OS X V10.7 Lion :: Option-close-all-windows Causes Finder Crash In It
Jun 3, 2012
Ever since I installed Lion last year on another iMac, and now on my current iMac, whenever I hold down option and click the red close button on a Finder window to close all open windows, the Finder crashes. It doesn't happen every single time, but enough to really make me angry.
Info:iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.4), 2012 iMac | 1GB VRAM | 12GB RAM
When I close a finder window, the finder menu disappears and then reappears along with the finder window. It looks like finder is crashing and restarting. This started happening after I downloaded a pdf and put it in a folder. Maybe there is a bug in the way finder is rendering the image of the pdf file at the top of the finder window?Â
In Mavericks... Is there any way to close the windows of application (when quitting - ie System Preferences => General) BUT not have this affect the finder application.Â
I want the windows I have opened in the finder to remain opened, but everything else to close upon quitting
My Finder crashes continually and reopens then crashes again. I cannot stop it from doing this, why and how is it resolved without reinstalling everything?
 I downloaded Dropbox and the Finder has crashed by blinking with the "restore windows"-window. Then I created another administrator account and from here deleted Dropbox. Then restarted and logged in to my normal account. Now Finder wasn't blinking like before but there is nothing viewable on the Desktop and when I click on Finder in the Dock several times it comes up with a window for a splitsecond then closes the window again. Then I can press it several times again and it comes up for a splitsecond and then closes again. When hitting the command-option-esc, the icon blinks here. I've actually also tried the killall Finder in terminal, but even this doesn't work.
Option clicking a dock icon should minimize all windows of the given program. It works with all icons in the dock except Finder - its window(s) won't minimize. Is this behaviour normal? If so, why? Btw, if I right click the Finder icon in the dock, the menu item "Hide" is greyed out.
I created a lot of folders in Finder. I have to change Icon size, grid spacing, arrange and some more settings in view options. 'Cause it will take me hours to adjust these settings folder per folder I tried to use the "Use as defaults" command in view options... Doesn't work. (Other folders has the same old settings)Â How do i get the new view in all folders with only adjusting it one time for all folders?Â
I'm using a new iMac (OS 10.7.4) and was wondereing if it possible to stop my machine from constantly changing the input menu from "Britsh" to "U.S.". This is the item with the small national flag icon in the Finder menu.
Is there a way of removing one of these options permanently, in my case remove the U.S. option?
what the difference is between the commands 'close window' and 'close all windows'? They seem to me to both have the same effect. In my earlier version of Safari, if I opened a new web page, it just replaced the earlier one, now though the new pages just keep accumulating. T
I'm using a 2011 Macbook Air running Lion 10.7.2.I open a group of photos using Preview. I right click one and select "open in new window". It opens. I decide to close said window by clicking the red X button. Nothing happens. I click the red X button of the main preview window with the pane of thumbnails on the side. It closes immediately. I click on the red X of the other window again. Still nothing. I go to Preview>Quit Preview. I get 10-20 seconds of pinwheel spinning. Finally, it closes.I've also noticed Lion hanging sometimes, especially when booting up.
I'm a new Mac user, and new to this forum, Just wanted to ask a quick question about connecting my new macbook to my TV.
I connected it up no probs and have sound aswell - but can I shut my Laptop lid, and have access to the computer? I have movies in iTunes that I want to watch, whilst they are displayed perfectly on my TV, my laptop is kinda in the way and distracting whilst watching the TV.
Is there an option in Settings where I can close the laptop up, but still have it running, rather than going to sleep?
I own a bluetooth mighty mouse and keyboard so I will still be able to control the macbook....I just want to shut the lid whilst watching films, etc.
I finally upgraded to 10.7.4 this morning, and promptly opened TextEdit to write a new note to myself. When I tried to save it- cmd+S - the "File" in the menu bar was selected for ~10 seconds, as though it were saving, and then it was done. I never got the dialog to actually name the file, choose where to save it, etc. (Keep in mind that I'd just opened a new blank file, so I was kind of expecting this dialog.) Then it got weirder. I tried to close the window- cmd+W - and the x in the upper-left corner of the window was selected, as though it were trying to close, for ~10 seconds. Then it gave up and the window was still there. Needless to say I gave up, force-quit TextEdit and wrote the note in emacs. Should've done that all along...Â
Then, just now, I had the same thing happen to me in Preview. Can't save files, or close windows. Tried duplicating a jpg to save as a copy somewhere else, and never got a save dialog, and couldn't close either the copy or the original. Â
Info: MacBook Pro (15-inch Early 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.4)
If Finder has been running for a while, and I have a number of finder windows open, when I option-command-w, the Finder crashes and then restarts with all the windows that just closed.Â
I am really annoying that my Mac refreshes finder itself every 2min. when I open folders, windows close automatically. also, if I transfer data, mac quit transferring too. It happened since a week ago.
Here's an interesting one for all you intelegent people out there. Â
I have a 2011 iMac running Lion. I have a USB harddrive connected which stores digial versions of all my DVDs so that I can stream them to my AppleTV. Has no issues with it before now. A moment ago my Mac crashed and had to be restarted by holding down the button at the back (first time ever!!). When i turned the thing back on, the drive didn't mount so I went into disk utility and repaired the drive which resulted in it mounting. Â
Here lies the problem, I can access files on my drive in every other folder but the Movies on. See the below video. [URL]
I have got an old iBook G4 from a friend how can't fix this problem, and unfortunatly I can't either.
I know this problem is posted here milions of times but I tried everything possible, I just can't fix it.
I don't have an Mac DVD so I can't boot from DVD to repair/reinstall.Â
I have tried:Booting in safe mode - same problem, it's impossible to use the computerBooting in a single user mode - I can use the command line only, but when I but it's still the same problemClearing NVRAMÂ
I can't do anything so I don't know what's installed. I have made a video to describe excatly what's happening - but in short the iBook boots fine, Finder lauches and crashes imidieatly - you can't do anything, it's just stuck in a loop.
Here's the video (skip to 0:55 for the problem): [URL]
Finder crashes when using any option from the Go menu (or key combo) except Airdrop.
Once Finder window is open on Airdrop any navigation to home folder or any other folder using side bar causes Finder to crash.
Using Go To Folder causes crash, even on hidden folder like /var
Finder is OK when opening files on desktop
All other apps can browse file system and open/save OK
Google Drive is not present on system (this used to be an issue a long time a go that caused similar symptoms in other threads)
Drop Box is installed. But issue occurs even when dropbox is not running
Using spotlight to open applications still works normally.
Clicking the Finder icon in the Dock results in a non-functional blank window entitled "Window", all tool buttons are disabled.
Repeatedly opening the same folder over and over results in the message "The last time you open Finder, it unexpectedly quite while reopening windows. Do you want to try to reopen its windows again? If you choose not to reopen windows, you may have to open and position the windows yourself" Two options "Don't Reopen" and "Reopen". Both buttons have no effect except to dismiss the dialog.
Steps Taken to fix:
Booted into recovery mode and performed repair disk and Permissions - Finder Still Crashes
Removed finder preference files using terminal~/Library/Preferences/com.apple.finder.plist ~/Library/Preferences/com.apple.sidebarlists.plistÂ
Recent changes to system:iTunes 11.4 Installed with normal Software Update.Â
Possible Cause of Problem
Found app in iTunes that has File Sharing enabled and has a shared folder. Curious as to what was in the folder i dragged it to my desktop and double clicked. Im not sure if iTunes would have had enough time to copy the contents of the folder before i tried to open the folder. Finder crashed. This was the first time it happened.
iPhone app in iTunes that I picked in was "Ubersense".
After updating to Yosemite 10.10.1, occasionally my Finder will freeze. I can continue to work in whatever program I am in, but I can't go anywhere else. When I force quit to try to relaunch the Finder, it doesn't respond. The only way to get it to work again is to shut off the computer using the on/off button.  I have already tried deleting my Finder preferences. Â
Info: iMac (24-inch Early 2009), OS X Yosemite (10.10.1), 4GB memory
I have reinstalled my system (via Lion's system restore), reinstalled iTunes, including reseting the library and reimporting media. Same thing. Everything I hit play, or another songs plays at the end of another, the dock & finder relaunches. Everything else is flawless. I have another OS on another drive, for music, which shares the library and it's fine. 10.7.4 OS's & 10.6.3 iTunes.
Info: Mac Pro 2.66Ghz 8-core Nehalem. 20gb/2tb/2tb/2tb/2tb, Mac OS X (10.6.8), Did have Logic Node Macs G5 Dual 2.7Ghz, Dual 1.8, now servers
I was playing with a Mac the other day and I noticed that the red ball with an X does not actually close a program. If this the way it works or there is an option to make the X close or minimize them?
OS 10.9.3. This morning the Finder keyboard shortcut Command-W stopped closing windows and instead opened a folder burried fairly deeply in my Home folder. I moved that folder and managed to get Command-W to stop opening it, but it will still NOT close a window in Finder. Nor will it close windows in applications. What does happne is that the frame of the window flashes (but it remains open).
I clicked on my Finder and there appears to be an endless amount of Applications tabs open. I've tried restarting my macbook air and relaunching Finder and nothing. When I click on my sidebar, everything opens in a new window despite my preference being set to open in new tabs.
Info: MacBook Air (13-inch Mid 2013), OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)
I'm happily using my new 24" iMac, but I've run across a little problem this evening. I was trying to send a 225mb file as a mail attachment through my Gmail account using Mail. When I go to send the file, Mail crashes and disappears. This happened a couple times, so I logged directly into Gmail and sent the file through the web browser. Now the system is hung up 'sending' in the Gmail browser, and Finder has become very sluggish (slow response to clicks, errors printing, etc). Can the iMac and/or Mail handle sending files of this size?