OS X V10.7 Lion :: MBP Doesn't Boot Into Safe Mode And Doesn't Wake Up "normally"
Feb 22, 2012
I am using a 15" MacBook Pro Santa Rosa (mid 2007), 2.2 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo, 6 GB memory, with a 240GB OWC Mercury Extreme Pro SSD (15 months old). Lion 10.7.3. Computer doesn't boot into Safe Mode AND also if it "goes to sleep by itself" (I don't touch it for a while, then it falls asleep) after some time when I try to wake it up I get the Spinning Ball of Death or a black screen and the only thing I can do is press the power button for some seconds to power off. It wakes up OK if I, either close the lid or Apple icon-> Sleep.
WHEN TRY TO BOOT INTO SAFE MODE: Immediately after the startup chime I press the Shift key, after 2-3 seconds get the login window, key in my password. Instead of logging in, it goes to a screen with the Apple icon, underneath it, the Apple spinning gear and underneath that a loading bar. After quite some time the loading bar disappears, the gear goes on spinning for a LONG time, then black screen, startup chime again and login window. Then, when I key in my password, it just logs in as usual, no safe mode.
I tried to write in Terminal “sudo nvram boot-args="-x"”, BIG mistake! It got my computer into a loop of those screens. I don’t exactly remember what eventually got me out of this loop (I think I booted from a clone, then started with the Lion CD and wrote back “sudo nvram boot-args=""” in Terminal. Also set up an additional administrator account but all was the same. Tried verify/repair disk, everything OK. Eventually I erased completely the HD (not Recovery HD) reinstalled Tiger, Snow Leopard and Lion again, downloaded all applications/software/programs I had, from scratch and only copied the data from a backup, being sure that after that all problems will be over, but... everything like it was, no "normal sleeping" and no SM booting.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3), 6 GB Memory 240 GB OWC ME Pro SSD
Powebook G4 won't boot up. Safe mode doesn't work. Reset pram. Went onto single user mode. At first there was a modification and then I ran it a second time until it said HD was ok.
Been having probs w Mac Pro w Lion seeming to hang on shutdown/restart. Have 'reopen windows' unchecked in prefs. Was able to run through safe mode boot once but now seems to hang about 20% in everytime. Have had to do shutdowns w power button (I hate that) or /by ctrl-option-command-esc Boot single user run rack -fy says 'apparently ok'Mount -uw / reports removed 10 orphaned or unlinked files and 10 directories?
Info: Mac Pro, 2xDual2.66, 4GB, GeForce 7300 GT, 23" Apple LCD, Mac OS X (10.5), G4 Cube, Rev A/C iMac, NeXTCube,PwrMac8500,Quadras,SE30s,MacPlus
My iMac becomes totally unresponsive after sleeping for any length of time. It will not wake from sleep, even if I connect a wired keyboard; and it will not shut down or restart until I reset the SMC by unplugging the comptuer from power for 15-30 seconds. I can restart the computer after resetting the SMC, but the same thing happens every time the computer goes to sleep.
I have also set the computer sleep slider to "never" and reset the PRAM. Although people have been complaining about this issue for months, Apple's Lion updates have not addressed this issue.
I am running OSX Lion latest version on my Macbook Pro 4,1 and can't get the thing to boot from any source. Always get's stuck at the grey screen with apple logo. Have tried all the following...
- Straight Boot (power on) - Boot via Recovery HD (hold option on bootup then select) - Boot via Safe Mode (Holding Shift on bootup) - Boot via Safe Mode Verbose (Shift, Command, V) - Boot via bootable Lion USB Key (Hold option, and choose the USB drive - not the same USB key works on my other macbook pro)
On every one (except verbose) it just get's stuck on the grey screen with spinning timer thingy.I have done PVRAM reset, SMC reset and have reseated the RAM and all to no avail. I'm pretty sure the problem was caused by removing battery at wrong time (device not responding after sleep mode started and I plugged in power - should have been more patient!)
I have a Time Machine backup but it's a bit older than I thought and very much want to get my newer photos off it before rebuilding - not that Time Machine would work in current state anyway.So what are my remaining options? Will I have to open it up and remove the HD as next step or is there anything else left to try? Can I remove the HD and connect it via a USB caddy to my existing Mac to recover info (hard drive spins and sounds ok to me)?
While I have no problem booting into the Startup Manager using the command key with my wireless keyboard I'm finding it impossible to boot into Safe Mode using the option key.
Info: Mac OS X (10.7.4), OWC Mercury Elite Ext Drive
my problem is since the update to 10.7.3, Lion isn't waking up from standby when I have left my external Monitor attached to my MacBook Pro. It will flash the keyboard backlight, but both displays remain black. And when i disconnect the external one, nothing happens. Only possibility to come out of this state: Hold power button for some seconds until it shutds down "hard".
my problem is since the update to 10.7.3, Lion isn't waking up from standby when I have left my external Monitor attached to my MacBook Pro. It will flash the keyboard backlight, but both displays remain black. And when i disconnect the external one, nothing happens. Only possibility to come out of this state: Hold power button for some seconds until it shutds down "hard".
My Mac Pro main boot drive us encrypted. I booted into recovery mode the other day & it wouldn't let me boot back o my main drive. Now upon start up I can't enter either recovery mode nor safe mode nor chose the main drive to boot from. I'm absolutely stymied in what to do.
I have been unable to restart me computer after a software update (White screen/apple logo/spinning wheel continuously). I have tried to start up in safe mode (holding down shift key) but it hasn't worked.
I have a MacBook 4,1 with Intel Core 2 Duo processor 4GB Ram. It is taking over 10 minutes to boot up past the gray apple screen when I turn it on. First I cleared the PRam (?) then I checked the disk using Disk Utility Verify, and it said the disk needed repairs. So I ran the disk repair and it said it was unable to fix the errors on the HD.
I did a little research and tried booting into the Single User mode, then running /sbin/fsck -fy. It said that it found errors but could not fix them. I ran it two more times as suggested and got the same result each time. I then tried rebooting and now instead of taking 10 minutes to boot up, it takes about 5 minutes on the gray apple screen and then just turns off. I started in Verbose mode to try to troubleshoot the error and it appears the last thing to come across the screen before power down is a message "Apple Yukon 2: RxRingSize <= 1024....etc".
I decided next I would run the Apple Hardware Tester. The test came back with an error code "4SNS/1/40000001:IG0C-0.265". I am very good at searching the web but I could not find any errors that had the IG0C or IGOC or any combination at the end, but plenty of 4SNS/1/40000000(1) errors with different endings. From what I can tell people are saying anything with 4SNS/1/4000000 is a logic board failure, but this computer was literally just booting this morning until I did the /sbin/fsck -fy.
So over this weekend I upped the ram in my Macbook from the stock 2gbs-4gbs. Everything seems to be fine but now what's happening is when I close my Macbook lid and put it to sleep it won't wake up when I open it later. It seems like it wakes up as the light at the bottom goes out but there is no response from the keyboard or display. If I hold down the power button for 5 seconds then the Mac shuts off and I can boot it up as normal. I checked over the reporting screen when it reboots and it seem to be indicating a kernel panic occurred. The memory seems to be recognized and working but it wouldn't explain why my mac suddenly is freaking out. I've tried the SMC reset and now I'm going to try the PRAM reset. I figured I'd check here if anyone has any ideas. The type of Macbook I have is a 2.4ghz Alum. The memory is from MacSales.com OWC 4GB PC3-8500 DDR3 1066MHz DIMM Upgrade Kit This appears to be a house memory but i've had great luck from them before with this same brand.
Sometimes after I logoff, I'll close the lid on my MBP. I always wait until I'm fully logged off before I do this. Later when I want to use my computer I open the lid, the keyboard backlight comes on, but I get no picture on the screen. If I take the machine into my office and connect it to my external monitor, I get no picture there either. The only way to get my computer back is to hold down the power button until it turns off and then turn it back on. Has anyone seen this issue? If so, do you know of a solution? I don't think it's been doing this since I bought it. It seems like it's been worse since the latest OS X patch, but I could be mistaken.
After I put the screen down, and the apple logo on MBP turns off, if I put it back up in like 5 seconds, it will recover from sleep, but anything after that, I put the screen back up, nothing happens. To make it work, I have to press the power button until the hard drive makes some kind of noise, and then it starts from boot (or from hibernation, like when battery goes out and you plug back in).Nothing is plugged in, same thing happens whether adapter is plugged in or not. Also, my MBP only shows 2gb ram instead of 4gb?? Some odd times, it shows 4gb, but most times, 2gb. It's a 13" 2010 C2D model. Same things happen when I boot into windows using bootcamp.
I have Leopard and this started yesterday. I put my computer to sleep. I then click my mouse. My mouse becomes active. Nothing else does. I tap the keyboard, press the power button etc. Nothing. To make it work again I have to force shutdown my computer by holding the power button. I cannot currently find my Leopard disk *sigh*.
I recently upgraded my mac mini from 2gb ram to 8gb ram and noticed that when the mac goes to sleep and the tv ( through hdmi wire) goes into standby that the mac mini will not send a signal to the tv anymore to wake up the tv from standby when I need it too from tapping on keyboard or moving mouse. At first I thought it was because of a software upgrade on the mac mini but when I switched back the ram to 2gb the mac mini will send the signal to wake the tv. I hav already reset pram setting and the usual things that everyone has mentioned in other posts . This seems to be a major flaw in apple deisgn unless they have a fix . I am stuck with my 2gb ram now in the mac which doesnt even have any speed . the only way I can use the 8gb ram is if i turn the mac on and off everytime I want to use it , as this is the only way to wake the tv with the 8gb ram inside as it doesnt wake the tv from sleep. This totally contradicts what apple say in their manual aswell, they say not to power down your mac if your using it everyday just put it to sleep which wont help me in my case . So at the end of this rant my only two options are to continue to use 8gb ram and have to power on and off mac everytime to wake the tv or use my 2gb ram which makes the mac run really slow as 2gb is not enough but hey aleast my tv will come back on from sleep mode .
It's been a while now that my mac pro 13" (july 2011 version with lion) either doesn't wake up from sleep (or appears so because the screen stays turned off) or it does but when asked to log back in, I type the password and press enter, and the colored wheel shows up and stops responding...not even gets to log in. I have to hard reset with the power button.
I have a 08 MacBook pro (not unibody) and it is now not booting up. I recently installed a Hitachi 500gb hard drive on the computer and restored through time machine and it worked fine for about 2 weeks and now wont boot and I'm wondering if its probably the hard drive. When I click power the light on the front of the computer will come on and it will sound like it is about to boot then a clicking noise seems to come from the computer and it instantly shuts off. I have gotten it to turn on a couple times since it happened by slamming the comp on the bed then for some reason it will work but as soon as I shut it, it wont turnback on. Any ideas?
Oh and PS the screen never comes on and can't boot in safe mode.
I have a Imac PPC with a 2Ghz processor and 1GB of Ram. I am running leopard 10.5.8. Recently i woke the PC from sleep mode to find a blue screen with only the cursor working. Using the internet, I determined how to get the PC booted in safe mode. I have used all the disk utilities at my disposal along with onyx and cocktail to try and fix what I believe is a startup problem. I hae booted the PC in single user mode and tried the fskc codes, which i believe is just the same as the disk utility. Based on my computer all permissions are correct and there is nothing wrong with the HD. The PC still will not boot normally. I have even done an archive and re-install of Leopard.
I've heard that Macbook Pro's have this issue, but it seems like my white Macbook is exhibiting this sometimes. It's not a lot but I've encountered it about 3-5 times now. When I just close the lid, the little white light at the front should glow and unglow. It seems like the light stayed lit so when I open the lid the screen wouldn't turn on and there is no response and I would be forced to cold boot. My Macbook is up to date, with no problem in diagnostic.