OS X Yosemite :: (10.10.1) IMac Locking Up Suddenly When Using Safari

Dec 10, 2014

I have a 4-year old Mac and have noticed lately that it freezes up when I am using Safari.  I'll be on a website and all of a sudden, it just freezes. The only way I can fix the problem is to manually turn off the computer and restart it again.  Nothing works - unable to use the force quit command or the dock to close Safari. Why this might be happening, or if there's another way to deal with it when it happens besides turning off the computer?

iMac, OS X Yosemite (10.10.1)

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OS X Yosemite :: IMac Locking Up After Sleep Mode Requiring Full Power Shut Down And Rebooting

Dec 7, 2014

iMac 27 locking up after sleep mode requiring full power shut down and rebooting in safe mode then shutting down and rebooting normally.. Permissions and this check show no errors, the only error sleep mode failure. Boot up is very slow as well as wake up when possible is slow. Yosemite seems to need a new release in order to correct the boot problems. System operates more like a Windows machine than Apple machine what's going on?

iMac, OS X Yosemite (10.10.1)

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OS X Yosemite :: IMac Suddenly Shows White Screen After Update

Dec 8, 2014

The day after I installed the update(10.10.1) for Yosemite, regularly my iMac suddenly stops working by showing a white screen. After 10 seconds, the iMac reboots automatically and again shows a white screen. Than, it stops. No action. No noise. I'm  always obliged to stop the iMac by pressing the start button and restarting by holding the 'shift' key otherwise I have to look at a white screen again! In the save modus, I can work(typing this story) and restart the iMac. After a while, the whole show starts again. What can I do? Installing Yosemite again and whiteout the update? Can I undo the update? This once, I made no backup before the update(Murphy's law).

iMac, OS X Yosemite (10.10.1)

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IMac (Intel) :: 27-inch Mid 2011 Suddenly Very Slow Especially Safari

Aug 26, 2014

mac suddenly very slow especially safari

iMac (27-inch Mid 2011)

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OS X :: Safari Keeps Locking Up On New UMBP

Jul 10, 2009

I just got a brand new 17" UBMP and when using Safari 4.0.1, I get lots of lock ups with spinning wheels. It happens when just surfing the web & every time so far when trying to put characters in the search bar in the bookmarks page. The system does not allow me to do force quit at the apple logo nor on the application logo - I can go in Activity Monitor where it says, "Safari Not Responding" and I then quit the process. I was not expecting it on the latest top end Apple machine running the latest versions of Apple's own software!

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OS X :: YouTube Keeps Locking / Crashing Safari

Jan 3, 2010

Every time I visit Youtubes home page my CPU locks up or safari crashes. It has been crashing a lot only over the last 3 days. This youtube thing has been going on for 1 day so far. I am on Leopard and everything is up to date.

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IMac (Intel) :: Cannot Access Safari 8.0.2 On Yosemite After Update

Dec 12, 2014

Appstore automatically updated Safari to 8.0.2 this morning, but now I can't access the program. When I start Safari it takes a while to get going, a window opens for a moment with a spinning wheel and then the program crashes. I'm using a mid 2007 20" IMac (2GHz Intel Core 2 Duo processor with 4GB of memoryrunning Yosemite. 

The system error report which gets sent to Apple makes no sense to me, as I don't have any technical knowledge, but scrolling through the report I found this section which refers to something crashing,.

Thread 31 Crashed:: FTL Worklist Worker Thread

0   libllvmForJSC.dylib  0x0000000114f2cd50 DYLD-STUB$$std::__1::basic_string<char,
std::__1::char_traits<char>, std::__1::allocator<char> >::__init(char const*, unsigned long) + 0
1   dyld  0x00007fff6342cceb ImageLoaderMachO::doModInitFunctions(ImageLoader::LinkContext const&) + 265
2   dyld  0x00007fff6342ce78 ImageLoaderMachO::doInitialization(ImageLoader::LinkContext const&) + 40


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OS X :: External HD Locking Up IMac

May 29, 2009

I have a LaCie Rugged HD (the one with the orange bumper) connected to my new 2.93Ghz iMac via FW800, doing daily backups via SuperDuper! However, lately it will sometimes not respond when I click on it in the Finder, and then I'll get the forever spinning Beachball. It's been locking up Finder (which won't respond to a Force Restart), iTunes, pretty much everything and until I figured out what it was, I was having to do several forced restarts on the computer.

Finally, I figured out it was the LaCie HD, and physically unplugging its FW cable was the only way to unlock my entire iMac. It would not respond to ejecting it via Finder. Which one is typically at fault, the iMac, or the HD? Of course, I'd love to try a different cable, but don't have another FW 800 cable, and of course the new iMacs don't have FW400 now. I haven't had any issues with my external WD drive connected via USB. I'm just curious if my FW port on my iMac could have an issue.

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IMac :: Locking Up Every 5 Minute?

Dec 13, 2009

I have a 24" Imac that I bought in the summer of 2008. It has the 3.06 GHZ processor, 4 gbs ram, 1TB HD and the Nvidia 8800 gs video card. About a week ago it locked up while I was installing divx for some videos I am working. The beachball of death started spinning, I let it sit for almost 4 hours and it never worked itself out. The mouse still moves but the screen it totally locked up and the music stops(if some is playing) every time this happens. I repaired premissions and repaired the disk with disk utility (strangely when running disk utility it does not lock up) then even made a disk image of my HD with disk utility just in case the HD is failing. I also ran the hardware test from the startup disk, it found nothing. It usually locks up within 20 mins of being turned on, even if i just turn it on and leave it, running no programs. Any ideas what might be going on?

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OS X Yosemite :: (10.10.1) Frequently Getting Spinning Beach Ball Using Safari On IMac

Dec 7, 2014

Since I installed Yosemite OS 10.10.1 on my imac, I frequently get that spinning ball,  when using Safari.  Doing a search for this problem it appears that there are a lot of others with the same condition. 

iMac, OS X Yosemite (10.10.1)

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IMac :: 27" Locking In BC2 - Sound Card

Sep 23, 2010

My mac has been locking up in BC2, the problem seems to be specific to that game, but also specific to this computer. I have a feeling it is a sound card issue. Heres how it goes. [URL:....] I'm on an i5 / 5850m / Win7 Ultimate.

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IMac :: Getting Kernel Panics - Freezing / Locking

Jul 14, 2009

Our 1st gen 24" iMac was giving us Kernel Panics under Tiger 10.4.11 recently it all started two months ago. We took it into the Apple store for a Cleaning and fresh install of Leopard.
When we received it back it locked/froze up immediately, forcing a hard restart. When I called the store they said one of my sticks of ram was not techinically bad but still suspect. This is what I did after that call.

1. Checked the ram physically (the Apple store had placed my 512mb Apple ram stick in slot 0) which I thought very strange.
2. I corrected the ram, meaning I put the 2gb (suspect) stick in slot 0 and the 512 Apple ram in slot 1. Things were better it would take 10-15 minutes of use before locking up not 1-2 minutes.
3. I placed a new stick of Crucial (2gb from OWC) in place of the supect stick. that has had ZERO affect, our mac still freezes.
4. I pulled out the 512mb Apple (Micron) ram and replaced it with a 1gb Micron stick from OWC and that gives us roughly 20-40 minutes of time befroe freezing.

The software is up to date, I've max'd out the ram (new ram per Apple's request) and all we have running is iTunes in the background to stream to AppleTV and a few tabs of Safari open when this locks up. Right before it freezes we notice lines arcoss the application windows almost as though there a distorted pixels. When we took it in (running Tiger) the Apple Tech did check the drive and boot from their network and said our HD was not the issue, but it wasn't up long enough to cause kernel panic.

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Hardware :: IMac Locking Up After Opening Few Apps

Sep 25, 2001

I have an iMacDV/400. About a week ago this iMac has been locking up after having a few apps open. Even when I quit all the apps it still locks the mouse. I've tried force quitting but that doesn't work. The only way to is to use the reset button under the phone port to reboot. Also possibly at second problem is the remote access. Same thing as above. When I'm running some apps,then done and quite the apps. I fire up remote access and a freeze again.

What I have done so far:
Dumped the prefs of some of the apps to create new ones.
Dumped the RMA prefs and reset the control panel etc.
Also the usual maintenance: finder pref, rebuild the desktop with either TTP or Conflict Catcher, run TTP,Norton, check DiskWarrior etc.

For awhile I thought it *might* be bad ram but checked that also and replaced the sticks with new backups just in case. You would think it was an extension conflict although CC says no and the others can't come up with anything either.

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IMac (Intel) :: Since Installing Yosemite Get Notice On Screen Safari Closed Unexpectedly

Dec 2, 2014

I get a notice on screen after finishing and closing Safari to tell me that Safari Closed unexpectedly - how can I stop this?

Example here :

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.4), Projector is a Panasonic PT-LC50E

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OS X Yosemite :: Suddenly Mail Has Stopped Sending Emails

Dec 10, 2014

Suddenly Mail has stopped sending emails. Connection Doctor says server is 'offline' and I should ensure passwords and settings are correct. But I changed NOTHING - it just suddenly stopped sending and receiving!

I'm using a late 2012 iMac and a Retina MacBook Pro, both with very latest OS - same problem on both. I've restarted my TimeCapsule and BT HomeHub


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Safari :: Why Do Suddenly Have No Toolbars

Jul 4, 2012

Safari randomly appeared with no toolbars.  I have to Force Quit in order to get back to my desktop.  Connection's OK; downloaded Safari for Lion, but no change.

iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.4)

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Safari :: Menu Bar Has Suddenly Disappeared

Apr 1, 2012

The menu bar has suddenly disappeared. What do I do to get it back?


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MacBook Pro :: Why Suddenly Seeing Pop Ups In Chrome And Safari

Jun 3, 2014

A couple of weeks ago, I suddenly started seeing pop ups in both my Chrome and Safari browsers. I have pop up ads turned off in both, went so far as to uninstall Chrome and the .dmg for it several times, cleared all histories, cookies, extensions, etc, etc. What's even more maddening is that it happens while just using plain old Google to do a search. I have cleaned out all old pics and documents via Finder that I no longer needed. I have nothing new that has caused this change. So what the heck is happening here??? I have been trying to track this isue down and can't find a solution. Firefox seems to be the only thing unaffected at this point, but I migrated away from Mozilla a long time ago. I've tried searching Google's forums, but the fact it's happening in Safari suggests it's something within my Mac. I've run a virus scan (semi-redundant, I'm aware, but I'm grasping) and all is clear. Do I try a malware search now?

MacBook Pro, OS X Mavericks (10.9.3)

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MacBook Pro :: Suddenly Can't Log In To Facebook Using Safari (6.0.3)

Jul 1, 2014

As of last night I can no longer log into Facebook using Safari. It says "Safari can't establish a secure connection to the server www.facebook.com" I have tried resetting Safari, clearing cache. Still does not load. All other pages are fine. Google Chrome opens Facebook without a problem.Using Safari 6.0.3 ...

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OS X :: Safari 4.05 Suddenly Start Crashing Continuously

May 16, 2010

I'm not sure what started this but suddenly Safari continuously crashes and re-crashes when trying to re-open. This is frustrating as I don't see many reports on this problem on this site.

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Safari :: Suddenly Getting Certificate Authentication Errors?

Feb 2, 2012

The last few weeks I'm suddenly getting tons of "Warning: the certificate isn't valid" error messages when I go to sites on Safari. Normal sites: Facebook, Chase bank, amazon -- nothing suspect or out of the ordinary.  I haven't downloaded anything suspect, virus scans reveal no issues, no viruses... is this problem something inherent to the latest update of Safari?  Or, is there a setting I need to change - a box I need to tick - to make this stop happening?  It's so constant now that I can barely use Safari because every new URL generates authentication messages. 

Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8), 32 GB RAM

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Safari :: Retrieve Favicons Which Suddenly All Vanished From Bar?

Mar 20, 2012

Last weekend all my website favicons disappeared from my favorites. I tries the regular close and click on each (and they should reappar) but they didnt... and I have no idea of why it happened and how to get them back.

iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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Safari :: 5.1.4 - Unable To See Gmail Messages Suddenly

Mar 26, 2012

I can't see my gmail messages in Safari 5.1.4. I can see them in FireFox. Things were fine until two days ago.

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MacBook Pro :: Adress Bar In Safari Suddenly Dissappeared

Mar 26, 2012

My adress bar in safari suddenly dissappeared. How do i get it back?

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Safari 5.1.5 Has Suddenly Started To Crash Immediately?

Apr 10, 2012

Safari 5.1.5 has suddenly started to crash immediately without launching.I have reinstalled it from Time Machine backup, repaired disk permissions without success.I have created another user account and it is still crashing so it must be a system wide issue. [code]

Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8), Quad-Core Intel Xeon

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Safari :: Crashing Suddenly Or After Waking From Sleep

Jun 27, 2012

I have tried different approaches to no avail. Report follows.

Process: Safari [233]
Path: /Applications/Safari.app/Contents/MacOS/Safari
Identifier: com.apple.Safari
Version: 5.0.5 (6533.21.1)
Build Info: WebBrowser-75345702~2
Code Type: X86-64 (Native)
[Crash Report] .....

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Intel Mac :: Safari And Dictionary Quit Suddenly While Opening

Feb 6, 2012

This problem involves my wife's Intel i7 iMac11,1 with a 27" screen. She started having problems with her email app (Entourage). I was unable to fix it. I finally recommended that we restore a previous incarnation of the MacOS 10.6.8 by restoring from Time Machine to the main hard drive. After Restore had finished, I tried to open several apps without success. I then used Disk Warrior 4.3 to update the iMac by booting the DVD on my Mac Pro and putting the iMac in Target Disk Mode since the iMac can't boot DW 4.3, but 4.3 can be used via Firewire to create a revised directory.

The non-Apple apps seemed to run fine after that, but I couldn't get some Apple apps to open. They would suddenly quit while they were in the process of opening. I then used the Apple Application Install DVD that came with the iMac to install the Apple Apps with the hope that the Apple Apps would open correctly and then I could update them from Apple Downloads or Software Update. When the install disk finished installing Apple Apps, I tried to open Safari to go the Apple Downloads, but Safari still quit suddenly during my attempt to open it. In desperation, I opened Firefox 6.0.1 and went to Apple Downloads. 

There, I downloaded Mac OS X 10.6.8 Update Combo v 1.1 followed by a security update that ended with the number 1. After restart, I found that Font Book and DVD Player and iDVD and Garage Band and Quick Time Player 10.0 and iCal and Image Capture and iMovie and Calculator and Automator and Address Book and the Mail app and Preview and System Preferences and Text Edit and Grab app and Terminal opened without quitting, but Safari and Dictionary and iPhoto and Dashboard and App Store and iTunes still quit suddenly when I tried to open them. I didn't try the remaining Apple apps. Testing some non-Apple apps, VMware Fusion and Google Earth and MacScan all opened without quitting.

There are four events that may shed additional light. The backup power source went flaky a couple of days ago and it went on and off battery power rapidly until I unplugged it. Second, a power strip for my wife's iMac has since been plugged directly into the house current with no backup battery. Third, yesterday, the room became quite warm and the back side of the iMac became very warm or hot, but not bad enough to burn skin. Fourth, my wife insists on storing many of her files on the desktop. The desktop is virtually full of icons. I took a bunch of folders that she had on the desktop and put them in a folder in Documents, but there a quite a few folders still on the desktop and I estimate they will more than fill the screen if the files in them were all moved out of the folders and onto desktop.

It's handy and she can work faster than looking for them in Documents. Is it possible that power bumps from the house current or from the flaky backup battery could have damaged hardware or could such events damage software that is not replaced by the Restore from Time Machine? Could overheating damage hardware or software that is not replaced by Restore or the 10.6.8 Combo Update? Could too many files and folders cause the problems I'm having? She's operated this way for a year without problems, but I think the number of files had gradually increased during that time. I'm posting this message using Firefox 6.0.1.

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Safari :: Get Rid Of Strange Adverts Suddenly Appearing On Wikipedia?

Mar 24, 2012

Since this morning I have been getting strange adverts on facebook and wikipedia.There is usually some text by the adverts that say "adverts not from this site"I downloaded something yesterday from a video streaming site that I have since uninstalled using a wise uninstaller program, but these adverts remain.I use safari but they come up on firefox too.

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Safari Page Suddenly Doubles In Size?

Mar 28, 2012

With Lion, my Safari pages suddenly double in size with a slight movement of my mouse. Also, with Lion, when I leave my iMac for some period of time, the pages freezes and the cursor point pixilates when I move the mouse. I have to turn off the computer and put in my password to restore functions.

iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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Safari :: Why Is Menu Bar And Dock Suddenly Missing From Screen

Apr 5, 2012

Im looking for feed back as to reason why my safari menu bar and dock are suddenly hidden from the screen and how to correct this.  Has this happened to anyone else and were you able to fix it.  I'm a bit confused since it has never done this before and I didn't make any changes in settings. 

iMac (20-inch Mid 2007), Mac OS X (10.7.3), Safari menu bar & dock missing

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