I was using Sharemouse to share a keyboard and mouse between my new mini and my old PC. I want to run them both for a while as a get things switched over. When I installed Photoshop I suddenly became a "power user" and they now want $50. Is their a similar program that is easy to use? I tried Synergy but set up was a nightmare.
I have a PC and a MBP and want to connect the MBP to my desktop monitor, mouse and keyboard. I know I need the mini displayport adapter for the monitor. What do I need that will let me use my usb keyboard and mouse on my PC and Mac without having to unplug them every time I want to switch?
I am a Windows User but would like to get started with a Mac. I am thinking of getting a Mac Mini. In the Windows world I can share two desktops with a KVM for Monitor (RGB) / Keyboard / Mouse. I don't want to run Windows on the Mac. I prefer to have separate computers. I have considered maybe using Remote Desktop from Windows to the Mac or the other way around. And can you even use a Windows Keyboard and Mouse with a Mac. I assume the Monitor (with DVI) is not a problem.
Ok, I'm going to try and break your brain...So what you think might work on this setup:Shared keyboard/mouse with:
1. Macbook - needs to connect to hdmi/dvi monitor 1 and monitor 2 as separate screen (separate browsing, etc.). In effect, macbook would be open with monitor 1 and monitor 2 useable as additional desktop space.
2. PC - needs to able to use monitor 1 as well. When PC is running Mac does not need to use either monitor 1 or 2. PC is sort of secondary to all this so I'm willing to be a bit more "manual" with PC monitor connection if necessary.
I am currently using an iogear device to share keyboard/mouse, though I'm flexible in losing it if needed.
I recently obtained a Mini which I've connected to my TV for watching movies/etc. I don't have a keyboard or mouse on the Mini.I ripped a disc the other night (via a remote connection) and realized that I don't know how to eject the disc from the Mini without a keyboard, mouse, or remote connection from my MBP. I suppose there is probably some way to script MTR and then execute a disktool afterwards but what if I'm just watching a disc and want to eject it?
I have set up my Intel Mac Mini in the living room to act as an "Apple TV" but every time I start it up it complains that there is no keyboard and mouse connected. I then have to attach a keyboard and mouse before it will continue booting. Is there a way to disable keyboard and mouse completely? I will either control it remotely or use the remote control for Front Row.
i'm using a mac mini and also another Windows PC tower. whenever i want to switch between them i need to re-plug in my headphones/keyboard/mouse/display and this is getting annoying. i've been using a usb hub for the mouse and keyboard so it's not as difficult to setup. is there anything out there that'll allow me to switch between them more easily?
I recently updated to Lion Server 10.7.4 on my MacMini 5,3 (Mid 2011). Now whenever I use Lion Recovery (Ctrl-R at boot), the keyboard does not function. The mouse cursor moves around, but clicking the mouse button has no effect. I am unable to run any of the utilities (recovery, disk utility, etc.) and I am forced to press the power button to turn off the computer.
Info: MacBook Pro (15-inch Early 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
I've got a mac mini that i got less than 2 mos ago, and i'm trying to install ProTools onto my machine from a DVD. When i was initially configuring my machine, i checked out the Remote Disc feature, but over my lame wifi connection, things were taking way too long, and I dropped it. Now, when trying to setup this Pro Tools install, I seem to have lost the ability to use the DVD/CD sharing options in my System Preferences. The option just isn't there anymore. I have the option on my Snow Leopard MBP, and it's enabled there, and the two machines are connected on a computer-to-computer wireless connection.
I was wondering if anyone had any recommendations for good mouse pads/anything similar to a mouse pads function. I would prefer something that fits well with the Magic Mouse and Alu Keyboard.
So my friend was using his MacBook and went to do something else. He came back and the screen was black, he hit space and nothing, tried the trackpad and nothing. He restarted by holding the Power button, and it go to the log-in screen, but he can't type anything, or use the trackpad. He has tired restarting several times and no luck. He also tried an external Keyboard/Mouse and that didn't work.
He did plug in a Flash drive and the light turned on, so the USB ports are at least getting power, but nothing is working.
I know about KVM switches but i haven't found one that would share two apple cinema using 2 DVI on the KVM switch.Any site suggestions of were they might sell this switch.
I am trying to figure out how I could share a mouse with 2 computers. One of them is a MacBook Pro and the other is a Mac Pro. If I can find a way to share both the mouse and keyboard as well that would be great. I don't have a lot of room on my desk for another mouse and I've heard of people sharing keyboards and/or their mouse. I searched the forums for something of the sort and the closest I came was a guy looking to share between a Mac and A PC. They recommended a A/B switch but if I could avoid using one of those I'd prefer it. Mostly because I don't have on at this exact moment. I thought since both of mine are Macs there might be an easier way?
I have my Mini hooked up through a usb/minidisplayport to HDMI adapter. On my keyboard when I push mute or volume up or down, the computer shows the mute/vol up/vol down icon on the screen when I push it and it makes the volume sound, but it does not actually mute the tv or make the volume go up or down. Only the actual TV controls will make it work.
So I bought a new Mac Mini today to be used simply with my TV. I hope to control the Mini through Screen Sharing but I have ran into some problems.
First, I do not want to purchase a keyboard and mouse because I will never use them. However, is it possible to setup the mini without it. As of now I am struggling to even bypass the mouse installation screen.
I'm thinking of getting a mac mini and moving my iTunes library to it and accessing the media via home sharing on my laptop. Is it possible to have my iPod/iPhone plugged into the laptop and sync it with the Mac Mini via home sharing?
I have a 24" iMac, a 13" MBP, and a Mini, all running Snow Leopard. There's also an iBook G4 running Leopard which I still use now and then. My problem is that I can't connect to the iMac for file sharing; it keeps coming up with "Connection failed" and I've done more troubleshooting for it than I want to so I'm looking for an alternate way to be able to access files that I store on the iMac. Strangely enough the iMac can connect to all the other systems with no problems and the other systems can all connect to each other as well. I've spent hours checking configurations on sharing and can't find anything wrong
I tried using Dropbox, and that would have been a perfect solution except for the fact that one important file that I wanted to share is a Quicken data file, which can NOT be handled by Dropbox (the file gets corrupted, and the Dropbox forum states it's a known issue but no fix is planned). If it had not been for the Quicken data file, Dropbox would have been perfect.
Now I am looking for alternatives. I'm considering the following options:
1. Time Capsule - this is really for use via Time Machine and I already have a wireless network that runs fine. Plus the iMac and Mini already have external firewire drives that handle Time Machine just fine. Reviews tell me it's not all that the time capsule is not suitable just for file store. Cost about $300.
2. Some kind of NAS. I've looked at the different ones, but it seems they don't all support the AFP very well. Some of them require a driver to be installed on the Mac, which I think introduces another option for something to go wrong and which could break with an OSx update. Worse yet, some only allow one system to read and write and others can only read. Cost seems to be anywhere from $400 and up to godawful.
3.Mac mini with no keyboard, mouse, or display (after setup that is). This would be the easiest to hook up and adding extra storage would be easy. Cost $699. As far as I can tell, once I've setup the system I would not need they keyboard, mouse, or display.
I have a Mac Mini (2011) and a MacBook (2006) I want to use my Microsoft Office for Mac 2004 CD on to my Mini using the Remote Disc option. I put the CD into my MacBook and click all the options and follow the instructions from the Apple Support 'MacBook Air, Mac Mini: How to use Remote Disc to share DVDs or CDs from a Mac or Windows-based computer' When I click Remote Disc on my Mini the MacBook shows up and when I click on that, the CD shows up but I can't open or copy the CD onto my Mini. I keep getting an error message which makes no sense.
Incase it was my MacBook (2006) running Leopard was the problem and it being to far behind my Mac Mini running Lion I used my mums Windows Dell Laptop which runs Windows 7 and again, followed the instructions. Same thing, same error message, which I was expecting because I know how Mac hates to open .exe files.
I don't know what to do to solve the problem, can it be solved? Is my MacBook and CDs just to old to copy and install on my Mac Mini, would a MacBook Pro 2010 and Microsoft Office for Mac 2011 solve the problem? I'd like to know before I save up and splash out any money. The error message says something like it's not supported even though we downloaded the updates the support thing suggested doing if we needed too and something about it can't read it because it's not there or you need to have it installed previously, well how could I have installed the on the Mini if CD it never had a CD drive, where else would I have got the programme from, I haven't found a downloadable version of Office Word or I'd have done that already, by the way, if you know where a full programme download is available?
It's with sadness and deep regret that I must put my 9 year old Dual G4 out to pasture.
I picked up a mac mac mini and it will be performing nearly all the same functions as the G4, including file serving and being the Time Machine source.
Question. Today, I have my iTunes and iPhoto libraries on a FW400 WD hard drive. Time Machine backs up that data to another WD FW 400 hard drive.
Moving to the mini, I'll have to make the external drives USB2. No big deal.
But purely from a set up perspective... Am I better off keeping things as is, keeping the files on an external drive and backup up to an external drive? Or should I put my iTunes and iPhoto libraries on the mini hard drive? Just looking for perhaps the best setup, etc.
I restarted my Macpro, and after that I can't use the mouse or the keyboard, I've tried with a different mouse, tried to disconnect to keyboard and switch USB-port, nothing works.
Info:macpro 2.8 8 core, Mac OS X (10.5.6), 10 gb ram
Does anyone have the Mac Mini setup as a Server for File Sharing, iCal Sharing, etc. using 10.5 Leopard Server. If so, does it work well or are there issues. Currently, I have a Western Digital My Book hooked up to the Time Capsule to share files, but the lack of setting permissions will not work in the near future.
I just got a new classic MBP 2.5 and I have one problem.
When in System preferences and and try to open "Keyboard and Mouse", it just says; Loading Keyboard and Mouse. Then nothing happens and System Preferences freezes and i have to quit and re-open it to use it.
I searched for an answer but I am quite unsure how to do this. Basically I plan to get a 24" external monitor to mainly use with my MacBook Pro. Also I would like to get a bluetooth keyboard and mouse. But I would also like to use all of them with my PC if/when I decide to use it. I have used KVM Switches before but never with bluetooth. Does anyone know a good solution for this? Should I just get a wired mouse and keyboard?
I own a i7 iMac and a XPS desktop and i am wondering is there a way i could use 1 mouse and 1 keyboard? I have heard of a KVM switch i think its called? not sure if this is what i need? or if i could go another route?