OS X Technologies :: Lion 10.7.3 Doesn't Wake From Standby When External Monitor Attached

Feb 10, 2012

my problem is since the update to 10.7.3, Lion isn't waking up from standby when I have left my external Monitor attached to my MacBook Pro. It will flash the keyboard backlight, but both displays remain black. And when i disconnect the external one, nothing happens. Only possibility to come out of this state: Hold power button for some seconds until it shutds down "hard". 

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: 10.7.3 Doesn't Wake From Standby When External Monitor Attached

Feb 10, 2012

my problem is since the update to 10.7.3, Lion isn't waking up from standby when I have left my external Monitor attached to my MacBook Pro. It will flash the keyboard backlight, but both displays remain black. And when i disconnect the external one, nothing happens. Only possibility to come out of this state: Hold power button for some seconds until it shutds down "hard". 

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MacBook Pro :: Cannot Wake From Sleep If Attached To External Monitor

Mar 25, 2012

This started recently and is quite annoying.  Like the title says, if I put my computer to sleep via apple menu/sleep while it is attached to my external monitor the computer will not "wake up".  When I try to wake up the computer the sleep indicator stops pulsing and I can hear the hard drive start spinning.  As a result I must force shut down the computer by holding the power button.  The computer is fully charged so it is not a low battery issue.  The external monitor is an 20" Apple Cinema Display, it is attached via Apple's DVI connector.  

Unplugging the monitor dongle and replugging it in do not work.  Pressing any assortment of keys does not bring the display back up.  

I've tried resetting PRAM, disk permissions, and verifying the disk. 

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: External Screen Won't Wake Up After Standby

Mar 22, 2012

Just bought a new 15" Macbook a few days but I have a serious problem. Every time I conntect it to my HP x2301 (also brand new) with a minidisplay > DVI cable and the Macbook goes to sleep the monitor won't take up after I wake up the Macbook.

Info:MacBookPro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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MacBook Pro :: External Monitor Attached And Display Closed

Nov 30, 2009

I typed Mac Help about "to operate the portable computer with an external monitor attached and the display closed. When I close the display of my Mac Book or MacBookPro, the external monitor such as my 50" Plasma monitor or video projector would go black. I read the Help and it said and required the USB Mouse and Keyboard to close the Macbook display and put computer sleep. My question is will the Apple blue tooth or wireless keyboard and mice will work with out using the USB? Has any one try that? I am not sure if I should buy wired or wireless to operate this.

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MacBook Air :: FaceTime HD Camera Disconnects After Wake From Standby?

Apr 27, 2012

I have a MacBook Air 2011?Sometime, after a long standby, it wakes up with the built-in web camera disconnected.Facetime, Photo Booth, and Skype does not detect the camera, whilst for some reason, Google Chat inside Chrome actually sees it and is able to use it. Looking at the "About This Mac" I can see that the web camera is detected. However I am hoping that I don't have to keep rebooting it just to do a video call on skype.

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Intel Mac :: External Monitor In Target Display Mode Won't Wake Up

Mar 26, 2012

I'm using 2 IMac 27' and one is simply used as an external display. When I wake up the computer from sleep, it works on the main monitor, however the external display still has a black screen. I have to unplug the external monitor to get it to wake up.I tried unplugging thunderbolt and replugging it in which worked the first time, but same issue again not waking up.


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MacBook Pro :: It Won't Wake To External Monitor In Clam-shell Mode

May 23, 2012

When I have my macbook hooked up to external monitor it works great unitl I put it to sleep. Sometimes it kicks right up to the external monitor but the majority of the time it cant reconnect to the monitor. It just turns blue then off then blue likes its trying to figure out what to do eventually it says out of range. I then have to unplug the external monitor, wake up my mac with the screen open reconnect the monitor wait for it to pick up and then close it again and wah laaa it works.

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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ITunes :: Doesn't Wake External Drive With Library In Case If Remote Access

May 29, 2012

I have latest iTunes 10.6.1 and its library located on external drive, connected by FW800.

System properties -> Energy saver -> Put the hard disk(s) to sleep when possible is On  Everything works perfect in case of local access.

Also in case library's drive sleeps, it takes just several seconds more in order to wake drive. But remote access works only in case the drive is waked somehow. I.e. if Home Sharing is enabled and drive sleeps I cannot get access to the content from remote iTunes or Apple TV. 

I think it is a bug, remote access shall be not broken in case the drive is sleeping. Also it is known, some forums explain that you shall never put external drives in sleep mode in case this drive used for iTunes Home Sharing [URL]

Mac mini, Mac OS X (10.7.2)

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: MBP Doesn't Boot Into Safe Mode And Doesn't Wake Up "normally"

Feb 22, 2012

I am using a 15" MacBook Pro Santa Rosa (mid 2007), 2.2 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo, 6 GB memory, with a 240GB OWC Mercury Extreme Pro SSD (15 months old). Lion 10.7.3. Computer doesn't boot into Safe Mode AND also if it "goes to sleep by itself" (I don't touch it for a while, then it falls asleep) after some time when I try to wake it up I get the Spinning Ball of Death or a black screen and the only thing I can do is press the power button for some seconds to power off. It wakes up OK if I, either close the lid or Apple icon-> Sleep. 

WHEN TRY TO BOOT INTO SAFE MODE: Immediately after the startup chime I press the Shift key, after 2-3 seconds get the login window, key in my password. Instead of logging in, it goes to a screen with the Apple icon, underneath it, the Apple spinning gear and underneath that a loading bar.  After quite some time the loading bar disappears, the gear goes on spinning for a LONG time, then black screen, startup chime again and login window. Then, when I key in my password, it just logs in as usual, no safe mode. 

I tried to write in Terminal “sudo nvram boot-args="-x"”, BIG mistake! It got my computer into a  loop of those screens. I don’t exactly remember what eventually got me out of this loop (I think I booted from a clone, then started with the Lion CD and wrote back “sudo nvram boot-args=""” in Terminal.  Also set up an additional administrator account but all was the same. Tried verify/repair disk, everything OK. Eventually I erased completely the HD (not Recovery HD) reinstalled Tiger, Snow Leopard and Lion again, downloaded all applications/software/programs I had, from scratch and only copied the data from a backup, being sure that after that all problems will be over, but... everything like it was, no "normal sleeping" and no SM booting. 

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3), 6 GB Memory 240 GB OWC ME Pro SSD

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Mac Doesn't Restart Or Wake From Sleep?

Jul 1, 2012

My iMac becomes totally unresponsive after sleeping for any length of time. It will not wake from sleep, even if I connect a wired keyboard; and it will not shut down or restart until I reset the SMC by unplugging the comptuer from power for 15-30 seconds. I can restart the computer after resetting the SMC, but the same thing happens every time the computer goes to sleep. 

I have also set the computer sleep slider to "never" and reset the PRAM. Although people have been complaining about this issue for months, Apple's Lion updates have not addressed this issue. 

iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.4), 3.06MHz Core i3

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: MBA Screen Doesn't Respond Well On Wake After It Goes To Sleep

Mar 3, 2012

Is it that there is just too much going on for the system, I have my HD encrypted. 

MacBook Air (11-inch Late 2010), Mac OS X (10.7.3), HD encrypted

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Would Time Machine Backup External Hard Drive Attached To Mac

Mar 19, 2012

I have a hard drive which is attached to my iMac 24*7. I plan to move all my movies & pictures over to it. Would the Time Machine backup (through a different hard drive) backup my Hard drive?

iMac (21.5-inch Late 2009), Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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MacBook Pro :: External Display - Monitor Doesn't Sleep Properly

Jun 25, 2012

Have a brand new MBP 13" using Thunderbolt-DVI adapter with my old Dell 2405 LCD. Have an interesting scenario ... when the display goes to "sleep" there is still some type of signal coming out of the display port.  The monitor will stay on and just blink "NO SIGNAL DETECTED ON INPUT 2".  But the monitor actually still stays on.When I put the entire laptop to sleep them the monitor will properly power down to sleep mode. 

I don't think its the monitor because I've used this monitor with a number of different machines and graphics cards, in every scenario when I had the display set to sleep it powered off just fine.   

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MacBook Pro :: Monitor Photo Attached?

May 8, 2012

i just got a macbook pro yesterday and when i was using all of a sudden this came on the screen, and i just restarted it and it was gone. today i turn it on and this happens again. what is wrong with it. 

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MacBook Air :: Doesn't Detect External Monitor Connected Through Mini Display Port To HDMI Adapter

Sep 8, 2014

I bought a MBA 13" last month and now I'm trying to connect an external monitor through a Mini Display Port-to-HDMI adapter and most of the times the display shows a message "No signal detected"...

I've tried all the possible combinations between the MAC and the Monitor but it would seem a random matter.

MacBook Air (13-inch Mid 2012), Mavericks 10.9.4

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Monitor Shuts Down Doesn't Use Screen Server

Jan 31, 2012

i am using my monitor from old Leopard computer. It works fine on the Mac mini running Lion. When not in use, instead of using the screen settings it shuts down. I have to click the mouse and sign in.

AppleTV 2, Mac OS X (10.7.2), Mac mini 2011 iPad 2 iPhone 3Gs

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Monitor Doesn't Sleep Anymore And Gets Woken Up Every 45 Secs

Feb 5, 2012

I have been having some issues since I updated to 10.7.3: My monitor does not sleep anymore and gets woken up every 45 secs. In this time I have hundreds of the following messages: 05.02.12 12:42:20,812 loginwindow: resume called when there was already a timer..Any idea what I can do to get this to work the way it used to ??? This is very very annoying and consumes energy for nothing.

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Cpu Usage After Standby Very High?

Apr 21, 2012

After standby mode my iMac 2011 with 10.7.3 seems to run corrupt with the kernel and activitymonitord tasks. CPU usage on one core runs to 100% only by scrolling fast in a window (finder, firefox, activity window). It happend without any system adjustment nor on any update or new software. Had the same issue months ago. Helped to went back to 10.7.2 and upraded again to 7.3 via combo update. System is after standby not usable, have to start system new as work around. Found same issue with other users on the web, but no solution.  

iMac (21.5-inch Mid 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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Mac Pro :: Added Second Monitor Computer Won't Wake Up

Apr 11, 2012

I have reviewed several support threads on the subject of a 2008 Mac Pro not waking up after it goes to sleep.  I have a 2008 mac pro that was working flawlessly with a 26 inch asus monitor.  My bluetooth mouse and keyboard would wake it up instantly.  I decided to add a second monitor, a 27 inch planar. I had the mac set up to save power and after just five minutes of non-use it would go to sleep.  My wife asked me if I would keep it on longer so she could watch the pictures that show up through the screen saver so I set it to 15 minutes and then it goes to sleep.  Now though, if it goes to sleep it won't wake up and remote connections from an imac fail to awaken it as well.  I am forced to hold down the power button to shut it down.  I have tried the startup where I hold down command option p r but I can't get it to sound a second chime whether I start after the first chime or before the gray screen appears.  After trying this every other restart does not work, the fans turn on but nothing else happens.  It is quite odd.  I am at my witts end. 

Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.6), 16GB/3TB

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IMac :: External Monitor - Bad Mouse Tracking When External Monitor Off?

Jan 9, 2010

I have a 27" i7. I have a 24" DVI Montior hooked up to it via MDP->DVI adaptor. When the 24" Monitor is on, everything is fine. When I turn the monitor off, the magic mouse tracking on the 27" screen stutters. I am not kidding - it took me ages to figure out that to fix I either need to turn the other monitor on OR disconnect the MDP->DVI adaptor.

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MacBook :: Doesn't Wake After Add New RAM

May 4, 2009

So over this weekend I upped the ram in my Macbook from the stock 2gbs-4gbs. Everything seems to be fine but now what's happening is when I close my Macbook lid and put it to sleep it won't wake up when I open it later. It seems like it wakes up as the light at the bottom goes out but there is no response from the keyboard or display. If I hold down the power button for 5 seconds then the Mac shuts off and I can boot it up as normal. I checked over the reporting screen when it reboots and it seem to be indicating a kernel panic occurred. The memory seems to be recognized and working but it wouldn't explain why my mac suddenly is freaking out. I've tried the SMC reset and now I'm going to try the PRAM reset. I figured I'd check here if anyone has any ideas. The type of Macbook I have is a 2.4ghz Alum. The memory is from MacSales.com OWC 4GB PC3-8500 DDR3 1066MHz DIMM Upgrade Kit This appears to be a house memory but i've had great luck from them before with this same brand.

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MacBook Pro :: Sometimes Doesn't Wake Up

Jul 2, 2010

Sometimes after I logoff, I'll close the lid on my MBP. I always wait until I'm fully logged off before I do this. Later when I want to use my computer I open the lid, the keyboard backlight comes on, but I get no picture on the screen. If I take the machine into my office and connect it to my external monitor, I get no picture there either. The only way to get my computer back is to hold down the power button until it turns off and then turn it back on. Has anyone seen this issue? If so, do you know of a solution? I don't think it's been doing this since I bought it. It seems like it's been worse since the latest OS X patch, but I could be mistaken.

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MBP Doesn't Wake From Sleep

May 25, 2012

After I put the screen down, and the apple logo on MBP turns off, if I put it back up in like 5 seconds, it will recover from sleep, but anything after that, I put the screen back up, nothing happens. To make it work, I have to press the power button until the hard drive makes some kind of noise, and then it starts from boot (or from hibernation, like when battery goes out and you plug back in).Nothing is plugged in, same thing happens whether adapter is plugged in or not. Also, my MBP only shows 2gb ram instead of 4gb?? Some odd times, it shows 4gb, but most times, 2gb. It's a 13" 2010 C2D model. Same things happen when I boot into windows using bootcamp.

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: WiFi Never Connect Automatically After Standby Mode On IMac

May 6, 2012

Every time my mac goes into standby the wifi connection needs to be manually joined, so trying to connect remotely is impossible without joining a wifi network manually.

iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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MacBook Pro :: Turned Off After Few Hours Of Standby Mode Running OS X Lion

May 20, 2012

If I set my macbook pro ( Lion ) into stand by, after a few hours it's completely off. I have to push the power button to start it new.I have this problem since I've installed OSX Lion.

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4), I7 , 4 GB ram , 500 GB HDD

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MacBook Pro :: Why Doesn't Wake Up From Sleep Sometimes?

Dec 24, 2009

Why doesn't my MacBook Pro wake up from sleep sometimes ,I close the lid and when I come back and reopen it the screen doesn't turn back on.

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OS X :: IMac Goes To Sleep And Doesn't Want To Wake Up

Jul 25, 2010

My iMac goes to sleep and doesn't want to wake up. I have to restart the ugly white thing to continue using it.

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Software :: Mac Sleeps But Doesn't Wake Up

Sep 3, 2008

I have Leopard and this started yesterday. I put my computer to sleep. I then click my mouse. My mouse becomes active. Nothing else does. I tap the keyboard, press the power button etc. Nothing. To make it work again I have to force shutdown my computer by holding the power button. I cannot currently find my Leopard disk *sigh*.

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MacBook Pro :: It Sometimes Doesn't Wake Up When I Open Lid

Apr 15, 2012

Sometimes turning it off and back on works.  Othertimes not unless I leave it off a long time.

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