After I put the screen down, and the apple logo on MBP turns off, if I put it back up in like 5 seconds, it will recover from sleep, but anything after that, I put the screen back up, nothing happens. To make it work, I have to press the power button until the hard drive makes some kind of noise, and then it starts from boot (or from hibernation, like when battery goes out and you plug back in).Nothing is plugged in, same thing happens whether adapter is plugged in or not. Also, my MBP only shows 2gb ram instead of 4gb?? Some odd times, it shows 4gb, but most times, 2gb. It's a 13" 2010 C2D model. Same things happen when I boot into windows using bootcamp.
It's been a while now that my mac pro 13" (july 2011 version with lion) either doesn't wake up from sleep (or appears so because the screen stays turned off) or it does but when asked to log back in, I type the password and press enter, and the colored wheel shows up and stops responding...not even gets to log in. I have to hard reset with the power button.
I've heard that Macbook Pro's have this issue, but it seems like my white Macbook is exhibiting this sometimes. It's not a lot but I've encountered it about 3-5 times now. When I just close the lid, the little white light at the front should glow and unglow. It seems like the light stayed lit so when I open the lid the screen wouldn't turn on and there is no response and I would be forced to cold boot. My Macbook is up to date, with no problem in diagnostic.
My iMac becomes totally unresponsive after sleeping for any length of time. It will not wake from sleep, even if I connect a wired keyboard; and it will not shut down or restart until I reset the SMC by unplugging the comptuer from power for 15-30 seconds. I can restart the computer after resetting the SMC, but the same thing happens every time the computer goes to sleep.
I have also set the computer sleep slider to "never" and reset the PRAM. Although people have been complaining about this issue for months, Apple's Lion updates have not addressed this issue.
I have brand new, mostly untouched, 13" rMBP running Mavericks (10.9.4) that crashes during sleep. If I close the lid and leave it for more than a few hours, I have to do a force shut down by holding the power button for a few seconds and turn it back on again.
I've already followed the advice of this article: OS X: When your Mac doesn't sleep or wake and have called Apple Support, who did nothing but read the article to me.
I have:
- reset the System Management Controller - restored all defaults in Energy Saver preferences - booted into Safe Mode to verify disk (unsure of whether or not this was effective at all)
In my Console, I am getting a line that says " Platform Failure"
According to this other thread - MB can't wake up from sleep anymore - it seems like it might be a hardware failure.
Info: MacBook Pro with Retina display, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)
I have a new mid 2010 Macbook Pro i7 only had it for 3 weeks, I used to be able to tap/swipe my trackpad to wake my computer from sleep but now its not responsive to it, though clicking it works and the other ways like pressing the keyboard works. Is the trackpad not meant to wake it up? i have also tried a SMC reset/PRAM reset and checking/unchecking trackpad settings no change.
I have 2 external HDDs that I am sharing with other PCs/Macs over the network. Interestingly, when I look up the info for each volume, only one shows as NTFS-3G whereas the other one shows as just NTFS. And this NTFS volume is causing so much trouble. It doesn't wake up after it goes to sleep, and when I power-cycle it, the data I have put in previously is gone! It doesn't seem to save the data properly. Perhaps because it's just NTFS, not NTFS-3G, I cannot run "Disk Repair" from the Disk Utility app. The button is disabled whereas for other volumes, the button is enabled.
At one time, I had to connect it to a PC to run the disk repair and was able to recover some of the lost data. What the heck is going on? Howcome it is showing as NTFS opposed to NTFS-3G? Both HDDs were formatted from PCs as NTFS. Only difference is that the NTFS is 750GB one, and NTFS-3G one is just 300GB. Does NTFS-3G has size limit?
I am using a 15" MacBook Pro Santa Rosa (mid 2007), 2.2 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo, 6 GB memory, with a 240GB OWC Mercury Extreme Pro SSD (15 months old). Lion 10.7.3. Computer doesn't boot into Safe Mode AND also if it "goes to sleep by itself" (I don't touch it for a while, then it falls asleep) after some time when I try to wake it up I get the Spinning Ball of Death or a black screen and the only thing I can do is press the power button for some seconds to power off. It wakes up OK if I, either close the lid or Apple icon-> Sleep.
WHEN TRY TO BOOT INTO SAFE MODE: Immediately after the startup chime I press the Shift key, after 2-3 seconds get the login window, key in my password. Instead of logging in, it goes to a screen with the Apple icon, underneath it, the Apple spinning gear and underneath that a loading bar. After quite some time the loading bar disappears, the gear goes on spinning for a LONG time, then black screen, startup chime again and login window. Then, when I key in my password, it just logs in as usual, no safe mode.
I tried to write in Terminal “sudo nvram boot-args="-x"”, BIG mistake! It got my computer into a loop of those screens. I don’t exactly remember what eventually got me out of this loop (I think I booted from a clone, then started with the Lion CD and wrote back “sudo nvram boot-args=""” in Terminal. Also set up an additional administrator account but all was the same. Tried verify/repair disk, everything OK. Eventually I erased completely the HD (not Recovery HD) reinstalled Tiger, Snow Leopard and Lion again, downloaded all applications/software/programs I had, from scratch and only copied the data from a backup, being sure that after that all problems will be over, but... everything like it was, no "normal sleeping" and no SM booting.
Info: MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3), 6 GB Memory 240 GB OWC ME Pro SSD
I have an intel based mac pro running tiger. When it falls asleep if it's asleep for an extended period of time...say 45 minutes or longer, it won't wake up. I have to manually power it down. If it's asleep for less than 45 minutes it wakes up fine.
I have a MacPro Dual 3GHz, running OS 10.5.8 and when my Mac goes to sleep, it won't wake up. Fans speed up and light blinks, but I have to do a hard reboot.
I set the MBP to sleep in 10 min through the Energy Saver pref with the option to sleep the hdds. When it's about to sleep the screen dims, then turns black, then the sleep light comes on but does not blink no matter how long I leave it. The blinking only happens when I close the lid or when I select the Sleep option under the Apple logo. Is that normal behavior?
My Mac Pro 1,1 with a recently installed 120 GB OWC SSD Rev. 343A has been locking up (spinning beach ball) mostly on the "Enter your Password" screen when waking up from full sleep or displays going to sleep. I have to perform a hard reboot then it works fine, til it falls asleep and I have to wake it up. If I put it to sleep via the Menu it wakes up normally without issue. I've run Disk Utility, says it's fine. Repaired permissions. Ran the daily, weekly and monthly scripts. Cleaned my Cache with Onyx (not sure what else I could do with it)
Disksomnia is installed for FCP, to keep the disks spinning, never was a problem before. The SSD is the only major change in recent times.
Any knowledge or thoughts as to what I could do to find the problem?
Computer's up to date OS wise, 10.6.5, 12 GB Ram, Seagate 750's HDD's in the three other bays, Blackmagic card PCI, eSATA extender cable for two OWC Enclosures, other FW800 external HD's, NVIDIA Geforce 8600 GT & 7300 GT video cards for three monitors.
Having some trouble with my iMac (the version right before the intel iMacs came out. further info can be provided if needed). Running all the latest software updates etc. When I put the iMac to sleep, it goes off as normal. With the usual white light. However, when coming to wake the iMac it won't respond to the keyboard or mouse. I have to shut it down at the power button, and then turn it back on.
I put my 3 day old MBP to sleep last night with a 90% battery level (with the A/C adapter unplugged). I had calibrated the battery the day before. This morning, when I opened the lid, nothing happened. I thought this was odd. I then pressed the power button and heard about 1 second of the startup tone and then nothing. I repeated this twice more with the same result. I then plugged in the A/C adapter and the MBP booted up. The battery level was 86%. What do you think has caused this? Do I have a defective battery or something more serious?
However, twice now when I've run the battery down (as recommended to keep the battery healthy), and then put it to sleep and plug it in, when I try to wake it up later, it won't start. Powering on and off just lead to a little "click-whirr" and the power light pops on and off, but no action. I called applecare and they said to unplug it, take the battery out, leave it out for a bit, then put it back in, then plug it back in, and restart it. It worked (although the second such crash, it took two tries for unclear reasons). Needless to say, this is a bit frustrating. Is this a known problem? Should I do something to avoid it? Is it a lemon?
My macbook pro went to sleep last night but is not waking up this morning. The hard reset with the powerbutten is not working. Removing the battery of pram aint working either.
Preamble: My Quad 2.8 Mac Pro (Snow Leopard) repeatedly would not wake up from sleep. Apple Care had me reset the PRAM and maybe a couple of other things..(heck it was a couple of days ago...) and then they scheduled a repair tech to swap out the Radeon 2600 video card today. My question: If I want to have a back up video card on hand from now on, please advise model. Other than normal word processing, surfing, emailing,I only do basic photo editing with Photoshop Elements, and will be copying my 35 mm slide collection, so I don't need any that fancy, I imagine.
I have the 'dreaded' LG L246WP connected to my early 2009 mac pro via DVI to HDMI cable. Settings have always been weird on this configuration because OSX doesn't recognize the 1920x1200 native resolution unless I select 'overscan'. Now with 10.6.3 it boots up fine with the settings I've been using for over a year. However, I let my monitor go to sleep, and when it wakes up the screen is totally off-center to the left.
Also, in the preferences panel for the display, sometimes the available resolutions 'disappear' as I click them...(the value of the item in the list changes from say 1600X1200 to 0x0). I called and opened a support ticket. Their suggestion was to re-install 10.6. This may be the straw that breaks the LG's back.... Problem is now I have to research new monitors!
I have a white 13" Macbook 4,1 running lion that will not wake up from sleep. I have to shut it down with the power button and then turn it back on. Runs normally when on. The white status light in the bottom right goes on when i put it to sleep and is off when it is up an running. I have tried a smc reset, PRAM reset, energy saver defaults, reinstalled Lion, deleted bluetooth files, Firewire .kext files, usb .kext files. Booted up off a separate harddrive. .wondering if theres anything short of sending it in that i haven't tried??
Does anyone know if it's possible yet to wake an iMac from sleep via the internet? I'd like to use remote login via SSH to an iMac from an ibook, but it is quite useless unless I can wake the iMac from the internet.
My G4 Rev E PowerBook won't wake from sleep. The battery died and the computer slept, but now when I boot it, it gets to 3.5 progress bars and freezes. I have tried rebooting but I can't seem to get out of the resume from sleep mode.
Any ideas? It doesn't show the grey Apple screen like it does from a fresh boot, just the progress bars that show up when the battery dies.
I have never had a Mac Pro before, but I have owed 2 Imac's and a power mac and 2 MacBooks. The issue I am having is when I put the machine to sleep when I wake it back up it is like it does a restart. It does not start me back up where I was before.
My 15'' 2.4ghz MacBook Pro will only wake up from sleep about 50% of the time. I have tried waiting for several minutes, but the only solution seems to be holding down the power button, and then restarting. Is there anything i can do to fix this?
Over the past few days I've been noticing something peculiar whenever my new MacPro on 10.5.2 is waking from sleep. It likes to type the letter "r" and if I have Mail open, the email that was open or highlighted when I put the computer to sleep will have spawned a reply window (Open Apple-R) and there will be exactly one "r" typed in as a reply. it doesn't send the email. This isn't an issue that's limited to mail either. I noticed that it somehow managed to rename a folder to "r" on my Desktop and I've had "r" inserted into open documents.