OS X :: "X" Won't Close Applications / Can't Find Option To Minimize
Aug 31, 2006
I was playing with a Mac the other day and I noticed that the red ball with an X does not actually close a program. If this the way it works or there is an option to make the X close or minimize them?
when i try to close, minimize or maximize a window on any app. on my macbook it ends u pdoing the next thing it is close to...!:[ why?an example is when i try to minimize (click on the yellow buble) it ends up closing the app. when i try to close it it minimize it@ first i thoguth it was a bug
so this has been bugging me ever since I made the switch. No this isn't a complaint about how the red X does not work like in Windows in closing an application. This is about hitting the red X to close the window which is what it's supposed to do, but then having the window go minimize in the dock instead of closing. Sometimes it takes two hits of the button after being minimized to finally close it.
This doesn't always happen but when it does it is annoying as hell. am I the only one experiencing this issue? Or is it purposely made that way?
So i was stupid and was playing with some themes. Somehow after uninstalling the few I downloaded and installed now all of my buttons on the top right of windows are tiny. Its no big deal but I want them back to the original size.
Yesterday, I had to re-format my external hard drive so that it could be "recordable" within Pro Tools, which wasn't a major issue, I just had to move everything from my Lacie drive to another drive, do the format, and then throw it all back on. It took a little while but this also included moving my nearly 60gb itunes library. Now that it is on the newly formatted hard drive, itunes doesn't seem to be able to find the majority of the songs any more. I've tried changing the music folder and a few other things, and there is no way I'm going through and doing the "cant find music - click here to find it" palava. Is anyone aware of a way that you can "mass find" all of the music in any way other than starting the library again and adding all the music (I don't really want to lose all of my play counts and ratings if possible!)
Option clicking a dock icon should minimize all windows of the given program. It works with all icons in the dock except Finder - its window(s) won't minimize. Is this behaviour normal? If so, why? Btw, if I right click the Finder icon in the dock, the menu item "Hide" is greyed out.
Is there a way, to use the "Graphite" theme but have the minimize/zoom/close buttons coloured as in the "Blue" theme? I prefer the more simple Graphite theme but with occasional apps have to think twice, which button to click, to minimise but not close.
These are apps, that show the three buttons inconveniently vertical instead of horizontal (Speed Download or the iTunes miniplayer.
I was very excited like everyone to install new Safari 4 and the excitement sustained for a while. Ubiquitously, it is visually delightful meeting Apple Standards. However, I lost lot of plugins that I had for earlier Safari version. Plugins like: DivX player, Real player are gone after I installed the new version. It is not recognizing by itself if there are missing plugins and neither I see an option where I can install by myself.
I can't find the option in iTunes, and I've searched this in the forums and surprisingly, no one else has asked the question yet, but is it possible to play podcasts at 2X speed through iTunes, or is it only possible to do that on my touch? Thanks for any help.
I'm a new Mac user, and new to this forum, Just wanted to ask a quick question about connecting my new macbook to my TV.
I connected it up no probs and have sound aswell - but can I shut my Laptop lid, and have access to the computer? I have movies in iTunes that I want to watch, whilst they are displayed perfectly on my TV, my laptop is kinda in the way and distracting whilst watching the TV.
Is there an option in Settings where I can close the laptop up, but still have it running, rather than going to sleep?
I own a bluetooth mighty mouse and keyboard so I will still be able to control the macbook....I just want to shut the lid whilst watching films, etc.
Ever since I installed Lion last year on another iMac, and now on my current iMac, whenever I hold down option and click the red close button on a Finder window to close all open windows, the Finder crashes. It doesn't happen every single time, but enough to really make me angry.
Info:iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.4), 2012 iMac | 1GB VRAM | 12GB RAM
I have tried numerous times to restart the PC with the Leopard disc in my DVD drive and it comes up, after I press C upon reboot, but no matter what I try I cannot get the erase and install option to ever show up.
I'm new to the Mac and have been getting used to it quite nicely, but there's one thing that I peeves me just slightly. That one thing is that whenever I click somewhere that is off the application I'm using, it just disappears into the background and there's no minimized icon of it on my dock. Now if I hit the orange minimize button manually it will minimize off to the right side of my dock, but I would like to know if it is possible to somehow get the same thing to happen automatically when I click somewhere off the application I'm using.
This mainly annoys me on my MSN conversations. A lot of times, I've clicked on the video I was watching. Paused it to go do something and then when I was done watching the video and wanted to start chatting again, I find out that my friend had said something and I missed it. (My MSN dock icon only jumps up four times before sitting still).
Ive just been watching a YouTube video about adding colors to Folders, when the guy in the video clicks View he gets this .. the bottom option to change the background missing
has any one an idea why my change background option is missing and how to get it back. I am running 10.6.5
Is this feature missing in Leopard? I have icons all over the place. There's a new option to "clean up" but the auto arrange options are gone or at least I can't find them.
I installed windows xp on bootcamp and it completely screwed up my os x partition. Everything's still there, but when I boot up it's an endless loop of blue screens ... So I'm just going to reinstall.
I had to boot from, the disk.. And there aren't any options to archive documents, like there was when I upgraded my pc to windows 7 I did a clean install but there was a folder called windows.old.
Some other threads said that it does automatically and other says it doesn't.
Using Command + M means minimised a window. But in CS3, pressing Command + M out comes the curves. Is there a command key to minimise the image. When image open in CS3, it automatically occupy a small space at the top left corner but leaving a large space that I still can see desktop folders or files in the background. How do I default it so that it autmatically occupy the whole screen.
My iMac won't boot unless I boot it into safe boot. It won't even boot from the Leopard disc so that I can repair the disk and the permissions. Every time it starts up the screen would dim and then I get the message that I need to hold down the power button and restart the computer, which I believe is a kernel panic. I get this same message when I try to boot from the Leopard disc. I've tried repairing disk permissions while in safe boot and it fixed the permissions but still no luck when I tried a normal boot. I've tried replacing the RAM hoping it was faulty RAM as well as changing the slot the RAM was in and that didn't work either. How come it will boot in safe mode but not normally? I also ran Apple Hardware Test and it said everything appeared to be ok.
The iMac is a 17" Intel Core Duo, 1.83 Ghz with 1GB of RAM.
I understand that in order to view your clipboard (iMac) that you click "Edit" on the Finder, and "show clipboard". I created a public link (Alias) and it has gone into my clipboard but, when I click on it, to copy and then paste into, for example, an email, I don't have an option to do that. Therefore, I have to write the link down and then re-type it into the email.
I have scanned in a document but cannot find any option to save it as a document or insert it ,move it, cut and paste or anything .It is there on my screen and I have previewed it but can't do anything with it .What am I missing ?
How do I minimize a full screen app or game? For example, if I were in a game, that takes up the entire screen, how do I get back to the desktop without exiting the game? Kind of like on Windows, when you open the Start menu while in a game, it brings you back to the desktop.
I just bought a new 13" MPB from the Apple Store today, however after using it I noticed there's no inertial scrolling. I'm using the old hard drive from my 2008 unibody macbook so would that have something to do with it? I can't find the option in the preference pane either.
Check this out. Minimize iTunes using the green button to get the mini-player. Then plug in your iPhone. iTunes 8.1.1 no longer expands and pops to the front of your screen! That's really cool! I noticed this in 8.1.1, but it could have been introduced in 8.1, I don't know.
Running Firefox for OS X version 3.6.3. After about 20 minutes of use, the yellow minimize window button turns grey, and is not available. When I quit the browser and relaunch it, the yellow middle button is back.