OS X :: Invalid Volume File Count - No Optical Drive?

Dec 30, 2010

I am new to Mac OS X and I haven't made an Boot disk yet nor anything. I just wanted to check my disk for the first time and this came up. I've a Macbook air without an optical drive just the USB stick with mac OS X which was delivered with it. Can I repair it or do I need to do a reinstall of all the OS X?

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MacBook Pro :: Invalid Volume File Count And Directory Count?

May 1, 2012

My wife's macbook pro started shutting down by itself randomly, so i performed Disk Utility Verify Disk and found these errors: Invalid volume file count(It should be 800651 instead of 800653)Invalid volume directory count(It should be 191005 instead of 191003)The volume Macintosh HD needs to be repaired. Error: Filesystem verify or repair failed. As i do not have the Mac OS Leopard disks physically with me, I target-disk started her mac on my mac, and use my mac to run Disk Utility on her hard-disk, and repaired the disk without problems. 

However, this is the 3rd or 4th time this has happened. After the 1st time, i figured something is causing it, so i checked this forum, and found that for some, the Blackberry Messenger app causes programs, so i promptly uninstalled it fully (including associated system files) and this problem didnt come back for a while. Or could this be a sign the hard disk is physically failing soon? It is out of warranty now. We have regular Time-machine backups. We are actually kinda waiting out until the new line of macbook pro's come out..

Laptop stats: MacBook Pro 15"
2.4 GHZ Intel Core 2 Duo
HDD: 250GB
Graphics: NVDIA GeForce 9400M VRAM 256MB 
OS: Mac OS Leopard

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MacBook Pro :: Reoccuring Errors With Volume File Count, Directory Count, Etc?

Apr 14, 2012

I purchased a new MacBook Pro 17" with OS X Lion (10.7.2) preinstalled back in January of this year (2012).  I migrated my user accounts from my old MacBook Pro 15" (2008) running OS X Snow Leopard.  Almost right away I started having issues of all sorts, including Admin accounts that wouldn't allow me admin priveledges, hidden user groups, apps that wouldn't run, multiple obscure error messages and a host of other issues.  After scouring forums like this one I used Disk Utility and not only discovered innumerable permission errors but also disk errors like these: 

Invalid volume file count
(It should be 1656658 instead of 1656636)
Invalid volume directory count
(It should be 345764 instead of 345743)
Invalid volume free block count


And now, this morning, after a month or two of all that... and after installing the Java Security Upgrade last night, I can't get into my accounts at all.  On first boot-up it hung for 20 minutes before I shut it down.  After running Disk Utility from Recovery Drive and repairing the drive I rebooted and got the log-in screen.  I clicked on my user icon, typed the correct password, was shown they white/grey screen for a few flickering seconds then was brought back to the log-in screen.  I rebooted to the Recovery Disk, ran Disk Utility, saw all the same errors again, repaired the disk, rebooted and got the same problems with logging in again. 

I've repeated this cycle five times today, as both a normal boot-up and in "Safe Mode" all with the same results.  I've repaired the disk using Disk Utility from Recovery Disk as well as accessing the disk in Target Mode, and always there are the same errors needing to be repaired. 

I don't buy that I'm dealing with a hardware issue.  My antivirus and security software are all up-to-date.  What the heck is going on?  Why do I keep having these disk problems?  Why can't I access my accounts anymore?  Why does it keep hanging during boot-up?  Why am I about to throw the machine out my bedroom window?

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3), MacBook Pro 17" (early 2012), Lion

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OS X Yosemite :: Disk Utility - Invalid Volume Free Block Count

Dec 3, 2014

I've run the disk utility verify disk several times and come up with an error (post title) indicating I have a corrupt HD and need to repair. I've rebooted with command R and run disk utility to repair the disk and it says everything is fine. Reboot to normal mode and verify continues to show the error. 

Other info says the file system exit code is 8. 

MacBook Pro (Retina, Mid 2012), OS X Mountain Lion (10.8.2)

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Intel Mac :: Have Invalid Directory Count, 38 Instead Of 39 And 47 Instead Of 45?

May 27, 2012

Any ideas on this...my Imac (2.16 Ghz. running system 10.6.8) has bee having difficulty in starting up (lost of hard drive noise and crawling to start up) lately and I have Drive Genius 3 as a diagnostic tool, so I ran "Repair" and "Verify Permissions" and came up with the message" Permissions Error : ARDAgent. app....I gathered some info on these boards to use the app Pacifist (V 3.0.2), to re-install the ARDAgent and it should clear up the problem...followed the plan, ran Verify Permissions in Drive Genius 3, which said it was repaired...I then ran Verify to confirm and came back with Verify Failed, Invalid Directory Count, should be 38 instead of 39, and should be 47 instead of 45...But am getting the same results when I run Drive Genius 3 which is the Volume is repaired, but the Verify has failed.... A real stumper...any ideas? Also just up graded to Firefox 12.0 which is when the slowdown started to appear

iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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OS X :: Disk Utility Error / Invalid Leaf Record Count

Jul 30, 2008

what utilitiy fixes this?

full error:
Verifying volume �Macintosh HD�

Performing live verification.
Checking Journaled HFS Plus volume.
Checking Extents Overflow file.
Checking Catalog file.
Invalid leaf record count
(It should be 623360 instead of 623358)
Checking volume information.
The volume Macintosh HD needs to be repaired.

Error: Filesystem verify or repair failed.

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OS X :: Invalid Record Count - Won't Get Back The Blue Screen On Startup?

Apr 28, 2009

I had a presentation today, and plugged my MacBook Pro ('06 version, and 10.4.10) laptop into a projector. Right as I did that, things went a little crazy, the audio was coming out with hissing, it was running very slow, and overall just went from running great to disfunctional. It finally froze, and I shut it off. A couple of hours later, I'm failing to get past the blue screen during the start-up. When i run in safe mode, its just shuts off while i'm holding the shift key

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MacBook :: Invalid Node Structure And Invalid Sibling Links On Hard Drive?

Jun 22, 2012

I'm having some trouble with my Macbook. It's running on Leopard 10.5.8. I recently tried to partition my hard drive and while doing so it prompted me informing me that there was an 'invalid node structure'. I could then no longer proceed with the partition. I had planned on updating my OS to Snow Leopard. I wanted to partition my internal HD, so I backed up some files on my external HD. I basically wanted my interal HD to run smoothly with a new OS while minimizing the space used. Now I've come across this issue where there is another message being prompted that says, 'invalid sibling links on hard drive'. I found THESE steps on another forum that informed me that this might restore the hard drive back to a readable/functional state but that didn't work either:     

(These were the steps I took and nothing happened except another prompt informing me of an 'invalid node structure')

Boot off the OS X CD (reboot, hold C while booting).The installer will load up, go to Utilities in the menu and run Terminal.Type df and look for the drive that has your Mac system mounted---you'll have to unmount this. On my MacBook Pro, it was /dev/disk0s2.Type umount /dev/disk0s2, replacing disk0s2 with whatever disk your OS lives on.Type fsck_hfs -r /dev/disk0s2. If you umounted the wrong thing, it will complain that you can't repair a mounted drive. Go back and umount the right thing and repeat this step. 

I then stumbled upon a few different forums mentioning something about Disk Warrior. I was wondering if THAT would resolved this issue. Honestly, I don't really want to spend much money on buying this but I WILL buy a new hard drive if I ABSOLUTELY need to. I was just trying to see if I can troubleshoot this before I decide to throw in the towel and buy a new hard drive or attempt to try out this Disk Warrior thing.  

MacBook, Mac OS X (10.5.8)

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MacBook Pro :: "Invalid Block Count, Your Disk Is Corrupt And Needs To Be Repaired"

Mar 26, 2012

I seem to be getting an error message when i run Disk Utility, it says "Invalid Block Count, your disk is corrupt and needs to be repaired".  I then repair it using the Lion recovery disk and it repairs it. Maybe a month or so down the line it appears again I then do the same and the end result is the same, can anyone help with this as it is worrying me. Also is there any way you can get rid of the bad sectors in the HDD when problems appear? 

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OS X :: Getting Invalid Volume Directory

Dec 18, 2010

Running OSX 10.5 and I encounter this problem on a frequent basis. The symptoms are the beach ball when coming out of sleep. I run onyx and find an invalid volume directory. Running first aid from the boot cd fixes it but it always comes back within a few days.

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MacBook :: Verify Volume Failed - Invalid Request

Dec 17, 2010

I've had this 750 GB external drive for a year or two now, and have used it with no problems. All of a sudden, it can't be read by my MacBook. Finder can't see it. No applications can see it except Disk Utility. But DU can't repair it, and when I try verifying I just get "Verify volume failed: Invalid request." Also, when I'm using DU normally, I can't even eject the drive. But if I boot from my Mac disc, I can. But that's the only difference; still no repairing or verifying, and I get the same error message.

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Display File Count On Time Machine?

May 27, 2012

How can I see how many file are still remainingfom being backuped?

When you run time machine for the first time you could see how many files ar left, but once you use TM over and over... Where can find that information?

Info:MacBookPro, Mac OS X (10.7)

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OS X :: Document Cannot Be Read / Invalid File

Mar 26, 2009

I was just finishing writing an assignment for school. I always save while writing. Well after I was finished I saved and wanted to save as .doc. I pressed "save as" and suddenly pages did not respond. I tried to force quit but it wouldn't do that so I restarted. I thought since I already had saved it it would be okay, buy when I try to open it now I get the message "Document cannot be read, invalid file."

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ICloud :: VCF Outlook File - Cannot Import Single Contact (Invalid)

May 22, 2012

Exporting a .vcf file from Outlook, I'm unable to import a single contact into iCloud as it says it is invalid. The file is only 2KB. I only have a few contacts in iCloud.


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Intel Mac :: Numark Virtual DJ Will Not Install, It Keep Saying Invalid Skin File?

Jun 17, 2012

My Numark virtual DJ will not install, it keep saying invalid skin file.

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OS X Mavericks :: After Copying File From NTFS To HFS Volume - File Size Changed When Viewing In Windows

Aug 27, 2014

I have a Mac Air running Mavericks on a HFS partition and Windows 7 on a BOOTCAMP NTFS partition. I have some files that I want to read/write from/to both systems. Since OS X can't write NTFS and Windows can't write HFS either, and I don't want to use any 3rd-party tools/drivers, in OS X, I copy those files from NTFS to its HFS partition, make changes, then switch to Windows and sync them back to NTFS. 

The problem is, after I copied a file from NTFS to HFS in OS X, it seemed ok. But when I switched to Windows, the very copied file in HFS partition had its size changed (bigger) although I didn't make any changes to it in OS X yet. This happens to almost every file I copied, text and binary. For those text files, I tried to open it with EditPlus in Windows and EditPlus reports the correct size on the status bar. 

MacBook Air, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)

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OS X V10.5 Leopard :: "Incorrect Block Count For File"

Apr 19, 2012

It has, in fact, gotten worse and I need to start the thread again. Earlier, I started up my computer and noticed that is was very slow to boot up, the Dock was missing and it was generally slow and unresponsive. Also, the machine would not shut down or restart unless I forced it to with the power button.  

" Safe Boot , (holding Shift key down at bootup), use Disk Utility from there to Repair Permissions, test if things work OK in Safe Mode.Then move these files to the Desktop... 



Is this something very bad? I goggled "incorrect block count" and I see some other people have this issue even just today (though not exactly the same). 

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IMac :: Hard Drive Error - Invalid Sibling Link

Jul 2, 2009

It won't start at all or it starts and works really slowly at first. Like the processor would work million times slower, almost like just hangs jammed. Sometimes after hours of trying to get it started, it will start and work normally again for a long time. But when I shut it off or put it to sleep, again it's nearly impossible to get it started again.

The Disk Utility said, that there's an hard drive error "invalid sibling link". I booted from the OS X installation CD and did the repair, but it said it couldn't repair it. Then I did this fix: [URL]. But again it said the same error. Then I booted normally and checked the Verify Disk again and to my suprise it is now saying the hard drive is OK. But it still has the same problem! It just is having really difficult time waking up.

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Hardware :: Won't Work With Optical Drive Or Hard Drive Failure

Mar 12, 2010

We have i-Mac 20" with built in i-sight Power PC, one of last ones I think before the intel. We have had a few problems before with it powering down and going to sleep. Used to hoover dust out and that seemed to fix it.

Now it won't start at all. I have tried all the PRAM and various commands to re set various things but none of these work. We had a wireless keyboard and I have just tried a wired one but I do not think either are connecting as the tab key light does not come on, which it does when I tested the wired on on my lap top.

When it died it crashed with a cd in drive. I have removed this and replaced it with the mac install disk to try and run the disk check but the optical drive is not starting at all either.

All that happens on start up is the sleep light comes on, then after a few moments fan starts to whirl. I can't hear the hard drive - have tried to rock hard drive to get it to spin but nothing.

Just wondering whether worth trying to replace optical drive or is this being controlled by hard drive - hence its not working nor hard drive. is there any way to recover data if it is the hard drive that is dead? anything else I can try and replace to fix it? could I use an external optical drive connected via USB to start?
I have tried to firewire but not joy their either!

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Mac Pro :: SSD On Optical Drive Bay Or Hard Disk Drive Bay - Difference In Performance?

Sep 19, 2010

I just bought a new Mac Pro 6-core and an OWC 120Gb SSD drive. My question is putting the SSD on optical drive bay or Hard disk drive bay, is there any difference in performance? My understanding from my old PC is never to share the SATA cable with the optical drive as it will take the transfer speed of the optical drive, because they are running in the same "channel"?Is the 2 SATA cable in the optical drive bay 2 separate distinct ports/channel?

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Hardware :: Won't Get Hard Drive Screws And Optical Drive Standoffs

Jul 7, 2006

I am wondering if anyone knows where I can get the screws that go in the side of the hard drive and the standoffs (screws) for the bottom of the optical drive for a Power Mac G5.

The hard drive needs screws so it will slide into and sit in the case properly.
I bought a Pioneer DVD drive to replace the original Sony SuperDrive. Apparently, there are different sized standoffs for Pioneer and Sony drives. With the Sony standoffs on the Pioneer drive, the tray scrapes the case when it ejects.

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IMac :: Second Internal Hard Drive In Place Of Optical Drive?

Feb 5, 2010

I did a search but couldn't find any specific info as related to the 20" (late 2006) iMac. Basically, I do a lot of audio work with Logic and DP and I'm interested in replacing my 20" iMac's optical drive with a second internal hard drive. If anyone has any experience or insight regarding this, I would greatly appreciate your input. About 6 months ago, I did a DIY replacement of my iMac's internal hard drive (upgrade to 1 tb), so I'm pretty sure I'd like to DIY an optical drive / hard drive swap - that is, if it's 1) Proven to work stably (thermally and otherwise) 2) Not going to require the iMac's fan to be running faster/louder than normal Looking at my iMac's system profiler, the DVD drive is on an ATA bus (which, as I remember it, is slower than S-ATA). What kind of transfer rates do you think one could realistically expect with a hard drive on this ATA bus? Also, would I have to be careful about new hard drive compatibility, or are S-ATA and S-ATA II backwards compatible with ATA?

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MacBook Pro :: IOS 7.1 / Slot Loading Super Drive Or Optical Drive?

Jun 5, 2014

My slot leading super drive has just quit ejecting the cd inside.  I tried 5 different ways to eject it but none work.

MacBook Pro (13-inch Mid 2010), iOS 7.1

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MacBook Pro :: Removing Optical Drive - DVD Drive In Enclosure?

Dec 7, 2010

I was thinking of removing my DVD Superdrive and adding a SSD drive. Will I be able to put the DVD drive in an enclosure and use it as an external drive?

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MacBook Pro :: Won't Replace Optical Drive With A Second Hard Drive

Aug 22, 2009

I read this somewhere but i cant seem to find it anywhere on google.

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Mac Pro :: Hard Drive Will Not Mount After Optical Drive Upgrade?

Feb 23, 2012

I recently performed an optical drive install. Had to remove the hard drive bays (I use three hard drives - Luckily, 2 run OSX).  I carefully removed all three drive bays and the empty bay. When I inserted the drives into the computer I had changed the position, swapping one OSX drive with a different one and reversing the drive bays. On restart, the computer started on the drive I had not selected for startup and I received an error message stating the other drive could not mount and it gave three options (Initialize - Ignore and Eject).  

I can see the drive in Disk Utility and repair the permissions (it's also located in the System Profile).  

I tried a few things I read in the community using various Terminal commands but was unsuccessful.   

(Let me point out that I recently switched from a PPC G5 to MacPro and swapped the drives from PPC into MacPro and all has been fine until I removed changed their positions in the bays) 

Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.5.8)

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IMac (Intel) :: Hard Drive And Time Machine Invalid Node Error?

Sep 3, 2014

I have a late 2006 iMac, which I know must be at the end of its life now, but at the weekend my main internal HD developed an error, and it wouldn't boot, even from the recovery partition. 

I managed to find my old Snow Leapard disks and ran Disk Utility on my HD (when it actually saw it) and the error it came back with was "Invalid Node". After trying many things, I had to reformat and reinstall from my Time Machine back up, which went really well. 

However, once all restored it tried to do a backup and it failed. I then went into Disk Utility again and it found the same error on the Time Machine drive. 

Therefore, my question is, could the back up process have copied an 'error' to my back up? Or is this a fault somewhere else (Disk Management etc) that I need to watch in case it cases errors with my other drives that have important information on? 

Mac OS X (10.7.5)

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OS X :: Volume For DMG File Cannot Be Found

Mar 13, 2009

The volume for "Growl-1.1.4.dmg" cannot be found. At some point I must have accidentally added a DMG file to my Places, then removed the DMG prior to clearing it from Places. Now, when I attempt to select or right-click it I get the above message.
It does not appear in Finder > Prefs > Sidebar > Places.
How I can clear this out?

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OS X :: Won't Use Optical Drive In Place Of Macbook Drive

Jul 7, 2010

So I have a Macbook (late 2008 model), and the optical drive essentially went bye bye. If I put a disc in, it will have trouble recognizing it and then it will eject out. Anyways, last night, I did some maintenance on OnyX and it said that my volume needs to be repaired. Even Disc Utility failed to finish and said that the "filesystem verify or repair failed."

The short of it, I need to put the Leopard disc in there and do a disc repair. However, is there a way, via firewire, where I could actually use my iMac's optical disc drive in place of the Macbook and connect via firewire, then do the disc repair? If so, what would be the specific way to do this?

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MacBook Pro :: Hidden Volume Or File

Jun 20, 2012

when I connect to my other computers on my home network I see a folder called GoogleVoice installer. The problem is its only viewable from a different computer. When I look on my desktop I can't find a trace of it. And vice versa from my other computers. ***? Is it some hidden volume file or a masked virus? How can I find it and get rid of it - I cant seem to delete the folder from another computer - it wont let me.

MacBookPro, Mac OS X (10.7.4)

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