create a MS Word Mail merge doc using contacts from Mac Mail Mac Book Pro MacOSX 10.5.8 MS Word 2008 for Mac (12.2.0)I've created many MSWord merge docs on Windows using Outlook, Excel and Access, but this is my first attempt on the Mac. How do I get MS Word to read the list of Mac Mail contacts?
I am attempting to do a mail merge between word and spreadsheet, and would like some pointers.
I have written a cover letter and would like to import my addresses from a spreadsheet file so that when I print I can insert the different names/addresses into the cover letter & save time.
Is there a way to do an e-mail merge? What I mean is I need individualized messages to multiple e-mail recipients. A regular mail merge just creates individual documents which you have to manually address and e-mail.
I'm running an experiment that will give me a spreadsheet in Excel with 20 participants names, addresses, email addresses, and profits (from the experiment). My goal is to take this data and create individual receipts in Word that have all the above information and can be printed out and handed to the individuals (20 receipts). I have access to Office 2004 (Mac) or 2007 (Windows).
Microsoft Word Mail Merge launches a file converter when using Excel files as the data source. Nothing new about that. However, when using Mail Merge in Word 2008 and an Excel xlsx file as data source under OS X 10.6, the file converter will not recognize the file unless the extension .xlsx is actually appended to the file name. The file converter used by Word 2008 still recognizes xls files with or without the extension appended, as did the file converter used by Word X.
After repeatedly watching the tutorial for using Pages 09 and Numbers 09 to do a mail merge I am no further forward!Â
I have a letter, as described, I click on 'Inspector', then try to click the blue circle, but the word 'Merge' is grayed out and I can get no further.Â
I have created a document in Pages that consists of 10 certification cards on one page. I want to mail merge names, dates etc. from a Numbers file but have each card on the one page contain a different name, date etc. When I mail merge it adds the same person to each card on the page and then creates a new page for each additional person.
How do I stop a mail merge from Address Book to Pages from throwing a new page for each entry?I've got a row of 'first name: second name... etc, etc, and just want a single page with all the address book group on it.But the merge makes each name and address on a new page.
I've mistakenly worked on a Word doc sent to me through Mac mail, I believe i prob never moved it out of the mail application, and when I turn on computer next morning nowhere to be found. I know name of file and it's not in recent docs, and Spotlight is no help.
I'm having trouble with my Apple Mail program. I have a number of e-mail accounts (some with Optimum online, a g-mail, yahoo, etc.) Apple Mail has no problem at all reading and downloading any mail from any of the services. My problem is with Optimum Mail ( Mail refuses to send anything through that set-up. I've been on the phone for hours with Optimum and the settings are all correct. I've tried connecting directly to the cable modem and mail gets sent. This would make me believe that it is the Apple Airport Extreme router that is at fault. I've tried restarting it, re-initializing it and setting it up again and the problem continues. All my Optimum mail is picked up and can be read but it will not send anything through Optimum. It asks if I want to send it through another server (like g-mail or yahoo) and if I pick yes the mail sends.
It happens on all my computers a G-3 and pre Intel iMac G-5 on Tiger and my Macbook on Leopard.
Anyone else hear of this problem? Both Apple support and Optimum online say they have never heard of it. Talking for hours with their tech departments have found no solutions.
For the last week I find that after sending an email with attachments that it remains in my draft box after sending. The mail shows up in the sent box, but it never get's deleted from the draft box until I resend it. This is happening on both my MBP and iMac. Both machines connect to iCloud for mail.
I have a relatively new macbook. I only use it to write, mail and surf. I've installed office for mac. Since about a week, when working in word - not really big documents or anything - it frequently gets stuck on the color wheel. It doesn't respond at all anymore. And I can't close word or shut down my computer. Nothing. Ever the key combi for force close doesn't respond. Only when I turn it off with the power key and restart can I get back to work. Sometimes this also happens when I work in mail (not outlook,but the apple program). I've downloaded all the latest updates for all of my programs. What do I do?Â
I sent an e-mail from Mac Mail to a business associate with a MS Word 2011 document attached. The document was changed automatically (either by MS word or mac mail, I can't tell at this point) to a winmail.dat attachment. How do I fix this problem? I would like to send the .doc just as it is without the change in format.
I am running Lion (latest ver) on my iMac (2011, i7), and have icloud set up to sync mail (and other stuff) with my iPhone 4. My iCloud account Sent Mail and Drafts are being syncronized between the cloud the iPhone, but not the iMac. So for example, I see 2 items in my Drafts folder when I log into, and I see them in the drafts folder on iPhone mail, but they do not appear in the drafts folder for my iCloud account on on the iMac. Also, I don't see emails I sent from on my Mac's mail. I have iCloud enabled on the mac, and mail syncing is specifically turned on. Â
I like to write a personal newsletter, then paste it into emails and send. It's easier for me to work on it in Word first. I can't figure out a format that I can use in Word so that when I copy and paste it in Apple Mail email, it keeps the same format. So far, it changes format when I paste it. what was in bold, is no longer (or the whole thing is in bold), line spacing changes, bullet points change. I tried saving it as pdf file first and the font became microscopic when I pasted it into the email...
I use MacBook Pro, OS X, 10.6.4; Mail Version 4.3 (1081); Microsoft Word 2008 for Mac, Version 12.2.6 (100708)
Sending out the same e-mail message to 100 different people, but I want to customize the e-mail to their first name. Is there any program that you can upload a text list or Excel list to and it will do this automatically and create the e-mails in your drafts folder? Don't want to use a online sending service because they put crap at the bottom of the e-mail and recipients know it's automated.Want the people to think it's not something automated.Also, I know there's a way to schedule delivery of a message for a future date in Apple Mail via Apple Script, but you seem to have to schedule one by one. Any watch to do a batch scheduling?
Since I upgraded to Lion from Snow Leopard, Mail has had glitches. I fixed one; the other remains: I can't see Word attachments in emails. The only hint is the message "Missing Plug-in". If I show the entire header, Mail provides buttons to Quickview the document or save it. The previous problem was that Mail wouldn't start up (kept quitting while doing the initial database migration) because I'd left in MailActOn as a plugin. So I removed plugins and the contents of ~/Library/Mail/Bundles. Now Mail works except for this.
From my work PC, I've sent myself several Word Documents as attachments to my Mail account on my Mac. Why are these Word documents being sent through to my Mac as windat files?
I've noticed over the last few days that whatever i save, (word doc, iphoto, e-mail, iweb, final draft scripts) or create a new folder... it doesn't show on the desktop unitl i either restart the machine or log out and then log back in... and then all the files that haven't been appeared at the time show up.Any ideas on how to stop this without giving my machine a clean instal?
I have a Macbook Pro. It has OS 10.4 The mail program will open and the circle will start spinning like it is trying to "get mail." it will spin and spin and eventually close. It will pop up and say mail quit unexpectedly will show that report and reopen box. hen mail is open and the circle is spinning, you can send mail and it works fine. It just will not load new mail.aNy ideas? The mail is version 2.1.3
Is there away to import mail account settings from Thunderbird and/or Outlook Express into Mail? [that is, to help any one searching later on as Mail is too common a word to search for]. I've imported all my messages correctly but don't know how or if it's possible to import my account settings. Also: I'm in the process of migrating all my e-mails / mail accounts / settings and mail rules from Outlook Express to Mail []. I have successfully got all my e-mails across. I have also managed to convert all the e-mail addresses in the 50+ mail rules, as stored in the Windows registry, from hex into text.
Some of my rules have tens of e-mail addresses which if I had to add in each address separately would be a nightmare. Is there away of block adding in e-mail addresses to Mail? Also is it possible to manually edit the mail rules preference file(s) and insert the e-mail addresses into that? I'm aware I have to manually recreate the rules themselves but that's not so difficult. It's the adding back in of all the e-mail addresses that might be, given the large number that exist.
My husband's computers use Tiger and Leopard (10.5.8) to access his email on the Mail program. His mail is from Comcast and uses the Comcast server, not apple or iCloud. His mail suddenly stopped working a couple of days it did on one of my machines that still uses Tiger. He had not done any updates that could have broken the software. He does not have iCloud except on his phone and he doesn't even have a .mac address. There is no reason for the comcast server to not be able to be accessed by Mail app. He did finally update everything that needed it and it still does not work. Why would Apple's change over to iCloud break email access from other servers and how can we fix it. He really doesn't want to do his mail on Comcast's web site as it's slow and awkward.Â
today i found that Mail has stopped working for no obvious reason.It wont send or receive emails, but when i check by signing into .mac itself, the messages have arrived and everything appears normal.Mail won't quit either... then every so often a box with the following text appears:'Some actions taken while the account 'enter.mac address here' was offline could not be completed online.Mail has undone actions on some messages so that you can redo the actions while online. Mail has saved other messages in mailbox "on my mac" in "on my mac" so that you can complete the actions while online.Additional information: The connection to the server "" on port 143 timed out.
Does anyone know of an easy method to receive a return e-mail receipt using Apple Mail and a .Mac/.Me account. I know that in Windows you can use Outlook to receive/request a return receipt when the receiver opens the e-mail. I believe that even using Microsoft Office Entourage '08 would work as well but I really want to stay all Apple applications if at all possible