OS X V10.7 Lion :: Safari Page Suddenly Doubles In Size?
Mar 28, 2012
With Lion, my Safari pages suddenly double in size with a slight movement of my mouse. Also, with Lion, when I leave my iMac for some period of time, the pages freezes and the cursor point pixilates when I move the mouse. I have to turn off the computer and put in my password to restore functions.
I’ll try to be as specific as I can. I’m running Safari 5.1.7Â
From time to time, Safari seems to encounter a problem with opening https (Hyper Text Transfer Protocol Secure). Either the page won’t open or the page will take deveral minutes to load (like four minutes to load Twitter home page).Â
When it happens, it seems to cause Safari the misbehave with any other page: Safari becomes in effect broken. Meanwhile, pages load normally in Chrome or Firefox. Â
Sometimes, restarting the computer will fix the problem (for a while), but sometime it doesn’t. I’ve also tried to empty Safari’s cache and flush its DNS. It doesn’t always work. I coming here because I restarted by computer half an hour ago and pages are still loading in Safari.Â
Other valuable information:Â
1) The problem with https existed prior to me upgrading to 5.1.7
2) I can be using Safari for days before I encounter the problem
3) I usually work with thre or four windows open, each loaded with about ten tabs.Â
I am using a wireless mouse on my intel iMac, and when I am using Safari, and no other program, when I am navigating, the screen will suddenly zoom in and get huge. I don't think I am doing anything repeatable when this happens. I cannot do anything to zoom back out. So, I need to go back a page and start over at the normal screen size. This is annoying, especially when I have just reached a page I need to see.
How can safari remember a zoomed in web page? I like to the fill the entire screen with the page then zoom in as much as possible for easy reading. I find this is very helpful on a 13" screen.
I have tried esc, command + control + F, holding down the control key and scrolling with the mouse, tapping on the mouse, and making a pinching motion on the mouse. How do I get my screen back to normal size?
When I opened safari my homepage was apple and it opened using the middle of the display with the desktop screensaver visable on both sides of the page now it opens adn takes up the whole screen I don't know how to resize it and save it where it will open to the same all the time. I'm a very new owner of an IMAC and to apple so I'm completely in the dark to mac systems and just stumbling around. I'm a 70 year old guy that's ben drug into the 21 century and trying to keep up (not very good )
You can close or dismiss tabs in Safari with the X on the tab until you get to the last one. How can I dismiss the content there and get a blank page, similar to the way Safari in iOS 5 works.
Safari tries to load web pages 3 or 4 or 5 times with the page actually partially rendering, then stops trying to load with a "Safari Web Content quit unexpectedly." At that point, it is unresponsive to the keyboard, but the menu works with the mouse. I have disabled extensions, plug-ins, Java and JavaScript. Crash report below. Chrome quit working on the same day. I can't even view preferences as I get an "aw, snap" and nothing renders at all.The keyboard continues to be responsive. Preferences, History and Bookmarks won't render. I deleted everything that starts with Chrome and reinstalled from a fresh download.
I repaired permissions and got a number of errors but no changes in behavior. I upgraded three other Macs to the same level and had no issues.
I seem to be having a hell of a time with all google related things. About 50% of the time I can't get to the google search page and get the error message Safari can't open the page [URL] because Safari can't connect to the server. When I am able to get into gmail, I am constantly being disconnected from gchat, like every 5 minutes. When it disconnects, it will try to reconnect, most of the time unsuccessfully. I then get the error message, unable to reach gmail please check your internet connection. This happens no matter what browser I use. However, when I try to connect from my husband's PC (same network), everything is fine. I've tried emptying my safari cache, tried uninstalling and re-installing both safari and firefox, and I am out of ideas. Any ideas about what is going on, and how I might fix this issue. I searched through the google help, and there were similar problems posted (none recently), but no answers on how to solve the issue. This has been going on for about a week now, and it's driving me up a wall.
I currently run Safari 5.1.6 on an iMac with OS X 10.7.4 and no matter which page I designate as my Home Page, Safari ignores this and on start-up always opens the last page I was on.
New to this website and I'm by all means not a computer genius so please bear with me and I've been having some issues that I'm curious about and am hoping that I can get some answers hear. I bought a white Macbook about 9 months ago (switched from a PC) and I make great use of the two finger scrolling feature. I tend to put one finger on the bottom of the trackpad (just above the button) and scroll with another. Sometimes while I'm scrolling through a website, the page "jumps" as if I did a quick motion or hit the space bar to move the page down and I then have to search back through the page I was on to where I was reading, etc. I'm curious if my trackpad has issues (everything else is fine and it only "jumps" occasionally) and needs repair or replacement. If not, is there any way to prevent this?
The speech suddenly started speaking all commands and page info. I do not know what is wrong or how to turn it off. As I type this it speaks each letter and key that I pressImac G5 Mac osx 10.4.11 Safari 4.0.4
I have a Mac Pro with a 23 inch cinema attached. I want my applications to be full size. I drag the right hand corner down and it goes full size BUT as soon as I change a page within that application it goes back to almost max (just above the dock. Its as if the dock is pushing the page higher. When I click on the minimise and then click to open it opens again at almost full size just above the dock. When I click on the green resize maximise button it goes back to where it was and stays there.
I have a page "Welcome" next to other pages ("About Me"...).
Since yesterday when I open iWeb and click on the "Welcome" name to select the page (to modify or just look at it), iWeb immediatelly quits. The same happens when I follow a link to "Welcome" from another page.
I can access all other pages with no problems.
I tried deleting iWeb's preferences file, restoring an older copy of my domain.site2 file, overwriting iWeb with another copy of iWeb (same version), nothing changed.
This concerns iWeb 3.0 (build 301) on Mac OS X 10.6.2 (Darwin 10.2).
I signed out of Safari then signed in again. Now the bookmarks for the AT&T - Yahoo page do not display on the page. Other bookmarks are intact. Do I have to reload them?
I just recently upgraded my Macbook Pro 2012 from 4gb ram to 8gb ram from crucial. And I was wondering what is this "page ins and page outs" and i saw it's already above a gigabyte on both pages, the swap used is very big, it's 2.35 gb, and my VM size is 304 GB!!! Should I worry about these numbers on my mac why are they too big? and what are some ways to reduce this "page outs & swap used." (Btw, there's only 20% left of my 500gb hard drive and I always use big apps like Logic Pro X and 9.1.8 and I always play dots 2 here on my mac.)
I'm using Comic Life to write a graphic novel. I'm having trouble formatting the page to the same size as some reference books I'm using (Watchmen, a couple of other paperbacks the same size). I have computed the page format size based on the 72 pts per inch to what appears to be the standard 10.25 x 6.625, but when it prints it's significantly smaller.
I realize I need to create the book in a format size that will be available with the book on demand printing I anticipate using- The Watchmen book appears to be roughly 10.25x 6.625, the size listed on Lulu for Comic book size. How to set up comic life page to be same size?
Why doesn't iweb allow me to change the size of my page. i have gone onto the inspector, clicked on 'layout' and typed in the figures in the 'content height' bar and pressed return but no changes. what has happened?
using my white macbook, everytime i fire up safari it opens the last webpage that i visited, eg facebook or the login page of my bank account.
i have checked in preferences pane - ensured that the new windows and new tabs open with "homepage" and set the homepage field to [URL]( i even manually typed it in and selected "set to current page" to make sure it was ok ). then i go onto facebook, quit safari, re-open it and .. it's the facebook page again!Â
i reset safari and this has no effect. it didnt always used to be like this, just recently.
ps - so i used no capital letters, i broke my shoulder last week
In Safari, I am no longer able to print web .pdf documents. The print screen pops up, however the preview document shows a blank page. I am able to print in Firefox, so this has to be a Safari problem. I have checked my Internet Plug In files and there is no Adobe plug in as suggested by others in similar questions. Turning on/off the computer has not helped either. Nor has Open PDF in Preview. I'm using an iMac with Lion and an HP Photosmart C4700 printer.
I've got a 500gb drive in my MacBook, check out what comes up when i quick-view my home folder, apparrently Snow Leopard has got a new feature of doubling your disk space now! Anyone else discovered this 'feature'? If only it were true...
OK, do ignore this thread! I've just realised it's prob because I'm running file-vault so it's using a disk image for my user folder! Sorry for the excitable 'bug report'!
why Aperture is creating doubles while importing photos? Within Aperture, the events only show single pictures but there are 2 copies of the same photo displayed within finder. Example:Â
-DC101010.jpg -DC101010 (1).jpgÂ
Some findings:
Happens on new files never imported and on files I've imported before (creating new events the 2nd time and unchecking "do not import duplicates") Removing the file with a "(1)" in the name does not affect Aperture...The 2 files are identical in dates and size, with preview showing the same picture.Creating a new test library and importing did not fix the problemÂ
-Aperture 3.5.1 -OS X 10.9.4 -iMac
Info: iMac, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4), Aperture 3.5.1
Does making an Alias of my movie files to point to Front Row doubles the files and take up more space in the HD? I don't understand what Alias really is.
So I haven't used Pandora in a while, and just started again last week. I figured I would grab one of the third party apps, so I didn't have to use Safari to listen. I tried PandoraJam, PandoraBoy, and PandoraMan, and none of them work right. I can listen to stations that I have already created, but I can not create a new station. Every time I try to type an artist or song in the box, it doubles every letter. For example say I wanted to search for "Train" If I try to type that in the search box it comes out "Ttrraaiinn." I know Pandora recently released their own App, so did they break 3rd Party apps, to promote Pandora ONE?