit that is incompatible with marriage and having Private Browsing available is a very big temptation. I was able to remove Private Browsing from Safari 3 but am unable to find out how to remove it from version 4. I have Snow Leopard and have installed Xcode Tools. It seems that most of the browsers are starting to add Private Browsing to their software.
I usually use the private browsing feature on safari but sometimes when I google something it shows near the searches how many visits I've made and when, even when I�ve used private browsing. how do i cleat this kind of history?
I've noticed that my kids have been using private browsing a lot lately and i don't like that, I want to know if there's any way to take it off the menu, that and the ''view all history'' button, because they can also erase sites seen there. I tried xcode, but after downleading a Safari 4.0.5 I can't use it anymore, look: Xcode doesn't work with Firefox either and I don't know what to do.
Safari keeps quitting as I attempt to browse any website. I have recently installed Microsoft office. Can anyone help.Â
Process:Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Safari [818] Path: /Applications/Safari.app/Contents/MacOS/Safari Identifier:Â Â Â Â Â com.apple.Safari Version:Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â 5.1.5 (6534.55.3)
Using the calculator in OS X, enter "-2/3", (minus two divided by three).What do you get?
My calculator reports that answer as 0.666. (Positive NOT negative which is the correct answer). Is anyone else having the same problem? The calculator is giving out wrong answers! I have calculator version 4.2 running on 10.5.8.