IMac :: Import From Iphoto The Images Are Being Moved From Their Original Folders?

Nov 28, 2010

Just made the move to a Mac yesterday. I have searched on-line and in forums, but I can't find the answer to my problem. I am importing 500 gig of photos which have been obsessively organized on my pc. When I import them (only 1.5 gig this first time), the images are being moved from their original folders and organized by date in iPhoto. I'm sure there is a setting somewhere that I need to tweak, but I haven't been able to find it. Having looked closer, I see there are multiple folders for each year, with seemingly no logic to the pictures that are placed in each.

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MacBook Pro :: How To Import Images Without Using IPhoto

May 27, 2012

With PCs, I was used to importing pictures to my hard drive and then viewing and editing them with whatever software applications I wanted. With my Mac, I notice that when I insert my SD card, iPhoto starts and asks me to import, which I agree. Unfortunately, it imports the images to an iPhoto folder that I can't easily access from another program, such as PhotoshopElements. I have read how to use Finder to navigate to these imported images in the iPhoto library ("Show Package Content") and then I copy the folder of images and paste it to a folder in my "Pictures" directory in Finder.

I find this tedious and also redundant as I now I understand I basically have two copies of every image, one for iPhoto Library and the other for accessing via other programs, such as Photoshop. Is there anyway I can simply import images straight to a folder on my hard drive? Also, if I do choose to access these images via iPhoto, am I correct in assuming iPhoto will automatically create a duplicate folder, just for accessing in the iPhoto library? If so, isn't this a waste of hard drive space? Can this be avoided?

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Applications :: Import All Images In To Iphoto 09 From Aperture Library?

Jan 30, 2009

Is there an easy way to import all my images that are in my Aperture library into iPhoto 09? I want the originals, not the previews as I believe is what you get if you use the Show Aperture library dialogue...

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OS X :: Merge Modified And Original Folders From IPhoto

Aug 9, 2010

I'm constantly taking pictures and have finally bought a 1 TB hard drive to store my photos in. The only problem is that, a few months ago, I was in a crunch for space on my Mac and needed to move my pictures to a different (older) external hard drive for the time being until I was able to buy a new one. In the process of copying all of my pictures from my laptop to my old external hard drive, I went to Macintosh HD>Users>Username>Pictures>iPhoto Library and clicked on "Show Package Contents" to open up the actual picture files in my iPhoto. (I know now - not the best method) So I copied all of my files to my old external hard drive from the "Originals" and "Modified" folders on my Mac.

Is there a way I can move all of my pictures back to my iPhoto library so that it only shows the pictures in regular iPhoto method? (as in, iPhoto displays the original photo, but if modified, iPhoto displays the modified photo and keeps the original in the background folders). I tried to copy and paste the Original and Modified folders contents from my old external hard drive into my respective Original and Modified folders on my Mac and then open iPhoto to see if it would automatically register it, but no luck. Right now, if I were to simply import all of the pictures, I would get 4 copies of each photo, since I shoot in RAW+JPEG, and I have close to 70 GB of photos, so going through all of those individually would not be fun. My ultimate goal is to combine the files in my current iPhoto with my existing photos on my old hard drive and be able to use my new hard drive as my main library in iPhoto in order to free up a lot of space on my Mac.

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IMac :: Missing Images In IPhoto From IPhone 4?

Aug 5, 2010

Both me and my wife are expierencing this, when we sync our iPhones iPhoto shows the photos but many of them are just white boxes.

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IMac :: Get Iphoto Error When Import RAW From Canon 50D

Apr 11, 2010

I have an Imac, with CS3. I use Iphoto to import my images straight from my canon 50D camera, which has been very easy for me to do. I've been importing jpegs up until now. Yesterday I attempted to import about 50 RAW images, but an error occurred and would not import them. So i suspect the error is because i am trying to import RAW images.

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OS X :: Files / Folders Not Moved To Trash Under Snow Leopard

Sep 2, 2009

I just upgraded to SL. Now I got crazy on my Trash. Whenever and Whatever I drag a file, a movie, a pic, everything, it will not move the the trash. Instead system warms me "This item will be detect immediately, you can't undo this action." And the item is detect directly. I always have a empty trash.

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OS X :: Moved Installed Programs In Newly Created Folders?

Jan 17, 2010

Newbie from windows to Mac SL. I download two programs for my Cannon scanner and found them installed in Applications. I created a new folder called Cannon and moved both programs into it. In the folder, there is now a file called "Open in Finder" as well which I did not add.

1. Is it ok to move files into a new folder this way?
2. Is it normal to have "Open in Finder" also inserted in the folder?

Reason I am asking is, when I initially run the scanner program I get this multiple colour ball momentarily. It is almost as if the OS is looking for the location of the scanner program - similar to an hour glass in windows. Therefore, should I delete the folder I created and reinstall the scanner programs? If so, should I delete the programs first, then the folder, or go ahead and delete the folder with the programs in it?

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OS X :: Restoring The Leopard Dock To The Original Images

Mar 12, 2009

So there I was with my dock on the right-hand side in 2D mode, and having now switched it to the bottom I realise I switched in some new dock image files back when Leopard came out, and now I've got a funky multicoloured spectrum dock.

All well and good, but I don't think I have any of the original dock image files anywhere. Short of reinstalling Leopard from scratch, is there any way (or utility) to get my dock back to the default Leopard version?

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ITunes :: How To Import Original DVDs

Apr 18, 2012

I have at home a lot of original DVDs!Can I use this as a music CD into iTunes import?

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OS X V10.6 Snow Leopard :: Folders/files Are Copied When They Are Dragged To Be Moved

Apr 29, 2012

When i simply want to move a folder/files they are copied.Plus i have to type in the admin password everytime i want to delete a file.

Logic Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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ITunes For Mac :: Moved Library From PC To NAS - Duplicated Files In Album Folders

Aug 20, 2014

I recently moved my itunes library from PC to a NAS to use with my new Mac. With the exception of a couple hiccups everything was fine. I then asked iTunes to copy all the music to my ipod and convert the tracks to 256mb (I have re-ripped my cd collection as lossless and chosen the option to replace existing copies of the songs which were lossy). 

I have 264GB of music in my iTunes library but when I looked at my NAS just now I saw 540GB of music backed up!! I then looked in one folder and saw every song had been duplicated so songs were named things like "Song.m4a" and "Song1.m4a", but this hasn't happened in every album folder - of course I have way too many to go through them individually. 

How I can stop it from continuing and most importantly how to clear all the duplicates from the folders on my NAS so it only holds the 264GB of music that the iTunes library displays. 


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Software :: Import Styles From Original Document

Dec 7, 2007

I made a specific list style that I need to use commonly, but to apply it to new documents I have to import the style from the original document I created it with. Is there a way to make it a default list so I can access it in all new pages documents?

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OS X Mavericks :: Moving Local Email Files From One Mac To Another Moved Empty Folders

Jun 25, 2014

I'm trying to move emails from the "On My Mac" section from one mac to my new one.  I've successfully transferred the folders from ~/Library/Mail and they show up, but the folders are empty when I open the mail application on my new mac the folders are empty.

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Applications :: IPhoto Won't Update If Moved?

Sep 16, 2009

I tried to organize my Applications a little better, and created a sub called iLife '09. Moved my iPhoto there, and it runs just fine, but Software Update totally missed the 8.1 update and even manually downloaded I couldn't get it to update till I moved it back to the Applications root. So are we basically stuck with leaving things where they are or moving them around to get updated and back again?

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ITunes For Mac :: Can Re-import CDs In High Quality But Keep Original Track Data?

Dec 1, 2014

I got roughly halfway through importing my collection of about 800 CD's into iTunes 12, before realising that the default import settings applied by iTunes is not 'the best'.  In fact it's not set anywhere near 'the best', it's something like 128kbps lossy format.   I wanted to import my CD's in lossless CD-quality.  WAV would have been ideal.  However it would appear I've missed a trick by assuming it would be full-quality unless I specified something else. 

I'm not using portable devices to listen to my music, I have a Mac Mini and an endless supply of hard-drive storage space, and I'm only accessing it at home. 

A large number of my discs are classical and jazz, and in many cases I've needed to amend or reorganise the metadata, so that it all complies with an overall filing and categorising system that makes sense and is useful.   I also have a large number of rock and blues CD's, but their metadata is normally correct when the discs are issued, so they usually doesn't need adjusting.   If you're wondering, yes my taste in music is eclectic.   I'm just as big a fan of Mozart as I am of Motorhead as I am of Mo Foster.   The problem is that with classical and opera it's important that the 'artist' category shows the names of the performer/soloist/conductor/orchestra, not the name of the composer!  (I wish I *did* have actual recordings of JS Bach playing the Well Tempered Clavier!!). 

So I'm looking at this big pile of CD's thinking, "is it worth re-importing them all again at CD-quality?", because I'd really like top-quality copies, and I only really want to have to do this once.   It *is* worth doing so long as I don't have to do all the jiggery-pokery with all the artist/composer data again, because that takes an enormous amount of time. 

So the question is... will iTunes 12 let me re-import my discs at maximum quality, but at the same time let me keep the data that was painstakingly edited and stored with the previous (lesser-quality) versions?   Or is there a workaround?  Maybe I could surreptitiously replace the old audio with new audio when iTunes isn't running and hope that it won't notice? 

Mac mini (Late 2012), OS X Mavericks (10.9.5)

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Software :: IPhoto Library Moved To Trash - How To Restore

Nov 3, 2008

My IPhoto library accidentally got moved to the trash, I tried to drop it back into iphoto, but it will not go where it used to be. I moved it to my desktop, please, how do I get it back to normal.

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MacBook Pro :: OS X Clone - Compress The Original Disk Volume Like Acronis True Images On Windows?

Jun 18, 2010

I can use Carbon Copy or Superduper to clone OS X disks but having not used them will either of these programs allow me to clone from my new 13 MBP with 500GB HDD to 256 GB SSD i.e. Compress the original disk volume like Acronis True Images on Windows?

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Applications :: Way To Filter Import And To Select Just One Kind Of Images

Feb 13, 2009

On an external firewire 800 hard disk, I have a lot of photos, both in RAW (.nef) format and in "developed" JPG format.I would like to import my photos in iPhoto '08, but just the JPG and not the RAW.Unfortunately, if I select the directory where the photos are, iPhoto import both the JPG and the RAW There is a way to "filter" the import and to select just one kind of images (e.g. only .jpg) ?

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OS X :: Use Smart Folders To Search For Images Within A Certain Folder?

Aug 27, 2010

I can't figure this out. I'm trying to use smart folders to search for images within a certain folder and the sub-folders it contains.

The problem is, I can't figure out how to limit the search locations. The only options it provides are to search "this mac" or "(username)".

I've tried to use 'location' (set to match the folder name), but this brings up zero results.

Some instructions found by googling said to first use spotlight to select the folder I'd like to confine the search to before making the smart folders, but this doesn't work either.

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ICloud :: How To Import Personal Folders

Jun 3, 2012

I have personal archive folders that were on my Mac but were not in MobileMe before I transitioned to ICloud. I exported all of them (as .mbox files) to my Mac Desktop. I see no Import function in iCloud mail. I do realize that Smart folders won't work in iCloud, but nearly all of the personal folders are regular folders. Is there a way to get these archives into iCloud mail? I don't want to have to create them all over again and mail every message to myself at my iCloud email address and file all of them to newly created folders.

3.06 GHz iMac i3, 4 GB Ram, 500GB HD, Mac OS X (10.6.8), iPad2, 60GB iPod Photo, Hp j6480

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MacBook Pro :: How To Import Data In Folders

Aug 26, 2014

The first time I imported data, all word docs appeared individually and not in the folders I had them organized in. How can I import my files in the folders?

MacBook Pro, OS X Mavericks (10.9.3)

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Final Cut Pro X :: Updated To 10.1.2 - Not Able To Import AVCHD Folders?

Jul 1, 2014

Just updated to 10.1.2. My typical workflow is as follows: 

1. Copy AVCHD folder (with all files and file structure) from a SD Card to ext HD

2. Import AVCHD folder (with all files and file structure) from ext HD to FCX 

But all of a sudden, when I look to import new footage that I just copied to my ext HD, I no longer have an option to import an entire AVCHD folder (with the file in it). FCX doesn't even show the AVCHD folders on my ext HD. 

HOWEVER - When I copy a newly created AVCHD file to my desktop, FCX sees those files (though I don't have the option to import and entire folder filled with the AVCHD files). 

I have an entire ext HD full of archived AVCHD folders from SD cards. I thought this was a good way to have back up files (I also have these AVCHD folders on another back up cloud drive), but now it looks like I can't even access them with the new FCX update. 

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ICloud On Mac :: How To Import External Data Into Folders

Dec 12, 2014

I currently have all my iPhoto folders stored on a external harddrive (removed from iPhoto) and would like to put them in iCloud. The unfortunate thing is that i have an Macbook Air, and not enough memory to put all the folders back in iPhoto to have them uploaded to iCloud.

- i have tried iCloud Drive, but this doesn't create folders.. 

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Applications :: How To Delete Original Photos In IPhoto 08

Feb 15, 2009

then i thinked of a noob way to do it: in iphoto window, could I just drag all the events' photos i wanna keep to separate temp folders. then delete the iphoto library file alltogether, and then reimport all the backuped pictures again, will that work?

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Applications :: Iphoto - How To Find Original Photos

Apr 15, 2009

I'm trying to find my original photos that I think are stored somewhere in Iphoto. Whenever I go to my user in finder, then to pictures, I see the photo library option, but when I hope it, it takes me to the IPhoto application, and I still can't find my unmodified originals.

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Intel Mac :: Change Blue Folder Appearence Of Folders And Insert Images

Apr 14, 2012

I have so many folders that I would like to change the blue folder appearence of the folders and insert images within the folder visualization so to be quicker and find the right folder. Is it possible to do?


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Applications :: How To Add Images In IPhoto

Jan 1, 2011

I'm having trouble adding images in iPhoto. I want to create a book. An "event" was created when I downloaded the images from the camera but there are other images I want to add. When I drag and drop the images I want to add to the event ( from a folder on my desktop where I put them) it creates a new event, it does not add the images to the event I want them in. So I created a event with the new images I want to add and merged the two events but the new photos do not show in the bar across the top where the images are for me to add to the book.

What am I doing wrong, how do I add images to a event?

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OS X :: IPhoto And Aperture - No Raw Images

Dec 28, 2009

I use iPhoto to import CR2 files from an EOS. So far, everything worked great and all my current raw-photos in the iPhoto library are presented without problems. After installing Photoshop CS4, nothing worked, neither in nor in or, they don't support opening raw-files anymore. Ok, IPhoto shows the former imported ones but when I try to import new photos from Cam or Disk, there is the following message: "The following file could not be imported. (The file is in an unrecognized format.)". I even reinstalled iPhoto and Aperture, that maybe the raw driver are refreshed or settings corrected, but nothing happened.

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OS X :: Why Does IPhoto Take Mirror Images?

Apr 14, 2010

Why does iPhoto take a mirror image of you when it takes a picture instead of an actual photo? I took a picture of myself with iPhoto and one with my digital camera. The one taken with the digital camera is correct as seen from the camera. The one taken with iPhoto is a mirror image of what the lens is actually seeing. Why is this?

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