IMac :: How To Do A Clean Install On Old System
Nov 22, 2009I am going to be selling my old imac 20" ( 2007), How do I erase the memory and reinstall the OS? How long will it take? I assume I have to reinstall OPS 10.5 and 10.6 ?
View 2 RepliesI am going to be selling my old imac 20" ( 2007), How do I erase the memory and reinstall the OS? How long will it take? I assume I have to reinstall OPS 10.5 and 10.6 ?
View 2 RepliesI inadvertently did something wrong - and now have malware on my machine. How do I get rid of it? And how does one do a clean install of operating systems OSX 10.9?
View 3 Replies View RelatedThe internal hard drive on my early 2009 iMac is being replaced but I have to reinstall Snow Leopard myself.I did search in MRoogle and at Apple and cannot seem to find instructions on how to perform a clean Snow Leopard install on an iMac internal HD.
Can I do this? And if so how? Or do you think I should try and install Leopard on the existing Hd in the iMac? I still have these discs but have to get the SL applications install disc out of my drive (it's stuck and the iMac won't boot past the blue screen).
is there a way to save the user settings prior to doing a clean install of OS X ? i am not worried about backing up files or additional software that has been installed, just the user's system preferences that you manually set up throughout the use of your machine. and if this is possible, how do you go about reinstating the user preferences after the install is completed ?
i'm trying to decide if it's worth it for me to do the install as i have plenty of storage space left, but it would be nice to take care of this now rather than later. i've read through the install steps on the forum and did not see anything in regards to this issue.
So I upgraded to Snow Leopard about a week ago, and my Macbook pro seems a little slower and it beachballs now and again. I am wondering if I should do a clean install of Leopard and use that for a while, until SL is updated a few times, or maybe clean install and then put SL onto that. Which do you think is best? My other questions are as follows:
I was doing TimeMachine backups when I was using Leopard, and these have carried on when I was using SL. If I clean install, will I be able to choose just to copy my files over from the TM backup? Is there a way to do a clean install of SL, or do I need to do the Leopard install and then upgrade to SL again.
However, I don't have the iBook's system discs because my mother lost them (she was using the iBook until I gave her my MacBook).
I called Apple to get new system discs, and they sent me an OSX 10.5.6 Retail Install DVD to install on the iBook, but this doesn't include iLife.
Obviously it's not the end of the world if I don't include iLife (even if it is iLife 05), but I think it would help me sell the iBook if iLife was included.
what's the best stuff for cleaning my iMac display?I know generally there's certain things you can't use
View 13 Replies View RelatedI want to do a clean install on my mac. It is starting to act up a little and I want to just clean it up and start over. I have parallels with windows 7 on the computer with office 2010.
I also have cs5. After I wipe and reload snowleopard can I reinstall my applications with the old serial numbers or are my serial numbers all used up? do i need to uninstall thm before the wipe?
The hard drive has been nuked and their is nothing on it, no operating system or anything.
I have bought a set of install disks for Mac Panther 10.3, however the computer will not read them. I hold "C" down as I turn the computer on but I get nothing except a flashing box with a question mark in it.
I have tried using the disks for my MacBook Pro but it tells me they are the wrong disks, however they at least load up to that point.
Just wanted to find out if any one will do a clean install of SL on their new imac? I hear there is a lot of bloatware ie Printer Drivers, Asian Language Fonts etc that take up a lot of unnecessary HD space.
I'm getting an i7 very soon waiting for possible iLife update, but will pull trigger what ever happens before July 7th for educational discount.
I'm drop shipping my 27" imac refurb to OWC for them to install the sdd, ram, etc. Someone here said OWC will clone the hd to the ssd and then the end user went back and did a clean install. Wouldn't it be better if OWC just installed the SSD, left it clean, and I did the install from the disks myself? I mean I assume it's a time issue why they would clone, not fresh install. I have plenty of time to do it. Is it not that simple? Is there something more fangled to it, or is it just running the disks and doing what they say?
View 4 Replies View RelatedI'm turning my old white imac into a bedroom plex viewer (it will eventually become a kitchen computer) and I want to do a clean install. This was my primary workstation for years before I got my Mac Pro and its just loaded with crap, all of which I've backed up to sort through later
It currently has Tiger and I want to upgrade to Leopard (I bought a family pack for it and my powerbook). I have a bootcamp XP partition which I would like to keep and not destroy. Can I do a clean install except for the windows partition? Or will doing a clean install destroy bootcamp.
I'm going to be ordering a 2.8 iMac tonight when I get home, and was wondering how the live in a dusty environment? I live on a ranch, in a 100+ year old house with pets. I have had a mbp for about 4yrs now and I just keep some dustoff handy for under the keyboard and such. Wondering if that's the same general concept with the iMac? Also for the monitor is regular glass cleaner fine? I use a microfiber and optical lens spray for the mbp should I use that on the iMac as well or will a paper towel and windex be fine?
View 3 Replies View RelatedCompleted a clean install of Lion on 2009 IMac, which initially reacted poorly to an upgrade (my first attempt to move to Lion). How do I reinstall iPhoto, Garageband, Aperture, Final Cut Express, iMovie, Logic Express? These were all preinstalled with original purchase. How would I find the serial numbers that will inevitably be asked for? The App store wants to charge for these items, and other non-Apple software I've purchased for the App store won't download again.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.4), System upgraded from 10.5
This is the first time i reinstalled(clean install) my snow leopard on my MBP. All went fine but then i inserted the disc for bundled application (which contains the ilife apps) but it keeps failing.
It says that "the installation failed. the installer encountered an error that caused the installation to fail. contact the software manufacturer for assistance".
I've also done my research on this matter. I've gone thru a few steps i tried as below without success:
1)normal install - fail
2)repair permission - fail
3)install in safe mode - fail
4) install using another admin acc - fail
5) made an image out of the disc and install - fail
6) used a similar disc(my dad's since we have identical version) - fai
7)updated my system and install - fail
8) reinstall the mac - fail
i cant think of any other solution as im a bit noob when it comes to mac. is there any other things i could try before taking it Apple?
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
How do I install updates on my Imac?Once they have finished downloading do I need to save them some where or open them for them to work?
i just bought a macbook pro and i want to do a clean install but it didn't come with the install disks. is there a way to do it without buying new disks?
View 24 Replies View RelatedI purchased the new Mac Box Set with Leopard 10.5.6, iLife '09 and iWork '09.
I was 50/50 on which type of Leopard install I wanted to perform today.
Looks like the disc made the choice for me and performed, what I'm assuming, is the upgrade. All of my files, settings, etc. were intact after the reboot.
I have the Win 7 RTM currently installed on my Mac Pro, on a dedicated internal hard drive. I'm running VMware 2.0. I have the retail version of Win 7 arriving today. Anyone know if I can just install through Windows, i.e., while running my existing Win 7 installation via VMware, or do I have to go through the whole clean install via Bootcamp routine?
View 7 Replies View Relatedi'm very new to macOS can anybody tell me what happens when you perform a Install and archive on an iMac system. especially the documents, email, photo's in Aperture etc. Are they saved? I had a system crash and performed a disk check, the disk seems to be OK
View 2 Replies View RelatedI've just installed Mac OS X Tiger on my iMac G4 17" i know Tiger is outdated, but it's faster than Leopard and Tiger still runs i tried to install Mac OS 9 too. For some performance reasons. But after the Welcome Screen, the Display turns black and i can't see nothing It's the original Mac OS 9 CD from the iMac G4. And it's the original rom, i never changed anything. Maybe Mac OS 9 doesn't have the right kext for the iMac?
iMac, Mac OS X (10.4.11), iMac G4 17" 800MHz
I have many questions but few clear answers. What would be the benefits of doing a clean install vs. an upgrade? I have an iMac 8,1 which supposedly is eligible for a 64 bit kernel. Would I have to do a clean install or an "archive and install" to get the 64bit kernel? Also, can someone explain to me exactly what an "archive and install" is/does? From the name, I'd assume it would back up your HDD to an external storage unit, then do a clean install, but I'm probably way wrong.
One more question. If I so happen to choose to do a clean install, would Time Machine be an adequate way to restore all my data after the update? Any help or answers to any of the above questions would truly make my day. You will also be rewarded $1,000,000,000 in Happy FunTime money.
I have recently done a Time machine back up of my MB Pro 15" then wiped my hard drive trying to clean it up so I could install Windows 7 with Boot Camp. I had my original Install Disk which I forgot was Tiger, Having used one of my brothers company licenses to upgrade to Leopard but that disk is now with him in another country. So now I can not restore from my Time Machine backup. I have a Leopard Install disk for a Macbook Pro 13" which I also own. Is it possible to use this disk to re-install Leopard on my 15"?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI'm a newbie, forgive my question but I just did an Install and Archive yesterday, but I don't know if I really should be doing a CLEAN INSTALL...
FACTS - I have an MB403LL/A (2.4GHz C2D, 2008 Early Peryn) which I use to make music with ProTools 8 LE and Reason 4.0.
- Upgraded RAM from Corsair to OWC RAM (4GB)
- Before the Install & Archive yesterday I was experiencing problems with Safari freezing up and not being able to relaunch. I believe this was due to the RAM, hence, I bought new and better RAM.
- I could not boot up my MacBook one morning, so I trouble-shot it and the only thing I could do was Re-Install the OS X.
- I did the Install & Archive with the OEM Samsung RAM and put in the OWC RAM AFTER that.
QUESTIONS - I would like to really have a fresh install of everything but not sure if there is much difference between the Clean Install and the Archive and Install? (I would just move the files I need to my external HD)
- With the Clean Install - will I be bringing my MacBook back to where it was fresh from the factory?
Should I buy the AppleCare for it? I was thinking of upgrading but there is not much difference in performance to what I have... 2.4 C2D at 4GB RAM...
i am downloading a lot of stuff (movies and music) from rapidshare and other file-hosting sites. Do i need a virus scanner or smthing like clean my mac ?? is it ok from downloading and not getting anything from them (trojans..etc)
View 1 Replies View RelatedSo I bought my Macbook August of 2007, and have only Archive & Installed when Leopard came out.
I don't have any noticeable problems yet I know a lot of people wipe their computer clean, back-up any important programs and files, and then re-install their OS. Do a lot of people do this?
I kind of want to but it's my first time doing it so I don't want to mess anything up or forget something I need, etc.
I am getting my UTD disc next week sometime, and I would like to know how to do a clean install with it.
Before I would put the disc in, then go into the install process through finder, the computer would reboot, and then I could access disc utility from the top bar and just erase my disc.
Then I would continue and install the new OS on my blank hard drive. With the UTD disc, I hear people saying that you have to delete a file on the disc? Which file is this?
I want to reinstall OSX for the first time because I mainly want to have a clean system, to get rid of all the files that have not been deleted when I remove some applications. Basically I want all apps removed when reinstalled complete. I've read OSX reinstall its different then windows, but I want to make sure I can do this clean reinstall. I want to know if the other documents and files will remain on my hdd as I don't have an external disc to back up. Also the system/the internet does not run as fast as those in apple store, this may be because of little snitch, hard drive space, or others.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI know that a lot of people were asking about wether they should upgrade or install SL. So, when I put in the disk, it said to shutdown and restart so that it could install the OS. Anyways, I just wanted to know if it was normal that I didn't have any choices as to if I wanted to make just an upgrade or a complete installation of SL. I thought I was going to lose my stuff on my HD, but everything is still there like if nothing happened. The thing is... I kind of wanted to have everything erased and do a clean install.
View 13 Replies View RelatedLike in PC, we need periodically use some app to clean the system, cache, or some other temp files in C:/ disc. Do we need to similar stuff in macbook 2?
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