OS X Technologies :: Install Linux Only Without It?

Apr 12, 2012

the hard drive on my macbook pro has died and i am in a foreign country with my install discs for os x in the attic of my house which is rented out! ive borrowed a friends install discs for his macbook pro just to see if i can repair the disk but its either not working because of the incompatibility or the hdd is just broken. i'm not dead set on using os x so i wondered if i can get a new hard drive and just boot with a linux install. i would like to continue using the firewire port for an external soundcard but apart from that i only want it for surfing and doing some php/apache web development.

Info:MacBookPro, Mac OS X (10.7)

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PowerPC :: Install Linux On Powermac G4?

Dec 14, 2007

FYI I have a powermac G4 dual proccessor with mirror drive doors. im running mac os x 10.4. I am wondering if anyone has installed linux on a similar machine, I would like to know more before I try it. what version is best (ubuntu I heard is good?)? Must you reformat a drive or can you install in on a new internal drive? any information really.

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MacBook Air :: Install Linux Along Side OSX?

Apr 2, 2008

I want to install it alongside my OSX install(specifically Mandriva) but I am not sure if it will work in Boot Camp or what not.

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PowerPC :: Install Linux On An IBook G4?

Sep 19, 2008

I'm looking for a very easy to install Linux on my old iBook G4 and I would like it to support my Airport card without having to do much configuring. Is there any Linux out there that would be suitable for me? I'd like for it to run fairly fast as my G4 is only 256mb RAM.

I do remember looking into this before but, at that time, the only useable Linuxs didn't have immediate support for the Airport card and you needed to download these drivers and install them from the command line interface and it was very confusing.

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OS X :: How To Install Ubuntu (Linux) Along With Tiger

Apr 18, 2009

I have a old powermac g4 running tiger. I want to put ubuntu linux on it along with tiger. How do I do this?

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MacBook Air :: Install Linux Distro?

Oct 26, 2009

I did a search and did not really see anything on it, but has anyone installed a linux distro on an MBA yet?

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Software :: Install Linux On IBook G3

Sep 12, 2009

I want to put linux (preferably Ubuntu) on my iBook G3 Dual USB. By reading this article I would assume I should go with either Ubuntu or Kubuntu 5.04. What I would like to know is if I should use a later version of Ubuntu (7.10, 8.04, etc...) or should I use Hoary Hedgehog (5.04) like suggested. My iBook has a 10GB HD and 384MB RAM. Also will the Airport card and video out on the iBook work?

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MacBook :: Install Linux Ubuntu On It?

Jun 29, 2012

As Mountain Lion wont work on Macbook (early 2008), I decided to go with Linux... How can I install it on my macbook?

MacBook, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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MacBook :: Share Linux Box DVD Drive To Air To Install OSX On It?

Apr 5, 2008

Is there a way to share a Linux Box DVD drive to the air so I can install OSX on the air?

I see in the video they use a WIN BOX.

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OS X :: Can Install Linux, Ubuntu 9.04 On The External Disk

Jan 2, 2010

Can I somehow install Linux (Ubuntu 9.04) on the external disk?It's connected via a USB cable.I've got Ubuntu on a Disc.

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OS X :: How To Restore Divided Disk Partition During Linux Install

Jul 19, 2009

During a botched Linux install. The partition was 64 GB, but now there are two, one is 45 GB and the other is about 20 GB. No earthly idea how I did that. How to restore them back to one single 64 GB partition, preferably without having to reformat and reinstall OS X.

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MacBook Pro :: Install Linux On Machine - Virtualising Or Boot Camp?

Jul 31, 2010

Whats the nest way to put it on my machine? Virtualising or Boot Camp? Any big issues I need to bare in mind with Mac compatibility? I read that there is some extra work to get the trackpad to work with linux, how easy is this to do?

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OS X Technologies :: Install The New System?

Apr 9, 2012

how do I install the new system? how do I protect myself from the viruses!

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.2)

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OS X Technologies :: Update Re-install An Automator?

Apr 11, 2012

in the past I deleted Automator, can an update re-install an Automator?

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OS X Technologies :: Install 3 Times And Have Had 3 Failures?

Apr 13, 2012

I have tried to install 3 times and have had 3 failures. Any solutions??? And yes, I repaired permissions.

iMac (27-inch Mid 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.2)

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OS X Technologies :: How To Install Downloaded MS Office On IMac

Apr 11, 2012

I am new to mac. I download microsoft office and I would like to install it. I do not know how to do this. Do need the bootcamp thing?

iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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OS X Technologies :: Keep Getting An Error, And The Java Update Will Not Install

Apr 13, 2012

I keep getting an error, and the Java Update will not install. What can I do?

Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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OS X Technologies :: Install A Base Java Before Running Update?

Apr 15, 2012

Does one have to install a base Java before running this update, or is it a full installer?

iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3), Lee's computer

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OS X Technologies :: Create An Apple-script To Install Printers - Can't Seem To Get It To Work

Mar 21, 2012

I'm running 10.7and I'm trying to create an applescript to install printers.  I'm able to run the first command without issues but the other two keeps giving me error messages in applescript. I assume its because the other two commands have spaces? These are the commands I run when in Terminal: 

/usr/sbin/lpadmin -p CX560 -E -v lpd://CX560/print -P /Library/Printers/PPDs/Contents/Resources/en.lproj/US-Letter/CX560_V1.PPD -D FireStationCX560 


This is the only command I can successfully run in AppleScipt: 

do shell script "/usr/sbin/lpadmin -p CX560 -E -v lpd://CX560/print -P /Library/Printers/PPDs/Contents/Resources/en.lproj/US-Letter/CX560_V1.PPD -D FireStationCX560"  

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OS X Technologies :: Install Mac OS X Lion / Received Message That HD Disk Is Not Formatted As Mac OS Extended

Mar 20, 2012

I am trying to install Mac OS X Lion I just downloaded. At the step where it asks you to select a disk to install, I got this message:"This disk is not formatted as Mac OS Extended (Journaled). Use Disk Utility to enable journaling or reformat the disk."What does this mean? Please help me through the steps to complete my installation of this software.

iMac, iOS 5.1

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OS X :: Linux On Mac?

Jan 9, 2011

What's the easiest way to do that? Can I use Parallels?

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OS X :: Which Linux Best?

Sep 2, 2009

I just got my new Macbook Unibody and I installed Ubuntu and found nothing worked. Which operating system should I install?

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OS X :: Linux WordPerfect 8.0 On Mac OS 10.6?

Jul 22, 2010

Is this possible on an Intel Mac since both Linux and Mac OS 10.6 are POSIX compliant, and Linux WordPerfect 8.0 was compiled for an x86 platform?

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OS X :: Linux And Bsd With Bootcamp

Oct 19, 2007

I know i can run windows xp and vista with bootcamp but is it possible to have a triple boot style system on a mac book pro where i can run linux and bsd?

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Windows On Mac :: How To Run Linux On It

Oct 22, 2009

can you run linux on a mac and how do you do it.. i need it for school next year and im needing to get a new laptop for next semester.. i dont want to go and get a new macbook this january and end up having to get another new laptop year after..
as of now i dont know what version of linux i need but any version will do..

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OS X :: Linux On Mac Damaging CPU?

Apr 16, 2010

I don't know if any of you have heard of this: [URL]. Also discussed here: [URL].

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PowerPC :: Boot Through Cd Linux From G3

Sep 27, 2010

I'm trying to install Damn Small Linux on iMac G3,64MB ram and 333Mhz processor. The problem is that i'm not able to boot the cd. Under windows machine...it boot normally,but if i put it on G3 and hold 'C',it doesn't boot (but i think it try to read the cd becouse i see a small icon with "face"/"?" on the screen).

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PowerPC :: Linux Version To Use B&W G3?

Nov 15, 2006

My office is getting rid of a bunch of old computer parts and one of them happens to be a B&W G3. As far as I know it works, the hard drive may be failing since it books up with the folder with a question mark on it. I don't know the full specs other than at least 128MB of RAM (there's two sticks and I can only tell what one of them says), not sure of anything else since it won't boot up.

It comes with an OS 8 disc but I'm sure something newer can run on it. What versions of Linux would be good to try out? I'm tempted to put it in the kitchen and make it a household computer but I'm not sure yet. Gotta see if its working all the way first...

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MacBook Air :: Doesn't Run With Linux?

Feb 22, 2008

I have a home built P.C. that I run ubuntu on. It's a really kickass machine and contains everything I need, it runs the first intel quad core processor. My delimma(not really, just a hard choice) is that I can't decide on MBA or and MBP. If I get an MBP I can just keep running my PC as is. But if I get a MBA(which is all I really need) don't I need mac os x to use the features of my computer, like the disc drive and such to run on a MBA. Does the MBA run with Windows? Certainly it doesnt run with Linux?

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PowerPC :: Installing Linux On G3

Jul 27, 2008

I just picked up an imac G3 system, its kind of a bluish green. has os8.6 and i would like to install Linux on it, can anyone help me with this? im certain if i can get the system to boot from the disc i can handle the rest myself, i have tried holding down C when starting and had no luck.

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