there are 3 random messages stuck in my outbox on the retina mb pro running 10.9.4. they won't sent after all tries including restarting computer. everything else is working as intended in mail.
This is odd. Any mail I compose (in the standard Mac Mail app) goes directly to my outbox, and will not send. This is only true of my desktop computer. My laptop (using the same settings) sends mail easily. I can receive mail with no problem. Connection Doctor shows that I'm connecting to the server. Port settings, etc. are the same I've used for years with no problems whatsoever. Even when I use other mail servers with which I have accounts, the same thing happens, so it's an issue specific to my Mac and my Mail app, not the mail server. Dual2.7Ghz G5, 4.5 Gig Ram, System 10.4.11...
I switched to Mavericks OS. Now, when I'm sending one (1) e-mail to one (1) e-mail address, for instance, I'm receiving a strange message under the outgoing mail progress bar (left bottom part of Mail finder window): "Outgoing Mails: 3 out of 3" or similar strange numbers but usually different form the number of recipients.
When you compose a Mail message, if you double-click the send button it sends TWO copies of the mail? I just sent someone a message, and my hand accidentally clicked the mouse twice when I hit send. I heard two whooshes and saw two message windows briefly appear. And sure enough, two copies listed in the Sent folder. I thought I'd sent an earlier draft which was sitting behind the first message. But no -- I tried it again with a new message to myself. And I received two mails.
Late 2009 iMac running 10.9.4 - Apple Mail - Crashes when any message is selected.
I've tried removing mail preferences from Library, rebooting in safe mode and restarting, resetting PRAM, verifying and repairing preferences - no luck.
Info: iMac, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4), Intel Core 2 Duo, 3.06 GHz, 4 GB
One of the email lists that I subscribe to frequently contains messages with images. It's a moderately high volume list with 20-30 messages per day. Inevitably, a few of those messages with attached images (according to the paperclip icon in the messages list) will arrive with no headers and no raw data. The display of the message in Apple Mail shows only the sender's name/address and the subject, nothing else such as the usual warning, "This message contains no content."
The people who run the mailing list don't think that the problem is on their end so is there a way to correct it.
Info: Mac Pro, OS X Mavericks (10.9), 12 TB Disk Space
OS X 10.9.4 / 3.2GHz Quad-Core / 16GB DDR3 Mail 7.3 (1878.6) IMAP Server at InMotion Hosting
I continue to see messages in my mail folders that have the header information (From / Subject / Date) from one message in the message listings, and the From / Subject / Date of a DIFFERENT message in the message preview.
This is NOT Google. The IMAP server is from InMotion Hosting. On the server, the messages are accurate: the From / Subject / Date information is attached to the message body it represents. It is only in Mail that the information gets scrambled.
I have used the Rebuild for this mailbox, which usually corrects the problem. On occasion, I have to delete the mail account from Mail and add it back in again to force an accurate rebuild.
I am on mac laptop OSX 10.9.2 using Mail 7.2. I tried to open a "Mailer Daemon" message and it is frozen, not even open but a grey colored blank "message". I've tried: closing the message unsuccessfullyForce Quitting the application (reads "Mail (not Responding)") when I do. (4 times)Turning off the entire computer, letting it rest and rebooting. (3 times)Opening up my server on the internet and deleting the offensive message "mailer daemon"Turning off the computer again. soon as I open mail, the grey "message" is open. I can click on the Mail Viewer window and have that come forward, but all is frozen.Just did it again and it hasn't changed. Had to force quit again. Never before in 8 years of using the Mail application (different computers). The rainbow wheel of death spins and spins.
I have sent a message with Apple Mail 7.3 on Mac with OS X Mavericks 10.9.3, and it shows DUPLICATED in the Sent mailbox of Mail. I mean, two entries with the very same message inside are displayed, yet, as said, I only sent it once! I am using POP.
Selecting "Mailbox - Rebuild", quitting and opening Mail, repairing permissions with Apple Disk Utility, restarting the Mac, and even resetting the PRAM does not fix it. I have seen the following article, but cannot find the "MessageSorting.plist" in Mavericks that it indicates: How to Fix Duplicate Emails Sent From Apple Email..URL....
how to prevent this duplication behavior (beyond deleting one of such messages, which, of course, I can do); I mean, to fixing whatever is corrupted and prevent such behavior happening again in the future? What is the equivalent of "MessageSorting.plist" in Mavericks to do what indicates the above article?
Info: Mac mini, OS X Mavericks (10.9.3), Booting from internal Fusion Drive
Is it possible to delete message in the server using Mail configured using IMAP?
Currently when I delete the message in Mail, the server still keep a copy of it, which means it is not deleted on the server. I know that POP can do this but I still want the option of being able to access it from other computers.
My server has only a small size, so I hope that I can just delete it from my Mail instead of having to log in to the server and delete it again.
Mail saves multiple draft copies of the same email. Every few seconds, a new draft is saved, displaying a few more words. How can I prevent this from happening?
I am migrating my mail and archive folders from Mail to iCloud. I moved 20+ folders and over 8k messages with no problem by dragging and dropping the folder from 'On my mac' section to 'iCloud' section in Mail. The last two folders were the largest with over 1.5k in each folder. Over 1200 of the messages in each went in to iCloud without a hitch. Then I got this error:
The IMAP command “APPEND” (to [mail box name]) failed with server error: Message contains NUL characters.
There are 149 messages left in one folder and 203 in another folder. Try as I might, it will not work. I tried Rebuild mailbox option in menu and exported to Mail and mbox format and then re-importing. Still does not work.
One IMAP account is intermittently losing all mail in inbox except for one message. After doing opening program the receive wheel spins for a long time, but at this point there are only 170 emails in the inbox because we moved all the rest to the on my mac inbox to try to solve this porblem. There are two accounts, both from the same provider, but one of them takes a long time to receive new mail. The wheel spins for a long time - each time it gets mail.
Several times after finishing receive cycle, all the mail that was in the inbox disappears, except for one. I was able to get the emails to retrn by going into settings>accounts> and changing a random setting and then changing it back the way it was. All settings appear to be correct and match the other other account that is working correctly.
I tried to send an email with several jpg attachments. I've watched the spinning ball for over an hour. I can find no way to stop the message from trying to send, nor can I delete it.
I keep getting the rainbow swirl whenever I open Entourage. There are two messages sitting in my Outbox. I use a hotmail account to connect thru Entourage on my Macbook.
I have gone to Home/Library/Mail and deleted messages in the Outbox, but am still having the same problem. I've also restarted my computer, but that hasn't worked, either.
I'm a iMac novice (I've moved from Windows). When I write new emails, sometimes (and ONLY sometimes), it keeps them in the outbox for indeterminate periods - up to many hours. I can still receive emails while there's one in the outbox, so it can't be a connection problem, and I've got only one account. Outlook Express has a "Send" button, and I'm regretting losing that facility with the iMac.
I keep getting a message "wants access to your keychain" but the process asking is not identified. I think it is a process called usbmuxd which I understand is fine but even when i say allays allow it keeps popping up.
I have a number of signed mail messages in my inbox. However, there is absolutely no indication about this signature visible. According to this KB there should be an icon, plus the possibility to view the certificate: [URL] ....
Other mail applications show the icon, so I am 100% sure that the messages are signed.
Every time I start my Mac Mini I get a dialogue window with the message: You shut down your computer because of a problem. etc I have repaired permissions, repaired the disk, reset PRAM and still get the message.