Intel Mac :: Safari And Dictionary Quit Suddenly While Opening
Feb 6, 2012
This problem involves my wife's Intel i7 iMac11,1 with a 27" screen. She started having problems with her email app (Entourage). I was unable to fix it. I finally recommended that we restore a previous incarnation of the MacOS 10.6.8 by restoring from Time Machine to the main hard drive. After Restore had finished, I tried to open several apps without success. I then used Disk Warrior 4.3 to update the iMac by booting the DVD on my Mac Pro and putting the iMac in Target Disk Mode since the iMac can't boot DW 4.3, but 4.3 can be used via Firewire to create a revised directory.
The non-Apple apps seemed to run fine after that, but I couldn't get some Apple apps to open. They would suddenly quit while they were in the process of opening. I then used the Apple Application Install DVD that came with the iMac to install the Apple Apps with the hope that the Apple Apps would open correctly and then I could update them from Apple Downloads or Software Update. When the install disk finished installing Apple Apps, I tried to open Safari to go the Apple Downloads, but Safari still quit suddenly during my attempt to open it. In desperation, I opened Firefox 6.0.1 and went to Apple Downloads.
There, I downloaded Mac OS X 10.6.8 Update Combo v 1.1 followed by a security update that ended with the number 1. After restart, I found that Font Book and DVD Player and iDVD and Garage Band and Quick Time Player 10.0 and iCal and Image Capture and iMovie and Calculator and Automator and Address Book and the Mail app and Preview and System Preferences and Text Edit and Grab app and Terminal opened without quitting, but Safari and Dictionary and iPhoto and Dashboard and App Store and iTunes still quit suddenly when I tried to open them. I didn't try the remaining Apple apps. Testing some non-Apple apps, VMware Fusion and Google Earth and MacScan all opened without quitting.
There are four events that may shed additional light. The backup power source went flaky a couple of days ago and it went on and off battery power rapidly until I unplugged it. Second, a power strip for my wife's iMac has since been plugged directly into the house current with no backup battery. Third, yesterday, the room became quite warm and the back side of the iMac became very warm or hot, but not bad enough to burn skin. Fourth, my wife insists on storing many of her files on the desktop. The desktop is virtually full of icons. I took a bunch of folders that she had on the desktop and put them in a folder in Documents, but there a quite a few folders still on the desktop and I estimate they will more than fill the screen if the files in them were all moved out of the folders and onto desktop.
It's handy and she can work faster than looking for them in Documents. Is it possible that power bumps from the house current or from the flaky backup battery could have damaged hardware or could such events damage software that is not replaced by the Restore from Time Machine? Could overheating damage hardware or software that is not replaced by Restore or the 10.6.8 Combo Update? Could too many files and folders cause the problems I'm having? She's operated this way for a year without problems, but I think the number of files had gradually increased during that time. I'm posting this message using Firefox 6.0.1.
After receiving a 'critical upgrade' the Installer quit suddenly and when I tried to reopen nothing happened. I rebooted and switch off power but when I start in I cannot open anything. I just get the whirligig symbol
I Cannot even access the computers details to give to Apple support.
Safari has been quitting unexpectedly over the last few days. I have emptied cache but still doesnt work. Below is the crash report.Â
Process:Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Safari [3374] Path:Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â /Users/USER/Desktop/ Identifier:Â Â Â Â Version:Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â 5.1 (6534.50) Build Info:Â Â Â Â Â WebBrowser-75345000~1
I could not get out of my Yahoo home page in Safari on my Imac. I had to force quit but when i opened back up the little light under the Safari icon was still on and when i tapped icon I was right back to the Yahoo page which would not close.
I am getting the message "Safari quit unexpectedly while using the IDAntinDialerV.tmp plug in". How do I solve this issue? A baseball bat has already been considered......
Error occurs everytime I try to access info on a website. Appears I can pull up any problem as long as I don't click on a link. As soon as I do, receive the error. Have updated my software and disabled java as recommended.Â
I cannot quit Safari. Quit is shaded in the menu. I control/click on icon in dock and quit, but it does not work. I reset Safari - still no change. Can't shut down.
Unable to close Safari at the drop down menu because Quit Safari is greyed out. When I right click on the icon in the tray and click on Quit, nothing happens. Therefore, I cannot restart or shut down this computer.
I clicked on "open in dashboard" on a webpage; now every time I try to open my dashboard it re-directs to Safari and opens a new tab. I cannot stay on the dashboard long enough to delete whatever is causing the problem. Safari 5.1.3 OS X 10.7.3
Suddenly, Safari explodes with duplicate window and/or tabs for a single URL. If I click on a tab, I get the message that tabs must be closed to go to a new page. I approve this action, the windows disappear, only to have the next page appear with another pile of duplicates. Is this a virus?
Is there a way to 'bulk' add new words to the InDesign dictionary? I do a lot of menus and a lot of the food terms come up as spelling mistakes.
I was wondering if there was a quicker way to customize the dictionary than telling the spell check to learn the words as I go. EG add one huge text file to the dictionary with all the words or something.
Safari unexpectedly begain opening multiple tabs without a prompt after I accepted the latest Java update. This slows my Mac to a crawl and I am wondering if I can correct this myself, or have I picked up a virus? I am running the latest version of Lion and my Mac is only a couple of years old
I still get beach balls when doing the basic of things. For example, it sometimes takes 10 seconds for the dictionary to come up after right clicking a word and selecting "look up dictionary". Then again, sometimes it is instant. Similar things happen when looking at a document that is a .pdf, for example, and I want to save as a jpeg. Whether I go to "save as" or through the "print" and then selecting "save as a pdf", it can beach ball for 8-10 seconds.
I thought it may have been a ram problem and from another thread I discovered the "activity monitor" and have that running constantly in the dock showing me "System Memory" and for the stuff I'm doing, it hardly ever gets close to half the pie chart.
Numbers 09 has started crashing when I try and open the "Event Planner" template.I've tried reinstalling and repairing permissions - any other ideas?When it crashes, the report says "Numbers quit unexpectedly when using the SFWordProcessing Plugin".I really need that Event Planner template asap - what can I do...??
How does one change the default spelling dictionary for Safari on Windows? For the Mac, it changes in response to the default locale, but on Windows, it just sets to American English and you cannot change it anywhere I can see. All my locale information in Windows is set to UK English.In fact on some websites, like this one, the spelling checker seems to be disabled! I'm on Windows 7 64-bit, BTW, running Safari 5.1.7?
I keep getting "problem reports" when trying to open applications that have worked fine for years. Microsoft Word, Photopshop, Illustrator an Avery CD Sticker maker all give me the problem report window with the yellow trianlge and exclmation point when I try to open them and say:Â "____ has quit unexpectedly. Click reopen to open the application again. This report will be sent to Apple automatically." Â Clicking reopen offers the same thing again, and again, and again.It started yesterday with Photoshop and Illustrator, so I took them off my computer and tried to reinstall them. Now I get "Install Photoshop has quit unexpectedly. etc.."Â I ran the disc utility and it said my hard drive was OK.Â
"Safari quit unexpectedly while using the .WarcraftTFT.tmp plug-in."Â
This is the 3rd time I have seen this message in the past 2 days. I do not play games on my computer. I couldn't find answers when I tried google yesterday. Â
What is the problem between Safari 5.1.7 and hotmail? I can't quit safari while the hotmail window is open. I can close Safari from all other websites.
Info:Mac OS X (10.7.2), Same OS on my iMac and MacBookPro