Mac Pro :: Added Second Monitor Computer Won't Wake Up
Apr 11, 2012
I have reviewed several support threads on the subject of a 2008 Mac Pro not waking up after it goes to sleep. I have a 2008 mac pro that was working flawlessly with a 26 inch asus monitor. My bluetooth mouse and keyboard would wake it up instantly. I decided to add a second monitor, a 27 inch planar. I had the mac set up to save power and after just five minutes of non-use it would go to sleep. My wife asked me if I would keep it on longer so she could watch the pictures that show up through the screen saver so I set it to 15 minutes and then it goes to sleep. Now though, if it goes to sleep it won't wake up and remote connections from an imac fail to awaken it as well. I am forced to hold down the power button to shut it down. I have tried the startup where I hold down command option p r but I can't get it to sound a second chime whether I start after the first chime or before the gray screen appears. After trying this every other restart does not work, the fans turn on but nothing else happens. It is quite odd. I am at my witts end.Â
Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.6), 16GB/3TB
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Dec 29, 2009
I use a MacbookPro and because I work online and use several software programs at the same time, I would like to know if it is possible to add a monitor to my Mac.
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Mar 25, 2012
This started recently and is quite annoying. Like the title says, if I put my computer to sleep via apple menu/sleep while it is attached to my external monitor the computer will not "wake up". When I try to wake up the computer the sleep indicator stops pulsing and I can hear the hard drive start spinning. As a result I must force shut down the computer by holding the power button. The computer is fully charged so it is not a low battery issue. The external monitor is an 20" Apple Cinema Display, it is attached via Apple's DVI connector. Â
Unplugging the monitor dongle and replugging it in do not work. Pressing any assortment of keys does not bring the display back up. Â
I've tried resetting PRAM, disk permissions, and verifying the disk.Â
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Jun 20, 2010
Been working with a new mac mini in my office the last 2 days. The power settings are set to make the display only go to sleep after 15 minutes. System set to never go to sleep and hard drive never spins down. 3 of the 4 times since working with this thing when moving the mouse to wake up the display I get nothing but noise and snow on the screen. To get back to functioning correctly I have to put the computer to sleep with the power button and back on again. Once it comes back, it will work fine.
New mini 2.4 running 10.6.4. Monitor is hooked up via DVI through the mini display port.
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Feb 10, 2012
my problem is since the update to 10.7.3, Lion isn't waking up from standby when I have left my external Monitor attached to my MacBook Pro. It will flash the keyboard backlight, but both displays remain black. And when i disconnect the external one, nothing happens. Only possibility to come out of this state: Hold power button for some seconds until it shutds down "hard".Â
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Mar 26, 2012
I'm using 2 IMac 27' and one is simply used as an external display. When I wake up the computer from sleep, it works on the main monitor, however the external display still has a black screen. I have to unplug the external monitor to get it to wake up. I tried unplugging thunderbolt and replugging it in which worked the first time, but same issue again not waking up.
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May 23, 2012
When I have my macbook hooked up to external monitor it works great unitl I put it to sleep. Sometimes it kicks right up to the external monitor but the majority of the time it cant reconnect to the monitor. It just turns blue then off then blue likes its trying to figure out what to do eventually it says out of range. I then have to unplug the external monitor, wake up my mac with the screen open reconnect the monitor wait for it to pick up and then close it again and wah laaa it works.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Feb 10, 2012
my problem is since the update to 10.7.3, Lion isn't waking up from standby when I have left my external Monitor attached to my MacBook Pro. It will flash the keyboard backlight, but both displays remain black. And when i disconnect the external one, nothing happens. Only possibility to come out of this state: Hold power button for some seconds until it shutds down "hard".Â
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Oct 25, 2007
If I'm away from my computer for awhile, it goes to sleep and won't wake up. Hitting Return or other keys won't help; nor does pushing the Start button on the back. The only solution I've found is to unplug the computer, re-plug, then start again.
Mac OS X (10.4.10)
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Feb 1, 2012
When my computer goes to sleep it will not wake up, and I have to shut down using the power button on the back and then restart. I called support and they advised me that this only happened when the computer went to sleep on it's opwn but not when you manually put it to sleep, But that proved not to be true. It will not wake up under either situation? The support persontold me to logonto applke and re-install the sytem software which I have done but that did not cure the problem either. I have my preference set to never sleep. I am ar]t a loss as to what to do now as when it goes to sleep or I put it to sleep i sometimes will not start up even after shutting down and restarting.I am on 10.7.2?
Imac G5, Mac OS X (10.7)
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Mar 29, 2012
Computer does not wake from sleep mode
iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Dec 15, 2009
I had my iMac 27" for two months, and I am very pleased with the machine - except for one thing. When I put it to sleep, the computer just go to sleep in a couple of hours and then return to no-sleep. It started just after I bought the computer. I always set my computer to sleep, and so I did even then - but the first thing I noticed was that the hard drive was started during the first night. Strangely, I thought and put it to sleep again. Then I fell asleep, but when I woke up next morning the computer was on.
Then I wrote on another forum and they told me to check out: Wake up in network access, which I did. And then it got better. Now the computer has been without problems for a month, but then a few days ago it came back. This box is still check, so it can not have anything to do with it this time. I've also tried turning off all programs, the keyboard and mouse when it has gone down to sleep, but it still restarted. What is wrong? Please run with Sleep and it is a program that will prevent the computer to wake from sleep, but not:
2009-12-14 00:12:00.870 Please Sleep [8574:207] Sleep notification received from the system
2009-12-14 01:12:38.522 Please Sleep [8574:207] Wake notification received from the system
2009-12-14 01:13:53.122 Please Sleep [8574:207] Sleep notification received from the system
2009-12-15 00:50:54.355 Please Sleep [6883:207] Application started
2009-12-15 00:50:54.357 Please Sleep [6883:207] Application is enabled
2009-12-15 00:51:57.358 Please Sleep [6883:207] Sleep notification received from the system
2009-12-15 04:05:05.591 Please Sleep [6883:207] Wake notification received from the system
2009-12-15 05:22:18.061 Please Sleep [6883:207] Sleep notification received from the system
2009-12-15 07:27:34.597 Please Sleep [6883:207] Wake notification received from the system
What can I do? Can I submit it to Applecare? Some peoples say you do not have to turn off a Mac, but I want to put it to sleep, but it starts up the next day. I've also restarted the SMC, but it gave no effect.
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May 6, 2010
For work, I got a new MBP 15" a month ago and we have the computer set to require password to wake computer/screensaver. When I type in my password, it sometimes takes up to a minute for it to authenticate the password. Other times it takes a second like normal. I check the error logs and nothing is coming up during those times.
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May 6, 2010
This is a function that was present in Leopard and is now gone in Snow Leopard. Is there any way to enable it? When I wake up my computer from sleep, there's typically another user who's logged in and I can type in my admin user name in the Username box and my password and log in to their account.
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May 24, 2010
I have a new mid 2010 Macbook Pro i7 only had it for 3 weeks, I used to be able to tap/swipe my trackpad to wake my computer from sleep but now its not responsive to it, though clicking it works and the other ways like pressing the keyboard works. Is the trackpad not meant to wake it up? i have also tried a SMC reset/PRAM reset and checking/unchecking trackpad settings no change.
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Jul 24, 2009
I've just recently purchased my Mac Pro and have tried multiple times to leave it on, with the monitor set to sleep (using hot corner) and the computer set not to sleep. The purpose is to be able to access my music library while on the go. For some reason, when I come back to the computer it won't wake, the power light is on so I'm assuming it froze or had a kernal panic.
I'm running Simplify Media and a Hawking USB wifi adapter to access my music on the go, no other 3rd party peripherals.
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Apr 11, 2012
My enter button or any button for that matter, or moving or clicking the mouse doesn't wake up my mac anymore. if I changed a setting or something???
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Aug 22, 2014
After the computer has been in sleep mode for a little while, when i try to wake up the computer, it turns to a cray scree, a loading bar appears and then it takes like 5 mins for the icons to appear and for the mouse to work!
iMac, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4), Stock mottle 21.5inch
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Jun 19, 2014
When I need to go somewhere or just eat lunch, I put my iMac to sleep. After that, when I come back to wake it back up, it stays black.
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Jul 15, 2010
I have a Quad Core Mac Pro running Snow Leopard 10.6.4. I've been having this issue for the past couple of weeks. Basically I have my monitor set to turn off after after 15 minutes of inactivity, my Mac Pro is always on. After 5 minutes of inactivity my screensaver comes on and stays on until my monitor turns off. When I move my mouse to wake my monitor, sometimes an image from the screensaver appears onscreen for a few seconds and then disappears when my desktop appears.
I have repaired Permissions, rebuilt my drive using Disk Warrior, installed the 10.6.4 Combo update but the issue remains. An image from the screensaver doesn't always appear when I turn on my monitor, this issue is sort of random. Usually my desktop appears right away with no static image from the screensaver.
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Aug 13, 2009
I am currently using a Mac OS X 10.5.7 at my job. For some odd reason the entire screen resolution has increased and is now too big for the actual moniter. So now every time I move my mouse the ENTIRE screen inside my moniter moves around with it. Picture a 21" screen inside a 17" moniter, so everytime you move your mouse the entire screen inside the moniter moves around with it. I have tried adjusting the display size thinking that may have been the problem, but it is at 1680 x 1050 which is the largest it can get on this computer.
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Dec 2, 2007
my computer doesn't turn off its monitor any more. i check the energy saver preferences, and its the same that i've had them before. the screen doesn't even dim anymore.
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Dec 16, 2009
I use an HP 17 inch laptop as well. Set up Airport Extreme and everything seems to be working. Is there a way to use my iMac as a monitor for the Dell computer?
I really love this monitor so much I hate to hook the Dell up to my Dell 24 inch monitor and would rather give up that monitor and gain desk space. The only other option is to use a Samsung 40 inch LED TV as my Dell's monitor.
I use the iMac for video, pictures and music. I have Windows 7 running via Parallels but would rather just use the new Dell as a Windows computer and the iMac for personal use.
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Apr 6, 2009
I was wondering if it's possible to send video to another computer using a network, and use it as an external screen. Now the biggest problem: The slave computer has to be a windows computer.
We have LCD screens with built-in computer, and it's windows. It's used for a lighting show.
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Apr 15, 2009
my monitor turns off but my computer won't go into sleep mode, both are set to turn off at exactly 45 minutes of inactivity.
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Apr 15, 2009
my monitor turn's off but the computer never goes into sleep mode. I've got both my monitor and computer set to turn off at 45 mintues of inactivity. I tried reseting the pram with no success. I deleted the file. but it still doesn't turn off, only the monitor. I've set it to 1 minute but only the monitor will turn off. Manually putting the computer to sleep work's fine.
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Mar 12, 2009
I always end up staring at my computer screen too long and loose track of time(Photo Editing), which I don't think is healthy. Does anyone know any software for Macs that will monitor how long I've been working and remind me to take breaks, etc?
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Mar 22, 2012
At times my computer runs very slowly. The activity monitor shows a lot of reading and writing, but not what is doing it. Is there any way to tell what is slowing things down?
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Jun 4, 2014
I am currently am using a MacBook Pro mid 2007 and was wondering it is possible to connect it to an external monitor and if so use it when closed without the comp going into sleep mode.
MacBook Pro
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Sep 28, 2009
I just installed 10.5.8 and when I add any other language keyboard than English after restarting computer the only language keyboard I have is English, added keyboard just disappears what could be the problem?
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