Macbook Pro 15", (early 2011) 2.0 GHz, 8GB memoryÂ
After having my WD 750GB HD crash, I decided that I would opt for a smaller (256GB) SSD drive and just put Mavericks and my apps on the new drive and keep my user files on an external drive. I've installed and formatted the new drive but I can't figure out how to install just OSX from Time Machine since the entire backup is too big for my new drive. Before the drive failed, I had installed the latest update for Mavericks (10.9.3?)
My wife deleted some of her Mail mailboxes. I couldn't figure out how to recover them. So I decided to a complete restore of her system from her Time Machine backups. I restarted with the option key down and choose the options to allow a restore from Time Machine. I choose her most recent "good" backup". The process began, indicating that it would take 11 hours to complete. I left the computer when it showed about 5% complete. When I next checked the computer about 8 hours later I found the startup screen with the spinning wheel on the screen. I waited about 4 hrs. and then shutdown the computer. It will not boot. It simply shows the startup screen with the spinning wheel. So I repeated the entire process, this time selecting an older TM backup to restore from. Unfortunately I experienced the same result.Â
Her computer is a 2012 Macbook Pro running 10.9.4. Her TM backups are stored on a Time Capsule.
My son was downloading some math worksheets and ended up with InstallMac and something else that was scanning my system. Should I restore from a time machine back up or is there a better way?Â
My iMac (2010) has been having tons of issues lately. More specifically, when I attempted to upgrade to Mavericks last week, it came back with S.M.A.R.T. errors after a scan, so it wouldn't allow me to update. So, in preparation for the HDD to crap out on me, I did frequent back-ups using Time Machine. Well, the day finally came and my iMac won't "turn on" anymore. When I turn it on, it sits at the Mac loading screen for several minutes and then just goes to a blank white screen.
If I buy a new iMac or a new macbook or whatever, will it be possible to use my Time Machine back-ups to restore everything on it or will it not allow me to because the operating systems are different? As mentioned, I attempted to make a restore on my friend's macbook that I purchased as a spare but when I tried, it came back saying "Different operating systems, cannot restore" or something to that degree. Is there a way around this? Do I have to somehow downgrade the OS on my new machine? Â I use iTunes for all my movies/music & Adobe Creative cloud so I can easily restore those on any machine but my desktop personal data, photos, etc are on the Time Machine restore.
A customer asked for an upgrade from 10.5.8 to 10.7 on his Mac Pro.I told him before i would do any install he needed to backup his stuff incase the HDD needed to be wiped (which it did).so my question is really can i use the time machine backup on the new OS even though it was done on the older OS?
I got a new MBP (running Snow Leopard). I used Migration Assistant to migrate the data and setting from my old MBP (running Leopard) from my Time Capsule backup onto the new MBP. All went smoothly, and I used the new computer for a day to check all was well. This included testing Time Machine on the existing Time Capsule - all the old backups were there and it worked perfectly. the new computer also successfully added to these backups. So I wanted to refresh the old mac, so I booted from the old Leopard install disk, wiped the drive with Disk Utility, and did a clean install of Leopard. All was fine. Now I connected to the Time Capsule and attempted to use Migration Assistant to put a my stuff back onto the old computer. It wouldn't do this (couldn't see any backups). Does Migration Assistant only allow transfers from old systems onto new, not the other way round? This is a major bummer, if so. How can I get my stuff from my new computer back onto my old? Do I have to upgrade the old one to Snow Leopard in order to do this?
I'm trying to get older backups off my Time Machine hard drive but when using the Migration Assistant I only have the option to transfer the "latest backup" to my new iMac. And when I try to drag and drop the iMovie library (which is the only set of files I really want) iMovie on my iMac states I cannot open the library for either permission reasons (the first time I tried it) or because the file does not exist.Â
the other week my internal hard drive crashed after lasting for 5 years, and now its at the point of no return unless I spend hundreds of dollars on data recovery. So instead I went to [URL] and got a brand spankin new 5400 rpm 320 gb western digital ultra ata drive and after hours of painstaking formatting problems I finally am able to get on the internet and reach you guys. Here are my specs
Now, I had an external drive that I kept my back ups on daily through use of Time Machine on 10.5.6. My problem now is, I have no idea how to restore my computer and utilize those back ups! Needless to say I lost my tiger AND leopard disc so I'm left with this crappy 10.3.3 version. If I finally end up restoring my computer using my latest backup, will it install leopard along with all of my information? Or do I need to go and acquire leopard before I can restore my files.
I've had a mac volume die on me so I ordered the 10.5.8 cds from Apple. I installed the OS on a new hard drive and trying to migrate from time machine backup and the backup failed to move both my user and application settings. I've tried using the migration assistant, this also fails and doesn't show me the correct volumes in TM.Â
I inadvertantly reformated an external hard drive with my iPhoto library. I have it backed up with time machine but am having trouble getting to the backup from time machine while iphoto is open. Never shows any backups.Â
There is device called Time Machine Backups in Finder.From there I follow a path backups.backupdb/<computer name>/2012-06-02-222911/Pictures/Pictures/iPhoto Library which from the size and date modified looks like my iPhoto Library. Can I simply copy this file to my newly formatted drive to restore? what the meaning of the device "Time Machine Backups" and the contents are?
Trying to restore newly replaced harddrive from external Time Machine backup to iMac. Computer was reset as new machine at repair shop. Should be simple (famous last words), but get caught in a loop while File transfer appears to be calculating size of items selected for transfer. Screen fades out and retiurns to welcome screen.
Installed a new hard drive for a 13" MacBook. While preparing to restore from the time machine backup on an external drive, I accidentally erased the external drive using disk utility (doh!). I used DataRescue 3 to recover all of the files from the erased drive, including the time machine backup folder. DataRescue had me copy these recovered files onto a separate drive. I'm now trying to use the recovered time machine backup to restore to the new hard drive. Unfortunately, even with the drive plugged in with the recovered time machine files, Migration Assistant doesn't recognize it. Is there any way to get Migration Assistant to use these files to restore? I'm hoping I don't have to move everything over manually.
1. 2.1Ghz White MacBook 2. Time Machine backup of White MacBook 3. MacBook Pro 4. Leopard disks from MacBook Pro
I can't find my Leopard disk for the MacBook, but I have the one for the MacBook Pro. I am trying to restore the MacBook from the time machine backup using my Leopard disk which is system specific, but the install disk won't let me. First it says that leopard cannot be installed, which I expected because the disk isn't for the MacBook, it's for my MacBook Pro. Then it lets me use all the Utilities but the Time Machine restore one. Why? Why can't I use it to restore from my backup? I'm not installing using the disk, just restoring from a backup I already made. Is there an alternative to this? Can I just copy all the files from my Latest thing in the backup to the root directory of my drive using the terminal?
I'm trying to restore my files from time machine and I chose only to transfer my files and it seemed to do that but how do I access them now and put my pictures in iphoto and music in itunes?
How can I restore Dreamweaver 8 from a Time Machine backup? I no longer have the CD, and I would like to be able to use this for some of my web design. Here's what I've done: I copied all Dreamweaver 8.0 and all related applications to my HDDs Application folder. I tried to run it, and it said that I needed to reinstall. I thought that I would come here and ask what files I need to copy and where they would be on the backup. Or, could you tell me where I could get a trial version of Dreamweaver 8, I'm fine with using torrents, but no cracked versions.
I am sure this is a fairly common question but I am having a hard time finding out a straight answer to it. So I own a Mid 2009 15" MacBook pro and I love it, performance wise it is great with a 2.8 Core 2 Duo, 4 Gb of DDR3 1066 and the 9400/9600 GT Graphics are plenty to run my 30" monitor at 2560 x 1600 with ease. But of course there is a huge bottleneck in this machine and that is the Slow 5400 RPM 500 Gb Fujitsu Hard Drive. I want to replace this drive with an 80 GB Intel X-18 SSD that I have acquired from an HP laptop that no longer needs it. The drive is a 1.8" micro SATA drive, but I purchased a 1.8 to 2.5 Caddy from NewModeUS for $35
This not only takes care of the interface/power conversion it supports 3.3 Volt drives, which almost all SSDs are, but it also makes the 1.8 drive the exact same dimensions of a typical 2.5 drive. I have already tried it out in my desktop and it benchmarks just as this drive should, super fast! 80 Gb is plenty of storage for me on a laptop, I will keep all my media on the 500 Gb which I am going to put in an external enclosure and carry around in my bag at all times. So for right now I have most of the logistical hardware stuff figured out but where I need a little help is the migration.
Sure I could reload everything from scratch but I would honestly rather not do that and the honestly the thought of doing it makes me put this project off every time just because I need the machine for work and cannot really afford to have it down for a few days, making this a weekend project. I am very particular about how my machines are setup as well and usually do a decent amount of customizations and tweaks to make the OS easier to use for me. In order to avoid a fresh start I was first very excited about the thought of cloning my existing drive onto my SSD using SuperDooper
This seemed like the perfect solution, in theory everything would be the same when I installed the SSD and booted up, all my data, installed applications and settings would be untouched! Yay right, well then I started reading on some forums that for whatever reason cloning a mechanical drive onto an SDD in a no no and could cause issues, therefore the best bet to is to start with a fresh install of OSX. Damn! Can anyone prove that theory wrong? Has anyone cloned to an SSD before without any issues that you know of? Because I would love to go this route, but if not my plan B is to use my Time Machine back and restore that to my new install.
Now this brings me to the question in the title of this thread, what exactly will Time Machine restore if I have a full up to date backup of my machine and I do as it runs regularly and backs up to a 32 GB SD card (For now until I outgrow it) that is always in my machine. I don't have a ton of data; in fact my HDD only has 31 Gb used, while my Time Machine backup drive has 26 Gb used. That leads me to believe that most of the data is in that backup, I mean it does take a snapshot of your entire system so I don't see why it would not be able to put that data back just as it backed it up, like a system image. While I know all my data and personal files will be restored what about installed applications? Will I need to reload all of them?
Not the end of the world as I always save the installer but it does take time, esp. with things like the Adobe and Office Suites. How about settings, are certain ones remembered? I am talking about things like monitor configurations, wallpapers, dock shortcuts, color labels, background colors, Safari and Chrome Bookmarks, etc. The list could go on but I really just want to know what to expect if I install OSX fresh and then choose to restore from a Time Machine backup, I am sure it will save me a lot of time but may not be as ideal as using SuperDooper or CarbonCopy Cloner.
I had an issue with my HD on my Macbook Air. The genius bar wiped my HD clean and re-installed LION. When I got home, I tried to restore the MB Air from my most recent backup. I keep getting the error "The backup cannot be opened."If this is a password protected backup, you may have entered an incorrect password or the backup may be damaged".Â
I know that I must have entered the right PW since it let me in to the Backup drive. I am using a brand new macmini server with the G-technology 8TB G-Speed raid solution as my backup system. So right now I have a MacBook air that has NONE of my stuff on it and it won't let me restore it either
I was backing up my drive this evening. I left the Mac alone and realised when I returned that Time Machine deleted my oldest, and most important, Time Machine backup.
It's on an external hard drive.
Is there any way to recover this at all? This is so massively important!
Did a fresh install of SL on my iMac. So far, so good.
Go to my Documents folder, enter time machine, choose the files in my Documents folder and click restore. Exits out back to my desktop, enter my password and it starts to copy over the files. But then suddenly stops. And only copies over a small number of files and empty folders. When trying to restore just the files in some of the folders I get an error that says I don't have permission to access these files. Don't have permission? Says who and why?
So I go in via finder to the backup, select all the files in my Documents, and manually drag them over to my Documents folder. Same thing happens.
The files are a couple hundred mb. But can't figure out why they don't all copy over. Weird thing is I didn't have this problem with files from other locations like restoring my iPhoto library.
Ever since the advent of "Time machine" I have been confused by the idea that TM doesn't actually back up EVERYTHING... so I got Super duper AND Carbon Copy Cloner, thinking that they would improve my chances. If I make a superduper sparse image and want to restore from the external drive containing the image, do I also have to have SD on the external drive, or just on the original machine? Or do I need to have it on the external first and do the SD image from there? Am I better off to boot from the external and use CCC to clone to the external - and is it easy-restorable? Or do I simply use Time Machine and try not to think about what it ISN'T backing up? it's all so VERY confusing. What's the accumulated wisdom from the forum on this potentially emergency conundrum
Just thought I would share with you some of my recent findings on doing a time machine restore to a MBA. Cut a long story short had to restore a macbook air from a time machine backup. When I hooked up the 'Powered' DVD drive and a non power SATA caddie up to the machine and pressed options key at startup, it told me it was going to take 8+ hours to restore 17gb's of data. I searched and searched on the internet, but found no way of speeding it up, except for some mentioning that if USB is detected at 'Startup' it defaults to USB 1.1. This cant be it I thought. I had both devices connected via a Non-Powered 4 way USB hub, due to the fact the MBA has only 1 USB connector. The thought struck me about the 5v being shared over both items and the idea was born. Off to the shops i ran and purchased a Powered USB hub hooked it up and it went from 8+ hours to 40 mins. Here are the steps I took incase anyone was wondering:
Leave all USB disconnected from MBA. Hold options key and power up. When disk options appear, connect the USB DVD (with Snow Leopard inside) to the hub and connect to MBA. Let it boot into leopard installer. Click all the option up to the install stage and STOP. Using utilities select restore from time machine backup, then Stop Connect USB 2.0 SATA caddie (with time machine backup) Then continue and select disk to restore from, the backup to restore from and finally where to put it.
I am running 10.6.8 on my MacPro (early 2008). I have 4 internal hard drives. The main boot drive has 10.6.8 and the secondary drive with a system has Lion. I cannot completely upgrade to Lion on my main drive until all my software is compatible. My main boot drive started acting like it's in slow motion 2 days ago. No matter what I do (DiskWarrior, Disk Utility, zap PRAM, fix permissions) nothing seems to work. Every mouse click or movement gives me the dreaded spinning wheel and it hangs for about 5 min and then does what it's supposed to do.
I have logged into a new account w/ no special 3rd party apps or utilities and it still does the same thing. Hard drive diagnostics say my hard drive is ok. I have tried reinstalling the 10.6.8 combo update but that hangs after a few minutes of starting. I thought about restoring a Time Machine backup from 1 day before this happened, but before I attempt a full disk backup, need to ask what to do so as not lose everything. I assume I must boot up from another disk or hard drive, correct? Can I simply select all the system folders and apps folder or do you think I should do a complete restore?
If I do a destructive recovery, can I restore only certain things from time machine backup, like itunes library, mail settings, browser favorites, and a few programs.
If you can restore applications from a Time Machine backup? I know it can restore files and folders or the entire system, but, this MacBook was just updated to Lion and only needs the applications restored, not the system.
I had a system instability issue and needed to restore my system from a Time Machine backup.Â
I tired restoring from several backups of different dates, with OS X Version labeled 10.7.3 (11D50b). I did so by booting into Lion Recovery HD and following the menu. However, once the recovery finishes copying files to the boot HD and reboots, the computer got stuch forever on the screen with Apple logo with the spinning wheel.Â
Luckily my backup still contained a backup from about two months ago with a different OS X Version, labeled 10.7.2 (11C74). Restoring from this backup completed successfully.Â
At least I did not have to build the sytem from stratch, but I wonder why restoring the system from the latest backup did not work.
I had the Lion up to date and I decided to restore an older backup I had made (Lion 10.7.2).
After hearing about Lion Recovery I held down command+r and was able to choose from a list of backups the one I wanted to recover. Â
I then decided, nah I want to go back to my latest backup I previously had. I held down command+r and instead of Lion Recovery I get Internet Recovery.Â
I get a spinning globe and a drop down with the wireless network the Time Capsule is on (the net is seperate to time capsule because Im using a usb modem). Â
I decided to restore to a Time Machine backup I had done a few days earlier, hoping that I would just "start" fresh. Without realizing it, I had inserted the Leopard install dvd that came with my computer, and restored to my 10.6.6 backup. I got the "You must restart your computer" error, which I found out was a result of using the Leopard disk. So, I redid the restore using a Snow Leopard installer on USB.
After this, everything appeared to be working fairly well. However, today, I've started to get system crashes quite frequently, and at times I haven't been able to properly shut down or restart. I noticed that Spotlight was indexing, and would hang at "3 hours remaining" or "estimating time left." Right now, I have created a second admin account, and I have disabled indexing. It seems to be working, at least temporarily, because I'm using it right now.