OS X :: Setup Mac Mini With Screen Sharing
Mar 4, 2009
So I bought a new Mac Mini today to be used simply with my TV. I hope to control the Mini through Screen Sharing but I have ran into some problems.
First, I do not want to purchase a keyboard and mouse because I will never use them. However, is it possible to setup the mini without it. As of now I am struggling to even bypass the mouse installation screen.
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Apr 29, 2012
I have just bought my first Mac a mini and intend to use it purely to run Itunes and use my Ipad2 as a remote.
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May 6, 2010
I was wondering if anyone knows of any way to run a dual screen setup on an old style mac mini (the one with only 1 DVI output)?
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Jan 31, 2012
I have an "early 2009" mini. I hooked it up to my HD TV through a Sony amp that acts as an HDMI switch. It works great until I switch to a different component (e.g. satellite receiver). When I switch back to the mini there is no video or audio. Screen sharing is also disabled: I can't access the mini from another Mac. Oddly, I can use the iphone Remote app to operate iTunes and send output through AirPlay. I could also access its shared files through the network. I've tried hdmireviver. It works for a while, but when the mini is not selected by the HDMI switch for more than 15 minutes or so, it fails. Do later models of the mini work more congenially with an HDMI switch?
Mac mini (Early 2009), Mac OS X (10.7.2)
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Oct 22, 2008
This is my computer setup. just joined on here so i thought id share what i've got and hear any suggestions/opinions
Does anyone recommend a better speaker setup? is there a way to get a higher resolution out of my plasma (currently is 1920 x 1200)
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Aug 8, 2010
I'm trying to set up my old iBook G4 as a print 'server' for other Macs on my network. I'm having a problem getting the other computers on the network to SEE the shared printer from the iBook. They can see the iBook as a network computer, but can't seem to connect or even 'see' the usb printer. I've clicked 'Share Printers on the iBook in both Sharing preferences and the Printer and Fax preferences, but no luck.
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Feb 19, 2012
Ive downloaded the dvd sharing onto my comuter and i tried to do it on this mac but it wont let me because its says that i already have an updated versions of the program. but when i go to sytem preferences and click sharing, it doesnt give me the option to turn on "Dvd or Cd sharing" so what do i do??
MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Jun 18, 2012
I treid to set up file sharing between my macbook pro and my husband's macbook and this has effected Mail. He can receive email but not send from his laptop but can do so remotely. Some thing has changed on his laptop but I can't find out what.
MacBook, Mac OS X (10.5.8)
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Dec 23, 2008
I am getting my first mac for christmas (a 24" imac) and am planning to setup 3 accounts:
1 for me (admin)
Another one for me (standard)
1 for my brother (standard)
I plan to use the standard one for me as my main account but when installing apps and the like plan to switch to the admin one. What I was wondering is, as far as a I can tell from apple is that if I put music on my standard account my brother would not be able to see the music files, the same for pictures and movies. I would like to be able to share the music files and some pictures across both of our accounts. Would putting the music in itunes from the admin account make this possible and what about pictures? I would also like to keep some pictures private, as would he.
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Mar 26, 2012
I have a new IPAD and just bought APple TV. Need to set up home sharing on my account and have followed Support options wherein you log into ITunes, choose advanced, then allow Home sharing. There is no place to even sign in to ITunes as i have always seen before. Cannot start ITunes on Laptop (linked to IPAD) at all but can from Browser. Trying to share content from my IPAD and APple TV.
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Apr 4, 2012
I have been trying to use my Mac Mini with Lion Server as a router for my network with no success. I have tried the wizard and it finishes and nothing works.Â
I have a Cable Modem connected to the Mac Mini via the USB connector and the server surfs fine. The DHCP server is now correctly working I think and the clients are getting the correct IP addresses now.
Mac mini (Late 2006), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Apr 18, 2012
I've got a mac mini that i got less than 2 mos ago, and i'm trying to install ProTools onto my machine from a DVD. When i was initially configuring my machine, i checked out the Remote Disc feature, but over my lame wifi connection, things were taking way too long, and I dropped it. Now, when trying to setup this Pro Tools install, I seem to have lost the ability to use the DVD/CD sharing options in my System Preferences. The option just isn't there anymore. I have the option on my Snow Leopard MBP, and it's enabled there, and the two machines are connected on a computer-to-computer wireless connection.Â
Mac mini, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Dec 10, 2014
I have an iPad and a Mac Pro so I set up internet sharing on the Mac Pro. It looks like it's working from the Mac Pro side -- the little WiFi icon on the menu bar has an arrow -- but the iPad simply will not connect to the internet. My Wifi connection preference tells me the correct network is selected, and the icons to the left of the name look right, but just right of the network name there's a spinning circle icon which means it's still waiting for a connection.Â
Both were just upgraded to the latest OS (Yosemite 10.10.1 for the Pro, iOS 8.1.2 for the iPad) today, which means both were restarted today.
Mac Pro, OS X Yosemite (10.10.1)
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Apr 28, 2009
Im new to macs and especially networking them. Id like to setup file sharing so the whole machine is accessible from the other in order for me to copy libraries and apps over manually.
for some reason only the top level folder becomes accessible, all sub folders are still protected. In windows there would be a checkbox to allow all subfolders to be shared along with their parent.
Anyway to do this on a mac ?
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Sep 30, 2010
As I continue to buy into the never ending Apple ecosystem I now need a cheapo Mini to run our iTunes library 24/7.
Want to have it run Home Share for our new Apple TV's.
Will a cheap Core Solo work? Need to share out Quicktime files in HD and then music, plus read our Aperture Library.
I'm not familiar with the entire product line so must have Gigabit, don't care if it burns DVD's just so long as it reads them.
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Mar 10, 2012
Whenever I try to use Screen Sharing to control this one particular Mac Mini, and someone else is using the mini, and I pick "Connect to Virtual Display", I get dropped to a grey linen screen. Like the login screen, but without a list of usernames or anything. There it sits. Here is what I see in the console of the mac mini when I try and use a virtual display from the other machine:Â
3/10/12 7:30:04.291 AM mds: (Error) Backup: Couldn't stat source path '/Users/glados/Library/Saved Application State/com.apple.finder.savedState/window_3.data' -- importing from backup path instead
3/10/12 7:34:01.706 AM [0x0-0x9009].com.apple.systempreferences: System Preferences(148,0x7fff76017960) malloc: reference count underflow for 0x400440ce0, break on auto_refcount_underflow_error to debug.
Mac mini, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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May 28, 2012
My daughter has dropped her ageing MBP, bent the screen lid and now the screen is no longer usable. We have other Macs available to access the data on the screen if we could turn on Screen Sharing on the damaged MBP running Snow Leopard.Â
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Sep 7, 2010
i have tried trawling the net for this info but have not found much that makes a lot of sense. i would like to move my current office network setup to a slightly more (semi)pro approach. instead of just linking four macs together at the Broadband router and using very simple file sharing etc. if i start with a mac mini server. i have found that people generally warn you away from using the broadband router as a hub/switch. would it be sensible to connect the mini to a dedicated hub/switch/router and have all the clients/modem/NAS etc connected to that? is it really as simple, in hardware terms, as that? is anyone able to suggest a hub/switch/router that might be suitable for the job of about 4 clients. also would network attached peripherals (printers) be best attached to the server and everyone access them through it? lastly, this is not a really data/processing intensive office, just documents flying about. whilst the mac mini server seems like a great deal for the software included, it does strike me that the hardware is a little over kill and that a simple mac mini would do the job (regrettably without OSX server)
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Jun 11, 2010
I am new here but I have been wanting to turn my mac into a server, or make it possible to connect to it and the hard drives connected to it, anywhere. I would like this for school as well as for my family and friends. I have a lot of movies and things of that nature that are on my mac mini or the hard drive connected to it, that I need. And most of the time when I need the files I am not on my home network. I tried macinstructs thing about the turning my mac into an FTP server. but it didnt work.
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Apr 10, 2012
I am looking to run a dual monitor setup with my mac mini. Can someone point me in the right direction on what is needed (if anything). Both monitors are brand new, but neither have hdmi.
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Jun 18, 2012
iMac has no video but is operating as normal otherwise. I have attached a second monitor via the mini-display port but the 2nd monitor has a galaxy screen saver that is replaced by a second screen having two small areas at the top labelled Dashboard and Desktop which is the galaxy screen saver when I press the F3 key. How do I get the iMac's desktop on the 2nd screen if I can't see preferences on the iMac screen?
iMac (27-inch Late 2009), OS is latest version.
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Aug 19, 2010
Does anyone know of a way to enter full screen in Mac OS X's native screen sharing application? I recently purchased a new MBP and wanted to screen share to my old MB with all my "junk" on it. It would be handy to actually enter full screen as opposed to being restricted to a window sized screen.
If this isn't possible, anyone have a good recommendation for an alternative application?
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Jul 2, 2012
i have been having issues with mac users who have the new mac book pro with the retina display, apparently the native screen size is too large for the web ex and logmein services to display. they are currently aware of the situation but there is no resolution date, is there any way to lower the resolution. we tried to have some peopel lower the settings but there is no resolution setting where the user can lower it to a much smaller size like 1024 x 768. the web ex app is usally ran through java.
MacBook Pro with Retina display
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Dec 10, 2014
How do I screen share so I can see my iMac screen on my iPhone 5?
iPhone 5, iOS 8.1.2
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Apr 1, 2012
I was using Sharemouse to share a keyboard and mouse between my new mini and my old PC. I want to run them both for a while as a get things switched over. When I installed Photoshop I suddenly became a "power user" and they now want $50.  Is their a similar program that is easy to use? I tried Synergy but set up was a nightmare.
Mac mini, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Sep 8, 2008
I've got a Mac Mini at home, but I'm at work now and just have a quick question. I've noticed on the Apple marketing blurb that the Mini audio output will do Line Out as well as headphones. Do you have to switch the output over in Audio/MIDI setup or something?
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Jul 17, 2009
I recently bought a mac mini. It came with a displayport to DVI adapter. I am wondering; how does one go ahead and hook up 2 monitors to the mini?
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Nov 14, 2009
What is the least I need to get a really great setup using a Mac Mini as my main entertainment source. I am planning to drop all cable/satellite and just watch shows on Hulu and stuff.
Specific questions:
1. Do I need more than 2GB of RAM to run the video without jumping?
2. Can I buy an older, used Mini or should I just buy a new one?
3. What hardware do I need to successfully run this setup?
4. Should I buy an external HD or upgrade the internal one?
5. What software do I need to successfully run this setup?
Here's the hardware that I either have already or plan to get:
1. LG42LH40
2. Mac Mini
3. HDMI cables and adapters
4. Optical Audio cable
5. Wireless mouse/keyboard
What is this Boxee and EyeTV all about?
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Jun 22, 2010
I should be receiving my new Unibody Mac Mini Server to replace my current Mac Mini by this Friday but more than likely Monday. I hope to give a detailed review of the Mac Mini Server with pictures. I went with the Mac Mini Server purely for the dual 500gb hard drives which I desperately want. Currently I use my Mac Mini as my Media hub. Its connected to my TV via a DVI to hdmi cable. It has a Turbo.264 HD, 640gb usb external hard drive, and a wireless keyboard logtiech mouse and keyboard attached to it as well as a EyeTV 200 and EyeTV 500 that I use for recording TV shows and digitizing VHS tapes and other media to a digital format (Old analog camcorder tapes, etc). I do a lot of video related tasks with this Mac Mini constantly. My current Mac Mini was originally given to me because a co-worker who upgraded to a better Core 2 Duo Mac Mini, this Mac Mini was originally a Mac Mini Core Solo 1.5ghz. I have had this machine since late 2007. I upgraded the cpu to a 1.66ghz Core Duo immediately when I got it, and maxed the ram out to the whooping 2gb (yeah . . .). Also last year I upgraded the hard drive to a 320gb drive. This Mac Mini has been on running 24/7/265 literally since about December 2007 and its never crashed on my once. I love this Mac Mini its a tank. The only other upgrade I have performed on the Mac Mini was installing Artic Silver thermal paste which made an amazing difference on the Mac Mini.
The reason I'm upgrading is all my media and everything right now currently resides on an external 640gb hard drive that every now and then "disappears" from my Mac Mini, it doesn't even show up in Disk Utility or terminal, and I have to restart the external enclosure. YES I know I could just get a new external hard drive enclosure but I don't want to, I like that hard drive, it works well like 90% of the time. However I now have an HD Video camera and HD content I record via my EyeTV 500 and trying to watch that over my usb connection seems to be pushing the limits. So I'm going to raid the two 500gb to a 1TB drive and use the 640gb drive as a Time Machine drive, or maybe I'll just get a 1TB Time Machine drive . . . not quiet sure yet, for now it will just be the 640gb drive.....
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Aug 1, 2010
I'd like to go wireless. Please instruct on what I need to purchase for a basic wireless setup. Comcast cable is my ISP, please list what to buy to get started.
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