IMac :: Locking Up Every 5 Minute?

Dec 13, 2009

I have a 24" Imac that I bought in the summer of 2008. It has the 3.06 GHZ processor, 4 gbs ram, 1TB HD and the Nvidia 8800 gs video card. About a week ago it locked up while I was installing divx for some videos I am working. The beachball of death started spinning, I let it sit for almost 4 hours and it never worked itself out. The mouse still moves but the screen it totally locked up and the music stops(if some is playing) every time this happens. I repaired premissions and repaired the disk with disk utility (strangely when running disk utility it does not lock up) then even made a disk image of my HD with disk utility just in case the HD is failing. I also ran the hardware test from the startup disk, it found nothing. It usually locks up within 20 mins of being turned on, even if i just turn it on and leave it, running no programs. Any ideas what might be going on?

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Mac Pro :: Locking Up - 8 Minute Startup?

Feb 14, 2008

In the past couple of weeks I've been having issue with my workstation locking up, the first couple times it only happened when activating expose, I'd have a bunch of apps open(final cut, photoshop, bridge, entourage, +) and it would freeze when I activated expose when all the windows were shrinking.

In the past week though it's been happening out of nowhere, still with final cut and other various apps open but no warning, but now the screens don't freeze they go blank, but the tower doesn't sound like it's powering down or doing anything besides the norm. It almost seems like a video card issue.

However just minutes ago it happened again, screen went blank(thank god my final cut autosaves every 5 minutes). Did a hard restart and logged in but after my desktop picture loaded nothing was happening, spotlight was up in the corner(not the whole menu bar) and mousing over spotlight showed a beachball. Another hard restart and same thing, so I just let it sit for a while and after 7-8 minutes of sitting there with just my desktop image the rest of the os finally loaded. I was getting worried as I have deadlines and one of them is tomorrow. This machine is usually in use monday-friday 9-5.

OSX Tiger 10.4.11
quicktime 7.3.1(can't upgrade to 7.4 or 7.4.1 because it causes issues with after affects rendering & were getting a Red cam which the latest quicktimes don't work well with)
Mac Pro Quad Core 2.66
5GB 667
ATI x1900 w/ 2 monitors(1920x1200 & 1280x768)
500gb system drive
2x 500gb drives in mirrored software raid
320gb storage drive

Running mostly Final Cut studio 2(latest updates) & adobe design premium cs3 and occasionally after effects cs3

Anyone else having this issue or have a solution?

Also our other editor has noticed his station(almost exactly the same but with 8gb ram) has been running a little slower than it should be as of late.

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OS X :: External HD Locking Up IMac

May 29, 2009

I have a LaCie Rugged HD (the one with the orange bumper) connected to my new 2.93Ghz iMac via FW800, doing daily backups via SuperDuper! However, lately it will sometimes not respond when I click on it in the Finder, and then I'll get the forever spinning Beachball. It's been locking up Finder (which won't respond to a Force Restart), iTunes, pretty much everything and until I figured out what it was, I was having to do several forced restarts on the computer.

Finally, I figured out it was the LaCie HD, and physically unplugging its FW cable was the only way to unlock my entire iMac. It would not respond to ejecting it via Finder. Which one is typically at fault, the iMac, or the HD? Of course, I'd love to try a different cable, but don't have another FW 800 cable, and of course the new iMacs don't have FW400 now. I haven't had any issues with my external WD drive connected via USB. I'm just curious if my FW port on my iMac could have an issue.

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IMac :: 27" Locking In BC2 - Sound Card

Sep 23, 2010

My mac has been locking up in BC2, the problem seems to be specific to that game, but also specific to this computer. I have a feeling it is a sound card issue. Heres how it goes. [URL:....] I'm on an i5 / 5850m / Win7 Ultimate.

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IMac :: Getting Kernel Panics - Freezing / Locking

Jul 14, 2009

Our 1st gen 24" iMac was giving us Kernel Panics under Tiger 10.4.11 recently it all started two months ago. We took it into the Apple store for a Cleaning and fresh install of Leopard.
When we received it back it locked/froze up immediately, forcing a hard restart. When I called the store they said one of my sticks of ram was not techinically bad but still suspect. This is what I did after that call.

1. Checked the ram physically (the Apple store had placed my 512mb Apple ram stick in slot 0) which I thought very strange.
2. I corrected the ram, meaning I put the 2gb (suspect) stick in slot 0 and the 512 Apple ram in slot 1. Things were better it would take 10-15 minutes of use before locking up not 1-2 minutes.
3. I placed a new stick of Crucial (2gb from OWC) in place of the supect stick. that has had ZERO affect, our mac still freezes.
4. I pulled out the 512mb Apple (Micron) ram and replaced it with a 1gb Micron stick from OWC and that gives us roughly 20-40 minutes of time befroe freezing.

The software is up to date, I've max'd out the ram (new ram per Apple's request) and all we have running is iTunes in the background to stream to AppleTV and a few tabs of Safari open when this locks up. Right before it freezes we notice lines arcoss the application windows almost as though there a distorted pixels. When we took it in (running Tiger) the Apple Tech did check the drive and boot from their network and said our HD was not the issue, but it wasn't up long enough to cause kernel panic.

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Hardware :: IMac Locking Up After Opening Few Apps

Sep 25, 2001

I have an iMacDV/400. About a week ago this iMac has been locking up after having a few apps open. Even when I quit all the apps it still locks the mouse. I've tried force quitting but that doesn't work. The only way to is to use the reset button under the phone port to reboot. Also possibly at second problem is the remote access. Same thing as above. When I'm running some apps,then done and quite the apps. I fire up remote access and a freeze again.

What I have done so far:
Dumped the prefs of some of the apps to create new ones.
Dumped the RMA prefs and reset the control panel etc.
Also the usual maintenance: finder pref, rebuild the desktop with either TTP or Conflict Catcher, run TTP,Norton, check DiskWarrior etc.

For awhile I thought it *might* be bad ram but checked that also and replaced the sticks with new backups just in case. You would think it was an extension conflict although CC says no and the others can't come up with anything either.

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OS X Yosemite :: (10.10.1) IMac Locking Up Suddenly When Using Safari

Dec 10, 2014

I have a 4-year old Mac and have noticed lately that it freezes up when I am using Safari.  I'll be on a website and all of a sudden, it just freezes. The only way I can fix the problem is to manually turn off the computer and restart it again.  Nothing works - unable to use the force quit command or the dock to close Safari. Why this might be happening, or if there's another way to deal with it when it happens besides turning off the computer?

iMac, OS X Yosemite (10.10.1)

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OS X Yosemite :: IMac Locking Up After Sleep Mode Requiring Full Power Shut Down And Rebooting

Dec 7, 2014

iMac 27 locking up after sleep mode requiring full power shut down and rebooting in safe mode then shutting down and rebooting normally.. Permissions and this check show no errors, the only error sleep mode failure. Boot up is very slow as well as wake up when possible is slow. Yosemite seems to need a new release in order to correct the boot problems. System operates more like a Windows machine than Apple machine what's going on?

iMac, OS X Yosemite (10.10.1)

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OS X :: Screen Dims When Not In Use After One Minute

Feb 12, 2009

My screen dims after no use for about a minute. I have it set to do that after 15 minutes. I minute is too annoying (like if watching a video or something with no user input). Anyway, how do I make it stop doing this. It does not seem to want to go with the 15 minute setting I put in for screensaver.

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OS X :: Uploading 9 Minute Video To YouTube?

Sep 5, 2010

How do I upload a video that is 9 minutes long? I shot it in HD, imported it in IMovie at half the size. I can't tell how many gigs it is, I assume 10g.

For videos over 2g, Youtube says to install Java. But the certificate is expired?

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OS X :: Clicking Noise Every Minute From Macbook - How To Fix It

Jan 22, 2009

Not sure from where in my macbook it's coming, but it started recently. The only thing that changed recently is that i relocated it to a different city, but i don't see why that would cause this. Clicking isn't really the right word to describe the's like a sweeping click. "Shtock." And it gets louder if i increase the volume on my computer, but it's definitely not coming from any application. And it usually goes off every minute, but sometimes there are breaks of two minutes or so.

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Mac Mini :: How Long Does It Take To Burn A 90-minute Dvd

May 6, 2009

Curious to know how big a hit the slow-ish processor would be for this kind of thing. Also wondering how much faster a 2.93 Imac would actually be in normal light use (surfing, word, light photo editing etc).

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Applications :: IP Refreshing Too Many Times Per Minute

Feb 19, 2010

Is there any way to monitor this and find out which program is causing it? I don't use Limewire or any other type of file sharing software. Every once in a while I'll see a slight spike (between 500-800KB/S) in bandwidth for no real reason, then my IP gets blocked. How do I find out what's going on behind the scenes?

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Software :: G5 Laggs And Freezes For A Minute

Nov 11, 2008

i have a g5 pro dual core 2giigs of ram leopard 10.5 my mac has always ran great neve any issues but latly it starts to lag and then freeze for a minute then it will run great for a minute or 2 then lag freeze lag freeze for 2 or 3 minutes then fine for ....well u get the idea ... i tried useing the memory testers that they have out there and they pass on each program so is it the ram or something else

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MacBook Pro :: Why Is Boot Up Time Almost A Minute

Jun 21, 2014

It takes my late 2008 MacBook Pro about 56 seconds to boot up. Is there any way to speed up the process? Keep in mind it recently just had a fresh install of OS X Mavericks, so there isn't that much on here to slow it down.

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MacBook Pro :: Change Desktop Background Every Minute?

Jan 6, 2011

If I change the desktop background in the interval of every one minute, will it have a impact on battery life? I notice there's even an option for every 5 seconds. Surely, Apple must feel confident in the battery life of the MBP if there is such an option. I like seeing a new image every so often, but don't want to sacrifice too much battery. What do you feel is the best setting? Every 5 minutes? 15 min? 30 min? 1 hour?

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Applications :: Safari 4 Constant Crashing After About 1 Minute?

May 5, 2009

I can't figure out why Safari crashes after about a minute after launch. It doesn't crash when I log in as another user. I deleted the plist files, and the cache, but it doesn't help. I uninstalled Safari 4 and it crashed immediately on launch with Safari 3. I reinstalled Safari 4, and it once again crashed after about a minute. I deleted everything in ~/Library/Safari. I repaired permissions. It still crashes. Firefox works flawlessly.

What should I do next? This is the first time in about 10 years that I can't seem to diagnose a problem on my mac. Very frustrating. Does someone have any idea what I should do next?

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MacBook :: Is This Boot-up Time Of About 1 Minute Normal

May 5, 2009

I bought my new MacBook Alu., 2GHz, 2GB Ram, with OSX 10.5.6 about 5-6 weeks ago, and was pretty astonished about how long it takes for the thing to boot-up. Approx. 60-70 seconds (just over a minute).My old MacBook (white), with 1,8GHz, 1,25GB Ram, and Tiger, took about only half the time. (About the same number of Apps on both notebooks)Is this boot-up time of about 1 minute normal, or should I contact Apple Service?

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MacBook Pro :: Battery Drains One Percent Per Minute

Jul 31, 2009

Ok so to start off, my Macbook Pro is around 3 years old. With my original battery having been through 350+ cycles, I had to buy a replacement. So I did some research and found that the Fastmac battery was my best bet for a long-lasting, reliable battery. I would say that Ive had the Fastmac battery for a bout 6-7 months without any problems whatsoever. However, recently Ive been noticing the drastic change in battery life. I installed Coconut Battery yesterday and discovered that my current battery capacity is 2266mAh with the original capacity being 5800mAh and 213 cycles. I also should note that the battery drains 1% a minute with no programs running (besides the Activity Monitor, which showed no strange behavior). Now luckily for me, My Fastmac battery is under a 1 year warranty, however I just wanna verify that it is a fault with my battery and not anything on my Macbook's side causing the battery to drain so quick. The last thing I want is to receive my replacement and then have to go through the same process 6 months later.

Also here is the Battery Information from the System Profiler.
Battery Information:
Battery Installed:Yes
First low level warning:No
Full Charge Capacity (mAh):2266
Remaining Capacity (mAh):1414
Amperage (mA):-1449
Voltage (mV):11421
Cycle Count:213

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MacBook Pro :: Takes A Full Minute To Boot Up?

Feb 20, 2010

It takes a full minute to boot up my Macbook Pro 15.4".

I only have 2GB of RAM, but the CPU is a C2D @ 2.4Ghz. Should it take this long?

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Software :: Finder Crashes And Restarting Every Minute

Apr 27, 2008

My finder is crashing and restarting every minute or so. Applications are not closing, just folder windows. System is GM (power pc) with latest OSX 10 Tiger update recently installed virtual PC.

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Software :: Computer Shuts Down After A Minute Of Inactivity

Jan 10, 2010

After just over one minute of inactivity (no moving mouse, typing, etc.), I get a "Logout, Cancel, Restart, Shutdown" screen. If I don't quickly click out of it, the computer totally shuts down. I have an Intel Macbook. I don't believe it's a hardware problem; I've run the hardware test and it comes up clear.

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MacBook Pro :: Retina Hangs In Iphoto 3 Minute?

Jun 19, 2012

My shiny new retina macbook pro took 11 hours to transfer all my files over wireless to the new machine. I thought all software was current, and everything seems to be there.  

When  I opened iphoto for the first time, ...I  cannot quite remember the message , but do remember it said  iphoto needed to update and it would take about 3 minutes ??  

Well iphoto has given me the grey screen of death. I can see the side bar that is empty and the empty screen in the middle. I left it overnight and it was the same. My library is about 50 GB. I force quit and it now has a progress bar and is now stuck at step 5/  95% for another 30 minutes. 

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.2)

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OS X V10.6 Snow Leopard :: Screensaver Comes On For A Minute On Display

Jun 28, 2012

My screensaver comes on like it should, or comes on from hot corner, but won't stay on. I've tried a number of things including:

-Trashing the prefs file (Library>ByHost>
-Starting from they DVD and fixing permissions and verifying/repairing the startup volume,
-Quitting all applications (I thought it was Time Machine or Chrome, but no)
-Making sure "wake for ethernet" is off.
-Disabling Bluetooth.

It'll stay on for a minute or less, and then stay off. So I'll come back and my display will be on. It also wakes up if I set the display to go to sleep.

Mac Pro (Early 2008), Mac OS X (10.6.8), Apple 23" Cinema Display

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OS X Mavericks :: Shutdown Slowed Down From Few Seconds To Over A Minute

Jun 27, 2014

Shutdown used to be a few seconds on my MBP Mid 2009 but some time a go (I haven't associated it with any upgrade or software install) it became rather slow (60-90 seconds). I tried a few solutions but haven't made any progress. The problem I see is that all log messages appear in first 10 sec of shutdown and then it's quiet time. Screen first goes gray for about 20 sec, then spinning wheel appears for another 40 seconds after which restart happened. 

The only HW changes I did to the MBP are upgrade to 8 GB of RAM (long time ago) and replaced HDD with Samsung 840 EVO SSD (half a year ago). 

<restart initiated>27/06/14 16:43:00,496 WindowServer[294]: CGXGetConnectionProperty: Invalid connection 923127/06/14 16:43:00,497 WindowServer[294]: CGXGetConnectionProperty: Invalid connection 923127/06/14 16:43:00,497 WindowServer[294]: CGXGetConnectionProperty: Invalid connection 923127/06/14 16:43:00,497 WindowServer[294]: CGXGetConnectionProperty: Invalid connection 923127/06/14 16:43:00,498 WindowServer[294]: CGXGetConnectionProperty: Invalid connection


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OS X :: Locking Images Onto CD?

Oct 13, 2009

Is it possible for me to lock images onto CD?

I want to write a few CD's containing images but I dont want the people been able to copy or drag the images from the CD's onto their Hard Drives etc...

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ITunes :: It Keeps Locking Up?

Jun 18, 2012

My itunes keeps locking up.. when I open it, when I try to synch my ipods or iphone.. doens't matter.. Locks up.. HELP!!!! I can't download any music on my ipod.. or update my phone!

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Power Mac G5 :: Internal Hdd Disk Utility / It Will Be Completed In 1 Minute

Dec 3, 2007

I just installed a Hitachi 1TB drive in my dual 2.5ghz powerPC G5.

I carbon copied my old harddrive over to it.

I didn't want to reinstall my OS.

However I think I copied some problems over.

In Disk Utility when I try to Verify Disk Permissions, Verify Disk, or Repair Disk Permissions (any of the options I am allowed to do to the startup drive) it moves like 1/5th of the time bar meaning it is working then changes to "It will be completed in 1 minute" then stalls there.

Dual 2.5GHZ PowerPC Power Mac
Mac OS X (10.4.8)
30inch Apple Cinema Display, 4.5gb Memory, and 1.5TB of Harddrive.

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Hardware :: The Hard Drive All The Time Going To Sleep After Minute Or Two?

Oct 3, 2009

I've bought 8 months ago external hard drive Seagate FreeAgent 1TB (USB 2.0 7200 RPM 32MB cache), till last week disk was plugged in to pc and everything was great. Now its plugged to mac and the problem is, the hard drive all the time going to sleep after minute or two. I've turned off sleeping disk in system pref., also i used command sudo pmset -a disk sleep 0. App from seagate is a piece of **** I've made full format from ntfs to mac hfs. Nothing helped! Is there any solution to resolve my problem?

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MacBook :: Boot Time Is One Minute, All Other Systems Have 30 Seconds?

Nov 26, 2009

My boot time is over a minute,but all the other macs have boot time like 30s or 40sec.Is there anyway I can improve it?

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