Ok so I understand how to change the grid spacing as shown above, but what have I set it to? What is the default. and what is the actual pixel spacing? I need to know this as I use an applescript that places the icon/folders on the desktop in a spaced format. If they loose there position the clean up function messes them up.
How do I shrink the size of icons in grid view on dock? (see attachment). They are massive at the moment & because im only on a macbook white 13", it takes up so much of the screen.
Any way to do that? I simply find it a hassle to click on -show view options, increase the size of the icons (128x128) then quit the menu to view my photos.
when i click on an album in Grid view, the track names don't show up, and the "name" option doesn't appear in the column browser when you're choosing what to see.
i'm trying to get the file size displayed in the finder.i can right click on an individual file to 'get info' and find the size, but can the size be displayed routinely in the finder? i tried to 'view options' but 'size' and 'calculate size' are greyed out and cannot be checked.
i was wondering if anyone can tell me why the mac HD icon that i have on my desktop wont show up in my finder>desktop page. other apps that i have on the desktop show up on the desktop page but the mac HD icon is not there.
Is there any way to set a default folder view for all folders on the computer? It's a real pain having to change every new folder I create to the list view manually.
I have a 17" MBP. (2009) How do I set the default size of all the windows? Every time I open a program a rather small window with minuscule fonts opens, so I would like to set some kind default to make it easier on my old eyes.
I know that I can right-click (er, two-finger click) when I'm in a folder and set things like "Arrange By" / "Sort By" / "Icon Size" and then click "Use as Defaults," but it seems to only apply these to the new folders I create after I apply these settings (if they're applied at all, I'm having trouble figuring out what "Use as Defaults" even accomplishes.)
But I've already moved a ton of folders over from my old laptop, and they've got some seriously wonky view settings. There would be 3-4 folders right on top of one another, and then the folder I'm looking for is in no-mans-land 600 pixels to the right. It's a mess
I want every folder on my computer ever and forever to snap to grid, arrange by kind, and "float" to the top left (no gaps between files - fill'er'up!). How can I do this without going into every single folder and changing the settings individually?
(On another related note, is it possible to force folder contents to fit the window size? I dont want to have to scroll horizontally to see a folder's contents when I resize it.)
I'd like all my finder windows to appear the same when navigating through folders, but I'm noticing that finder is not always taking notice of the "set as defaults" button. The way I've tried to do it is to open a finder window and push cmd+J. I prefer the list view, so I check the "always open in list" box, set the icon size and uncheck "icon preview".
However, as I navigate deeper into folders, I notice some folders will no longer remember these and for example, will start to show the icon preview. In Windows, I remember you used to set up a random window to appear exactly how you wanted it, enter folder options and hit "default view for all windows".
I want to reset every view options on every finder window to their default. Then make every window have 128 x 128 icons minimal grid spacing and size 10 text. Is there any quick way to do this?
Is there an option/tweak/add-on to show the size of a highlighted file in icon view? I know I can change to a different view or use 'Get Info' on the file but that defeats the purpose. Is there anyway to see this information on the information bar on the bottom of the window (instead of just number of files and space available on disk)?
Nothing major, just something to make life a little easier.
its really annoying whenever happen to use two fingers on my multi-touch mouse-y thing and all of my icons spiral into outrageously large or ridiculously small sizes. is there a way I can lock the icon size so this doesn't happen?
Apple, you broked it AGAIN!! You're getting tired of hearing this but Fix The ********** Finder!!!
When I set a view option and then click "Use as default" it doesn't apply to all the folders throughout the system. This worked every time in Leopard like Billy D. Williams' Colt .45, and now? BROKED!
Come on Apple! You do a great job at making things work, such so that we have to bring ourselves to THIS! Batching about so little an issue as not applying my pretty background color to all my windows! If you're going to break something at least break something worth fixing!
Got a new MBP 13". Just the one problem. Every now and again, always when I am touching the mousepad, the icon sizes on the desktop change. I then have to go into Show View Options and set it back again to what I want.
Had to reinstall snow leopard & update to os 10.6.2; Now I insert a cd I had burnt before and it won't show on desktop to be able to open and get info. It all worked fine before reinstall. Tried several cd's that I know are good. Using a Macpro work station-10 gigs ram- Probably a simple solution but I can't seem to figure out.
My desktop icon size CONTINUALLY defaults to a very tiny size. I know where to change the size > click on desktop > show view options > adjust icon size; however, inevitably as soon as I close it out, it defaults back to a very tiny size..I mean VERY tiny. So I have to continually do the above procedure to increase the size again. Doesn't look like there is a way to LOCK that desktop icon size. Â
Is there a way to make the size of the application grid bigger when clicking on my applications folder from the dock so that it doesn't have to say "x more in finder"?
I have a user who inserts a blank CD in internal drive and it won't show up on desktop, but does show up in disk utiility and can be ejected thru disk utiility. System is 10.3.9.
If we insert a CD with data on it, NAV scans and it shows up right away on desktop. Only happens with blank CDs. And yes, this is a DVD-RW and CD-RW drive.
I trashed Finder prefs and rebooted machine, same issue. Has anyone seen this and if so, got an answer?
Is there a way to reduce the size of icons, in a folder's panel shown in the Dock? What I mean is this: The icons in the Dock itself are okay, but when I click on the Apps folder which is standing in the Dock, its content is shown as a huge panel of large icons. The icon size is exagerated to my taste. I didn't found any options about this, in the Dock preferences control panel. Can we change the icon size there?