IMac 27" 2011 Gray Stains Inside Screen

Jun 28, 2012

In April 2011 I bought an iMac 27 ". In November, begin the problems with gray spots in the corners. I took it to Apple technical support here in Chile and the part was replaced because the warranty was in effect.In April this year, again began to appear stains. Again I took it for service, but this time I should paid around $ 1,000 for the repair (obviously i said NO).How can a piece fails so soon and Apple doesn't takes over the situation, forcing their loyal customers (all my computers are Apple), to pay for the repair of a factory fault?Is there any legal way to force Apple to answer for the repair or replacement of the part (LCD)?

iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.4)

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OS X :: Dust/debris On Inside Of IMac Screen?

Apr 7, 2009

there is a small speck of something on the inside of my iMac screen. at first i thought it was a dead/stuck pixel, but closer observation reveals that it's a little particle on the inside of the screen. i've tried tapping the glass lightly to try to dislodge the speck but so far no luck.

is this something that i can fix myself? i've recently had the lcd replaced in my computer, could it have gotten in there when they did that? should i take it back and ask them to clean the inside of the glass? i assume it would be a quick process, will it be covered under warranty?

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IMac :: Cleaning The Inside LCD Screen Of A 24"?

Aug 5, 2010

I bought a used iMac that was supposedly in "mint condition."

Anyhow the screen is majorly condensated and I want to clean it. I saw a video on YouTube of some guy using a roller to do this.

Does anyone know of any good products to use to clean the inner LCD and back part of the glass? I also need to be careful where to do this so not to attract any dust.

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MacBook Pro :: Removing Stains On Screen?

Oct 31, 2009

I bought a macbook pro in july and haven't had any problems until i notice this at the top of my screen this morning. looks like stains or something?

I turned the computer off to see if it would go away since it was just at the top of the screen but when i turned it back on it was still there.

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MacBook :: Oil Stains On White Screen - Any Way To Clean / Prevent

May 4, 2009

I have a white MacBook that is about 6 months old. I wash my hands alot, but it appears as though the oil on the keys lays on the screen when the laptop is closed. I know there are many topics on here to fix oil stains (I searched). But I want to know the most efficient and safest way to clean them off of the screen, and prevent it from happening again.

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IMac :: No Gray Boot Screen?

Aug 11, 2009

I have an Intel Mac Mini that I use with a Viewsonic DVI LCD. My problem is that the gray boot screen doesn't ever appear. The computer starts up, but the display doesn't come on until I unplug the monitor and plug it back into the mini, then it comes on and I see the login window. Anyone have any tips for me? I've tried the cmd-opt-p-r, and resetting it via plugging in the power while holding the power button, but to no avail.

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IMac :: Gray Screen On Boot

Mar 14, 2010

I am running Snowleopard on a 24" white imac bought in 2007. My system has been somewhat temperamental for a few weeks, crashing out on me when waking up and generating random artifacts onscreen during use. I noticed also that the hardrive recently renamed itself as "EMI Boot" when booting using the option key (although it worked fine). Now, when booting, the apple logo appears, followed by the spinning wheel and a blank gray screen. Then nothing. The same thing happens when I try to boot using a mirrored backup drive or a separate bootable drive with a different version of OSX. The imac drive will, however, launch using a MBP in terminal mode without problem. I have run Diskwarrior and fsck on the drive. No difference. I've tested the RAM using memtest in single user mode. RAM seems OK. I dont have the original installation disks, so cannot run the diagnostics.

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OS X :: IMac Boot Camp Gray Screen

Jun 18, 2009

I've googled this and looked here, and while there are many similar stories none are exactly the same as mine so I thought I'd post here. So, I was going to install the Windows 7 RC on a 2006 iMac intel Core Duo, which has a dead optical drive, so I was planning on using an external like I do for everything on this machine. After the restart to install Windows, I got a folder with a question mark, and figured that the iMac couldn't do the installation from an external drive but since it was looking for a disk got confused. I then hit the power button thinking that I'd just boot back into OS X until I found a solution, but when I hit the power again I got not even an inquisitive folder. Just a grey screen. I tried key combinations but nothing even seemed to get recognized. For example, the PRAM re-set combination did not get to a second chime, just the one chime and the grey screen. Command C did make the external drive spin (with an OS X disk in it) but nothing other then that. And Command D with the original install disk in did spin as well, but I got no further then that chime and grey screen I got every time. I don't expect miracles of course, and I want to know how to fix this. This machine is out of warrantee, and if it needs an actual hardware repair I'd rather find out what it needs and do it myself then have someone else do it. I know I can, and it is cheaper that way. And of course if there is a simple software fix I'd much prefer that.

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IMac :: Stuck On Gray Screen - Not Booting At All

Mar 29, 2010

I started up my 24" iMac today and it just got stuck on the grey screen before the apple logo appears. I reset the PRAM and I tried using the OSX disc and holding down C. I got to the disk utility and it freezes. I am stuck using my bottom of the line laptop untill I can work around this.

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IMac :: G5 Half Screen Appearing Gray

May 23, 2010

I have a G5 that developed a fault where half the screen is grey . It does this on starting up and stays this way. My eyes feel like there bleeding from hours of starring at screen and reading text to no avail. I am of limited funds so a send away for repairs is probably going to be beyond my means.

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OS X V10.5 Leopard :: IMac Won't Start Up Beyond A Gray Screen?

Jun 14, 2012

My iMac won't start up beyond a gray screen w/ spinning wheel; we had massive power outage 2 days ago during a storm

iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.4)

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IMac PPC :: Burned AVI Video Onto DVD - No Playback Only Gray Screen

Mar 29, 2012

I bought some -R DVDs. I want to burn a 700 MB .avi video onto a DVD so I can play it in my DVD player on my television. I put in -R disk, clicked on the DVD icon when it appeared on the computer screen, pasted in the video file I wanted to burn and it seemed to burn it but when I had finished, I put the DVD into my DVD player connected to television and when I clicked 'play' nothing played, there was just a grey screen.

Mac OS X (10.4.11), Apple Imac G4, SuperDrive

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OS X :: Mac Mini Won't Boot / Getting Gray Screen With The Gray Apple Logo

May 8, 2007

Unfortunately I bumped the switch on the power strip that my Mac Mini (1.42ghz G4, OS X 10.3) is plugged into while it was running. Now it won't boot up. All I get is the gray screen with the gray apple logo and the spinning wheel but no OSX.

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27' IMac (2011) Screen Turns Off

Jun 27, 2012

This has been going on for me for the past few months on and off, it just randomly switches the screen off but everything else works perfectly, for example if im watching a video on hulu i can still hear the sound, if im doing work on word the documents are still there, iv finally gotten video footage of it. url...To turn it back on i press "ctrl + shift + eject" and then move the mouse. i have contacted Apple support on the phone they did say bring it in, just need to make an appointment. If anyone else has this problem and knows a better solution than having to keep pressing buttons to turn the screen back on please share. 

iPhone 4S, iOS 5

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IMac :: 24" 2.8Ghz Won't Boot Past Gray Screen

Jan 8, 2011

My iMac won't get past grey screen, I've tried holding down c. I've tried holding cmd+s. I've reset my PRAM etc, I've put back in RAM it came with, and when I turn it on I just get grey screen, apple logo and the spinning thing! Updated it to new snow leopard OSX 10.6.6 and it has a DVD in the drive and I can't even get that out! What can I do?

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OS X :: Intel 24" Imac Stuck At Gray Screen After Using Windows

Jun 2, 2009

My intel imac 24" running mac osx 10.5 (i think, most recent one) has become stuck at the grey screen after the apple logo on a restart with the spinning gear going. This happened after restarting after using in windows mode, which I have done many times before. I have tried various things like PRam thing and disconnecting power for a while with no luck. I can start up pressing alt and get into windows mode (which I am in just now). I can startup and press c off the CD in which I have run the disk repair thing that says all is well. I tried repair permissions and it came up with some kind of error ending. I have also tried and archive install which only goes to about 5% and then tells me there is an error with installing certain files in the mac hard drive.

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Software :: IMac Not Booting - Restart Message On Gray Screen

Dec 1, 2005

I just bought a iMac M5521 from a friend and it won't boot. It looks like it's about to start up and then it goes to a gray screen and tells me to press the reset button or hold the power button, and it says that in like 3 diff. languages. What do I do? I'm a PC guy and know nothing about Macs.

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OS X V10.4 :: Old IMac Won't Start Up And Stuck In Gray Screen With Spinning Wheel

Apr 24, 2012

I have a very old IMac which I purchased back in 2005, and has been working fine. I have left it in storage about 1 and 1/2 years ago. Just now I try to restart it, the screen is forever stuck in the grey screen with the spinning wheel. I tried many times off-on, hold down the apple function key but none worked. I no longer have the rebooting CD with me. I wonder whether the computer can still be saved? I have already backed up the contents so it doesn't matter if fixing the computer requires me to delete all my old files. I think it's tiger or earlier that it's using.

iMac, Mac OS X (10.4)

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: After 10.7.4 Update IMac Stuck On Gray Apple Screen

May 9, 2012

While updating my imac, I got an error message saying that there is an error. And then it restarted by itself. Now its stuck on the loading screen.


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OS X V10.6 Snow Leopard :: IMac Can't Update To 10.6.8, Get A Gray Screen On Restart?

May 20, 2012

I have been trying for weeks to do a software update from 10.6.7 to 10.6.8. Whenever I install the update and restart my computer, I get the apple logo loading screen and then it locks up on the infamous blank gray screen. I have been able to get back to 10.6 with the install CD, and can then update all the way to 10.6.7 I have tried everything listed here:[URL]To no avail . including a clean install When I start up in verbose mode the last line of text I get is the following, after this it's the gray screen:

** Device in slot: SLOT--1 ** RBIOKitController found 0x5ac :0x842 Those last two chunks of numbers change each time I restart.  

Here are my specs:

Core 2 duo
ATI Radeon HD 2600 pro
4gb ram 

iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.7)

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IMac :: Got Dreaded Gray Screen With Question Mark On File Folder

Aug 7, 2009

How hard is it to replace the hard drive? I have a disaster recovery company step up to get all my info off of it if they can. But I really don't want to spend the money to have someone pull out the HD and put a new one in if I can do it myself. I have experience building pc towers but I haven't ever pulled apart an iMAC. Its an iMac 23(or 24) inch from Dec 2007 (I don't have the model info on hand as the box is in storage).

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IMac :: Gray Screen Error In New 21.5" When Connect Or Reconnect Through Airport

Apr 1, 2010

I buy the new iMAC 21.5" - core 2 duo - 3.06Ghz Im having a problem with a GREY SCREEN ERROR sometimes (almost ever) when im connect or re-connect through Airport. Sometimes dont have problem when I connect, sometime yes. I dont know WHY. Im copy the crash report:

Interval Since Last Panic Report: 31187 sec
Panics Since Last Report: 2
Anonymous UUID: F3ED0227-B787-431D-9D21-22DC96C64A0C

Thu Apr 1 01:07:20 2010
panic(cpu 1 caller 0x2a7ac2): Kernel trap at 0x00d7aeb0, type 14=page fault, registers:
CR0: 0x8001003b, CR2: 0x0a89f0db, CR3: 0x00100000, CR4: 0x00000660
EAX: 0x000000e9, EBX: 0x0a89f0db, ECX: 0x43e6f278, EDX: 0xffed2f5e
CR2: 0x0a89f0db, EBP: 0x589abdd8, ESI: 0xffed2e75, EDI: 0x589abe28
EFL: 0x00010282, EIP: 0x00d7aeb0, CS: 0x00000008, DS: 0x08140010
Error code: 0x00000000.................................................

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IMac (Intel) :: Start With Question Mark Sign On Gray Screen?

Sep 1, 2014

iMac start up... Why my imac start with question mark sign on gray screen

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IMac (Intel) :: When Rebooting / Chime Sounded But Screen Remained Gray

Sep 11, 2014

During an upgrade, power was interrupted and when rebooting, the chime sounded, but screen remained gray.

iMac, iOS 7.1.2

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OS X Mountain Lion :: IMac Will Startup To Gray Screen With Apple Logo And Progress Bar

Dec 6, 2014

IT does this every time, but when I do command and r or other such keyboard commands, it goes I the recovery pahe with no problem. Whenever I tried erasing the iMac to reset it, it said the disk was locked.

iMac, OS X Mountain Lion (10.8.5), April 2008 model

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IMac (Intel) :: Screen Goes To Normal Gray With Apple Logo And Spinner Then Goes Black

Jun 5, 2014

Upon start up my screen goes to normal gray w/apple logo and spinner then goes black. Cursor is visible and still is moveable but nothing else. I safe booted and bar came up also but then back to black screen. 

iMac, Mavericks upgrade

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IMac (Intel) :: Gray Screen With Flashing Question Mark / Prohibitory Sign And Apple Symbol

Dec 10, 2014

I'm selling my old iMac and while cleaning the hard drive it froze. I forced shut down and when I turned it back on a circle with a diagonal came up initially, followed by flashes of that, a question mark and the apple symbol. Now it won't get past the grey screen and the flashing symbols.  

iMac, Mac OS X (10.4.11)

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IMac :: Dust Inside 24" Alu IMac Display ?!?

Feb 9, 2009

I've had a 24" iMac (alu) for about a year. Now I bought a Mac Pro (Love it!). Therefore i wanted to sell the iMac, but:

All the time I've had it, dust has been building up inside the screen. I thought it was inside the glass cover, but I carefully removed that and cleaned it and the surface of the LCD element. That didn't do it...

From what I can see, the dust is inside the LCD element. Building up on the white lit surface behind the LCD crystals. (See the attached image).

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MacBook Pro :: How To Clean Inside Of LCD Screen

Aug 13, 2009

I was working on my 15" (2.2GHz) MBP when a tiny little bug started crawling across my computer screen. I tried just blowing and waving it off, but it kept on just crawling around, paying no attention to my protests. So I smushed it, like it deserved. I gently pressed against the screen with my thumb and that should have been that - a little wipe and back to work.

There is a problem. It turns out, the little bug was INSIDE the screen! I didn't have the lights on so it was just backlit and I couldn't tell that it was inside! Somehow it got in between the glass and the reflector (or something like that) and is now a mushy mess (albeit a very small one - 2mmx1mm) right in the center of the screen.

How can I clean this mess? I JUST (as in 3 weeks ago) had the display replaced through AppleCare but I'm pretty sure this kind of things falls squarely between the "acts of nature" and "acts of negligence" clauses in the warranty.

I've removed the display and bezels, but chickened out once it came time to pull the LCD. Plus, I don't even know if it is possible to further dismantle the LCD anyway so...

Anyone know if it is possible to separate the layers of an LCD? I'm not even sure what those layers are. Maybe over time the bug will just dehydrate and burn away, but I doubt it.

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Intel Mac :: Screen Has Condensation Inside?

Jun 19, 2012

My screen has condensation inside


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