OS X Mavericks :: How To Apply Folder Options As A Default System Wide
Jun 22, 2014How can I set finder's default to be arrange by name instead of arrange by none system wide?
View 2 RepliesHow can I set finder's default to be arrange by name instead of arrange by none system wide?
View 2 RepliesI know that I can right-click (er, two-finger click) when I'm in a folder and set things like "Arrange By" / "Sort By" / "Icon Size" and then click "Use as Defaults," but it seems to only apply these to the new folders I create after I apply these settings (if they're applied at all, I'm having trouble figuring out what "Use as Defaults" even accomplishes.)
But I've already moved a ton of folders over from my old laptop, and they've got some seriously wonky view settings. There would be 3-4 folders right on top of one another, and then the folder I'm looking for is in no-mans-land 600 pixels to the right. It's a mess
I want every folder on my computer ever and forever to snap to grid, arrange by kind, and "float" to the top left (no gaps between files - fill'er'up!). How can I do this without going into every single folder and changing the settings individually?
(On another related note, is it possible to force folder contents to fit the window size? I dont want to have to scroll horizontally to see a folder's contents when I resize it.)
Info:iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
Apple, you broked it AGAIN!! You're getting tired of hearing this but Fix The ********** Finder!!!
When I set a view option and then click "Use as default" it doesn't apply to all the folders throughout the system. This worked every time in Leopard like Billy D. Williams' Colt .45, and now? BROKED!
Come on Apple! You do a great job at making things work, such so that we have to bring ourselves to THIS! Batching about so little an issue as not applying my pretty background color to all my windows! If you're going to break something at least break something worth fixing!
Anybody heard of a fix for this?
something that really bugs me, all random folders have different View Settings (CMD+J) is there anyway to change EVERY folder on Finder to have the same settings?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI have a G5 with 10.4.11. There is 3 partitioned drives that I want gone and set back to the original 1 drive. I just cant seem to figure out what I am doing wrong. I don't need anything on the Mac as I have already backed up all info I wanted saved. When I go into the disk utilities/partitions/volume scheme it shows 3 drives. When I switch the volume scheme to 1 partition their are no options to "apply" for me to revert to 1 partition only.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI'd like to set up the Default Folder, the one you get when you open a new folder with Finder's New Folder (Shift-Cmd-N), so the SideBar and, especially the ToolBar don't show up since I prefer the old fashioned behavior for folder windows. I can get No SideBar to stick but no matter what I do I can't get No ToolBar to stick.
iMac, OS X Mountain Lion, Quad-Core i7 processor, 16GB RAM
how can I apply an icon file (.icns) to a certain file oder folder?
don't tell me the "copy & paste" thing because, the iconfile doesn't have itself as icon
(btw: I know how to use the console)
Am I correct in the assumption that if I set the view options on the top level (OS-X HDD, for example) and select 'Use as Defaults' any folders below that (i.e. everything) will assume those settings?
If so, it doesn't seem to be doing that for me. I'm constantly coming across folders that I need to set the view options manually...
How do I apply a custom folder/file icon in Yosemite?
iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.1)
I�m trying to help my mum set up her imac and she has asked me to help make the text bigger on the screen. I�ve shown her how to zoom on word/safari/etc, however ideally I want to make all the text on the computer bigger - eg. menus at top of screen, finder text, etc...
The first thing I tried was adjusting the display resolution from 1920x1080 to 1600x900 or 1280x720, but this seemed to make the screen blurry.
Does anyone know if there is any other way that I can help make the text bigger for all system elements?
I have a problem with system wide shortcuts. I have managed to do the following:
A shortcut for Lock Screen in the key chain menu in menubar.
link to picture: http://twitpic.com/qs5wm/full
but that shortcut just wont work?
I regularly e-mail/chat back and forth with friends in the Netherlands and Germany, so I was wondering if there was a way for me to do a quick system wide language change that could spell-check for me. So, what are those little flags for on my Menu Bar? I have the Dutch, German, and American flags, but I don't notice any changes when I switch between the three.
View 3 Replies View RelatedIs this possible yet? I've already done it so that text under 12 px is not smoothed but I wish there was a way to do this system-wide.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have a June 2009 Macbook Pro 2.53ghz (9400m gfx card) I am running these programs at once and am experiencing extreme lag in the overall system:
1) Heroes of Newerth
2) Itunes (with music playing)
3) Safari
I feel like my $2k computer should be able to take these tasks on with no problems but i get systemwide lag, even my text cursor is lagging while im typing this. Is it just an incapable computer or am i doing something wrong?
In the dropdown, I have QLM WiFi (which I have no idea what that is), National Access - Broadband Access (which is my wireless card) and Automatic. Whenever I make a change and hit the "Apply" button, my MBP freezes.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI added a lot of words to the standard Mac OS X system-wide dictionary on a given machine, and would like to transfer that specific list of words to another machine. Where / in what file(s) is that list of words stored?
View 2 Replies View RelatedWhen ever I try to open or save a file in any application the spinning wheel is shown and the dialog takes from 5 to 20 seconds to display. Once it is on screen the speed returns to normal. I have a G5 Power Mac 1.6 GHz (Single Processor) 2 GB RAM (crucial) 2 SATA hard-disks (original 80 GB used as a clone for the 160 GB - I use carbon copy cloner) Everything else is as standard with the Mac. This problem started with 10.3 and may have been at the same time as installing the second 160 GB hard-disk, cloning the original to the new one, then changing the SATA cables around to make the new hard-disk on bus A. I then upgraded to Tiger but the problem still persists. I have tried repairing permissions and have used support tools like cocktail etc to check for hard drive issues and clear the cache files.
Also, on installing the second hard-disk, I also tried swap cop to change the swap file to the backup hard-disk. This did not work so I manual modified the files to return them to the original state. I did this while the system was running 10.3. I take it on upgrading to 10.4, the swap file config would have been fixed anyway? Everything else on the system seems fine. If nothing specific is found I may try removing the old hard disk.
Is it possible to set the default view of files in Finder not to show their extension
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.4), 4GB 1333 MHz DDR3; Time Capsule
I have a 17" MBP. (2009) How do I set the default size of all the windows? Every time I open a program a rather small window with minuscule fonts opens, so I would like to set some kind default to make it easier on my old eyes.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI'd like all my finder windows to appear the same when navigating through folders, but I'm noticing that finder is not always taking notice of the "set as defaults" button. The way I've tried to do it is to open a finder window and push cmd+J. I prefer the list view, so I check the "always open in list" box, set the icon size and uncheck "icon preview".
However, as I navigate deeper into folders, I notice some folders will no longer remember these and for example, will start to show the icon preview. In Windows, I remember you used to set up a random window to appear exactly how you wanted it, enter folder options and hit "default view for all windows".
I want to reset every view options on every finder window to their default. Then make every window have 128 x 128 icons minimal grid spacing and size 10 text. Is there any quick way to do this?
View 1 Replies View RelatedOn my laptop, in Mail, I have two folders under each reminders (notes and todos) called "on my mac" and "mobileme". On my imac, I only have the one folder (just named notes and todos). When I add a note from the imac, I get it on the laptop. When I add something from the laptop, it goes into the mobileme folder and the imac can't see it. I have notes set to sync automatically with mobileme on both machines. I want to eliminate the extra folders on the laptop (like the imac) and sync both folders automatically.
View 1 Replies View RelatedWhere does MacOS X store the folder view options for Spotlight? (The window with all search results, showing when I click "Show all results" on the tab.) Is there a .DS_Store-file for this?
View 5 Replies View RelatedI am not running Leopard yet (I cannot run it till I either get a processor upgrade or a new Mac). I have Default Folder. Before I upgrade to Default Folder 4.06 I was wondering if Default Folder is actually needed with Leopard?
View 1 Replies View RelatedSuddenly, all my applications in the applications folder have disappeared! I was suspicious when, trying to open up various apps on my dock, they wouldn't open and I got a question mark over the icons. It is showing '0' applications. I tried copying my applications from my external hard drive. It looks like it is copying over and when the copying is finished, poof, it disappears and applications folder shows '0'. I am on Mac OS 10.3.9, iMac (lamp-shade style), processor is 800 MHz G4, and memory is 768 MB. This is pretty critical, I can't do anything with no applications! (Would this be some strange virus?)
View 5 Replies View Relatedlet's see if I can explain this. I want to change me default movie folder from the the default position in my user folder onto my newly bought hard disk. Is there any way of doing this?
View 7 Replies View RelatedHow can i change the default folder for output (desktop) to a folder of my liking, so when i make the Command+3 shortcut (or any ohter similar for that matter) the produced png file is stored to a folder i would have selected!
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have a hard drive on my 2008 MacPro that's problematic and so I bought a new drive and installed Mavericks on it and am booting just fine on the new drive. There is however, one folder in the Library/Preferences folder that I need to copy over to the new drive. All the tricks for accessing the Library folder work great on the start up drive, but I can't seem to access the Library folder on the old drive (both drives in the MacPro as it has 4 drive bays), even though the drive will mount. How can I see that Library folder on the old drive? Note while I can mount the old drive, I can't boot to it.
View 1 Replies View Relatedmy MBP has been really underperforming. Things take longer on my Macbook, then on my 10yr old machine with 512mb of ram and openbox. Also, firefox, has been going extremely slow, and crashing. I'm not using beta, and I have opened it in safe mode, and it still crashes.I know there must be something wrong. Both my brother and some of his friends with macs have also been experiencing stuff slowing down. So the first thing, I though it might be is that there is an update, or something like that. So I updated, but no go. It's still slow. And just the other day, I got to see this for the first time.
View 13 Replies View RelatedWhat is the deafult setting, original setting? for the desktop..i changed it around don't like how it looks..
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.2), 27" Intel Core i7 3.4GHz 4GB RAM