OS X :: Use Smart Folders To Search For Images Within A Certain Folder?
Aug 27, 2010
I can't figure this out. I'm trying to use smart folders to search for images within a certain folder and the sub-folders it contains.
The problem is, I can't figure out how to limit the search locations. The only options it provides are to search "this mac" or "(username)".
I've tried to use 'location' (set to match the folder name), but this brings up zero results.
Some instructions found by googling said to first use spotlight to select the folder I'd like to confine the search to before making the smart folders, but this doesn't work either.
I've made a Smart Folder to have one place to look for any bills I've paid in the last 40 days, with the following parameters:
- Search within a folder within my Home folder called "Accounts & Services"
- Name begins with "PD 2" (all my paid bills are labeled like "PD 2012-02-01 AT&T," for example)
- Last modified date is within last 40 days
The folder worked when I created it, and whenever I opened it for a day or so afterwards.
But a month later when I open the Smart Folder, the latest bills aren't there.
When I "Show Search Criteria," I see the "Search within" has been changed to a circular reference — it SEARCHES WITHIN THE SMART FOLDER ITSELF!
The practical upshot of which is that it finds only the files that were found at the time the Smart Folder was created, and does not find anything newer because it's looking in the wrong place.
I'm hoping someone has a remedy for this, but I don't have high hopes considering the "Mac Quick Tips" podcasts from 2009 in which Smart Folders are demonstrated show this problem in the demo without realizing it.
I would like to know whether it is possible to change the smart folders preferences in what to search by default. What I mean is in the "window" spotlight, when you search on it, by default is searches on "This mac" and on "Content", my question is whether this is changeable. I hope you understand what I was talking about, if not please ask.
I have so many folders that I would like to change the blue folder appearence of the folders and insert images within the folder visualization so to be quicker and find the right folder. Is it possible to do?
I would like to create a Smart folder that only has applications & utilities in a sub-folder.
This will be similar to the default applications folder that shows in the dock, but without all the extra files & folders - just a list of applications.
I can do this by esily by just having a smart folder of applications showing only type=application.
However, I would still like to have utilities in a sub-folder.
If thats not possible, then it would be OK to have 2 seperate smart folders, 1 for apps excluding utilities & 1 for utilities only.
Is there some way in the smart folder options i can exclude a sub directory?
I created several smart mailboxes and then created several smart mailbox folders. When I close mail and re-open, one smart mailbox folder remains and the others are gone, along with some but not all of my smart mailboxes.
I have Lion 10.7.4 on 2010 MBP. I use the mail program on the Mac. I have 20 Smart Mailboxes set up and each is working fine. Yeterday I set 5 Smart Mailbox Folders and placed each Samrt Mailbox in the appropriate Smart Mailbox Folder. At the end of the day i turned the MBP off. This morning when I opened mail all my Smart Mailbox Folders were gone. My Smart Mailboxes are still there.
The Apple info says use pop-up menus to select search criteria, but where is that? I wish to have the folder show all documents bigger than a certain size (ie. video) appear in the folder. My next question, is can I then drag to the Trash from that folder and know that they're deleted from their original location. I assume appearing in a smart folder is like an alias, its not reall copied to this new location.
I am trying to find out how to add a new smart folder onto my dock, u know those two folder next to the trash bin. I saw in youtube that u can add more of it. e.g. application, document, download etc.
It is my first time to use my own create Smart Folder. I use movie, but it wont show .mkv file, so i wonder is there a way to make a Smart Folder that only show .mkv file? I have many .mkv and .mka scatter inside my HDD. i been using Vuze a lot to get music video. How to set up a Smart Folder that only display .mkv and .mka file?
I have tons of Boy Scout files all over the place and wanted to identify them at anytime.
I figured out how to create the folder but I can't create a file name it without .savedSearch being part of the folder name. Aarrggh!!
No matter what I do I cannot remove the .savedSeach from the end of the name. If I right click for Rename the folder, only the characters BEFORE .savedSearch are highlighted for change. If I right click and choose Get Info and select hide extension, no change.
I've seen other online tutorials for the Smart Folder function in Lion and none of them have their folder name appended.
I can use to search Files and Folders on a Mac OS X system. I'm looking to search for files that contains parts of names, and specific sizes, and specific formats (.jpg, .pdf, ect..). and then while this search is going and doing it's "thing", is it possible that I can backup or copy the files to a different location from the search result?
I've been working on a lot of projects lately, and I've noticed that my files are getting scattered all over my HDD. I'm just not thinking about organization right now, I'm thinking about getting the projects done as quickly as possible. I have found the Smart Folder interesting because of this recently. My question is how can I tag my Photoshop, Illustrator, Flash, Cinema 4D, After Effects, JPEGs, PNGs, Final Cut, and any other file type to show up in the Smart Folder for the same project? This way I'll just be able to open the smart folder and bang, everything for the project is in that folder. Less worrying about organization, more focusing on work!
I installed a scanner driver (Musteck A3 600 USb scanner) and found it so dame useless and frustrating that I went out and bought an epson 10000XL scanner (even sharper than my V700). which has a very good driver (I use silverfast for my Epson V700)
but this dam musteck driver still shows up in Photoshops Input list. (there was no uninstaller on the mustek disk. and it is one of the most useless things I have ever bought)
if i take the Twain plug in out of the Photoshop plugin inputs folder, the the Epson Scan is no longer on the input list..
I have tried looking for where this bloody scanner driver is to remove it but cant find it.
is there any search program that will actually look inside the system and library folders to find files.
I've lost the 'Touched Today' menu item from Finder. It's a 'smart' folder, I know, but I'm not sure exactly how it was set up. Also, if you're an expert on these 'smart' folders, why do I sometimes find today's items at the bottom of the list in the 'unknown date' section? Is there a set of useful 'smart' folders somewhere?
Info: MacBook Pro with Retina display, OS X Mavericks (10.9.2), 15-inch, Late 2013 16GB DDR 500GB
I have had problems recently getting new folders to list alphabetically and went: Library>Mail>V2> removed envelope folders > and re-opened Mail and the listing worked properly.
Then I updated: OS X Mavericks 10.9.3 (Update (Combo) [URL] ... This sorted out what was, after installing Mavericks, a slower computer. Very happy. However now, when I do a search in the Mail App. and then drag one email to a folder and then click on others and choose move to 'the same folder as one before' it does this but the search replenishes the same email and around and around we go. Before updating this was working fine. How to rectify the search to folder problem descibed above
Just made the move to a Mac yesterday. I have searched on-line and in forums, but I can't find the answer to my problem. I am importing 500 gig of photos which have been obsessively organized on my pc. When I import them (only 1.5 gig this first time), the images are being moved from their original folders and organized by date in iPhoto. I'm sure there is a setting somewhere that I need to tweak, but I haven't been able to find it. Having looked closer, I see there are multiple folders for each year, with seemingly no logic to the pictures that are placed in each.
Sorry to be blunt i'm getting so frustrated trying to organise my bookmarks folders in Safari. The Folders keep snapping open and when i release click it drops the selected folder in the folder below and not in-between the two folders i want to order them in. I have turn off spring loaded folders. Also i can't seam to organise them alphabetically like you can with a right click option in windows.
Also how do i get the built in Google search to search [URL]
I recently purchased a macbook pro after using PC for many years. All my pictures are on the iphoto application.
What I've noticed is that if I go to the All Images folder in Finder, I can see that I have duplicate pictures and all have different sizes. What I want to know if I delete them, would I delete the ones that are in iphoto?
you know in finder there is a folder called images in the sidebar? I have like images from there that I haven't seen in years.. even before I have had a macbook...
That's my question, I'm trying to search to find folders larger than a certain size, and when I select "file size" it doesn't give any results, so obviously it doesn't work.
Info: MacBook Pro (13-inch Mid 2009), Mac OS X (10.7.3)