Applications :: Mail Program Will Open And The Circle Will Start Spinning / Trying To "get Mail?
Oct 6, 2009
I have a Macbook Pro. It has OS 10.4 The mail program will open and the circle will start spinning like it is trying to "get mail." it will spin and spin and eventually close. It will pop up and say mail quit unexpectedly will show that report and reopen box. hen mail is open and the circle is spinning, you can send mail and it works fine. It just will not load new mail.aNy ideas? The mail is version 2.1.3
I have an item in my junk mail which I cannot delete. I just get a spinning colored circle and must resort to force quit my mail to continue. How do I delete this problematic junk email
I have decided to start using gmail and keeping my email online instead of stored locally in the Mail program.
I have all my old mail and sent mail downloaded locally in the Mail program.
Is there an easy way to export all of that into gmail? I see I can import mail into gmail from other mail accounts, but here I am talking about importing mail that is now stored locally.
When launching mail there is a message that it cannot receive mail. Thought it might be a server issue, but what happens is all the menus in Mail grey out, so I can't even check preferences or anything else.
i tried several things like zapping the PRAM, open firmware, and taking out RAM. also took out my pci wireless card and usb card. nothing helped, but eventually it booted up. i thought that the hard drive was probably dead but i couldnt boot off a tiger install disc when i tried.its been having problems starting up everyday since then. sometimes it will boot with the circle spinning and just stay there. other times it will boot with some junk on the screen and the restart message underneath, boot up with no spinning circle, or have the apple change to a circle with a slash through it
I'm having trouble with my Apple Mail program. I have a number of e-mail accounts (some with Optimum online, a g-mail, yahoo, etc.) Apple Mail has no problem at all reading and downloading any mail from any of the services. My problem is with Optimum Mail ( Mail refuses to send anything through that set-up. I've been on the phone for hours with Optimum and the settings are all correct. I've tried connecting directly to the cable modem and mail gets sent. This would make me believe that it is the Apple Airport Extreme router that is at fault. I've tried restarting it, re-initializing it and setting it up again and the problem continues. All my Optimum mail is picked up and can be read but it will not send anything through Optimum. It asks if I want to send it through another server (like g-mail or yahoo) and if I pick yes the mail sends.
It happens on all my computers a G-3 and pre Intel iMac G-5 on Tiger and my Macbook on Leopard.
Anyone else hear of this problem? Both Apple support and Optimum online say they have never heard of it. Talking for hours with their tech departments have found no solutions.
I launched Mail as I ordinarily do. It opened up, but the header bar was grayed out. Finally I managed to open program via Message/Go To/ Inbox, but no messages appeared in any of my mailboxes (even though I had several still in there from today). Nothing is happening, I even can't quit teh mail program.
I have a mail attachement with the extension .gem, and I would like to use that attachment as the argument to a java .jar program. I've figured out how to start the java program using a shell script like this: #!/bin/bash java -jar /Users/geoff/Programs/program.jar $1 If I name this script and change the permissions to allow execution, I can successfully run the program by typing this in a terminal window: ./ filename.gem
However, when I try to open the attachement filename.gem from mail, it won't let me use to open the attachment. The OS seems to make a distinction between a file and an application that is independent of the execute permission on the file. After doing some reading about this, I tried Automator. One of the Automator actions is to execute a shell script, so I added that action to my Automator project and typed in my command: java -jar /Users/geoff/Programs/program.jar $1
I also changed to input from options from "stdin" to "argument". I then saved the Automator project, and was able to associate that project with the .gem file attachment from mail. The java program started, but behaved as if the $1 argument was not included. (Perhaps I just need to leave out the "$1" in my Automator command, trusting Automator to insert the argument in the proper place. If that theory is correct, my program is interpreting the text "$1" as an argument, which would be consistent with the behavior that I'm seeing.) I've seen other suggestions to use AppleScript, but it seems to me that there ought to be some simple way to do this. (I just got a Mac, by the way. I was able to do this in Windows using MIME type definitions and a .bat file. The difference is that Windows allowed me to consider program.bat as an executable, but Mac OS doesn't consider to be an executable.)
I am using a MacBook Pro with Leopard. I wanted to use the Mail program to sync my gmail to but I have noticed that the Mail program does not open. The icon is no longer the mail icon and is now the ruler, pencil paintbrush icon. When I double click on that icon nothing happens.
I am on mac laptop OSX 10.9.2 using Mail 7.2. I tried to open a "Mailer Daemon" message and it is frozen, not even open but a grey colored blank "message". I've tried: closing the message unsuccessfullyForce Quitting the application (reads "Mail (not Responding)") when I do. (4 times)Turning off the entire computer, letting it rest and rebooting. (3 times)Opening up my server on the internet and deleting the offensive message "mailer daemon"Turning off the computer again. soon as I open mail, the grey "message" is open. I can click on the Mail Viewer window and have that come forward, but all is frozen.Just did it again and it hasn't changed. Had to force quit again. Never before in 8 years of using the Mail application (different computers). The rainbow wheel of death spins and spins.
So i downloaded macoffice on the new macbook air using the internet and the code on the box as per the instructions of the guys at apple. The problem is everytime I start up the macbook, both word, excel and my mail automatically opens up. And when i close excel, he spreadsheet opens up again. How do I stop this?
I have 4 email addresses. Three come through the same server. The 4th comes through a different server. All have worked fine up until a few days ago, when the single address from the separate server started to give me problems.
For that address alone, mail constantly shows a spinning wheel and will only retrieve mail from March 13 and before. Anything past March 13th won't download. And I have to "Force Quit" mail when I shut down. I can send mail. And I know the mail I'm sending gets to the recipient, because I've tested it. I just can't get mail from this account for any date past March 13.
The Connection Doctor says everything is fine, "Connections are successful." I've been in constant contact with the server company. They said I have all my settings right (after I sent them snapshots of my settings), and they said something must be corrupted on my computer.
I've thrown away mail preferences several times, rebuilt the account several times, changed various settings just to experiment, removed other suspect files from my User/Mail folder, including a file that was named, LSMMap.corrupt. I've restarted several times, I've rebuilt permissions and I've run DiskWarrior. No changes.
Strangely, every time I rebuild the account, Mail downloads the same small set of email messages over and over. The messages I manage to receive come from between the dates of March 5 and March 13. The March 5 cut-off date makes sense, since just prior to March 5, I had neglected to renew my domain name for that address. I renewed at that point, and immediately received email again, with no problems. Up until March 13, when I stopped receiving mail again through my Mac Mail client. But only through my Mac Mail client.
I can retrieve current mail from this address perfectly fine using web mail. Also, the server company has told me that they have used my settings and set up a Eudora mail account for that address and that worked just fine.
I've done some research in your forums and have found some people having some similar symptoms, such as the spinning wheel, but all the fixes that I've seen people suggest have not worked for me.
I'm stumped. I read a message where someone wondered if a time stamp on one of their incoming messages messed up the Mail settings somehow. This peeked my interest, since my mail seems to be stopping at a certain date.
I've never seen anything like this. There must be a corruption somewhere and I must just be missing that corrupted file when I toss things. I don't want to toss too much and lose all my other messages from my other addresses, etc.
I have Mail and have two imap google mail accounts linked to it. One account is running completely fine but the other account has a gear like icon and it just wont go away. Its not trying to send anything out at all. But that icon just wont stop. Its taking a small amount of internet speed with it too.
i am pretty new at the mac-ness so i might just be dumb about everything....anyways i have a macBook thats just about 3 weeks old and something happened whenever i click the mail app it will load up like it wants to work but then no messages will show and when the curser is over the window there is a spinning ball, then i am have to force quit to close it...i tried running the 2 grey install disks (Mac OS X) thinking that might fix it but didnt.. iphoto wont load either it just bounces once and nothing will happen, tried running iLife '08 a few times but nothing....mail app is more important but i wish to fix both
I just installed some routine updates for my Mac and now I can't receive any mail in my apple mail program. It is version 4.5 and I am using a mobile me account. I have never had any problems before and obviously very annoyed. I know I can access it view the web but I like apple mail. I am able to send.
I recently got an IMAC and began using the OS-X mail program. AFter sending an email, i looked for it in the "sent folder" and did not see anything. Does the program save sent emails in that folder?
I just bought my first Mac. I got the Macbook pro 15" with the 2.4 Ghz Intel i5.So far I love how well it runs but Ive got some questions.Does your Macbook get very hot on the bottom? I was using it without the battery and it seemed like it was very hot to touch.Could you help me find a firewire cble for my Sony Handycam dcr-hc28? Im not sure how many pins I need to fit in my MacBook.And lastly Im having trouble getting my Yahoo mail using the Mail program in my dock. What am I missing?
When I wake Lion out of sleep, mail frequently does not find new messages from my aol account. Even if I hit "Find Mail", the new emails do not show up. Maybe an hour or more later they will finally come through
These mails are showing up no problem under notifications on my iPad & iPod touch.
If I restart mail, it finds the messages immediately .me works fine, gmail also Idle is on & it is set to check every minute
Info: iMac (21.5-inch Mid 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
I would like to use hotmail on my Mac Mail program. I was able to download my messages and send them BUT: - My Hotmail have few folders on the InBox and I can't see it on Mac Mail. - Once I read a Hotmail email message on Mac Mail it does not update on my Hotmail (server) account displaying that it has been read. - When I delete a Hotmail message on my Mac Mail it does not update on my Hotmail (server) account. It seems that on Mac Mail, I am only able to download messages and send them without syncing between my computer and their server.
I am trying to switch my email program from Thunderbird to the mac email program Mail.Thunderbird has been playing up a lot recently and am tired of the glitches.
I have all the correct server settings etc and succesfully imported my mailboxes. The problem is that when I send an email it isn't from the right email address?? Is this a Mail problem or smth to do with my settings? I'm with Virgin media and have a separate set of email address through my website for my business so my email address are through freeola that I am using through Thunderbird.I'm sorry if this all sounds very stupid but I am pulling my hair out trying to figure out where I have gone wrong!
I cannot log in to my iphone, ipad or Apple mail with my google credentials. I made sure everything was being typed in correctly. The weird thing is, I am able to log in using [URL]website.
I don't know why I am not able to check my email unless I use the website. I tried clearing the captcha and even changing my password in gmail.
Can anyone tell me why this would come out of nowhere? I have not changed any settings on any of my devices or even though gmail. What's going on?
Mail does not notify me by giving me the "Ping" sound when new mail has arrived. I actually usually know new emails have arrived by my iPhone making the "Ping" Sound. Right now I am in Safari, but mail is running in the dock (I clicked the red X button). - - Just for reference of how I am using Mail usually.
My mail icon on the sidebar has a red circle with #'s in it even though I have read all of the mail. How do I get rid of it so it only turns up red when I have new mail?
After updating to Snow Leopard, I get the spinning circle thingy no matter WHAT apps I'm running every 5 mins or so. I've tried rebooting and everything - anyone else having this problem? If so is there a solution?
I have had my mac for only 1 year and still getting use to the troubleshooting. My Imac keeps getting stucking on spinning circle when I shut down or reboot. I have unplugged all my external hard drives and printer. Nothing seemed to work. Mac OS X Lion 10.7.4 (11E53), 4gb Ram, Processor 2.5 GHz Intel Core i5.
Info: iMac (21.5-inch Mid 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.4)