Every time I start my Mac Mini I get a dialogue window with the message: You shut down your computer because of a problem. etc I have repaired permissions, repaired the disk, reset PRAM and still get the message.
I was installing a few things on my new MacBook Pro (XCode, XQuartz, X11, and Homebrew) when I noticed some funky error message that I get whenever I open Terminal.
It says: -bash: export: `/usr/local/sbin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/opt/X11/bin': not a valid identifier.
I am still getting used to my Mac after a decade of Windows, and I have no clue what this error means or how to fix it.
I have an IMac, OSX 10.9.3 email problem. The body of the message does not appear. It will appear when I start a reply. How do I get mail to show the message initially?
At one point I added a new account to my print sharing. I later turned printer sharing off for that account. But here's what's strange: If I go into Sharing > Printer Sharing, and click the "+" to add a user, that account still shows up as eligible to add. However - that user account does NOT show up anywhere under "Users & Groups" in the general Systems Preferences pane. So, essentially, I have a User Account that can share resources, but I can't remove it. How to remove a user account from sharing eligibility when it's NOT showing up in "Users & Groups"?
How do I close an application that won't quit and doesn't show up in the force quit dialogue box? I was trying to open Printer Pro but it doesn't show up in the finder and when I tried to put it in the trash it says it can't throw it away because it's open. The forced quit dialogue box does not list it as open. What do I do?
That was supposed to be APPLICATION
Info: MacBook Pro with Retina display, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)
My iMac does not start up as usual. I now get a ' start up disk is full. You need to make space available on your start up disk by deleting files' message. I am able to key my log on password however I just get the purple galaxy screen with no desktop.
If I try to use the keyboard I get a tone when pressing the keys.
Has worked perfectly well up until I got this dusk full message.
It seems to have started when he was playing Minecraft and was making a server. The message says something like Terminal, agent path, path name, options, etc.
Messing up. Whenever I am in a conversation, I type something then press Enter. Then I start typing again but it doesn't type. So I have to click in the Message box to start typing.
On restarting my iMac I get this message "Your Mac OS X startup disk has no more space available for application memory. To avoid problems with your computer, quit any applications you are not using, Closing windows and removing files from your startup disk will also help."
I have a 1 tb drive with over 400 gigs of space and 4 gigs of ram I have no apps running the computer seems stuck This started after my mac crashed while trying to print a 17 page document
I do not have itunemywalkman installed on my computer.I have checked finder and mackeeper to unistall and it does not show up. Why would I be getting this dialogue asking me to sync, unmount, open itunes, etc?
Ok so I have an 8800 GS imac, 3.06 intel core 2, 4 gigs ram. Running snow lepord. I need to resolve an issue where I can not get into OSX. At first I got error messeges saying my external HDD could not read, now it looks like its my primary drive because when I restarted I got the progress bar under the apple logo, indicating that something is wrong with the OS. The bar when to full 100% but then I got stuck at never ending spinning wheel. I restarted and no more progress bar but still the spining wheel of death. I really dont mind refomrating its just that I had some important text documents and other files that I cant get back without recoving them some how. How to proceed? I held down cmd v or s (i forgot) on startup and got a black screen with several problem statements. One reads the system boot strapper has crashed trace BPT trap.
My mackbook air keeps telling me that my start up disk is full. I delete items daily but keep receiving the same message. I have found that the problem may be that items are being saved in multiple areas on my computer. I don't know why this is happening and so I don't really know which copies to delete and which to save.It this point I cant even get software updates or compress files since there is not enough space available at this time.
I'm running 10.4.9 on a PPC, all recent updates performed. I have the feeling the problem surfaced after doing the latest security update. I'm not 100% sure though.Whenever I connect to a (samba) share, the progression bar dialogue box just won't disappear. You know, the one saying "Connecting To Server". The connection itself works without a problem.When I disconnect and reconnect, it shows me two of those progression bars, progressing away in some networked void.
New to Mac and new to Office 2008. When i try to save an excel file once I click the little upside down triangle to choose where the file should save to the dialogue box which opens is larger than the screen with the save box to the right of the screen. How do i resize this so that I can see, and use, the whole dialogue box?
After using my Mac Pro for a while without rebooting, the "open file..." dialogue starts to slow down. For example in Safari when I'm pressing "cmd O" it takes like 5 seconds until the window pops up, sometimes showing me the beachball... this is system wide, it is reproducible in every application and will be fixed on the next reboot - then it takes a couple of hours until it starts hanging again. I have no idea whats causing this but it has been there for months and right now its going on my nerves... There's also a thread on the Apple boards [URL]
i dont know how to bring up the printer settings dialogue box with my macbook pro in order to adjust the lightness/darkness of my prints. my friend has the same model printer as me and can adjust the lightness of his prints using a pc but the same dialogue box doesn't appear with my mac.the printer is epson office b1100?
After installing 10.6.8 and safari 5.1.5, can't print pdfs from sites. Unable to save same pdfs also. Installed lasted software for my printer. Firefox doesn't display the pdfs.Worked fine with 10.6.7.
I was putting a fresh install of OS X on a friend's MacBook. I put in the disk, it asked me to restart, and I went to Disk Utility (on restore disk) to zero out the data on the hard disk. I clicked partition (since he had a boot camp partition) to 1 partition and clicked apply. Here's where things go kinda weird. The confirmation dialogue comes up and the whole screen froze. I waited for a few minutes but nothing. I then held the power button until it shuts down. Reboot, and there's this beeping noise. It beeps 2 times, stops, and then beeps 3 times. I searched Google, which pulled up entries like bad RAM or something, but my RAM wad upgraded a long time ago, really rare coincidence that it failed while Disk Utility (off the restore disk) froze. I need to install the OS.
I keep getting a message "wants access to your keychain" but the process asking is not identified. I think it is a process called usbmuxd which I understand is fine but even when i say allays allow it keeps popping up.
I have a number of signed mail messages in my inbox. However, there is absolutely no indication about this signature visible. According to this KB there should be an icon, plus the possibility to view the certificate: [URL] ....
Other mail applications show the icon, so I am 100% sure that the messages are signed.
I switched to Mavericks OS. Now, when I'm sending one (1) e-mail to one (1) e-mail address, for instance, I'm receiving a strange message under the outgoing mail progress bar (left bottom part of Mail finder window): "Outgoing Mails: 3 out of 3" or similar strange numbers but usually different form the number of recipients.