Applications :: Finder Default View Options - Always Open In List
Oct 26, 2010
I'd like all my finder windows to appear the same when navigating through folders, but I'm noticing that finder is not always taking notice of the "set as defaults" button. The way I've tried to do it is to open a finder window and push cmd+J. I prefer the list view, so I check the "always open in list" box, set the icon size and uncheck "icon preview".
However, as I navigate deeper into folders, I notice some folders will no longer remember these and for example, will start to show the icon preview. In Windows, I remember you used to set up a random window to appear exactly how you wanted it, enter folder options and hit "default view for all windows".
I want to reset every view options on every finder window to their default. Then make every window have 128 x 128 icons minimal grid spacing and size 10 text. Is there any quick way to do this?
The default 'document' column is way too wide and forces you eye to track all the way across the screen to read info like "date modified', 'kind' or 'size'.  Tried several times to create a narrower default 'document name' column with no results. Couldn't find anything in preferences or view options. Tried dragging column headers while holding the down the option key with no results.  Every time I open a new finder window, all columns except the 'document' column affixed to the right side of the window. Also, when you grab the bottom right corner of a window to resize smaller, the lists become re-affixed to the right side of the window when opening the window back up.  Experiencing the same problem in Mavericks 10.9.3 on an iMac and Macbook Pro Retina.
For those of you who know Windows, you can view your folders/files in a list but still re-arrange by type/kind (i.e. I will get the folders first, then the different kinds of files).
After doing an erase and clean install to 10.6.6 for some reason my Search window continues to open in Icon view rather than List view as it did before. Hard to believe I can't resolve this. And there's probably a very simple solution, but even after doing an extensive search on the web I can't seem to find it.
I know that I can right-click (er, two-finger click) when I'm in a folder and set things like "Arrange By" / "Sort By" / "Icon Size" and then click "Use as Defaults," but it seems to only apply these to the new folders I create after I apply these settings (if they're applied at all, I'm having trouble figuring out what "Use as Defaults" even accomplishes.)
But I've already moved a ton of folders over from my old laptop, and they've got some seriously wonky view settings. There would be 3-4 folders right on top of one another, and then the folder I'm looking for is in no-mans-land 600 pixels to the right. It's a mess
I want every folder on my computer ever and forever to snap to grid, arrange by kind, and "float" to the top left (no gaps between files - fill'er'up!). How can I do this without going into every single folder and changing the settings individually?
(On another related note, is it possible to force folder contents to fit the window size? I dont want to have to scroll horizontally to see a folder's contents when I resize it.)
After a few months mild use on OS X I'm starting to get used to it more and more now. I love the column view, but find it really annoying that occasionally new finder windows will open in Icon view. What exactly is the point of the finder preference "always open new windows in column view"? It sounds pretty straight forward, but finder doesn't exactly pay much attention to it. When I'm viewing in column view and I command-double click a folder, finder will open a new window in Icon view, depsite my preference. I have to reset the new window to column view and then close it, and then when I repeat the command-double click it will open in column view but it kinda defeats the point. I've read numerous posts about finder not remembering views, I don't understand also why there's only an option for column view? why isn't there "always open in list view" or "always open in icon view" option?
Under Leopard and prior, in List view you can highlight a line by selecting anywhere on the line. However, to actually select the file to drag it, etc, you had to select the file name itself, clicking the date etc wouldn't allow you to drag the file.
Well, in Snow Leopard, you can now select anywhere on the line and it will allow you to drag the file(s). Pretty nice.
However.....this causes a weird UI issue. If the window you are working in is small enough so that the items in list view fill it up completely (so there is a scroll bar), you can no longer right click on any empty space or the date/filesize etc to pull up the contextual menu for example to create a New Folder.
If there is empty space below the file list, then it still allows you to right click to get the menu.
When I'm looking at files and folders in Finder, I want it to be in List view. When I open a folder that contains photos, I want it to show them as tiles. However, when I set a folder to show as tiles, it changes *all* folder options, meaning my normal files and folders start showing as tiles too, when they should be showing as a list. How do I fix this so that it shows the right view depending on the contents of the folder? This is proving to be a major headache coming from Windows 7.
In addition, the Finder window keeps on defaulting to a size that isn't wide enough to view all columns. I keep on having to press the + button to make it shows all the columns of information. How do I fix this so that it shows all of the information straight away?
I have to admit, these are some really major usability hurdles I've come across, and after a week of peaceful usage, I have that feeling of buyers remorse again right now because of this!
Is there a way to add a column in the list view that shows what folder a file is in? I know it shows it at the bottom of the window, but that doesn't help me.
When I have a Finder window open, and I press cmd-j to bring up view options, I get a "Use As Defaults" button at the bottom for all views except column! How do I use Column view as my system default for all windows?
Maybe this was discussed elsewhere; if so, I couldn't find it:
Often I need to select multiple separate items from a large folder of them; I use list view, and command-click on each item, and then drag the whole batch to the appropriate location. It appears that in Snow Leopard (unlike previous OS X versions), when if I scroll down the list to select further items, it jumps back to the top-most selected item after a couple seconds. This makes it completely impossible to select further items! Is there a preference to turn this "function" off? Why would anyone want such a thing? Even if it is what the Finder is meant to do, it seems implemented poorly, since if I grab the scrollbar slider and drag it down below my selected items, after the couple seconds the view jumps back to the topmost item, but the slider doesn't move. All it all, it feels like a glitch.
So I like the hierarchical structure Column View has, and I don't have to double click to open folders. username > documents > school > biology > lectures > file But, I also like the "Date Modified" option List View has. Can I have both?
Is there (or will there ever be) any way to change the white default color of finder windows in column and list views? Or is there a 3rd party app? You can change them in icon view but that's the only view I never use. My eyes get so tired staring at white all day. If I could make all my windows dark grey I could work longer, better, happier. Would also love to make the Mail app dark.
Apple, you broked it AGAIN!! You're getting tired of hearing this but Fix The ********** Finder!!!
When I set a view option and then click "Use as default" it doesn't apply to all the folders throughout the system. This worked every time in Leopard like Billy D. Williams' Colt .45, and now? BROKED!
Come on Apple! You do a great job at making things work, such so that we have to bring ourselves to THIS! Batching about so little an issue as not applying my pretty background color to all my windows! If you're going to break something at least break something worth fixing!
I just went to open an image in the Finder with the "Open With" option. I noticed that there are several versions of most of the applications that can open an image. Most are the older versions of the applications. Does anyone know how to edit this list so only the current version of each application is shown? I have attached the menu listing so you can see what I mean by duplicates.
I noticed that finder is not displaying all files when I look at folders with lots of files in "icon view" mode but they do show up in "list view" Same thing happened with the computer at work. I'm using OS X Leopard on both.
When I open a new Finder window, it shows "all my files".Then I click on my home in the sidebar.Then Finder shows my home, but *always* in list view.I open View Options, and check "Always open in icon view". But some time later, when I go to my home in some Finder window, it shows my home in list view again.I haven't found a pattern yet, unfortunately.
I saw someone elses itunes and they had a different layout than mine, but did not remember where he changed it at. His had three columns that filled the top half with like artist, genre, album. And then the bottom half had the selection of whatever was highlighted on the top half.
How do I change the default view in MS Word. I always have to choose view > zoom >page width when opening the app. Isn't there a way to change the default view setting?
using iWork 09 (keynote 09) on my macbook pro (2,66 GHz, Intel Core 2 duo, 4GB) and when trying to use keynote presenter view connected to a projector I see the presenter view in the wrong screen, I see it in the projector not on my macbook.Using duplicated view all is fine but of course I dont see the presenter view.
I edit the view options for the Applications window. I make the icons bigger, and I put a photo in the background. The window looks fine until I do a reboot (I don't know about logging out - I only have one user). Then when I open the Applications window I find it has reset to smaller icons on a white background. Doesn't matter what I do when I edit the options. It always looks the same after I restart. I can't say for certain, but I think this problem has been going on since before Mavericks. I thought the cause might be a 3rd party app but I just bought a brand new iMac and the same thing happens.Â
Info: iMac, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4), MacBook Pro, iPad 2
A friend recently downloaded 500 messages from her ISP to Mac Mail (4.4) The inbox says she has 500 messages but she can only see around 150 / 200. How can she see that complete list ? I'm trying to convince her to remove those messages off her ISP's server.
I a new to mac. I am trying to open a ".config" file but I get this error message: "There is no default application specified to open the document xxxx". Normally, on a Windows, I would just force open it with notepad as it conly contain text. How do I do the same with a Mac?