OS X Mavericks :: ICloud Mailbox Rule Not Working Consistently?
Jun 17, 2014
A rule I use to try to remove a set of emails from a yahoo group into their own mailbox - NOT a smart mailbox as I want them OUT of Inbox - seems to be hit n miss. Some - the majority of messages - are moved as required but most days some (more or less) don't get caught.
MacBook Pro, OS X Mavericks (10.9.2), & iPhone 5/5c, iPad-mini/iP-m 2
I'm using iCloud Mail. I can see the Archive mailbox on my iPod touch's Mail app, but on my Mail app in Mavericks the only mailboxes are Inbox, Sent, Junk, and Trash. What can I do to make the Archvie mailbox visible in the sidebar on the right?
Info: MacBook Air (13-inch Mid 2013), OS X Mavericks (10.9.3)
Went to set up a rule for a particular address as 'Any Recipient' but this does not work if the sent mail had me in the BCC list. How do I filter on this?
Why does iCloud mailbox keep asking for my password, even though I have saved the password in the keychain? After I enter the password, I am able to access my mailbox.
Bought a new 13" Macbook Pro w/ Retina Display back in June, and ever since I set it up, I've been having issues with mail. Both issues relate to deleting messages, so I figure they're likely related.
First thing is, sometimes when I delete emails, close the program, they magically reappear in my inbox when I reopen mail.
The second thing is, if I close mail right after deleting an email, it gives an error message like 'The message “...” could not be moved to the mailbox “Trash — On My Mac”' and 'An error occurred while moving messages to mailbox “Trash — On My Mac”.
This never happened on my last Macbook Pro, which was the mid-2009 model, even though both laptops run Mavericks. I'm assuming that it's some setting that I'm not aware of causing this issue. I thought it was the fact that my iCloud account was set up to work with Mail, but I turned that off, and it's still doing this.
One of the funny things I've noticed, is that under Mail Activity, it will say "Incoming messages 12 of 48" or whatever number at the time, even when there are no new messages. It never did this on my last laptop.
Info: MacBook Pro with Retina display, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)
I've just moved from Snow Leopard to Mavericks, and all the mailbox contents (that is, those in boxes in "On My Mac") have vanished. I've tried going to user/Library/Mail/subfolder1 as others have suggested, but I don't have Mail in this Library folder. How do I fix this, if possible, via Time Machine backups? Or any other way, for that matter.
I run Mail 7.3 on OS 10.9.4. I have 3 different mailboxes and Mial stopped sending from the different mailboxes and uses only one. I went to preferences and ensured this specific mailbox was not selected but that the setting to send from the selected mailbox was used. I even tried to use a different setting, selecting to send from a specific mailbox...still the same. Send always from the same one whatever the parameter selected.
Info: MacBook Pro (13-inch Mid 2012), OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)
Suddenly in Mail I have a mailbox for Blocked Mail. This is on my iMac where I am running Maverick. I do not want to collect blocked mail; that's why I blocked it so I don't have to deal with it. How can I get rid of this mailbox or how do I stop blocked mail from accumulating.
I wanted to send a message and suddenly got notification that Mail app is unable to send the message using Yahoo server, which I noticed being listed as offline. I clicked on "check connection" and it showed Gmail IMAP and IMAP as well as Yahoo IMAP being connected while Yahoo SMTP not. On the right side of Yahoo SMTP Red "dot" there was the instruction, which recommended to check settings of the network connection as well as to make sure if the server supports SSL, and if "NO" - deselect it. I'm not as tech savvy so the marked part is just the Chinese language for me: what is SSL, how to check if the server supports it etc?
I have lots of emails missing from my mailbox from the day i upgraded to mavricks
Example i have a mailbox called "machines" which shows only email from 20-02-14 all mails before that date are missing..
I tried rebuild mailbox but it just shows mail from 20-02-14.
The interesting part is the mail from before is still there..
when i search for a mail in spotlight from a sender it shows the mail and shows it to be in the machines folder.. i can open the mail read its content. But when i see the machines mailbox the mail is not listed there.
what could be the problem and how can i get the mails back this is happening on almost every mailbox.
Working offline during a flight, I created a new "Mailbox" -- i.e. a subfolder -- within an account in Mail and moved some messages into it. Back on the ground and reconnected with the Internet, that subfolder has disappeared, along with all the messages in it. Where did it go? Is it possible to recover it?
If it makes any difference, it was a Gmail account accessed via IMAP.
I notice the Archive mailbox in Apple Mail has disappeared. I can find messages in that mailbox using Searchlight if I know the exact contents of the message or subject but I use this mailbox to store application licenses, etc., and do not always know the right subject. I used to browse, knowing roughly the time when I bought the licese. Also the Flagged mailbox is grayed out in the favorites line and not shown in the left hand mailbox side bar.Also a pain because I set reminder messages and conference call emails with colored flags.
Info: MacBook Pro with Retina display, OS X Mountain Lion (10.8.5), 500 GB Flash HD
I am running Mavericks 10.9.3 on my iMac and recently had to have the Genius Bar completely reset my system due to issues with performance since the upgrade. I was primarily using Backblaze to back up my entire operating system. I am now trying to restore "Mailboxes on My Mac"in Mail. I was able to get the actual names of mailboxes back via going to my library in the back up and moving all folders to my current library, however it only restored the mailboxes themselves. There are no emails that were but should have been included.
I have sent a message with Apple Mail 7.3 on Mac with OS X Mavericks 10.9.3, and it shows DUPLICATED in the Sent mailbox of Mail. I mean, two entries with the very same message inside are displayed, yet, as said, I only sent it once! I am using POP.
Selecting "Mailbox - Rebuild", quitting and opening Mail, repairing permissions with Apple Disk Utility, restarting the Mac, and even resetting the PRAM does not fix it. I have seen the following article, but cannot find the "MessageSorting.plist" in Mavericks that it indicates: How to Fix Duplicate Emails Sent From Apple Email..URL....
how to prevent this duplication behavior (beyond deleting one of such messages, which, of course, I can do); I mean, to fixing whatever is corrupted and prevent such behavior happening again in the future? What is the equivalent of "MessageSorting.plist" in Mavericks to do what indicates the above article?
Info: Mac mini, OS X Mavericks (10.9.3), Booting from internal Fusion Drive
When archiving my Exchange account locally on my Mac, the server keeps syncing the messages back to my Mac! Ideally I would like my MacBook Pro to 'lead' the sync rather than 'combine'. I have tried many options including setting up a 'rule' which didn't move a single message! Also I tried copying all the messages, placing them in a local file & then deleting them from the inbox. But anything over around 10 messages, it just doesn't work! I have around 3000 messages I need to archive & cannot do it ten at a time. Also if I try using the web account on a browser it only allows me to move around ten at a time...! I am running 10.9.4 using Mac Mail.
I have a Hotmail account linked to my MacBook Pro and iPhone 5S and have recently upgraded to OS X 10.9.4...Each day now I notice that I have unread email notifications for my hotmail email account, and have to scroll back days or weeks to find and delete them. They are always duplicates of emails which I've already seen (as opposed to emails arriving much later than they were sent).
Info: MacBook Pro (13-inch Early 2011), OS X Mavericks (10.9.4), iPhone 5s
it is possible to create a rule that will override another rule?
Basically, I have a rule set up so that the background goes green if the email was sent to a certain email address.
I'd like to create another rule (or edit the existing rule) so that the background will change to a different colour if the email was sent from a specific person (email address).
OS: Yosemite (10.10.1)
Mail.app (8.1)
Info: MacBook Pro (Retina, Mid 2012), OS X Yosemite (10.10.1), 8GB RAM, 250GB SSD
Since MobileMe has been axed, mail rule syncing does not work anymore. Is there an alternative to get mail rules to sync with iCloud or other tools? It is stupid to have different clients using the same (IMAP) account(s) but different rule sets.
Info: iMac 3.2 i3, 8 GB RAM, Mac OS X (10.6.4), MBP 2,66 GHz Intel Core Duo with 10.6.4
I've upgraded to iTunes 10.1 and every time I open it I get the following message. I've tried accepting multiple times and still no luck. I've removed the rule from the firewall settings, rebooted and opened iTunes again.
Double-click to edit a rule does not respond. It will allow me to create a new rule but I cannot edit it once created. I am using Outlook Mac 2011 Version 14.4.6. My operating system is OS X 10.9.5.
I've read some threads but none truly answer my question. I have learnt I need to create a rule in CLOUD as mail is sent to all devices from there and if I create the rule in MAIL on my desktop it does not solve the issue as it will still get sent to other devices, correct?
I want to create a rule for junk. Ever changing junk email addresses, content etc. Sometime mail recognies it and sometimes not. How can I set up a rule, filter, etc to delete these permamnently . Its hard when the sender address is ever changing, or the content is never the same. IE one day it is from weatherx@
next time w3ath3rx@, next vveatherx@..it is so annoying. Or the content like I saw this morning every single word had a 20 in front of it...
Ever since installing Leopard, I've noticed it is having problems consistently mounting discs, specifically my external USB drive (for Time Machine). Sometimes I plug it in and it shows up as a disc on my desktop (and viewable within Finder and by Time Machine); other times I'll plug it in an it doesn't show up any where (even after restarting OSX).
Not sure this is related, but I also noticed that a .dmg file I downloaded failed to mount (just got an error message). This time, when I restarted OSX when I tried launching it again, it worked.
For some reason, I keep getting logged out of websites. I logged into a website today and clicked the "Remember me" option and the next time I went to the website (a few minutes later), I was logged out. This is happening on all websites, including this one, almost on a daily basis.
I am planning to order the air so I won't be able to check out the screen as I ll be having it shipped to me, so I was wandering, is it worth the risk due to the screen problems or should I play it safe with a mbp? Have apple started releasing screens with marked improvements or are we still seeing the problems with lines of the earlier batches.