OS X Mavericks :: Why Can't Restore Mail Backup From Mountain Lion
Jun 5, 2014
When I use Time Machine to restore my old mails, it doesn't works, shows the backups on the right but I can't click. The Backup was made on Mountain Lion and I installed a clean Maverick.
MacBook Pro, OS X Mavericks (10.9.3), backup doesn't works
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Jun 21, 2014
I'm one of the unlucky owners of Macbook Retina 15" Mid 2012. I was very satisfied with this computer, everything was great, untill I installed OS X Mavericks. My computer started to have GPU Panics all the time under some "heavier" usage like watching long videos on YouTube. I googled this problem and then I saw that I wasn't the only one, many people had problems after upgrading to Mavericks. I also read that downgrading to Mountain Lion solves the problem, but after the Internet Recovery update, when you are restoring your mac, it restores as Mavericks. I read Apple instruction how to revert os x, but it requires Time Machine backup from Mountain Lion, I already downloaded ML Installer from AppStore but I don't know how to install it.
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Mar 20, 2012
Following Apples instructions on backing up the mail data and restoring as well as what I have so far found on the various forums has allowed me to move 99% of my mail to my new computer pretty much spot on except for one thing - the outgoing SMTP server list. Is there somewhere else I need to be looking for that information?
I have quite a few email accounts and with that comes quite a few outbound SMTP servers, much to my dismay I discovered that all of that information did not restore when I put the mail data all back into place. Now I assumed that perhaps it was in my keychain, but that would just be the passwords for the servers and not the list itself and the attachment of the various mail accounts to their respective SMTP servers, right?
So, my question is two-fold: one, is there a way to get that list back and have it attached to my 20+ email accounts and if I can do that then two, where in the keychain do I look in order to also get all those passwords back as well? It's not the end of the world, but just a big pain the butt.
On a side note, but related, I've also noticed that about 1/3rd of the email accounts I restored just won't log in and get mail, they just "spin" and bomb out, generally saying the password is bad even though I've put it in correctly numerous times (my mobile me account is one that comes to mind). Is this a known side effect of restoring? My only solution so far has been to delete those accounts and re-create them.
Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Sep 6, 2014
Running OS X 10.8.5
Trying to backup to Passport Time machine. Has worked fine until a few days ago.
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Sep 5, 2014
My MacBook Air (running Mavericks) was acting up a tad so I ran Disk Utilities. Basically I got told that repairs were needed but that they couldn't be fixed. DU told me to backup what I could and reformat the HD.
What's the best way to do this? Will restoring from a Time Machine back up bring back whatever issue was there to begin with? Same question for a SuperDuper clone. If I copy across the Music, Photos etc folders to an external disk and just copy them back over once the reformat and OSS X install is done will this mess up any of the music or photo libraries or indexing (I know iPhoto and iTunes have their own special waif managing individual photos etc).
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Jun 17, 2014
How can I restore contact On My Mac? The account is listed under accounts but it seems there is nothing is in it. My Contacts window only shows iCloud and Smart Groups.
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Jun 24, 2014
Macbook Pro 15", (early 2011) 2.0 GHz, 8GB memory
After having my WD 750GB HD crash, I decided that I would opt for a smaller (256GB) SSD drive and just put Mavericks and my apps on the new drive and keep my user files on an external drive. I've installed and formatted the new drive but I can't figure out how to install just OSX from Time Machine since the entire backup is too big for my new drive. Before the drive failed, I had installed the latest update for Mavericks (10.9.3?)
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Aug 30, 2014
My wife deleted some of her Mail mailboxes. I couldn't figure out how to recover them. So I decided to a complete restore of her system from her Time Machine backups. I restarted with the option key down and choose the options to allow a restore from Time Machine. I choose her most recent "good" backup". The process began, indicating that it would take 11 hours to complete. I left the computer when it showed about 5% complete. When I next checked the computer about 8 hours later I found the startup screen with the spinning wheel on the screen. I waited about 4 hrs. and then shutdown the computer. It will not boot. It simply shows the startup screen with the spinning wheel. So I repeated the entire process, this time selecting an older TM backup to restore from. Unfortunately I experienced the same result.
Her computer is a 2012 Macbook Pro running 10.9.4. Her TM backups are stored on a Time Capsule.
MacBook Pro
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Dec 1, 2014
8 nights ago my drive failed. Tech replaced it & restored data from Time Machine. He said TM gave him no options (time/date of backup to restore). I noticed immediately that several files were missing off my desktop, no idea if other files have gone missing, too. Suspect the final backup was after the drive began to fail, therefore data was corrupted.
I don't know how to locate & replace the missing files, nor how to do a restore.
iMac, OS X Mountain Lion (10.8.5), 2.8Ghz i7, 21.5", 8GB, HP P2015dn
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Jun 29, 2014
Recently 3 year conversations - about 15-20K gf messages was disappeared from my Mail/ When i'm looking account properties it show 21000 of messages in Recycle Bin, but if i physically go in this folder - there is only 100 of messages. How can i restore all those messages?
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Sep 2, 2014
To cure some problems I reinstalled the iMac install DVD, erasing the hard drive, then installed 10.8.5 and it's working. I then entered to the time machine to the date when I still was using 10.8.5 not the dreaded 10.9.4. But the restore button won't come on and respond. I did all this to get out of 10.9.4. Why won't the time machine restore?
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Aug 30, 2014
My son was downloading some math worksheets and ended up with InstallMac and something else that was scanning my system. Should I restore from a time machine back up or is there a better way?
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Aug 24, 2014
Something went wrong during a recent update and time machine fathefully backed up the corrupted data.
Needed to repartition the drive and reinstall OSX 10.9.4 and restore from the Time Machine back-up.
How do I restore a Mac from a older back-up before the error occured?
Open the back-up folder and delete the most recent backups ?
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Sep 10, 2014
how to restore my computer to an earlier date?
MacBook Air
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Jun 25, 2014
My iMac (2010) has been having tons of issues lately. More specifically, when I attempted to upgrade to Mavericks last week, it came back with S.M.A.R.T. errors after a scan, so it wouldn't allow me to update. So, in preparation for the HDD to crap out on me, I did frequent back-ups using Time Machine. Well, the day finally came and my iMac won't "turn on" anymore. When I turn it on, it sits at the Mac loading screen for several minutes and then just goes to a blank white screen.
If I buy a new iMac or a new macbook or whatever, will it be possible to use my Time Machine back-ups to restore everything on it or will it not allow me to because the operating systems are different? As mentioned, I attempted to make a restore on my friend's macbook that I purchased as a spare but when I tried, it came back saying "Different operating systems, cannot restore" or something to that degree. Is there a way around this? Do I have to somehow downgrade the OS on my new machine? I use iTunes for all my movies/music & Adobe Creative cloud so I can easily restore those on any machine but my desktop personal data, photos, etc are on the Time Machine restore.
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Jun 26, 2014
my MacBook Pro was stolen last year and retrieved recently. I erased all the data via disk utilities as I couldn't access the laptop - it was asking me for a username and password made during the period it was stolen. So the next step was to reinstall OS. But when I try reinstall it, it asks me for my Apple ID - which I give - and then tells me this ID wasn't used to purchase Mountain Lion previously, which I'm well aware of- it was installed on the laptop when I bought it in 2011! My Apple support has expired so I can't ask them either!
ps I have a disk with the software on it but can't get out of Restore mode on the laptop, even when I restart it. So I can't do it that way either it seems
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Aug 27, 2014
How to restore a file from the Time Share volume of one mac to a different mac.
I have 2 machines: macbook pro & mac air both both running latest mountian lion. Each keeps its own time share volume on a network server. The two have some sync'd shares, but in general, they are not fully sync'd.
the macbook pro is in the shop for repair for a few days and I'd like to fetch some of it's files from its time machine backup onto the macair. I'm a little reluctant to simply fire up Time Machine on the mac air and respecify it's storage volume to be the macbook pro's volume. I'm concerned about internal configuration changes Time Machine might make to the mac air, including making changes that might cause it to have to do a full (not differential) back up when I reconfigure the mac air's Time Machine to use it's own backup volume after I'm done getting files from the macbook pro backup volume.
In addition to simply getting access to some of the files of the mac in the shop, I want to get the mac calendar from that machine and use it on the mac air. I understand that this may be somewhat trickier.
MacBook Air, OS X Mountain Lion (10.8.5)
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Jul 20, 2005
The thought has never occurred to me - I really should back up my email. My ISP keeps the last three months of messages on the server, but older stuff - if I install OS X, I'll lose it. Is there a handy-dandy utility that will do this? Where are the files kept? I'm learning AppleScript out of boredom and could probably throw together a script to back it up, but I'd need to know what the files were.
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Aug 20, 2014
I need to restore the original software on an imac and macbook but it wont let me do this without entering my apple id (app store log in) anyway around this? as I want the macs to appear new to the next user and without any of my info left on them .
iMac, OS X Mountain Lion (10.8.2)
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Sep 11, 2014
Since the harddrive of my IMac was full, I added an external harddrive to the system for my photos. I use another external harddrive for time machine back-ups (backing up both the IMac and external harddrive with my iPhoto libraries). Recently the EHD with my photo libraries crashed. I now want to restore it from time machine onto a new external harddrive, but am not quite sure how to do this.
iMac (21.5-inch Late 2009), OS X Mountain Lion (10.8.2)
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Aug 20, 2014
I just had to install a new hard drive to my mid 2010 imac. I restored with time machine. I cannot find the original OS disc. Upon restoring it appears there is a problem with the webkit framework as Safari, App store, and Skype all freeze upon clicking on them and after bouncing, they never open. Chrome is working. What do I do?
iMac (27-inch Mid 2010), OS X Mountain Lion (10.8.3)
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Aug 28, 2014
I recently got an IMAC and began using the OS-X mail program. AFter sending an email, i looked for it in the "sent folder" and did not see anything. Does the program save sent emails in that folder?
iMac, iOS 7.0.3
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Dec 6, 2014
Time will start a new complete backup every week or two. No long term back up.This is the message I get; "Time machine completed a verification of your backup on "GoFlexHome". To improve reliability, Time Machine must create a new backup for you"
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.2)
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Aug 25, 2014
I have port forwarded port 46 (TCP and UDP) to port 548 a Mac mini server running Mac OS X 10.6.8, and I have Time Machine backup disk on it set as a share point with Time Machine support enabled. On my Mac Pro running OS X 10.8.5, I am able to connect via AFP to my server with the address "afp://my-ip-address:46" and can read and write on the backup disk share point. I tested that, and it works. When I am on the same LAN as the server, I can use that disk for Time Machine and have been doing so for years. However, I cannot do a Time Machine backup to that share point over the WAN. When I open Time Machine preferences, I can select the share point as my backup disk, but once I start the backup, it says "Backup disk not available" and fails to start.
In case you're wondering, I forward port 46 to port 548 instead of port 548 to port 548 to minimize hacking attempts. Last time I used a default port, a computer in Taiwan started spamming SSH authentication failures.
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Jun 1, 2014
The backup disk needs 290.20 GB for the backup but only 262.42 GB are available.
How can I delete the old back ups. It is a seagate drive
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Jun 2, 2014
Time Machine says it is indexing the backup and it has been going on for hours. How long will this take with a 2T HD?
MacBook, Mac OS X (10.5.6)
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Sep 8, 2014
My 2008 iMac bit the dust but I did consistently back up using Time Machine to an external drive. I plan on replacing it but need to get some files off the backup soon. Is it possible to connect my external backup drive to a friends iMac and copy just the files I need?
iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Jun 25, 2014
I can't copy a Time Machine backup file (Backups.backupb) from one external hard drive to another. Both hard drives are Seagate 1TB Backup Plus. The Backups.backupb file is about 275GB. When I try to drag and drop the Backups.backupb file from one drive to the other (which I've tried three times) it to begins copy but after about 3GBs are copied I get a message that says "The operation can’t be completed because an unexpected error occurred (error code -50)."
I formatted (erased) the new hard drive with Disk Utility as Mac OS Extended (Journaled). Apple Support says I should format the new drive in Mac OS Extended (Journaled) "with a GUID partition," but I don't see the GUID partition as an option when I format the drive. Is this necessary, and if so, how do it do it? I'm using OS 10.8.6 on a 2012 MacBook Pro retna.
I also tried copying the backup files to another drive (a Maxtor HD) and got the same error message.
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Aug 28, 2014
My MBA running ML has Pages '09. If I set up a refurb running ML will Pages '09 be on the second Mac if I set it up from Time Machine?
MacBook Air, OS X Mountain Lion (10.8.5)
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Jun 20, 2014
For the past two weeks I've been having some major issues backing up my computer with Time Machine. It's become quite a process.
iMac 27", Mountain Lion
I am backing up to a brand new - well bought in February, '14 - 1TB external hard drive and there is NOTHING else in there except the TM backups.
For the past two weeks it's been failing the automatic backups. There is PLENTY of room on the drive.
The exact error message reads:"Time Machine ErrorUnable to complete backup. An error occurred while creating the backup folderLatest successful backup: [time and day entered here]"
To remedy this at first it was as easy as un-mounting the drive and then plugging it back in and it was fine.
Now I've got the disk utility open and constantly repairing the drive and this is only a temporary solution.
Below is a small sample of the report from the utility each one is dated.
How to fix this without having to purchase a new drive? In February the old external drive I had started to freak TM out and it just erased ALL my backups which I desperately needed due to the same error / failure. That drive had plenty of space as well but I lost all my stuff anyway.
I know the TM isn't for archiving and another question I have is, How can I transfer or even rename the backup folder that TM makes and move it to a 'free drive' to prevent overwriting? Right now I just keep buying new drives which is ridiculous.
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