OS X Mavericks :: Printer Gives Communication Errors
Dec 2, 2014
I use MacBook Pro and I updated from the Snow Leopard to Mavericks, OS 10.9.5. My printer is Epson Photo R2000 WiFi Wireless.Before I updated, I very seldom had problems printing. Now after updating to Mavericks, I very very often get a 'Communication Error' , then
'Printing - looking for printer', then 'Printer not connected'. and if I click off and on the 'pause' feature several times, often up to 7 or 8 times, it will eventually print. Apple would probably say this is Epson's problem and Epson would probably say this is Apple's problem. but it is very difficult to complete my projects when I can't get the equipment to work properly.
I have a canon mx700 printer.I just upgraded to snow leopard 10.6.8 and now my printer is no longer working.This is probably the 50th time I have had this problem. It always occurs whenever I update my apple software. I have tried reseting my settings, updating my drives and trying to connect the printer directly into my computer and over my network without any success. Upon resetting my drives I keep getting this error a communication error has occurred.
For the past few days, I have noticed Mail was running slowly - especially when starting. Would take forever to start pulling in messages. I looked for solutions and disabled non-essential accounts. Then I took all 5 email accounts offline. Still would get hangs and even beachballs today.
I opened console and found that I was getting a LOT of disk1s2 I/O errors whenever Mail was opened. The errors would continue until it was closed.
Note: This is on a mid-2011 iMac. Disk1s2 is the internal hard drive. I now boot off an SSD thunderbolt. The internal holds all data; applications live on the SSD.
I restarted the computer. Then opened console and waited. No i/o errors. I opened every other program in my dock and got one i/o error when Carbon Copy Cloner was first opened. I closed everything and then opened Mail. It hung as usual and the I/O errors started coming. I eneded up with 40 I/O errors in the 10 minutes that Mail was opened and (eventually) closed. This was with all accounts set to offline.
About this Mac: OS 10.9.3 2.7 i5 32 gigs RAM (I use Photoshop a lot and decided to max out RAM). Ram has been there for over 1 year.
I switched my EpsonR320 from my PC (where it works fine) to my Mac Mini. I downloaded the proper driver. It just says "communication error" when I try to print. I've tried several printer cables, to no avail. If I bring up the printer window it says "printer ready", until I actually ask it to print and then I get that error message.
I have to mac computers in different rooms. One is my wife's and one is mine. I have the computers connected through my airport extreme. I am looking for a way for us to communicate without signing in to the internet through ichat. If i could use ichat to communicate through just the network.
i'm a Powerbook G4 Mac OS X (10.5.8) 1.67 GHz 2GB RAM user with Mail 3.6. I want to creat a new Account, an Exchange Account. I can chose it, but it doesn't work.
So my question is, whicj MS Exchange is need. I read something about MS Exchange 2007 SP2? Ist that correct? If not, which Exchange
Powerbook G4 Mac OS X (10.5.8) 1.67 GHz 2GB RAM with Mail 3.6:
Which Exchange Server is needed? Mail 3.6 can be conected with which Exchange Server?
Info: PowerBook, Mac OS X (10.5.8), G4 1.67 GHz 2GB RAM
Yesterday I tried to begin a capture of material for a new project. After repeated attempts to reboot, examined all connections, I decided the RS-232 cable must have gone bad. Drove 140 RT to replace it. This morning I did and found no difference.
My next step was to upgrade the firmware on the Kona 3 board and did so. Ran Aja VTR Xchange - beautiful picture and synched time code but the one box says " NO VTR connected".....
Decided to try running FCP and open the Log and Capture window to see what it said. Same thing. Nice picture SMPTE time code appears to be fine- "No Communication". So ...
Now I am down to the deck controls and some hidden internal settings having changed somehow, or continued software incompatibility.
I have had splendid synchronization between all of these devices.
FCP- 7.0.3
Kona 3-
Sony JH-3
It seems that one minute FCP setting is off now. I've gone through the Audio/ Video settings and will return to all the preferences settings.
When trying to do a video chat, a friend of mine continues to get the same error message with anyone who he tries to video chat with. The computer is a July 2009 MBP 15in running Leopard. The only thought is that it is wirelessly connected to the internet but with speeds around 10Mbits so that shouldn't be a problem.
I keep getting error 0x 80020022 "communication to disc drive failed"no matter what i try burning. Firmware is up to date, and I'm using hi-quality discs. It's holding up my livelyhood
Information: g5 dual 2.5 Mac OS X (10.4.9) 6 gig RAM, ATI 9600 card
I get a persistent and annoying pop-up that says "internet connect cannot open your communication device"--even when I am already connecting fine (through airport express). And from what I understand, Leopard doesn't even HAVE internet connect. I'm really stymied. Someone else suggested it was an Entourage schedule problem, but that advice didn't work either.
I am trying to download a printer driver to connect my mac air (version OS X 10.9.2) with my printer (PIXMA MP250 series). how or where can I download and install one?
I have a USB printer connected to an iMac running 10.9.4. Printer sharing is turned on.I also have a MacBook Air, running 10.9.4. It does not see the printer.
All the instructions from Apple say I can share printers with "other Macs on the same network". I guess the MBA isn't "on the same network" as the iMac. How do I get them "on the same network" so the MacBook Air can see and print to the iMac's printer?
Info: iMac, OS X Mavericks (10.9.2), iMac (Late 2009), 3.06GHz
System Preferences / Printers: Says No printers are available.
Clicked on + to add printer: Add screen is devoid of any printers; says "no selection" in both Name and Location fields
Printer involved:
Epson Work Force WF-3540 - have had it for about a year and it has been working with no problems
Had a printer jam I couldn't find; rebooted a few times, etc. Eventually found the jam and then the above problem started. (I'm embarrassed to say that I found a toothpick inside the printer. It was once sitting on top and must have rolled under and in.)
All software up to date, except for a Pages update.
History of where I looked and actions taken (not necessarily in order):
Library/Printers was (and still is) empty, not the least because of multiple printing system resets.
-Have attempted to restore Printers directory from TimeMachine, with no luck. Epson printer drivers were restored, but System Preferences/Printers still blank. -Have attempted to install original printer software from disk, but it hangs in the middle, saying that no printer connection can be found, despite printing being online. -Have attempted to run Software Update to get latest printer drivers, but Software Update says that it is up to date and won't let me rerun. -Have run disk utility to verify: disk = okay -Have run verify disk permissions. Had loads of permission errors related to the printer library -Have run repair disk permissions -Have done the last two steps many times, but disk permissions don't get fixed and original problem has not changed.
Unplugged everything, took a break, factory reset printer, started all over. Nothing worked.
Also did the RESET THE PRINTING SYSTEM. Doesn't work. OS X Mavericks: Reset the printing system
Also tried to download the drivers from Epson, but they just tell you to use Software Update and I already mentioned that doesn't work.
The only thing in the disk permissions list that looked suspicious was this message:
Group differs on "Library/Printers"; should be 80; group is 0 (repeated for various sub-directories (Icons and PPDs))
My newish Canon LBP 6000 printer periodically stops working. I've always managed to get it going again by reinstalling it. This time, nothing I do is working. Here is a screen shot of what I get.
When I try to print, (first window, top left), the "sending data to printer" message goes on endlessly. I tried unplugging the printer USB from the computer, and then got the second window ("the printer is not connected"/"the printer is offline"). If I try to get supply levels, through System Utilities, the information is not available. Does that mean the computer can't read/send data to the printer? When I try to open Printer Utility, I get the "Printer Error" message (last window) saying "there are no registered printers. Add a printer..." But I've added the printer several times, after downloading the proper software.
I reset the printer system. When I added the printer back on, it came up with the old information:
P.S. From the first time I set up the printer, about a year ago, it always took much longer to read a document and start printing than our almost identical printer at work. That one invariably starts printing (on a PC) within 2 or 3 seconds; mine, on the Mac, takes at least12, often more.
Apple Genius Bar installed Mavericks on my Mac and I transferred information from the back-up, but now the Canon MP640 is not linked. Have not ben able to achieve this - the instruction is to go to Canon for latest software. Have downloaded what I believe is the appropriate software, but still cannot make the connection.
IMac, running Mavericks, connected to a wireless network. Using a Brother MFC-J6710 printer, connected wirelessly.
Recently moved printer and computer and am connected wirelessly. This worked intermittently. I started over, reset the wireless on the printer, and got a network report that says that the printer is connected to the wireless network.
On my Mac, I have reinstalled the Cups driver, Twain driver, and wireless setup wizard. When I go into the System Preferences>Printers, and try to add the printer, the printer does not show up in the list, so there is no evidence of the printer on my Mac. Similarly, I cannot see this printer on the wireless network from my IPhone either.
I am running OS X 10.9.4 in a MacBook Pro, Photoshop CC, and a Canon printer MG8220. I have installed the plug in Easy-PhotoPrint Pro that is advertised at the Canon site as fully supporting that printer. When I automate the plug in from Photoshop it does not work, allegedly because it does not support the printer. It may be be that in fact this is the case but Canon people insists in the compatibility. I have come to think that it may be a matter of drivers, but I have failed to determine unambiguously which one is driving the printer. Then, where can I check the drivers and/or replace them? Although this a matter between one hardware and two softwares clearly not Apple...
Info: MacBook Pro with Retina display, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)
I first installed Mavericks a couple weeks ago, onto a refurbed MacBook Pro running Mountain Lion, then used Migration Assistant to move data from and old MacBook Pro running Snow Leopard. The first couple of days, things printed normally. Then suddenly, while the laptop 'saw' the printer, it wouldn't print to it, and said I needed to install printing software. I uninstalled and reinstalled printer driversfor over an hour, finally gave up, and did the print job from another Mac.
A few days later, I printed something from the new Mac, just like normal. Things were fine, until today. Again, it won't send data to the printer and says I need to install the software. Well I don't, obviously.
Besides the laptop running Mavericks, the printer in question is a Canon MP560, which still communicates fine with 2 Macs running Snow Leopard, and Windows 7 running in Parallels. It is networked into my wifi running off an Airport Extreme.
On the side, I also have the unsolvable Mav issue with the Wi-Fi disconnecting everytime it wakes from sleep unless I shutt off Bluetooth, not sure if that has anything to do with this issue or not.
I have a brand new iMac. But I can't print because it won't find my HP photosmart wireless printer (B110 series) My old Macbook pro 10.6.8 has no problem. I've tried switching on and off etc all to no avail. When I click to add a printer, nothing is found. The only thing that I've not tried is connecting with an ethernet cable, but I shouldn't have to. The printer is next to the computer.
I have a HP OfficeJet 5610 printer connected via USB to my Windows XP computer, this printer is shared over our wireless network, I know this because my old laptop running Windows Vista could print to it, the Windows XP computer just had to be turned on. How do I add this printer to my mac?
I am using Mac OPS 10.9.4 and iPhoto 9.5.1 systems I have just tried to print photos using an H-P Photosmart 7510 printer and am not getting results because I get a message that the paper size is not correct or the print comes from the regular 8 1/2 by 11 tray and not the photo tray which I have told it to do. I also have an H-P Photosmart 335 printer that I have not been able to use because I get message saying the paper is not the correct size. In the past I was able to adjust easily the paper sizes and get good prints. Now, I am not getting any prints because of error messages. It seems to me that updates installed to my computer change the way I am use to doing therefore causing me to learn new ways of operating the jobs I want to do. It is a waste of my time learning the "improvements" the updates keep installing and not improving the way I have been use to doing various tasks.
I do not print many photos so there is some time between the task and Apple has "improved" the system and I have to go back to square one to learn the new way or install another app.
Info: iMac (20-inch Mid 2007), OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)
Suddenly, my HP Photosmart 7525 isn't recognized by my (wife's) iMac. Ny iMac prints to it wirelessly just fine. I downloaded the printer driver (several time), loaded it and the iMac reverted to the HP Utility to finalized the process. The utility couldn't recognized the "device" to finish off the driver. Same thing when I loaded the Photosmart 6525 (my printer). The iMac apparently isn't loading the drivers. It worked fine a day or two ago, now, nada. WiFi works fine thru the AirPort/TimeCapsule module/router. The printer wifi works with other computers.
Info: iMac, OS X Mavericks (10.9.3), HP Photosmart 7525
I just bought the Epson WF-2540 on the apple website but It seems it's not supported by mavericks. it's not detecting the USB cable, it's not detecting the scanner... no sign of getting driver updates also...
Is there a way to make it work or do I have to bring it back to an apple store?
Info: iMac (27-inch, Late 2013), OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)
I am trying to connect to a windows network printer through my MacBook Air. I can connect to the printer via the windows network and can send documents to print. The document goes through to print but at the last second it says there is an error. When looking on the network windows computer, in which the printer is installed, I can see the document has gone through to print using the printer dialogue box for microsoft, but it details there is an error and the document doesn't print.
It seems that they are connected but there is still an error.Both Windows and Mac computers are up to date currently and the printer is a HP Deskjet F4180.
I used to open my printer job as the item was printing and it would open with preview and then I could click on it and mail a copy to myself. I since installed the latest OSX Maverick and now my printer job opens with something else and I can't do anything with it except see what I am printing.
I just got a new MacBook Pro. I have my epson printer on my network. How do I get Image Capture to recognize that I have a printer. Nothing comes up on devices. I'm sort of stabbing in the dark at network settings and I downloaded the latest Epson driver. Nothing seems to work.
I can't find any Kodak files on my Mac Air, I thought I had removed it fully, but every time I start my Mac it asks me to allow or deny access to that Kodak printer software.