Applications :: Import Mail Account Settings From Thunderbird And / Or Outlook Express Into Mail?
Jan 31, 2010
Is there away to import mail account settings from Thunderbird and/or Outlook Express into Mail? [that is, to help any one searching later on as Mail is too common a word to search for]. I've imported all my messages correctly but don't know how or if it's possible to import my account settings. Also: I'm in the process of migrating all my e-mails / mail accounts / settings and mail rules from Outlook Express to Mail []. I have successfully got all my e-mails across. I have also managed to convert all the e-mail addresses in the 50+ mail rules, as stored in the Windows registry, from hex into text.
Some of my rules have tens of e-mail addresses which if I had to add in each address separately would be a nightmare. Is there away of block adding in e-mail addresses to Mail? Also is it possible to manually edit the mail rules preference file(s) and insert the e-mail addresses into that? I'm aware I have to manually recreate the rules themselves but that's not so difficult. It's the adding back in of all the e-mail addresses that might be, given the large number that exist.
If I send a msg from Apple Mail to i.e. Outlook Express. The same msg shows up with "clean" text formating. That will say, no formatting at all. See this screen: [URL:...] I have just gotten back to the Mac now from 10-11 months in hell with Windows-stuf, so I am really eager to get this fixed. In Apple Mail the same message looks this: [URL:...] I dont want to change to Entourage, so excellent if you can help me out with this.
Is it possible to use both AND and OR rules with Mail's [] mail rules? For example in Outlook Express I have a rule which says should: the message body contain ANY of the following words:
one two three four AND the account is <insert account name here> THEN move to <insert folder name here>
However on Mail there seems to only be the option for ANY or ALL and if I apply ANY then it will also move all mail from any account which has the words one, two, three or four, not just from the account I supplied. In additional all other e-mails from the account supplied will be moved as well, even if they don't contain those words.
In the Mail app, I'm getting a circle with a triangle and an exclamation mark inside it. I can't receive or send my from this (Outlook Express) account. It's a work email account, but it has been working fine until now. I clicked Rebuild from the app menu (trying to fix it!), but that only removed all existing emails in the mailbox.
I use Thunderbird as my preferred mail client. However, one thing I don't like is how when I am in the inbox, anytime I click on a message it always opens beneath. This is not that big of a deal, but what bugs me is that the message is then counted as a "read message." Therefore, like I'm sure many of you do as well, I constantly have to secondary click --- drag cursor down to "mark" --- then click "as read".
I have to do this in order to mark it as "unread" so I remember to reply to it later. If I single click (or tap) the cursor over and email in my inbox, it will either not open up beneath and not be marked as read, or still be opened up beneath (in the inbox) but not be marked as read? The second option would be preferred, but either would be better than the current default setting I have.
I used Thunderbird in Windows, and want to carry over my inbox archive to my new iMac. Can OS X's Mail program import that inbox archive so that my 100+ past email messages are included as Mail's inbox?
I just bought a Mac and need to export my OE mail to Mac mail. The Apple store would not help me with this because they said it could not be done perfectly, therefore, they do not offer this service.
I've been trying to ue the Mail program on OS X, but it won't import from Outlook Express in Classic Mode. What happens is that OE opens up, but none of my accounts are there (it's blank). My user folders are all in place. I looked around the web and tried Mail Imports Scripts, which worked for only my Saved Mail Folder. it didn't import any of my other folders. I can't seem to import my Address Book either because of the first problem with OE. Is there another user folder for OE in OS X that I'm not finding? Personally, I'd rather use OE in Classic Mode if I could. I don't like the layout of Apple's Mail.
I've added a Google Apps account to OS X Yosemite 10.10.1 few weeks ago to use it in Mail, but I removed it last week. I tried adding it back during the weekend, but I've been getting this error: "Mail couldn't discover the account settings for the Mail server domain"
This comes after I click "Set Up" and tick Mail only. I don't have 2 step verification enabled for that account and I didn't change any account settings since adding it last time.
Also, I can still see the account (as well as other Google account that's currently not added to OS X) in Accounts.plist located in: ~/Library/Mail/V2/MailData
Info: MacBook Pro, OS X Yosemite (10.10.1), (9,2) 2.9GHz i7, 8GB, 480GB SSD
I have the newest version of Apple Mail and I am syncing it with an IMAP account. Everything works fine so far. I had to delete all my mails on the provider server because I reached the storage limit. So I saved all my mails on my mac from the apple mail first and then I deleted all my mails on the server. After deleting all mails on the server, I putted back my old mails into APPLE MAIL, but it immediately deleted all my mails in APPLE MAIL after syncing with the server. So my question. How can I place my old mails back into APPLE MAIL without it deleting my local mails when it is syncing with the server?
mom recently got a Mac, which I'm about to start setting up for her. She was previously using an XP PC, and her biggest concern in terms of switching is making sure that she still has all her old emails on the computer. Is there a nice, easy way to transfer all data from Outlook Express (including all old emails stored on the computer) to a Mac? Broadening the scope a little more, is there anything I should know before I start backing up all of her files? Is there an easy way to go about moving everything from "My Documents" to the home folder on the Mac? I will have both computers on a home network as I'm doing this to make sure everything I'm doing is working as I'm doing it.
I have more than one email account set up on Mail and the strangest thing happens and I can't find out how to stop it.
Here is the problem:
- I have 2 accounts, 'Account A' is for my partner & 'Account B' is for me. - Someone sends an email to 'Account A' (my partner) and CCs 'Account B' (me) into the same eMail. - If I click reply from 'Account B' it sends the eMail from 'Account A' which is my partner, when it should be from me.
I have worked out that this is because 'Account A' was originally sent the eMail in The 'To' field as opposed to the 'CC' field in composing the reply eMail. I know that I can manually change the 'From' field every time when replying to an eMail but it becomes an nuisance. I forget to do it when quickly replying as I consider Mail to reply from the account that I'm reading the email from.
I have gone to the compose section in the preferences and there is an option for changing this when composing a new email but nothing when replying.
I am switching from Windows to Mac after 27 years. I have a couple of years of e-mail using Thunderbird by Mozzilla. Can someone tell me how to best move those files over to Mac? I am running Paralells in order to have access to Windows applications.
I've had a lot of problems in the past with the generic OS X Mail app. I've been unable to send, or receive, or both. I've tried just about every combination of ports, settings, etc., suggested to me on the Apple Discussions site. But all to no avail. So, I've finally ditched OS X Mail and installed Mozilla's Thunderbird. Now, using identical settings to those tried in OS X Mail, I can send, receive, and do just about anything I like. Except. Thunderbird will not import my Address Book! My Address Book is the standard Mac OS X Address Book. I have tried saving v-cards, saving the whole book, etc, but when I try to import to Thunderbird, I just get a bunch of blank v-cards or nothing at all. Step by step guide please. I'm sure this must be both possible and easy. I must just be missing some single vital step.
I have a problem importing mail from Thunderbird to on Leopard. I transfered all my messages from windows computer to a mac that ran Tiger OS and Thunderbird. Now a few months later I upgraded OS to Leopard and wish to import messages from Thunderbird to But Mail imports only messages that have been once transfered from windows and doesn't import any of the messages that I have received or sent on my mac these last few months.
I'm a bit scared of messing something up with code edits and I'm hoping there's a way to do a clean input. Googling around, it doesn't look like there is? I need to transfer everything from Thunderbird (PC) to Mail (Mac).
I decided to use after using Thunderbird for years. When I use the import in Mail, it fails to import inbox items after May 2007.
Then, I copied all inbox items into a folder in Thunderbird. When I import that folder into Mail, again 17 out of 282 items which are dated until May 2007.
What do I have to do to fully import my mails?
btw sent & messages in other folders are correctly imported.
My college email is a Microsoft Outlook Web Access Light 2007 account, using [URL]. I believe it is an Exchange account, as opposed to POP or IMAP, but I cannot find anywhere what to enter for "incoming mail server", "outlook web access server", or "outgoing mail server". I've tried [URL] which to me seems like the logical answer due to the generic example of [URL] along with a mix of other server names found on my email's about page.
Outlook Mail. I just recently set up two new email acounts to my mail. They worked perfectly for two days then yesterday, at random my outgoing mail stopped working (incoming still works).
Both of these accounts are"Exchange" accounts. As of now when I look in my availabe "Outoing Servers" it doesn't show that I have any. How to configure it to my exchange accounts.
Have MacPro with dual-boot. Snow Leopard, which I'm using right now, and Yosemite, which I'm setting up and trying out. Mail is a particular issue.
I would like to have the Yosemite mail set to "" but there is no real way to do so.
When I put in my e-mail address and Comcast password, it automatically sets up an imap account, which I do not want.
I want the system to pull ALL messages off the server when I collect my mail, and store NOTHING on the Comcast mail servers.
Snow Leopard does this (of course, it's a POP account I set up) but the fine Apple developers seem to think I want to 'keep my devices synchronized' so Yosemite's Mail program chooses imap for me.
I had the test set to pull down all the messages and it did, on the imap account, so ostensibly when I rebooted into 10.6 there should have been nothing left on the server for the mail to collect - but there's all of today's messages and the junk mail waiting to be pulled down - so obviously the IMAP isn't emptying the server when I collect mail.
HOW do I get Yosemite Mail to let me setup my Comcast account on the POP settings? I checked on the Advanced settings for the Internet Accounts but it makes you set up the password *first* so goes out and checks, then automatically loads the wrong account type.
Do I take the computer offline so it cannot automatically set itself up, then enter the account info?
Info: 2x2.6Dual-Core MacPro, Radeon HD2600, 3GB RAM, Mac OS X (10.6.8),
I have decided to use Entourage over Mail due to it's robustness and more features than I can possibly ever use. Here the question:I am coming from a PC using Outlook 2007. I have done my research on how to get my mail off my Outlook and importing it into Entourage.Fine, great and dandy. I haven't performed it yet but I have a couple of questions before running with this.1. I have MobileMe account. Installing that into Entourage was relatively easy. Done.2. Installing a new "mail" account (POP or IMAP), I'm going to assume is the same way BUT if I install this, will it mix with my MobileME? What I am expecting to see is that it would store separately in it's own section. What is right?
I'm moving over to a iMac from PC in the next week or so (well will be putting in the order then) and already have decided that I need Office for Mac for Word and Excel (I use my home computer to do some work stuff on it - i find it easier than using the work laptop).
Anyway, I'm wondering if if i should get "professional" version of Office which also includes Outlook or if I should stick with Mail and therefore only get the "home / student" version of Office.
I've read on these forums that there are issues with Outlook syncing, but for what I have read this is via iTunes. So is there still the same problems if syncing via mobile me? Being able to sync using Mobile me is a big thing as I share calendars with my partner.
For what I have read, Mail is just emails and there are other apps for contacts and Calendars - do the three interact seamlessly and sync using mobile me.
I also understand that to get my old Outlook emails onto my new iMac and readable with Mail I will have to use a app to convert them - which seems to be no biggie according to those who have written about it.
So, my main concerns / questions are:-
-For those of you who have converted from Outlook to Mail - was it worth it, or would you have preferred to still be using Outlook;
- If I were to stick with Outlook, does it sync using mobile me;
- Does having 3 separate apps (Mail / Contacts / Calendars) work, or is having all 3 in one better.