OS X Mountain Lion :: Seagate Drive Doesn't Have Enough Space For Backup?
Jun 1, 2014The backup disk needs 290.20 GB for the backup but only 262.42 GB are available.
How can I delete the old back ups. It is a seagate drive
The backup disk needs 290.20 GB for the backup but only 262.42 GB are available.
How can I delete the old back ups. It is a seagate drive
my External Seagate Hard drive just changed to read only on its own?
I went to get info and scrolled down to the Sharing and Permissions
But there is nothing there but a greyed out : You can only read
There are No boxes to check or uncheck, No options to change to read and write, No name of owner or ignore ownership box. NOTHING ELSE IS THERE
I have recently upgraded to Mountain Lion and am having other problems as well
My time machine backup isnt working for the last few months. The backup is located on a QNAP TS-670.
I can look for the TM and the iMac see the TM, but if I start the backup, a popup comes up. "The image of the backup-volume "/Volume/TMBackup/Danielas iMac.sparsebundle" cant be accessed. (Error -1)
Maybe it is not the exact error message in english, but I hope you know what I mean. Im working on a german system.
I can access the TM-Share through the finder (share: afp://[...]).
Here is the log I've got from the terminal: Danielas-iMac:~ danielawendling$ tail -f /var/log/system.log |grep backupJun 6 14:43:36 Danielas-iMac.local com.apple.backupd[323]: Failed to eject volume /Volumes/TMBackup (FSVolumeRefNum: -105; status: -47; dissenting pid: 0)
[Code] .....
iMac, OS X Mountain Lion (10.8.5)
I have a MacBook Air with 251 GB of hard drive space, yet I only have 3 gigabytes free. I checked all my folders and they certainly do not add up to 248 GB, so where is all of this coming from? I checked my activity monitor and there is nothing that drastically large neither.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI can't copy a Time Machine backup file (Backups.backupb) from one external hard drive to another. Both hard drives are Seagate 1TB Backup Plus. The Backups.backupb file is about 275GB. When I try to drag and drop the Backups.backupb file from one drive to the other (which I've tried three times) it to begins copy but after about 3GBs are copied I get a message that says "The operation can’t be completed because an unexpected error occurred (error code -50)."
I formatted (erased) the new hard drive with Disk Utility as Mac OS Extended (Journaled). Apple Support says I should format the new drive in Mac OS Extended (Journaled) "with a GUID partition," but I don't see the GUID partition as an option when I format the drive. Is this necessary, and if so, how do it do it? I'm using OS 10.8.6 on a 2012 MacBook Pro retna.
I also tried copying the backup files to another drive (a Maxtor HD) and got the same error message.
I am backing up my data from my mac book pro for a second time. I plug in my external, and it says it doesn't have enough memory to back up my computer. I have 1 TB hard drive and used about 650 MB for the first back-up. Obviously I don't have enough to back up everything for a second time. I just want to back up the new stuff. When I go to exclude the current external from the new back up, it's grayed out. Do I have to delete the contents of the hard drive and re-back up the entire computer?
View 7 Replies View RelatedWindow doesn't show number of items and hard drive space remaining. How can i change that?
iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.7)
I've bought a 1 TB iomega ego mac edition II external fire wire drive. Once connected it asked whether i want to create a password and whether i want my data encrypted, to which i answered yes. Then a time machine backup started and failed after backing up 5.25 GB out of 39 GB of my data with the following error: "The backup disk ran out of space unexpectedly. Time Machine will try to make more space available by removing expired backups during the next scheduled backup". When i look at time machine it shows there is 994.29 GB available on iomega ego drive. The drive then went into: "Encrypting Backup Disk" message and it takes forever.
MacBook Pro (15-inch Late 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
I have the Seagate Backup Plus Drive 2TB. When I go to plug it in and I look at my Storage it says 272 GBs of Other, I know it's all movies and some back ups, So is the a way I can get it to sort my storage like it does with the internal HD ?
View 1 Replies View RelatedRunning OS X 10.8.5
Trying to backup to Passport Time machine. Has worked fine until a few days ago.
Need to free up about 30G on my mbp (Mountain Lion). iPhoto library is about 48G. iTunes LIbrary is about 34G. I want to backup to a Flash drive (64G) either:
1) some from each or
2) back up one of them.
how would I access the backed up data?
Getting a warning message says no available memory space in MAC OS X start up disk.Delete photos and email?Add memory? Both? It is affecting "Applications"
MacBook (13-inch Mid 2010), Mac OS X (10.7.4)
I'm having a problem with Migration Assistant that's driving me crazy. I just bought a new Macbook Pro with a 256GB internal drive, and I have a backup of my old computer from last year that is about 350GB in size. What I am trying to do is individually take over some items from the Time Machine so that I don't fill up the HD. Here is what I have done so far:
I took over 100GB of an iTunes library as well as other system settings and documents. I had left something like 50GB on my internal hard drive. Not enough for my 109GB photo library.
So, I purchased a large SD card (128GB) to be the permanent home for my photo library. However, I had to maneuver some things around to get this to work, which has been a HUGE pain.
What I ended up doing was copying my whole iTunes library, which was about 98GB to the SD card. I juggled some other things around beforehand, and even though my photo file on the backup is only 109GB, it kept telling me I didn't have space. So I did the whole iTunes library instead of parts of it...
I now have 150GB free. Migration Assistant still tells me I don't have enough space for the transfer. How is that possible!? That's an extra 41GB of data.
I've already verified the HD on the macbook is fine via Disk Utility, not sure what else to do.
The New iPad, iOS 5.1.1
I think I have a slight issue with my 7200rpm 500gb seagate drive. Once or twice every hour it seems to stop and start up again. Kinda klicks. It causes my computer to freeze for about 3 seconds. Whats causing it? Is it faulty? I should also mention that it didn't do this when i first got it. This is the model without the SMS.
View 9 Replies View RelatedI was having problems with the external drive where I store my Time Machine backups, so I tried plugging and unplugging the drive but could not mount the drive. I ran Disk Utility and tried to verify the disk, which told me the disk needed to be repaired. I tried to repair the disk only to get an error message that Disk Utility could not repair the disk and it needed to be reformatted. So I tried to erase the disk with Disk Utility only to get the error message "Volume erase failed: Media kit reports not enough space on this device for requested operation". I am not sure what else to try at this point and could not find any similar questions here.
The drive in question is a 3TB USB Seagate Backup + Desk Media, formatted as Mac OS Extended (Journaled). It's divided into two partitions, one of which (2.2 TB) holds only Time Machine backups of my desktop and laptop and the other of which (800GB) is formatted similarly with some files stored on it. I was able to verify and repair this other partition. I'm running Disk Utility 13 on an iMac (2.8 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo) running OSX 10.8.5 ...
I just upgraded from Snow Leopard, installed Mountain Lion, 10.7.3, and with it the recommended iTunes upgrade 10.6.1. It seems to have broken things.
If I click to play a song I can get the play window, but it'll be frozen at 0:00. Starting, stopping, dragging the cursor: nothing will make the time advance or music play. This happens with samples of music, purchased songs, video samples. The Console isn't showing any error messages.
I've logged out, and back in. I've shut down completely and rebooted. I've check that stuff still plays OK on my iPad.
Mac mini, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
macbook air dosen´t turn on and keeps beeping
MacBook Pro with Retina display, OS X Mountain Lion (10.8.2)
I have a 500gb external hard drive. My iMac has a 500gb internal drive. Suddenly I keep getting an error message saying there's not enough space on my external drive to backup everything. Is there anything I can do to fix this?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have 53GB available but need 69GB for backup. Is there something I can delete to free up space? It looks like almost all of the G-Drive space is used by backups. Is it safe to dump something and if so how?
I am using a MacBook Pro.
Processor: 2.7 GHz Intel Core i7
Memory: 16GB 1600 MHz DDR3
Storage: 156GB free out of 500GB
OS X 10.9.3
Im having a problem with my HD on my MacBook Air 2011 with 128Gb SSD and Lion.
Since about a month after I purchased my computer, I started to notice low HD space. I started managing it but couldnt keep it with more than 15 Gb of space. I transfered my biggest file, a Parallels Desktop virtual machine to an external HD. I have disabled Time Machine and have removed most of my files from the computer. My User folder barely uses 27 Gb of HD Space. The Get Info shows that I have used 90.84 Gb and have 29.63 Gb Free. But when I try to add all of the folders from the HD (Applications, Library, Syste, Users) it comes with a 42.42 Gb used number.
I tried lots of programs like Disk Inventory X, WhatSize, OmniDisk Sweeper, etc, and all come up with an aprox. 43.38 used Gb number, so there is no discrepancy between these programs and what Finder is telling me. Here is a screenshot I took with WhatSize.
Where is the rest of the space going? Im lost on what to do to empty space.
Time will start a new complete backup every week or two. No long term back up.This is the message I get; "Time machine completed a verification of your backup on "GoFlexHome". To improve reliability, Time Machine must create a new backup for you"
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.2)
When I use Time Machine to restore my old mails, it doesn't works, shows the backups on the right but I can't click. The Backup was made on Mountain Lion and I installed a clean Maverick.
MacBook Pro, OS X Mavericks (10.9.3), backup doesn't works
I have port forwarded port 46 (TCP and UDP) to port 548 a Mac mini server running Mac OS X 10.6.8, and I have Time Machine backup disk on it set as a share point with Time Machine support enabled. On my Mac Pro running OS X 10.8.5, I am able to connect via AFP to my server with the address "afp://my-ip-address:46" and can read and write on the backup disk share point. I tested that, and it works. When I am on the same LAN as the server, I can use that disk for Time Machine and have been doing so for years. However, I cannot do a Time Machine backup to that share point over the WAN. When I open Time Machine preferences, I can select the share point as my backup disk, but once I start the backup, it says "Backup disk not available" and fails to start.
In case you're wondering, I forward port 46 to port 548 instead of port 548 to port 548 to minimize hacking attempts. Last time I used a default port, a computer in Taiwan started spamming SSH authentication failures.
I am using Apple Mail on my Mid 2010 iMac (27", 3.6 GHz i5, 12 Gig RAM, 10.8.5) and have recently run into a bit of strangeness. I shut down the iMac every evening, without shutting down Mail. Mail opens on startup, as expected. However, my list of emails is not current, with the latest email from about 1AM that morning. I know this is the case because I see many more recent emails on my iPhone. When I quit Mail and restart it, all the emails show up. How I can get Mail back to its old behavior, namely showing me all emails in my inbox on startup?
View 7 Replies View RelatedIt appears that I have run out of space on my backup drive,
I have an older MacBook Pro running OS10.7.5. The computer itself is on its last legs and I'd like to create a "latest backup" to insure I have a solid copy of files and programs in case the machine dies before i have a chance to weed out useless programs and files and save music, etc.
How do I create space on the back up drive, and which back ups can I safely remove, while still insuring I have the most recent backup of all programs/files/music/videos and so forth.
Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.5), MacBook Pro, 2.6 Ghz Intel Chip
Time Machine says it is indexing the backup and it has been going on for hours. How long will this take with a 2T HD?
MacBook, Mac OS X (10.5.6)
My 2008 iMac bit the dust but I did consistently back up using Time Machine to an external drive. I plan on replacing it but need to get some files off the backup soon. Is it possible to connect my external backup drive to a friends iMac and copy just the files I need?
iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
I'm one of the unlucky owners of Macbook Retina 15" Mid 2012. I was very satisfied with this computer, everything was great, untill I installed OS X Mavericks. My computer started to have GPU Panics all the time under some "heavier" usage like watching long videos on YouTube. I googled this problem and then I saw that I wasn't the only one, many people had problems after upgrading to Mavericks. I also read that downgrading to Mountain Lion solves the problem, but after the Internet Recovery update, when you are restoring your mac, it restores as Mavericks. I read Apple instruction how to revert os x, but it requires Time Machine backup from Mountain Lion, I already downloaded ML Installer from AppStore but I don't know how to install it.
View 2 Replies View RelatedMy MBA running ML has Pages '09. If I set up a refurb running ML will Pages '09 be on the second Mac if I set it up from Time Machine?
MacBook Air, OS X Mountain Lion (10.8.5)
Double-click to edit a rule does not respond. It will allow me to create a new rule but I cannot edit it once created. I am using Outlook Mac 2011 Version 14.4.6. My operating system is OS X 10.9.5.