Applications :: Way To Auto Replace First Word Of E-mail In A Series Of 100 E-mails?
Oct 29, 2010
Sending out the same e-mail message to 100 different people, but I want to customize the e-mail to their first name. Is there any program that you can upload a text list or Excel list to and it will do this automatically and create the e-mails in your drafts folder? Don't want to use a online sending service because they put crap at the bottom of the e-mail and recipients know it's automated.Want the people to think it's not something automated.Also, I know there's a way to schedule delivery of a message for a future date in Apple Mail via Apple Script, but you seem to have to schedule one by one. Any watch to do a batch scheduling?
The Automator integration with Word 2008 is very useful, but I've discovered a snag I'd like to find a workaround for. I'm using Mac OS 10.5.5.
I want to find and replace all the text in Word documents I create, including the footnotes, headers, and footers, but the 'Find and Replace Text in Word Documents' Automator action will only find and replace in the main body. This severely limits its functionality. Is there any way I can get round this?
I'm happy to use an Apple Script if this would do the job more effectively, but don't know the required code. I used to have this function working fine with macros in previous versions of Word, but I'm stumped by the new version.
For some reason my auto-correct has a dictionary based in spanish. Example: when editing my resume I have put down the word Administrative , but it says it is wrong and gives suggestions such as Administrativa or Administrativo.
I have changed the spell check options to only have US english as the default setting and this suddenly pops up. I never put Spanish in my international language settings on the mac, nor have I had someone who speaks spanish use the computer.
Is there a way to automatically save "pages" files in word.doc format, or do you have to do it manually each time? I sure can't find a setting to do what I want.
I just set up my Mac Mail. But it is transferring over 3000 of my old messages, that I don't really want to have. How can I just begin getting new emails, without having to receive all of the old ones? Is that possible? Can someone tell me how to do this?
when I check my I can see a summary of new mails I have received.However when I open (or preview) them the app displays a blank message, together with a forwarded message from 14 months ago.
I ask for forgiveness since now if I'm posting something that already exists and I couldn't find, but I wasn't able to find any helpful resource to fix my problem. I've always used Mail and I like it. I have three addresses, one of the provider, the other two belongs to my personal domain. They've always worked fine. Since two months they suddenly stopped to send e-mails. The error says there's a problem with smtp server. I tried to change smtp settings, I've edited mail settings, tried to set up another account and tried to download another app for mail: always the same problem. My mother, that has a mac too and an e-mail account with our provider, doesn't have any problem. So I tried to copy those settings on my MacBook Pro.. nothing.
Is there anyway to sync the Mac Mail app and Yahoo! SBC Global server with each other? Like on the iPad, you can move files and such, and it syncs with the server. Can I do the same with my imac?
I am trying to recovery a file created in Microsoft Office 2008 for Mac. The file was lost after a power outage. In an attempt to recover the file, my first thought was to check for the file in the Microsoft AutoRecovery 2008 folder within my hardrive. However, the folder only contains a total of four files! Why? If my Microsoft Word is set up to auto save a document every 10 minutes...then how is it possible the folder could only contain 4 files? I am at a loss of how else to recover this file. I am currently attempting to do so with a free trial of Data Recovery Software to see if the file I lost even still exists, with no success so far.
How do I use the "auto text" feature in this application? I've entered my auto text boilerplate data and cannot find how to bring it back into the word document. I know it's correctly entered. With MS Word I used to access using the F3 key.
Does the Mail application have to be running or in the background for the Auto setting to function in getting my email? If so I guess it can't do this function like the iPhone? I am new to the Mac, so sorry if I sound uniformed.
dose anyone know where the auto complete list is stored for mac mail?
So i can copy all the email address, ones i have typed into mail, across to my new setup. I have copied the and the mail folder/mail downloads into the right places. But i when i type a email it doesn't fill out the address for me.
I use Apple Mail with gmail IMAP, everything works fine, except that when I start typing an e-mail address I don't get auto-complete. It's driving me insane, so I heard there was this thing called LDAP, that could be able to achieve this ?
I have an account in that won't let me do anything to the e-mails coming into it. I can't delete e-mails, I can't mark them as read, and if I try to move an e-mail to another mailbox, it's copied, not moved.I've tried repairing disk permissions, and I've tried to remove the account and then adding it again ? but the problem persists. "Rebuild" in the Mailbox menu is inactive when this mailbox is selected, but works on my other accounts.The same account works fine on my iPhone; mails are getting marked as read and I can delete and move e-mails around. Same thing with webmail
Is there a way to set mail to download only newest mails? like the way behave on iPad? the email is ymail with pop server, and mail app always start download the oldest mail first,, from sometime in 2005. how do you guys setup your
I'm a newbie to Mac and need some help. I find that the pre-installed 'Mail' is rather convenient but have trouble deleting e-mails I no longer need. Upon deleting selected mails and emptying the trash, I find that some items are STILL there when logging into the actual website (i.e. Gmail). E-mails that I thought were long gone are still there. Please someone help? I think I'm missing something.
I sent an e-mail from Mac Mail to a business associate with a MS Word 2011 document attached. The document was changed automatically (either by MS word or mac mail, I can't tell at this point) to a winmail.dat attachment. How do I fix this problem? I would like to send the .doc just as it is without the change in format.
I start my Macbook Pro Retina Late-13' Microsoft excel and word always open, I thought this was to do with the login items but when I go to it only chrome helper is ticked and Excel and Word are not there. Is there a option in word/excel to turn this feature off?
I don't like the idea of downloading the whole e-mail when I want to check for new ones.Is there any way to make it only get the subject? The idea here is to download the whole mail only if I want to (like clicking on the subject).
i am getting lots of emails per day, but most of them are Facebook notifications and Twitter stuff, Is there any way I can Filter those Facebook emails so they show up in a different folder than my Inbox? Also it would be great to do it directly in Gmail so my iPhone does the same
I couldn't find any similar thread, so here we go. I recently lost all my mails, and therefore tried to use a recovery program without any luck. I suddenly remembered that I had all my mails on my iPhone which somehow was synchronized with my MacBook.So, to my question: Is there any way I can transfer my mails on the iPhone over to my on my MacBook?I hope you'll be able to answer my question since the mails are quite important.
i'm helping my mom to move all her mails that she saved on her ibm laptop to the old mbp that i passed on to her.... is there a way i can completely dub all the e-mails that are downloaded and the contact lists to mac's entourage? It would be good if someone can provide me instructions from 0 - 10 starting with the windows side
Was on the phone with ATT to reconfigure new inbound and outbound settings, verify ports and authentication - still can't send.
In the Mail Preferences Account Information window, the Outgoing Mail Server (SMTP) space can't be typed into; it offers an "edit server list" option that opens a window with the terms Description, Server Name, and In Use By Account. ATT instructed me to type the new server name under the Server Name heading but they did not know about the other two categories. So Description was left empty which caused the Outgoing Mail Server (SMTP) space (on Account Information window) to have a mail server name attached by a colon to my e-mail address, which was bizarre. Only when Description had the actual server name underneath it did that name showed up in the SMTP space. Whatever is placed under Description in the edit server list window shows up in the Outgoing Mail Server (SMTP) space of the Account Information window.