OS X Technologies :: Install The New System?
Apr 9, 2012how do I install the new system? how do I protect myself from the viruses!
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.2)
how do I install the new system? how do I protect myself from the viruses!
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.2)
the hard drive on my macbook pro has died and i am in a foreign country with my install discs for os x in the attic of my house which is rented out! ive borrowed a friends install discs for his macbook pro just to see if i can repair the disk but its either not working because of the incompatibility or the hdd is just broken. i'm not dead set on using os x so i wondered if i can get a new hard drive and just boot with a linux install. i would like to continue using the firewire port for an external soundcard but apart from that i only want it for surfing and doing some php/apache web development.
Info:MacBookPro, Mac OS X (10.7)
Is there a way to view system processes in terminal in realtime, similar in fashion to how POST processes are displayed?
MacBook (13-inch Mid 2010), Mac OS X (10.6.8)
in the past I deleted Automator, can an update re-install an Automator?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have tried to install 3 times and have had 3 failures. Any solutions??? And yes, I repaired permissions.
iMac (27-inch Mid 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.2)
I am having a problem with symbolic links getting corrupted. I have a new Mac Pro running 10.7.3.
I have defined symbolic links:
/Users/walker/G2S -> /Volumes/L2A/G2S [this is pointing to a different partition on the same JBOD RAID]
/home -> /Users
The second link was created after unmounting /home and removing it from the /etc/auto_master file. Both symbolic links worked for several days. But then for some reason, without a reboot, the links became corrupted:
> pwd
> ls -al G2S
lrwxr-xr-x 1 walker staff 16 Mar 24 03:08 G2S -> X??G???G?G???G
> cd G2S
G2S: No such file or directory.
Same nonsensical definition for /home link. I repeat, this did not happen after a reboot. It first happened on /home. I thought that might have been related to a new OS handling of the "/home" label. So I deleted the /home link and did a clean reboot. The G2S link was created after that reboot, not before.
After the above two problems happened, I created a new symbolic link:
/Users/walker/G2S2 -> /Volumes/L2A/G2S
I then did not use this new symbolic link in any of my processing scripts. A few weeks went by, then this link somehow got corrupted too:
lrwxr-xr-x 1 walker staff 16 Apr 2 17:22 G2S2 -> G???G1?Gu?G
How symbolic links are managed on a Mac (any process that controls their linking?), or For example, could it be due to bad RAM?I have 32 GB.
Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
Has anyone else noticed that flashupdater is filling their system.log with spew? This is happening on systems with and without flash installed. Sign, yet another blunder...
View 6 Replies View RelatedI am new to mac.I download microsoft office and I would like to install it. I do not know how to do this. Do need the bootcamp thing?
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
I keep getting an error, and the Java Update will not install. What can I do?
Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
When i click System Preferences on the apple menu nothing will happen.
View 14 Replies View RelatedDoes one have to install a base Java before running this update, or is it a full installer?
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3), Lee's computer
I'm running 10.7and I'm trying to create an applescript to install printers. I'm able to run the first command without issues but the other two keeps giving me error messages in applescript. I assume its because the other two commands have spaces? These are the commands I run when in Terminal:
/usr/sbin/lpadmin -p CX560 -E -v lpd://CX560/print -P /Library/Printers/PPDs/Contents/Resources/en.lproj/US-Letter/CX560_V1.PPD -D FireStationCX560
This is the only command I can successfully run in AppleScipt:
do shell script "/usr/sbin/lpadmin -p CX560 -E -v lpd://CX560/print -P /Library/Printers/PPDs/Contents/Resources/en.lproj/US-Letter/CX560_V1.PPD -D FireStationCX560"
I have used Time Machine to backup my data on an external hard drive with ample space for the past year. However, for the past month or so when plug in my hard drive and try to back up my files using Time Machine, it completely freezes my computer, to the point where I need to hold down the power button for 10+ seconds and completely restart. At first I thought this might be due to not enough RAM, but discovered it does this even if all other programs are closed.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.5)
I am trying to install Mac OS X Lion I just downloaded. At the step where it asks you to select a disk to install, I got this message:"This disk is not formatted as Mac OS Extended (Journaled). Use Disk Utility to enable journaling or reformat the disk."What does this mean? Please help me through the steps to complete my installation of this software.
iMac, iOS 5.1
I wrote an AppleScript script and saved it as an Applet that needs to run in the background whenever the system is up.
1/ I tried to set it as a startup item, so that it would start running as soon as the Mac is on -- however without success. I did not find out what the proper way is of doing this.
2/ Then I tried to set it as a login item for each user. This is not as good, but I thought it may an alternative, 'buying me some time' to figure out how to do it properly as a system startup item. Launching the app works fine, but the user cannot log off again, because the system cannot seem to quit the script. So I have to stop the process in Activity Monitor, obviously not a solution.
3/ Also, I would prefer the script to not show up in the Dock.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
I want to make a script that adjusts the output volume of my mac based on the volume that the mic hears. I am not very good with applescript, but I do know how to control the volume. I was wondering if there was a command that retrieved the input level from the mic as it is show in the sound preferences in the system preferences window.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
How do I install MAC OSX on an iMac that does not have any system installed on it? How to insert the install DVD ( after turning it on)? I have iMac G4
View 1 Replies View RelatedThe system extension /System/Library/Extensions/SyncRAIDExpander.kext was installed improperly and cannot be used. try reinstalling it, or contact the products vendor for an update. what does this mean?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have a Macbook Pro Intel Core Duo (first generation of MacBook Pro released). I run OSX 10.6.5. My disk utility has detected a problem and says I need the install disks that came with the computer. Called apple and they said I could reboot from snow leopard or the upgrade.** Problem is that I don't have any disks with me except those that came with my brand new iMac. Can I use those to reinstall the system? Is there any other way?
**They also said that after 2007, the install disks that come with computers are keyed to that specific computer so I "might" not be able to use the disk to repair.
Additionally, and I don't know if this makes a difference but I have the airport/time capsule which backs up my computer for easy restore.
I have bought a used Macbook Intel 2.2Ghz 250Gb with 2GB RAM running Snow Leopard. It didn't come with system discs. I have a similar Macbook with a 160Gb HD running 10.5,8 and I have swapped the HDs over. Both machines are running fine. I now wish to reinstall 10.5 on the 160GB HD but when I use my original 10.5.6 system discs it says that OSX cannot be run on this machine.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI've never had these kind of problems with Leopard on my G5, neither on Tiger. Both having installed less than 4 GB of RAM. SL seems to have changed the RAM management quite a bit. I don't know if it's the video memory that is causing SL to slow down the whole system so much that it has to page out each and every newly opened Safari tab or PS document to HDD. Here is a screen shot of the RAM usage: In other words, the page-outs are taking place even despite the supposed FREE Inactive RAM...
View 24 Replies View RelatedI have a ImacG5 (3.1 system software) and need to have OSX 10.5 to load a new printer. Can I load this system software on an IMAC G5?
iMac, iOS 3.1
I recently downloaded the Darwin Ports package from the website and ran it, the install reads that everything installed correctly, and the website informed me that once the process was complete, I should run sudo port -d selfupdate, however, all I'm getting is an error that reads "sudo: ports: command not found".
View 2 Replies View RelatedWhat would happen if I used my Mac Pro Mac OS X Leopard install DVD's in a MacBook Pro? Would it install properly? I want to fo a fresh install on my MBP but can't find the DVD's :/ I know it says "Mac Pro" on the DVD's itself so I'm curious if they're machine specific
View 3 Replies View Relatedmy brother got a new macbook and im running a powerbook g4 still on tiger can i use his os install discs to upgrade to leopard? or will it wipe my computer clean and install it on a clean slate?
View 3 Replies View Relatedthinking back from pre OSX days with regards to OSX. Is there any difference whether or not the boot system (including applications, etc.) for your computer was put in place by their installers or made from a (backed up) clone or copy of that system? I suppose it doesn't since people clone their drives all the time. I sort of remember from pre osx days of an installed system being ~blessed~, if I remember the vernacular correctly. But even still, don't know if it meant anything back then either
View 3 Replies View RelatedI'm such a n00bcake with this I don't understand it at all. Can someone help me install this program (link) in Mac OS X? I looked all over and just don't get it. It says any Unix system running X11. >.> [URL:...]
View 1 Replies View RelatedI am going to be selling my old imac 20" ( 2007), How do I erase the memory and reinstall the OS? How long will it take? I assume I have to reinstall OPS 10.5 and 10.6 ?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI just picked up this Macbook at the store http[URL]Talked with the salesman and didn't lile the fact that was it was only 2GB RAM He told me I have 2 options:
) have the store install for $150 (parts and labor)or b) look at a Youtube tutorial to install 2gB ram making the total RAM = 4GB I REALLY need the extra 2GB because of the programs I run (heavy) but don't feel like paying extra for a macbook pro or paying an extra
I just got a Mac G4 tower from a doctor I work with. He needed me to delete the whole hard drive before I took it. I booted off the OSX tiger DVD and wiped the drive with no problems, (I even booted it off the DVD the next day, to show my friend that the drive was wiped), but now that I have it home I am unable to boot from the OSX DVD. It shows the apple screen with the apple logo and the spinning... whatever you call it..... but then the screen just goes black after a minute or two. Have ejected the DVD, and retried, Zapped the PRAM by using control opt P+R and by unplugging the G4 and pushing the PMU button next to the battery.
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