OS X :: Option To Minimize Windows Not Work With Finder Icon
Dec 30, 2010
Option clicking a dock icon should minimize all windows of the given program. It works with all icons in the dock except Finder - its window(s) won't minimize. Is this behaviour normal? If so, why? Btw, if I right click the Finder icon in the dock, the menu item "Hide" is greyed out.
10.6.2 Minimize Safari & Finder to dock icon not working?
Since the update i can minimize other apps by double clicking the toolbar of the app - camino, littlesnapper, speedownload .... but not finder or safari - why? anyone else? it used to work fine....
I'm using OS 10.4.11, PowerPC Suddenly, I can't minimize Finder windows. The button is greyed out, and the menu command likewise. Application windows work normally.
Ever since I installed Lion last year on another iMac, and now on my current iMac, whenever I hold down option and click the red close button on a Finder window to close all open windows, the Finder crashes. It doesn't happen every single time, but enough to really make me angry.
Info:iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.4), 2012 iMac | 1GB VRAM | 12GB RAM
I installed windows xp on bootcamp and it completely screwed up my os x partition. Everything's still there, but when I boot up it's an endless loop of blue screens ... So I'm just going to reinstall.
I had to boot from, the disk.. And there aren't any options to archive documents, like there was when I upgraded my pc to windows 7 I did a clean install but there was a folder called windows.old.
Some other threads said that it does automatically and other says it doesn't.
I have reinstalled the OS twice now and I am running 10.5.1. Oddly enough sometimes the minimize button just becomes greyed out and I have to closed the app and reopen it. It seem to happen to all apps including finder.
I was playing with a Mac the other day and I noticed that the red ball with an X does not actually close a program. If this the way it works or there is an option to make the X close or minimize them?
This is a problem I've noticed on two Macs I currently own. First I had my 20" iMac with Vista installed, and currently I have a 24" iMac with XP installed. In both cases, when I'm in Windows and need to restart (for whatever reason) and want to go back into Windows instead of OS X, the Option key does not function correctly to bring up the OS select screen, and instead will go straight to OS X, as that is the default OS I have set up to boot into.
So basically, if I restart from OS X, the Option key works fine and I can choose to go into Windows, but restart from Windows and I have no choice in the matter, it makes me go into OS X. Any idea why?
My first thought is that it has to do with the fact that I'm using Apple's bluetooth keyboard (and mouse), but once the computer has actually restarted, why would it matter? Does the computer remember the BIOS from Windows when it restarts, and therefore fails to recognize my bluetooth? For the record I have to turn my keyboard off then on again when entering windows to get it to be recognized and work, but not the mouse, which works fine.
this is weird. I just installed a new HDD with SL and now my program(s) don't minimize when I double tap them. what did I miss here? is there a setting I don't know about? I have tap to click enabled in the settings tab. but for some reason, my open programs won't minimize when I double tap them.
I have recently installed Mac os X Lion on my work iMacs, and ever since I haven't been able to search on my windows server. I was running both leopard and snow leopard before, and back then it worked perfectly.
For some reason i can't minimze any windows?!? the little yellow icon in the middle of the red and green icons isn't even there...Im not sure what happened but it is really annoying!
For the life of me I can't figure out why this feature is still here. I've been searching for ways people use it, but I can't really find much. Any time I need to clear things, I just hide them. The only thing I can come up with is in the event that someone wants to hide just one of an application's window. But also, it seems inefficient. There's a keyboard shortcut to minimize windows, but there doesn't seem to be one to bring it back. Most of the time, it's just annoying because I accidentally click it. How do you use the minimize function if at all?
I am having an issue minimizing windows. Double-Clicking the top bar of any window (this is pretty much system wide) does not minimize the window to the dock as it should.
Today I tried to change the finder icon in the dock. Because I'm cheap, I dont have candybar, so I tried to use liteicon. While this changed the finder icon in messages like "do you want to empty trash," it did not change it on the dock, even after logging out and relaunching the dock.
So I went into a bunch of core services and replaced all the finder .icns and .pngs with the one I wanted to use.When I relaunched the dock, the finder was invisible, but it still had the little blue "open" dot below where it was.I downloaded the candybar trial to try to fix it, but even candybar didn't get the icon back.
I'm using 10.5.8. Where are all the places the finder icon should be to show up?
Wasn't this an option previous to 10.7.4? It doesn't work now.When clicking the Finder icon in the Dock, a new Finder window would open? I know about Finder prefs - General - Always open folders in new window but this isn't what I mean.I'd have a Finder window open then want to copy/move something so I clicked on the Finder icon in the dock to get a new window.Every time I clicked the Dock icon, I'd get a new Finder window.
I've got a MAC OS X, version 10.5.5. When I put my mouse down to move it, it will continually minimize all windows (about 3 per second) almost like it's stuck. If I squeeze the sides really hard I can stop it for a second or two, but still does it. I've tried disconnecting the mouse, resarting the computer but cannot figure it out.
How do you minimize all windows in OSX Snow Leopard? I found a page on the internet that said option+command+M but that only minimed one window, not all of them.
I've tried basically everything I could find but my games on XP (on Bootcamp) keep minimizing randomly, its sooo annoying.
I did an XP Repair, ran a AVG spyware sweep and found nothing, uninstalled AVG, and I basically uninstalled everything else I had except my games and nothing has worked.
Before my games were working fine (I had like Bioshock, Mirrors Edge, COD5), then I went to my friends house and installed Steam. Somewhere in there this problem started occurring and so I tried uninstalling it, still no luck.
I have a Macbook Air and I want to install Windows 7 in boot camp. however since I have a 128 SSD I definitely want to minimize the disk space it uses. I installed it on an imac and it took 14 Gigs!
Is there any way to do what we can do in OS X, remove print drivers etc? I couldn't see any option during the installation on the imac.
Dont like to allocate 24 gig for Windows since I need some space for any applications as well.
After I reinstalled Snow Leopard I cannot double click on top of a window to minimize it. What do I do to re-activate that? I used to double click at top of any window/app and it would minimize.
My imac core i7 arrive (it's great). However, the question I have is that when I double click (left) my my magic mouse (yes I enable the right/left click buttons). So when I double click the mouse on a web browser on the empty space (the space to the right of the red/yellow/green button, nothing happens. I want to send it to the bottom of the dock like in all of my previous mac. The double clicking of the mouse does nothing. Note: please don't confuse my simple question with the System Pref/Doc (minimize windows into application icon) situation. I know how to do that. I just want to minimize the current windows by double left clicking and sending it into the dock? How do I do that?
Is there a keyboard shortcut that will minimise all windows and just show the desktop? Kind of like the 'Show Desktop' button in windows xp. (sorry I'm about to switch to mac this coming week so expect some questions like this over the next couple of weeks).
Am the fresh recipient of a snazzy Magic Trackpad and I love the pinch-to-zoom in Finder. But I use the Option-click View --> Keep Arranged By option to auto-arrange my icons when pinch-zooming. Is there a quick way to apply this to ALL Finder windows/folders without doing it manually for all? I can't seem to apply the Keep Arranged By option to all my Finder folders, even if I check as the default?
I created a lot of folders in Finder. I have to change Icon size, grid spacing, arrange and some more settings in view options. 'Cause it will take me hours to adjust these settings folder per folder I tried to use the "Use as defaults" command in view options... Doesn't work. (Other folders has the same old settings)Â How do i get the new view in all folders with only adjusting it one time for all folders?Â