OS X Mavericks :: How To Use Automator And ICal To Send Monthly Email
Sep 2, 2014
How would you use Automator and ical to send a monthly reminder email to a set of clients?I thought if I set up a message in automator to send a message, and an event that calls up automator workflow this would work,
The iCal application on one of my machines has begun posting appointments to the months prior to and following the date for which the appointment has been entered. In addition, if I tab backward from April nothing happens. Tabbing backward again takes me to February, from which I can tab forward to March.
Info: Macbook, Mac OS X (10.5.6), Win XP Pro running on VMWare Fusion virtual machine
I am using Leopard 10.5 and I would like to use iCal with thunderbird, cos I disable Apple Mail. How to tell iCal which mail application or client to use?
am having trouble trying to get my iCal to sync with my Google calendar. I want it so when i make changes to either ical or google calendar it automatically updates the other one. Anyone have any ideas on how to do this?
i had looked at the option to publish my iCal calendar but when i click on calendar in iCal to choose "send publish email" it is greyed out.
I would like to send emails to all email addressess in one contact. It automatically chooses the first email in the card. Is it possible to choose all email addresses in one contact?
I have been unable to send emails from my domain account due to it being blacklisted. I am not a spammer but think my account was used recently by one. I have been unable to find out how to get my ISP de-listed as I have passed from place to place with no-one taking responsibility.
This is the error message I get "the sender address was rejected by the server [URL]`. The server response was: ATLAS(2502): is blacklisted and not authenticated. Please request delisting via the following link: [URL] .... Select a different outgoing mail server from the list below or click Try Later to leave the message in your Outbox until it can be sent."
Have a MacBook Air using iPhoto 9.5.1 and operating system OS X 10.9.3.
I have tried to share photos with email using my Yahoo account. I receive the following message whenever I attempt to send a photo "username/password not recognized by email server."
I have gone into my accounts numerous times in System preferences. My username/password combo is recognized there. I have also changed my password on Yahoo and in my accounts. But I still receive the above message.
Mac iCal not going to iCloud. updates from iPhone do. Mobileme updated to iCloud. iCloud is updating from phone but not going to Mac. no iCloud icon in Mac system preferences
I'm trying to create a workflow in Automator which will basically:
- Fetch new email messages - Filter the messages so only ones with a certain sender come through - Take the attachment from these and save it in a folder
The following workflow works perfectly for it:
- "Get New Mail" - "Find Accounts in Mail" - "Get Attachments from Mail Messages"
I just ran into a problem. On my mac account I can send email but not receive email. I have tried all he normal stuff like permisions repair rebooting software updates but so far nothing has worked.
Sometimes I can send mail and sometimes I cant. When I can't I sometimes get the 'problem with outgoing server address' message, but the address is correct. Sometimes test messages sent by me to me go into the Important mailbox but not into the Inbox.Messages that have failed send end up copied several times in a folder called Bin.
I cannot send mail. This has been an occasional problem. I'd send and a pop-up would offer me choice: Cancel, ~Trash, or Save as Draft. I'd save and successfully send as a draft. The last few days I've had to the saved draft and send in Eudora. Today I spent some time on this. At first it looked all right in Mail/Preferences/Accounts, smtp.west.cox.net.user name--then it persistently included (Offline), but Mail menu bar/ Window showed Take All Accounts Online dimmed and Take All Accounts Offline as the active option. At this time I could receive but not send mail. I have edited the smtp server list a number of times. No show of offline there. When I'm done (Offline) again pops up on theOutgoing Mail Server (SMTP). I deleted the account and recreated it and could not send. The (Offline) did not appear after the smtp.cox.net.user name. Early 2006 iMac, OS 10.6.8 The settings are OK, the same as in Eudora.
I want to be able to send an email message with a specific keyword in the subject and only a URL in the body.
Here's where Automator needs to come in: When an email with the subject keyword is received, have Safari open the URL contained in the body of the message. Copy all of the text from the opened URL. Compose a new email message and paste in the text copied from the web page, and email it back to the original sender. Close Safari.
I have a serverprogram from an external company that doesnt start after a restart of the mac that I run that server on. It starts the program but it doesnt start up the server of the program. All settings are right and I have consulted others with same config. After a restart the server turns up in the statusbar but as turned off. So I can go to the statusbar, click on the symbol and choose "start server".As I cant get the server to start up automaticly I was wondering if I can get the automator to start it up for me after a restart of the mac?
I'm required to use a remote management program, by my company, every time I want to remotely login into my business computer. What happens is that it downloads this file as a launcher in order to start my session. If I need to start a session 10 times a day....well you know what happens...I end up with 10 files on my desktop, which in turn creates clutter.
create a basic automator script that runs every night and deletes all of these files with the addendum at the end? For example
I'm trying to create a PDF from multiple images in automator. The PDF should contain:First Page: A contact sheet with all imagesFollowing pages: One page for each image
I don't even get the contact sheet working – it always results in a blank PDF.
What I try to do is pick a photo from a defined folder ("gallery"), scale it and upload it to my Wordpress side. I automatically want to run this workflow every morning at a specific time so that the pictures changes everyday. It may sound strange that almost everything is done but two things are missing:
a) How do I tell Automator to use a random file from the "gallery" folder? How do I tell it to use the "gallery" folder in the first place?
b) How do I schedule that task? Is there a scheduler function somewhere that I missed?
Right now I use it manually as a service for images - that's why the first action is the copy action.Once the picture is scaled down to 230px and loaded into the folder "image_upload_temp" Hazel will take the file and upload it. I need to copy the file first to keep the original and scale a copy and then move it to the target folder because Hazel shall not upload the unscaled but only the scaled version.
I have been using a Mac for a good 8 years now and I'm a happy user. I recently found out about Automator ('hey what is this little robot for?') and what it can do, yet I lack the knowledge of finding out what I must do to make a script to perform the following thing: When I launch an app (FL Studio), I want the box checked next to 'Use F1 and F2 as standard function keys' in the Keyboard preferences pane in the System Preferences app. When I close the same app (FL Studio), I want the box unchecked next to 'Use F1 and F2 as standard function keys' in the Keyboard preference pane in the System Preferences app.
I have found several other topics about this subject, however, those were about scripts when logging in to your computer, and not upon opening/closing an app. Please note that I am seeking for the setting to be changed when the app is opened and closed.
I've set up an Automator to batch rename files. The renaming works fine. The problem arises when it renames a file which doesn't contain it's extension (a common MacOS practice). Is there some way to make sure it preserves the filetype? For instance, this works fine:
And this results in an error:
Output (file type has been replaced with generic "document" type)
I just got my first mac a few days ago. I think I'm doing pretty well with the changes, but I can't make anything send out of my email.
Sent messages sit in my outbox while the "send" file just shows a turning black circle as though it is trying to send. I can click "Window" and "Activity" and click on the stop sign to make it stop trying to send, but then it still won't send the message when I re-try. I've tried deleting the messges out of the outbox and starting all over. I've tried quitting mail and pulling it back up.
I have a new MacBook Pro. Everywhere I go, I can send and receive emails with no problems using the Mail program. However, when I am at school, I connect to their wireless network. I receive all the emails from my Mobile-Me and Gmail accounts, but cannot send any emails out. When I connect to a different network off campus, it send out the emails that were in the queue right away.
My outgoing servers at smtp.me.com, and smtp.gmail.com. I am running Snow Leopard and the help desk at the university doesn't really deal with Macs.
I can send email at work, but am having trouble sending messages from home. This is a new problem- I have been sending emails from my home account for years. This is the message that comes up in the window of the message I am trying to send: "The server �mail.vaxxine.com� refused to allow a connection on the default ports."